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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

In The Arms Of A…


Pairing: Logan/Remy
Disclaimer: Logan or Remy do not belong to me. They belong to Marvel & Fox I will send them back good as new. So please don't sue me!
Feedback is wanted & appreciated here so thank you.
I got inspired tonight by Sarah McLachlane's song In The Arms Of An Angel about what I thought the boys would feel like if one romantic night made all the sense in the world. The first part will be Remy's.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - In De Arms Of A Feral

Chapter Text



In De Arms Of A Feral
by Poe

I have never felt better in my whole life then I do right now being in this bed with Logan. Although I will never tell him of my feelings for him I know that I always have loved him. I know all dose women were just a mask for me ta hide behind. It's not like I never had sex with a man before. Some people knew I was bi but I knew it was just a masquerade for me. Somehow it never felt right. Not with Bella Donna & not with Rogue.

I am not never claim that I never loved them cause dat would be a lie. Ya see da ting with being the Cajun lover boy is that you have to prove to everyone including yerself that yer confident with yourself It's just all a lie.

Tonight while laying here beside Logan being held by him I feel like I could completely open myself to this man & not feel dat awful that I'm a vulnerable human being.

After doing what we did I cried like a mere babe & he not say one word to me. Probably tomorrow he'll act like noting happened & that would be OK for me I just wanted to let him know how much I have loved him & needed to see those predatory blue eyes melt into mine. When I asked him to hold me he never said a word.

I could see why many femmes have fallen for him. Under da tough exterior there beats a heart of a gentle man. However he will never show it except to a select few I'm just glad I was one of dem tonight if not forever.

I can feel his chest rise & fall easily & know even wit out my empathy that he asleep. I want to look at him but I don't want to wake him up so I just gaze out of the wide-open window.

It's a beautiful summer night & you can hear da crickets on the veranda. Please God if dis be a dream I don't want to wake up. I hear a soft tune comin from one of the other windows & strain my ears to hear da melody. It's one of Jean's favorite songs I tink "Angel"

Its perfect for tonight so as da full moon rises I finally look at my lover for da night. The moonbeams dust his black hair with its beauty. His face usually so angry seems strangely calm as he wraps his arms around me protectively not even noticing that he's bedded down with a man. Particularly since dat man be me.

I just hope he don't know that I be lookin at him like some moon faced calf. Sometimes I just tink dat maybe I go a little overboard when it comes to love. I feel so sleepy right now & I want to sleep beside him & never want da sun to come up again because I know he'll let me go. My eyes close as I feel him close to me. Dere be a little smile on my face before falling asleep.

end part 1