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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Magnificent Seven: A case comes back to haunt one of the seven, as the others search for one missing agent will they ever be the same again?

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text


Disclaimer: I don't own the Magnificent Seven, not making any money, just cheap thrills. Any recgonizable characters belong to the networks, studios and creators.

Warnings: Violence, Angst, Slash, Sexual Assault

Rating: FRT

Summary: A case comes back to haunt one of the seven, as the others search for one missing agent will they ever be the same again?

 An answer to the weekly challenge on WWOMB, one of your characters has gone missing.


Chapter 1

Where is he? How am I ever going to make this right? Right? Hell Buck you can't make this right. The only thing you can do is find him, get him back to the rest of the guys and get out of his life. Buck couldn't stop berating himself as he searched for his friend, correction, former friend. He knew he should call the rest of the team, but what was he going to tell them? How was he going to tell them? As he thought about it, Buck realized he wouldn't have to worry about getting out of Vin'a life. If Chris didn't kill him, Josiah and Nathan would, unless they decided to let Ezra and JD finish.... JD. The thought of the younger man looking at him like he was one of the criminals they routinely arrested broke his heart, ripping another piece from his soul.

He didn't know where else to look. He'd already been to Vin's apartment. After some careful questioning he'd learned that Vin had been there, but not for long. One of the kids told him that their sharpshooter had gone past them like he didn't even see them. A few minutes later, he'd come back out of his apartment, a backpack in one hand and the keys to his jeep in the other. Throwing the pack in the jeep, he'd jumped in and took off, speeding away with a loud squeal of his tires, something he rarely did and never when there were children playing in the street. Mrs. Rosario had come out then, asking if everything was alright, her deep brown eyes filled with concern for Vin. He couldn't tell her the truth, so he made up a story about needing to talk to Vin about Chris' upcoming birthday party. He knew she didn't believe him, he could see it in her eyes, but she didn't question him any further.

Though he hated to do it, Buck had called every hospital in Denver, followed by the police and the morgue. Nobody had seen Vin and there were no John Doe's matching his description.

His next stop had been Vin's camper. All he'd gotten for his trouble was a sore hip from hitting the ground, after getting tangled in one of the younger man's traps. He'd searched the area thoroughly though, in spite of the fact that the jeep wasn't in sight and there'd been no response to the rattle of cans when he'd tripped. Since then, he'd searched every other place he could think of. Even going so far as to sneak up to Chris', praying that the jeep would be there. His prayers had gone unanswered though.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Buck ran a hand through his dark hair, his deep blue eyes filled with fear and remorse. Taking out his cell phone, he finally made the call he knew should've been made hours ago. "Chris call the team together, Vin's missing," he informed his boss and best friend before he could say more than his name.

Chris had been relaxing at home, the first Saturday he'd had free in months and he was determined to enjoy it. "Damn, I knew I should've turned that off," he growled when the phone rang. "Larabee," he barked into the phone. His blood ran cold at Buck's words, the fear he heard in his friend's voice scaring him more than his words. Buck Wilmington didn't scare that easy, he also wouldn't ask for the team to be called together unless he was sure that Vin was in trouble, serious trouble. "What do ya mean missing? What happened Buck?" Chris demanded when his voice would work again.

Buck scrubbed a hand over his face, "I'll explain it when everybody's together, don't think I can tell the story more than once."


"Chris please just get the team together," Buck plead, too heartsick to argue with him.

The despair in Buck's voice got his cooperation like nothing else could have. Tamping down on the fear that tried to rise up and take hold, Chris reluctantly agreed to Buck's request. "Do you want to meet at the office, or here?"

"I think the ranch would be best for now Chris. Thanks buddy," closing the phone, Buck leaned back against the seat. Moving his truck, he parked it where he could see the turn off to Chris' place, without being seen himself.

Nathan stood outside his house, pacing up and down the walk as he waited for Josiah to come and pick him up. With perfect timing, his car had refused to start, forcing him to call on his friend for help. "Damn it Tanner, what have you got yourself into now?" he mumbled as he paced.

Josiah prayed as he drove, Chris' call had him worried for both of his younger friends. He couldn't imagine what could be so bad that Buck could only tell the story once, but it scared him to the core. His years of working as a profiler were working against him this time, as his mind supplied him with all too many possible answers to the question of what had happened to Vin.

