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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



PTA: Yes
Famdom(s) The Sentinel
Genre: Slash/Established couple
Rating: FRT-13
Summary: Jim and Blair are ripped apart, will they find each other again?
Warnings: Not beted, all mistakes are mine.
Acknowledgments: This story is based loosly on the Movie The Promise.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:




by Peggy R

Jim was happy, happier then he'd ever been in his life. He'd met the most wonderful person in the world, and fallen deeply in love. His father on the other hand was very upset... angry with his oldest son, for you see, the person his son had fallen in love with was a man. William Ellison wouldn't stand for it, his son was not and never would be gay. He'd find a way to seperate the two of them, or die trying.


Jim walked through the door of his loft apartment hearing soft strains of music wafting from the stero. His lover was in the kitchen slowly swaying to the music while he made dinner. The sentinel walked softly up behind Blair and wrapped his arms around the smaller man.

"Hello lover," the big cop whispered into a beringed ear, "I'm home, did you miss me?"

"Yeah man, I did, alot," the young detective said as he turned in his lovers arms and hugged him back.

"Chief, we need to talk," the big man said nervously.

"Jim, what's wrong? You seem so serious."

Taking his lovers hand and leading him over to the couch, they sat down side by side. Jim turned to the younger man, placing his hand on the side of his face, "You know I love you right?"

"I hope so, yeah."

"And you love me, right?"

"Jim, where's this going?"


"I love you Jim, yes, but you know that. What's goin on?"

Jim slipped off the couch onto one knee in front of his lover, producing a black velvet box from his pocket containing a beautiful mans diamond ring.

"Marry me Blair, I... I love you more then anything or anyone. ou'd make me the happiest man in the world if you say yes... please?"

Blair sat there completely stunned, of everything he had been expecting his buff partner to say, this definately wasn't one of them.

"Jim, we're guys. You know we can't get legally married." Blair said saddly.

"We can in Canada or Hawaii baby, we can plan a real wedding. Get the gang at work to help. You know Conner would jump at the chance to plan your wedding. Please Blair, I'm begging, marry me. I want us to be together for ever."

With tears in his eyes the young detective leaned forward wrapping his arms around his lover, and softly whispered, "yes."

Tightly wrapping his arms around the younger man, Jim sighed, "thank you." After several minutes he pulled back, holding up the ring box.

"It's beautiful Jim. Just like you. I love you."

"I love you back," Jim said softly as he placed the ring on Blair's left ring finger, then kissing him passionately.

The following day at the Cascade PD.

Jim and Blair walked into the bull pen, heading toward their desks when Conner noticed the sparkle coming from her friends left hand.

"Hey Sandy, what cha got there mate?" the aussie inspector asked, walking up and grabbing Blair's hand. "Wow! That's some rock. Well, you guys finally got around to making it legal? Congratulations!"

"Yeah, we haven't set a date yet but... hey would you like to help me plan our wedding Megan? I'd really appreciate the help."

"Oh Sandy, I'd love to. Thank you for asking!" Conner replied excitedly, grabbing the startled young man in a huge hug. Quickly letting go, she then went to Jim and gave him a quick hug, "Congratulations tough guy, I knew you could do it." Winking she walked away quickly.

"Sometimes I really hate her," Jim said shaking his head and chuckling softly.

Blair chuckled too, suddenly feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, he turned around to see Jim's father approaching their desk, with a very upset look upon his face.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Jim asked suspiciously.

"Jim, I need to speak to you immediately, and in private IF you don't mind," William said shooting a very nasty look at Blair.

"Anything you have to say to me you can say in front of Blair." Jim responded, starting to get angry.

"Is it to much trouble to want to speak with my son, ALONE?" William responded in kind, eyes flashing.

With an iritated sigh, Jim turned to Blair, putting his hand on his shoulder and asked, "Babe, do you mind?"

"No, I don't mind Jim, I probably don't want to hear what he has to say anyway."

"Ok, I won't be long. I probably don't want to hear what he has to say either," the big detective said softly, patting his lover's shoulder he mumbled, "I'll be back." Motioning toward one of the empty interrogation rooms Jim and William walked away.

"What's going on Sandy?" Megan asked watching the two men walk down the hall.

"I don't know, but it can't be good. William Ellison never comes here unless it's to start trouble with Jim."


Opening the door to the interrogation room, Jim let his father proceed him in. Waiting until his father had taken a seat, he then asked, "Ok dad, what's so important that it couldn't be said in front of Blair?"

"Jimmy, I want you away from that man! He has corrupted your mind some how. You're not gay, I won't stand for my son being gay." William all but shouted at the detective.

