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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

See Me


Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Cordelia and Angel's last season on BtVS and pretty much all seasons of Angel
Summary: Not even the Seer sees everything. Angel to Cordelia.
Disclaimer: Cordelia Chase, Angel, all other characters and happenings referred to, and BtVS are © & TM their respective owners and are used without permission. Everything else is © & TM Pirate Turner. The author makes no profit off of this poem.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:



See Me
by Pirate Turner

Do you remember when it happened?
Do you remember when he died,
Leaving you with a gift whose value
We have questioned again and again?
Do you remember when they captured you,
Tried to sell your eyes,
A treasure beyond anything
The world has ever known before?
They wanted them for your power,
For your visions, for your gift
For they thought that they
Enabled you to see anything.
They were wrong for
Though your beautiful eyes will always be
A treasure beyond compare,
You do not see everything.

Oh, you probably think you do,
And others would believe you do.
I know they do,
But I also know the truth.
You have seen so much,
But you can not see
What aches to be seen,
What yearns to be accepted by you.

You have seen so much.
You have seen
Your world turned upside down
Only to be righted again by hands
You thought did not care.
You have seen
Monsters both real and imagined --
The ghosts and goblins
Ordinary mortals do not believe in
And the demons of memories
That haunt your mind.
You have seen the end of time.
You have seen the world saved many a time.
But still, you have not seen it all.

You have seen the incredible --
People bow down at your feet,
An entire world that admires you.
You have seen the horrible --
Humans held captive as slaves,
Every one you care for the most go astray.
You have seen the impossible --
A Vampire walking in the day,
A boy grow years in mere weeks.
But still, you have not seen it all.

You have seen me like
No other before ever has
And no one else ever will.
You have seen me at my best;
You have seen me at my worst.
You have seen me save the world;
You have seen me weaker than any would believe.
But still, you have not seen it all.

Open your eyes, Cordelia, and look.
Just here, in front of you,
What do you see?
A man? A monster?
I am both, but I am more and less.
A hero? A loser?
I am both, but I am more and less.

Let down your shields, and see inside me
As I know you can if you only let yourself.
Look into my eyes and see me,
Standing before you,
My soul barren and naked in my eyes,
See me here, waiting for you.

Please, Cordelia, see me.
Do not just look at me.
Do not look through me.
But see me.
See me for all that I am.
Let yourself see the real me.

See me for everything that I am,
Everything that is here before you,
Waiting, yearning, crying out desperately,
To be seen by you, To be loved by you.
Look up into my eyes, and see me.
See me for all that I am.

See me for everything that I am
For everything that I am
Is yours alone for the taking.
You have but to see me,
To accept all that I am offering you,
All that is yours,
All that I am.
Please, Cordy, see me.

The End


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Pirate Turner.
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