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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

In Olden Days


Summary:A slice of life in jolly olde...somewhere...
Note: "Good authors, too, who once knew better words
now only use four-letter words writing prose..."

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In Olden Days
by Mysti

Blair sheathed his sword and stepped back, breathing hard.  He grinned at his opponent.  "You've been taking my lessons to heart, young sir."

Prince Daryl beamed proudly, sheathing his own blade.  "I had no choice.  When the Master at Arms determines you will learn something, learn it you will."  He glanced around at the crowd that had gathered to watch the match, zeroing in on one specific individual.  "Sentinel Ellison thinks you are being overly familiar again."

Blair glanced over at the glowering man and smiled at him.  "Sentinel Ellison has an overly large stick up his ass and it is this that puts him in bad humor, my prince."  He laughed as the Sentinel's expression deepened into a scowl and the other man stomped off toward the kitchen.  "Pay him no mind."

"You shall pay for that tonight, no doubt," the prince laughed.  "He will turn you out of your bed and make you sleep in the stable again."

Blair shrugged unconcernedly.  "I have made friends with the horses and the goats will snuggle with me if my bondmate will not."

The prince wiggled his nose as though smelling the goats himself. "Which will *ensure* that your bondmate will not," he laughed.

Blair grinned in response, then bowed to his prince, and headed off toward the kitchen to find his Sentinel.  He discovered the other man seated at a table in the corner of the large, warm, bustling room and settled beside him.

The Sentinel raised an eyebrow at him.  "You prefer goats to our bed?" he growled softly.  "I can easily make that happen."

Blair smiled brazenly at him.  "Shall I mention the headpain you develop when we are separated too long, Jim?  Or should we just pretend that I was the very model of respect toward the young prince I have known since I held him in my arms as a babe, thus removing the cause of your disapproval?"

Jim pondered the offer as he stared at his irrepressible lover.  "I take it that I should say no to the first question and yes to the second," he hazarded.

"That would be wise," Blair agreed.  "And it will also get you thoroughly bedded later tonight."

Jim snorted.  "Then no.  And yes."

"Ah, the Sentinel speaks well to his Guide.  And to show you my gratitude, I will get us both a drink."

Jim motioned to the wooden cup before him, already filled.

"Then I shall get my own drink, and join you," Blair corrected without pause.

Jim smiled and shook his head fondly as his lover got up to find the mistress of the kitchen and wheedle some mead from her well-kept stock.