"Dad, I AM gay, I have ALWAYS been gay. You just refuse to accept the fact. If I'm an disapointment to you because of that fact, then I'm sorry. But as far as Blair and I are concerned, we love each other and are getting married and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it."

"I WILL stop this, I will not have you muddying up the Ellison name like that. Do you understand, I will do anything I have to do to stop this and get my son back to normal." William was shouting now, causing the sentinel to dial his hearing down just a little.

"If that's the way you feel, you're entitled to it. However, I am an adult, and as such, I can do what ever I want. What I want, is to marry Blair and I'm going to, with or without your permission."

"We'll see about that." William said with conviction.

"Well, I see that we're done here, now if you don't mind you can walk out that door and continue to walk right out of my life. Blair and I don't need you around to be a constant thorn in our sides. I have work to do, goodbye dad." Jim walked out the door never looking back to see if his father left or not.


Blair seen the troubled look upon his lover's face and become worried. He knew the kind of trouble that William could cause. Mainly because William hated him, he never hid the fact that he thought Blair had turned his son gay. That's a laugh, Jim had finally approached him about how he felt.

Walking up to their desks Jim looked at his lover and asked, "Ready for lunch Chief?"

"Jim, you alright... ya know... cuz, like, we just got here."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to get out of here for a bit, besides I have a surprise for you."

"Surprise? I love surprises! What is it man? C'mon tell me."

An excited Blair was a site to see, Jim Loved it. Eyes big and round, the blue of his eyes sparkling like blue white diamonds. A slight pink tinge to the cheeks and a huge Sandburgian smile. Body bouncing with barely contained excitement. Jim tried to surprise his mate as often as possible. Not to mention the great sex after the surprise was revealed.

"Wellllll... I was thinking about telling you after lunch..."

"On c'mon man, you can't tell me you have a surprise for me and then make me wait. What Jim, what? Please?" the young detective begged as he bounced with excitement.

The guys in the bull pen were getting a kick out of Ellison teasing his partner, this sure was a different Jim Ellison then the one of two years ago. He was a surly bear that nobody wanted anything to do with. Simon was the only one who dared to befriend the man.

"Ok babe, I have information, from a very reliable sorce, that there is a carnival just outside of Cascade. If you're interested we can go this weekend."

"A carnival? That is soooo cool. Yeah, I'd love to go."

"Ok, it's a date then, this weekend we go to the carnival. Now, let's go get some lunch."


Early Friday morning, Jim climbed out of bed letting Blair sleep a little longer. Slipping quietly down the stairs he made his way to the phone, calling Simon to request the weekend off. Once the time was granted, Jim proceeded to gather their camping gear together for another surprise for his lover. Visit the carnival and then camping for the rest of the weekend. Once the truck was packed he went back upstairs to wake his sleeping beauty. Blair didn't think he was beautiful, but he was to Jim. Oh he wasn't striking, with his crooked teeth and slight underbite. The slightly out of shape nose. Short curly hair, that couldn't be tamed no matter what he did. Several acne scars from a bad case when he was younger, but none of that mattered to Jim. Blair's inner beauty, beautiful blue eyes and bubbly personality always won people over quickly.

Heading up to their loft bedroom, Jim slowly walked over to the bed, watching his lover sleep. Leaning over the sleeping man, he ran his hand over the short curls and lightly down the bare back. Blair stired slightly, mumbling, "mmmm."

"C'mon sleepyhead. If you wanna go to the carnival, you gotta get up."

"Mmmm? But we gotta work today, man." Blair replied sleepily.

"Nope, we don't." Jim said, gently rubbing the younger man's back, "I talked to Simon and got us the weekend off. Sooooo, we have the whole weekend to play."

"We do? That is so cool man. Carnival here we come. Just give me a chance to shower, then we can get going," the young detective said as he bounced out of bed. Jim had to laugh at all of the energy his lover seemed to have at any given moment.

"I have another surprise for you, Ebunny," Jim told him chuckling lightly.


"Yeah, Energizerbunny, you have so much energy, you just keep going and going and...."

"Yeah, yeah, I get the picture you big dufuss," Blair laughed.

"Yeah, but I'm your big dufuss," he replied, as he walked up to his lover, kissing him good morning, actually good early afternoon.

"Soooo, you mentioned something about a surprise? What? What?" Blair asked bouncing in place.

"Welllll, I thought maybe, just maybe you might like to camp out this weekend, up near the carnival. Just in case going once isn't enough for you. Whadda ya think?"