Ezra sped along the highway in his Jaguar, one hand tapping nervously on the wheel as he pressed harder on the accelerator with his sneaker clad foot. He had been planning nothing more taxing this weekend than stripping and refinishing an old coffee table he'd bought at the flea market. When Chris had called, relating the disturbing call from Buck and requesting his presence at the ranch, he hadn't hesitated. Literally dropping what he was doing, he hadn't even cared when the chemical soaked cloth had missed the plastic and landed on his wood floor. Grabbing his keys and wallet, he'd ran out of the house and jumped into his car, not even taking the time to change from his stained jeans and t-shirt.

JD was the first to arrive at Chris' ranch, having been the closest. Telling Casey he had to go, he'd been thankful that Nettie wasn't home. It had been hard enough getting out of there without answering the questions Casey had thrown at him, no way he could've gotten past Nettie Wells. They should send Nettie to Guatanomo, she'd get the answers they needed out of the terrorists being held there. Parking his motorcycle, he hurried into the house. "Chris what's going on?"

"I don't know anything more than what I told ya on the phone JD," Chris replied. "There's coffee if ya want some," he offered, nodding towards the freshly made pot. Before JD could say anything else, Ezra pulled up, quickly followed by Josiah and Nathan. Each of them came inside with the same question as JD, receiving the same reply from Chris.

Buck had watched them arriving, one by one, though he'd nearly missed the fact that Nathan was riding with Josiah. Reluctantly he turned the key, firing up the engine of his pick-up and driving down the road to Chris' ranch. The moment he stepped through the door, he was bombarded with questions about Vin as his friends crowded around him. Holding up his hands for silence, he pushed his way through them and to the coffee. Picking up the pot to pour himself a cup, he was surprised when gentle hands took the pot from his shaking hands.

"Let me do that Buck," Josiah rumbled, taking the cup as well and pouring the ladies man a generous cup.

Buck blinked, wondering where Josiah had learned to move so quietly and quickly. "Thanks Josiah," he whispered.

"You're welcome Buck." Patting him on the back, he moved away, joining the others in the living room.

Taking a deep breath, Buck swallowed a mouthful of coffee and followed him. "I know Chris already told ya Vin is missing. I already checked with all the hospitals, the police and the," he swallowed hard, "and the morgue. He's not at any of them and no John Doe's matching his description have been brought in. That's the good news," he paused.

"Out with it Buck," Chris snapped, what little patience he had was worn thin by the wait and worry.

"I went by his place, he had been there. The kids said he went past them like he didn't even see 'em and when he left he squealed his tires and sped off, even though there were kids playing outside."

"That don't sound like Vin," JD noted, his voice laced with worry.

"No it doesn't," Josiah agreed. Glancing around the room, he saw Nathan and Chris nodding in agreement. Only Ezra was still watching Buck, bringing Josiah's attention back to the man who stood in front of them, nervously running his fingers around the rim of his coffee cup.

"What other locales have you visited in your search for our wayward sharpshooter?"

"I've looked everywhere I can think of, he ain't nowhere to be found. Or he ain't nowhere I can find him," he softly added.

"Buck why are you so worried about Vin? It sounds like he left of his own free will."

"He did Josiah, but it's why he left and what he might do that has me worried."

Chris narrowed his eyes, looking his old friend over carefully. "Just why did he leave Buck?" he asked, a hard edge to his voice.

"You remember David Spencer?"

The name seemed familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. "I'm sorry Buck, I don't remember."

Buck sighed, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It was about a year before you called me, wanting me to work on team 7. I was still with the Denver PD then, we had a real ugly case we were working. Several young male prostitutes had been tortured and raped, the last two had died at the hospital. We finally got the break we needed, our perp went after one of the undercovers we had working the area and we got him red-handed."

"David Spencer?"

"Not exactly," Buck said. "The rapist had drugged our cop, Spencer, not enough to knock him out, just enough to make him easy to handle. He got him out of sight, into one of the warehouses that littered the area. We didn't realize he'd been taken until...we heard him screaming as that bastard raped him. Soon as we knew what was happening, we started searching for him. We got there before the bastard could do anything else, but it was still too late to save him," Buck added, tears in his eyes.

