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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Not waiting for you


Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Original Jack/Algy, references to Jack/Jack
Rating/Warnings: PG for suggestions of m/m relations.
Summary: He didn't die when his plane went down, he wasn't even in there, but he knew his old life was over and Jack Harkness had to die.  He ends up in London still trying to make a difference for the war effort and discovers that a familiar man had been using his name and someone else who had experienced the force of nature he didn't have a real name for.

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Not waiting for you
by Lilithangel

He turned his radio off and ejected just as soon as the last of his squad disappeared back to base.  It felt wrong to do it but he knew he was dead either way.  He had done the unthinkable and gone public with what he was.  The air force didn't care what you did in your own time so long as they didn't have to admit it happened.  By dancing with the Captain and kissing the Captain he knew his time was up.  Sooner or later something bad would happen and his parents would be getting a telegram.  This way at least they were spared the gossip and false sympathy, and he would be remembered for flying into danger to defend his men.
He buried his parachute, overalls and jacket.  Stole a change of clothes and food from a small town feeling as guilty as hell for doing it but safer for the anonymity of the ordinary garb.  He had twisted his ankle heavily on landing and knew he should have it looked at, but he was a dead man and couldn't risk getting help so he limped on.  He wasn't sure where he was going but ended up in London anyway.  James had said he was from the 73rd and there was a small hope in his heart that that at least was true and they might meet again.
He couldn't go near the barracks or any of the clubs the officers frequented in case he ran into someone who recognised him.  He got work on the docks to start with; they were desperate for men and willing not to look too closely and it was there that he managed to arrange some ID as well.
With ID he managed to get a better job and took the risk that anyone who would recognise him would be stationed overseas.  He couldn't fly but he could help around headquarters.  He had taken his mother's maiden name so Jack Williams became clerk and general dogsbody.  He foot had never healed right after his parachute jump so his limp was reason enough for not being on the front lines.
He was shocked to hear that someone using his name, sounding very familiar, had spent time in London before disappearing without a trace.  He did some more research, asked questions and heard a story that he wouldn't have believed until that dark haired man with the sad eyes came into his life and turned it upside down.  Then he had to wonder if James had ever really existed and just who was the man who danced with him and changed his life?
A name was mentioned, an officer involved in an incident involving German bombs, mysterious lights and a strange illness that led to him being shunted into a desk job as punishment for whatever happened.
Jack had met the officer in question once at headquarters.  He kept very much to himself the way Jack did.  Curious now Jack sought the man out in the staffroom.  He made polite conversation but didn't push it, letting the other man call the shots.  Finally they were Jack and Algy, content to share a cup of tea and discuss their day.
Algy was guarded at first but slowly relaxed and Jack found that he enjoyed the other man's company.  At their initial exchange of names Jack had seen a fleeting expression that he knew meant they had an acquaintance in common.  It was an expression he saw all too often in the mirror.  Wistful, needy and just a touch angry.  The anger since he found out James was using his name and the realisation that the other man was not who he thought.
It chaffed being grounded and watching others risk their lives and die while he did the filing, but he was alive and it was a good life all things considered.  He made friends, and even took a few small steps in exploring his sexuality in discrete clubs where nobody asked questions.
He didn't bring anything up with Algy until one night after too much to drink Algy brought up the name of Jack Harkness.  They had become good friends over time and Jack was pretty sure Algy had similar leanings.  He still longed for a special someone in his life even if the man in his dreams was gone.
"It was like chasing a will-o-the-wisp," Algy said morosely, "same man different names, different places and he was always gone."
"Was he important to you?" Jack said.
"There was something about him, made you believe things could be different."
"You stopped looking then?"
"Didn't seem any point." Algy stared into his glass.
"I think I met him once," Jack said carefully, "only he didn't call himself Jack Harkness.  Said he was James Harper but it sure sounds like him.  We... danced..."
"Danced?" Algy looked up in surprise.
"Probably the stupidest thing I've ever done," Jack admitted.
"It was in public?"
He nodded hoping that he wasn't wrong about Algy, knowing he was risking everything again.
"What happened?" Algy asked.
"He left and I ended up here," Jack said, unwilling to admit anymore.
"You never saw him again?" Algy's grip on his glass was white with tension.
"No.  It was as if he had disappeared off the face of the earth."
"Did... did you love him?"  The look on his face was so open and terrified that Jack just wanted to take hold of the other man and make the fear go away.
"I could have, but we only had one night.  He opened me up to believing love was possible and... not wrong," Jack said, hoping Algy would understand.  He had become attracted to Algy over the time they had got to know each other.  Attracted to his strength, sense of honour and the vulnerability he saw.
James had unlocked a door for him, let him realise his feelings were real and okay.  Maybe, just maybe he was ready to stop waiting for James to return and start living his life.
Jack reached out and placed his hand on Algy's.  He was a soldier, a pilot; he understood risk and was willing to take one again.  It was a dangerous choice and would always have that danger associated with it and Jack realised it was quite a bit like flying.
Algy looked at his hand and then looked up at him hope shining through the fear.  "Jack said I had excellent bottom, I wouldn't want to prove him wrong."
There would be risk ahead for them, they would never really be safe but maybe it would be worth it for happiness.  James Harper/Jack Harkness, whatever his name really was, had taught both of them that much.
Jack hadn't tried to find out what had happened to Algy the second time he went through the war.  He couldn't risk running into his own self and mucking up the timelines.
Curiosity got the better of him when he got back from the Doctor and things settled down with his team.  He was pleased to note Algy's name listed for actions of valour during the worst of the blitz.  The photo he found stopped him in his tracks though.  Standing next to Algy looking very much alive was a face he would never forget even if the name was slightly different.  Jack Williams, American volunteer injured out of combat, helped Algy pull dozens of soldiers out of a collapsed barracks.
As he followed Algy's career he found Jack Williams was always there, close by in some capacity right up until Algy's retirement from the army and recruitment by UNIT.  UNIT were not prepared to let him search their records but he did it anyway and once again found Jack Williams.
He couldn't begrudge them the happiness he knew they had found and a piece of the burden on his soul was lifted to know that a good man survived his actions and two good men found each other.
Jack Williams had been granted British citizenship and retired to a small country village outside of London.  His grave was listed as being in a family plot next to a spot reserved for Algernon Reynolds, now aged 91, never married but well loved.