The next thing Jim knew he had his arms full of a VERY excited Blair. Arms and legs wrapped around the big sentinel, and his face being plied with tiny kisses all over. In between each kiss he heard, "Iloveyou (kiss) Iloveyou (kiss) Iloveyou."

Chuckling softly, Jim patted his lovers ass and said, "you better get a move on baby, the carnival's waiting."

"Ok man, I'll hurry. Then we can pack the truck and be on our way." he said as he turned and started down the stairs.

"Already done."

Stopping, Blair turned and looked at his lover, "what?"

"I said, already done. I packed the truck while you were sleeping so that once you got up and got your shower, we could leave."

"Yesss, I'm on it Jim," Blair whooped and practically ran down the stairs and into the bathroom.

Noticing that he hadn't taken any cloths with him, Jim gathered up some things and placed them into the bathroom for his lover, along with a gold chain with a panther pendent, lying across the towel.

Fifteen minutes later, a record for the young man, a wet but dressed Blair came flying out of the bathroom and into his big lovers arms, "thanks big guy, I love it. But you gotta quit with buying me things, ok? You're gonna be broke if you don't. I love all the things you buy and do for me, but it really isn't necessary, I love you no matter what, you know that right?"

"Yeah baby, I do. I just love doing and buying things for you, that's all. I enjoy doing it. Don't make me stop, please?"

"Who am I to turn down surprises. I love you Jim," the young detective said as he kissed his sentinel, "now, let's get our butts in gear and get to that carnival, shall we?"

"We shall," Jim said with a deep bow, then extending his arm toward the door, "after you my love."

Laughing happily he grabbed Jim's hand and dragged him out the door.


Arriving at the carnival, Blair's eyes were as big around and bright as a five year olds. 'My god, I love that about him, when he can let his inner child come out to play,' Jim thought to himself.

After several hours of riding almost every ride at the carnival and several games where Jim had won his lover some stuffed animals and a beaded necklace, Blair decided to try his hand at one of the games and had won a beaded necklace for Jim. They had almost made themselves sick eating hotdogs, cotton candy, elephant ears and all the extra goodies to be had at carnivals. Blair had decided to let Jim eat whatever he wanted, just for this weekend though. Finally deciding to return to their campsite for the night, they packed up their winnings and headed out.

Once at their campsite, Jim asked Blair if he'd like to take a little walk with him. They walked to the top of the mountain, which wasn't very far from where they had camped. Once there, Jim took ahold of his lovers hand and walked to the edge of the cliff.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? Just like you, baby."

Blair snorted softly, "sure Jim, if you say so, the view is though."

"You are beautiful Blair, to me, and anyone who meets you. Your zest for life, everything about you is beautiful. Everyone loves you, Chief."

"Your dad doesn't," Blair responded saddly.

"Fuck my dad," Jim said as he engulfed his lover in a tight hug.

"Uh... thank you, no. I'll pass on that one, if you don't mind," Blair chuckled.

"What? You'll pass on wh... oh... you ass Sandburg," Jim laughed hugging tighter.

"Yeah, but I'm your ass," Blair answered softly reaching up for a kiss.

"You got that right, your ass is mine, or will be in a few short weeks,"

Releasing his lover then taking his hand, Jim started to walk toward a group of trees and a fairly large rock. Once at the rock, Jim grabbed ahold of it and rolled it backward once.

"Jim, what are you doing?"

"Do you have the beads that I won for you with you?"

"Yeah, they're in my pocket, why?"

Jim stood up and brushed the dirt off from his hands, then reaching into his own pocket he pulled the beaded necklace that Blair had won for him out. Holding out his hand for Blairs beads.

"Jim, again, what are you doing man?"

"I'm making you a promise."

"Huh? A promise? Whadda you mean?"

As they were speaking, Jim wove the two beaded necklaces into a love knot. Then placing them onto the ground where the rock had stood.

"As long as the necklaces remain untouched, I will love you. As the necklaces are intwined, so are our hearts and lives. My heart, my soul, my body, belongs to you, this I promise you Blair. Forever.

Jim grabbed the rock and rolled it back into place. It wasn't easy, the rock was very heavy, but he managed. Blair loved to watch Jim move when his muscles were being used. Jim stood up, brushed the dirt from his hands and turned to his lover, to find Blair standing just behind him, crying.

"Baby, what's wrong? Tell me, please?" Jim asked, embracing his love.

"Nothings wrong, big guy," Blair hiccuped, "that was beautiful, Jim. Is that how you really feel?"

Blair Jacob Sandburg, I love you more then anyone or anything. More then you'll ever know. I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if I didn't."