"He was dead?" JD asked, his face pale as he listened to Buck's story.

"Not then, but he was damaged in ways that he never healed from. He tried to stay on the force, but he couldn't do it, always felt like everybody was looking at him, judging him. Six months ago he killed himself."

"That's unfortunate brother Buck, but what has that got to do with Vin?"

"I'm getting to that Josiah," Buck snapped. "Sorry," he immediately apologized, it wasn't Josiah's fault. "I didn't know that he was gone until last night."

"Vin?" JD asked.

"No JD, I mean David Spencer. His brother called me last night, it'd taken him that long to find me. He said at first he didn't even try, too grief-stricken to think of anything else. Once he did start thinking about it though, he knew he had to find me. He said it was the only way he could ever have any peace."

"Look Buck I'm real sorry to hear about this cop, but would you get to the point?" Chris growled, his patience at an end.

Buck jumped, though he wasn't really surprised by Chris' impatience. "Y'all know JD spent the night at Nettie's last night. He claimed Casey was scared to be by herself with her aunt out of town," he automatically teased. "Vin called a couple hours after JD left, the heat in his building had went out and he wanted to know if could stay with us for the night. I wish I'd told him no, but I didn't have any way of knowing what would happen. Calm down Chris, I'm getting to it, ain't easy," he placated before the blond could snap at him again.

"What did happen Buck?" Ezra quietly asked.

"David Spencer wasn't just an undercover cop, he was my partner at the time. He hadn't been working homicide very long, still pretty green but he trusted me to look out for him. I let him down," Buck softly added. "Like I said his brother called last night, he wasn't just calling to give me the news, he had something else in mind."

"He blamed you for what happened to his brother?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah," came the quiet confirmation. "He was right too, I should've been looking out for the kid better," Buck accused himself. "He ranted at me for a while about what had happened to David, telling me it should've been me that had died. There was times he was making perfect sense, in a twisted sort of way, but most of the time he was just ranting and not making any sense at all. Finally he seemed to calm down and I thought maybe he'd just needed to vent. I can't believe I was that stupid! I should've seen it coming, if I had Vin wouldn't be out there right now..."

"Seen what coming Buck?" Chris asked, a chill traveling up his spine.

"Spencer went real quiet and then he said that when he'd started searching for me, he'd been planning to kill me. He said he was in the perfect spot to do it too, that he had a scope centered on the window right that moment. I didn't believe him of course, until he started describing what I was wearing and describing the loft."

"Hell Buck he could've seen ya coming home and for all you know he'd broken into the loft so he'd know the layout," Chris pointed out.

"That's what I thought Chris, until he started describing Vin too. He told me exactly where Junior was sitting and what he was doing. Hell he even described the worried look on his face as he listened to my end of the conversation. Before I had a chance to think about moving he told me if I didn't do exactly as he told me, he'd drop Vin where he sat. There wasn't anything I could do Chris, Vin was sitting in front of the patio doors, the bastard had a perfect target. He said that if Vin tried to move from in front of the doors, he'd shoot him. I couldn't risk it, please y'all have to understand I didn't have a choice. I couldn't let him kill Vin, anything was better than that," Buck begged for their forgiveness.

"What did he want you to do?" Chris asked for them all.

"I...he thought Vin was my partner, he knew he was at least my friend. The way he saw it I got David, my partner raped, which led to him killing himself. He said that now that he was here, he'd decided there was a better revenge than killing me. Something that was more fitting than death..."

"Something that explains why Vin took off?"

"He told me if I didn't, if Vin moved away from the doors, if I did anything to get Vin out of the line of fire, he'd kill him."

"Goddamn it Buck, what did he want you to do?" Chris yelled.

"He told me that if I wanted Vin to live, I had to..." Buck looked around the room at his friends, knowing he was about to lose them all. Of course he deserved to lose them, he could only hope that they'd let him stay long enough to know that Vin was safe. Maybe he would even have the chance to apologize for what he'd done, not that it would help. "He told me to rape Vin or watch him die," he finally got out.


I hope y'all liked the first chapter of my story. Please feed the muses with reviews.