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Part 4 of The Warrior's Mage
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Warrior's Mage 4: Thunder Roars


Fandom: the Sentinel
Pairing: Jim/Blair; Implied Jim/Rafe
Portrayed by Richard Burgi/Garett Maggart; Richard Burgi/Ryf Van Rij
Summary: The celebration dinner goes amazingly wrong
Warnings: Regency AU; OOC portrayals

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The Warrior's Mage 4: Thunder Roars

The gentle folk of the keep where instantly aware of the tightly reined anger radiating off their beloved lord and master. The very air around Blair seemed alive with kenetic energy for those who knew him.

The invadering barbarians, however, where not so adept at reading the small, bristling man. They did not take note of the whitening knuckles on the magically restrained mage. Did not cringe away from the gnashing teeth of a man who rarely stirred himself to rage, but when the red emotions rose in him could rip hundred year old trees from the ground.

They did not notice how Blair winced with every breath as the force of his rage was thrust back into him by the magic of the collar. But the serving wench did.

"Milord," Meg was trembling as she tugged on his sleeve, drawing his brilliant blue gaze. "Lady Naomi has fallen ill. Her maid asks your assistance."

The young mage's eyes narrowed by the agonies ripping through his body, nodded. "I'll come."

Ellison's hand landed heavily on his forearm as he made to rise from the table. "Send someone else. This celebration is for us"

Blair's eyes tracked to the smirking warrior watching them coldly ....Rafe, Jim had called him in the hallway. The man had a distinctive voice.

"Tis my duty, Lord." Blair managed to answer in a moderated nuetral tone. "I beg to be excused. Purhaps your man at arms would...entertain you in my absence."

Ellison, pleased with the evening, took Blair's words as they were spoken and smiled. "You are very devoted to your citizens." He nodded. "It is good. Go see to this woman then."

Blair hurriedly turned to take his leave, only to find himself swept up in the huge warrior's arms, being kissed throroughly.

Blair stiffened under the other man's public display, glaring at him as he was put back on his feet and allowed to escape those muscular arms.

Rage swept over him and a slow tear ripped over his temple, bleeding slightly. Ellison reached out and touched the magic induced injury. "You are hurt."

"Tis nothing." Blair ground out, fingering the collar at his throat as another wave of anger brutalized its way through him. And another slash ripped across his right hand.

"Does this happen often?" James demanded, grabbing the injured hand and studying it intently. "Injuries for no apparent reason?"

"Tis nothing, milord." Blair repeated, the words tinged with anger.

"I'd say your bond mate is feeling some hostility towards someone," one of the men at arms piped up.

Ellison's rapier gaze swung around pinning the man. "What say you?"

"Milord, you're bond mate is wearing a collar of obediance. Its common knowledge that the collar punishes its wearer in order to control them."

Ellison's narrowed gaze lashed Blair with its intensity. "Is this true?"

Lifting his chin, Blair glared back. "I will not speak of this with you in front of barbarians." His lashes dropped, veiling his heated gaze. "By your leave, Lord, I would attend my patient now."


Blair turned on his heel, but Ellison grabbed his arm, stopping him. He turned his head, lifting a questioning brow.

"We will talk, bondmate. Make no mistake."

Blair nodded, once, curtly. "Of that I have no doubt."

He swept regally from the dining hall without a backward glance.

Watching him go, Ellison called for more ale and slumped down to stare at the food that had suddenly turned to ash in his eyes.

end part 4

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