"I'm so glad, Jim. Cuz, I feel the same way, man. For a man with a vast vocabulary at his disposal, I'm at a loss for words to describe how much I love you. I still can't believe that someone like you would fall for someone like me. But I'm glad you did."

"Look, honey, if you're really nervous about my dad, we can drive to Canada and get married. Just you and me, and once it's all over we can come back here and do it right. Whadda ya say?"

"Oh god, Jim. Are you serious?"

"As a heart attack baby. Well?"

"I say... HELL YEAH!!" the young man shouted jumping into his lovers arms.

Catching the energetic young man, the sentinel chuckled, "Ok, we'll pack as soon as we get back to the loft."


Early Sunday evening Jim walked into his lovers office, watching him pull a canvis over what seemed to be a large painting.

"Whacha got there Chief?"

"Jim! Oh ah.... well ah... I was trying my hand at painting. It's supposed to be a surprise. I've been working on it for awhile now."

"Wow, how the hell did you cover up the smell of the paint? Sentinel nose and all that." Jim chuckled, tapping the side of his nose.

"Yeah, well...," Blair chuckled along with him, "it wasn't easy. Candles, different spices, oils, open bottles of my shampoo and conditioner and my bath oils."

"Can I see it?"

"Well it isn't done but, sure, I guess." He grabbed the corner of the canvis and flipped it back revealing what promised to be a beautiful painting of a wolf and panther lying wrapped around each other, surrounded by trees and wildflowers.

"I still have a lot to do to finish it but you get the idea. It's for you Jim, I'm doing it for you."

"It's beautiful! Just like you honey." Jim exclaimed as he walked over to his lover and wrapped him in a tight hug.

"I'll finish it when we get back."

"Speaking of that, are you ready to go?"

"Yup, I'm all packed. When are we leaving?"

"Would right now be too soon?"

Blair reached down and grabbed his ever present backpack and headed for the door excitedly.

"C'mon Jim, let's get a move on. What are we waiting for?"

Shaking his head and laughing, he reached out and switched off the light. He loved the way his lover could act like a child sometimes. Shutting the door to the office behind him, he grabbed his jacket from the hook by the door and handing Blair his, he responded, "Nothing Chief, absolutely nothing."

Closing and locking the loft door, they headed for the truck and their trip to Canada.


Cascade weather being what it is, it began to rain soon after the Sentinel and his Guide started their trip. Being as excited as they were, laughing and singing along with the radio, Jim didn't notice the oncoming car, driven by a very highly intoxicated man. The car weaving back and forth across the center line. Suddenly the whole cab of the truck was lit up with the headlights of the out of control car. Both men looked out the windshield at the same time, neither had time for any sort of reaction. The following impact was horendous.

Jim lay unconcious on the road, having been ejected from the truck. Blair lay half in and half out of the truck, having been thrown partially through the windshield. His face almost unrecognizable.


The phone on William Ellison's desk began to ring, picking it up he responded, "Ellison."

"Mister Ellison? This is Officer Craven, from the Cascade State Police."

"Yes, Officer Craven, what can I do for you?"

"Sir, I just wanted to let you know that there has been a horrible accident involving your son, Jim and his friend Blair Sandburg."

"WHAT!! Is he ok? Is my son still alive?" William all but shouted into the phone.

"Sir, your son is alive. He was ejected from the vehicle on impact. Aside from several nasty cuts and bruses, and a broken left arm, I believe he will be alright. He is unconsious at this point and being transported to the hospital as we speak. Detective Sandburg on the other hand is in far worse shape. Most of the impact of the other vehicle was centered on the passenger side of the truck."

"I see, and how is Detective Sandburg?" William asked frostilly.

"Well, he was partially thrown through the windshield, from the looks of things, he tried to take out the glass with his face and upper

"Will he make it?"

"We're not sure, sir. From the injuries he's sustained, I sincerely doubt it."

"Thank you officer, I'll head over to the hospital right away."

"Yes sir, goodnight sir."

Hanging up the phone, a big evil smile spread across William's face. "This couldn't have turned out any better if I'd planned it myself." William exclaimed to himself, as he grabbed his coat from the closet by the front door and heading for the hospital.

Four Days Later:

Once William had found out that Blair indeed was going to survive, he'd had him transfered to a private facility, 20 miles outside Cascade. Having informed the staff to alert him emediately when Blair was starting to wake up. Spending most of his time with his son, who was kept in a light coma due to some of the sever brusing and his broken arm.

Sitting quietly next to Jim's bed, William contemplated what he would do once Blair woke up. His injuries were sever. He would never look the same again. What he came up with, if it worked, would have the young detective out of his son's life forever. Hearing a soft groan from his son, William stood at once and was at his side.

"Jim? Son, can you hear me?"

"Mmmm," came the reply.

"Son, it's your dad, c'mon, open your eyes."

"Dad?" Jim rasped out.

"Yes son, it's dad."

"Dad, how's Blair? Where is he?"

"Not now son, you need to stay calm and rest."

"Fuck calm, and fuck rest, where's Blair? Tell me, damnit!"


"Oh god...," Jim whispered, closing his eyes.

"He didn't make it son, his injuries were to sever," his father said softly.

"Why are you being so nice, you hated him! I bet you're just gloating inside aren't you?" Jim responded glairing at his father.

"It was no secret that I disliked the young man, but I didn't wish to see him dead either."

"Bullshit," Jim spat at his father, "Well I guess you got your wish didn't you. Your gay son's lover is dead, you won't be humilated anymore. You should be VERY happy now!"


"Get out," Jim said softly at first.


"I SAID GET OUT! JUST GET OUT!!" the distraught man yelled at his father, as tears began to roll down his face.

"I'll be back son," William told him as he left the room. As William was walking down the hall, his cell phone rang.


"Mr Ellison, this is Nurse Clark, from Claymore Institute, you wanted to be informed when Mr Sandburg was waking up. He opened his eyes this morning and called for your son sir."

"Thank you, I'll be there as soon as possible." Closing his phone, the man smiled an evil smile.

Two Hours Later

William walked into Claymore Institute, walked up to the desk and asked for Nurse Clark.

"How's he doing?"

"He's been awake on and off for the past several hours sir, always asking for Jim when he's awake."

"I see, well... I'll take care of that, thank you," he dismissed the nurse and continued on to Blair's room. Upon entering he noticed that the young man's face was completely covered in bandages, along with his neck and a good portion of his shoulders and chest. Moaning was coming from the bed as he approached.

"Jim... Jim where are you?" William heard spoken softly.

"Mr Sandburg?" William addressed the young detective.

Blair opened his eyes and blinked several times, finally his vision cleared to reveal Jim's father standing there. Why was he here? Was Jim dead? Oh god no... he can't be.

"Mr Ellison?" Blair asked the best he could, his mouth being wired shut due to a broken jaw.

"Yes, Mr Sandburg, I've come with a proposition for you," he said, looking down on the young man with ice cold eyes.

"How's Jim? Is he ok? Is he alive? Please tell me." he slured around the braces.

"Yes he's alive and well, a few broken bones and some cuts, but other then that Jimmy's fine."

Blair released the breath he didn't know he'd been holding and whispered, "thank god," then looking up and Jim's father he asked, "why are you here?"

"I've been talking to the doctors about your condition, Mr Sandburg, without extensive reconstructive surgery, your face and upper body will be quite scared. I am prepared to pay for all of your reconstructive surgeries, on one condition."

"And that would be?" Blair looked at the older man with dread.

"That you stay away from Jimmy. Never see him again."

"He'd try to find me, you know that." Blair responded angrily.

"No... no he won't." William responded with a chilly evil smile.

"We both know he will, he won't stop until he finds me. Unless..." Realization dawned on the sad young man.

"Yes, Mr Sandburg, he thinks you're dead. I told him you had died due to your injuries.?"

"Bastard. You're an evil man, Mr Ellison."

"No, not evil, just used to getting what I want, and what I want is for my son to be normal. With a wife and children and to take over my business when I step down. Now, do we have a deal? Think about it Mr Sandburg, do you really think Jimmy would want you now?"

Blair closed his eyes as tears slipped down the sides of his face. Jim's father was right. He wouldn't want someone who looked like this. He knew he would be horribly scared. It would kill him, but he would accept the offer.

"I accept your offer, but I can't stay here in Cascade. You can change my looks Mr Ellison, but you can't change my heartbeat, Jim would find me. Sooner or later, he would find me."

"I've already arranged for that too, I've arranged for an apartment for you in San Francisco and have already spoken to the police captain there and have a job all lined up for you. Your new name will be Jacob Sands."

"Fine, just make all of the arrangements and I'll be there. Now, please leave. I never want to see you again."

"We're in agreement then, your first surgery will be next week here, and the rest will be done in California. I expect you to keep your end of this agreement. If not, I can make your life VERY unpleasent."

"Your secret is safe, but I hope you can live with yourself when you destroy your son's life. Goodbye, Mr Ellison." Blair closed his eyes again and turned his head away from the most evil man he had even known.


One year and multiple surgeries later, Jacob walked into the SFPD after having spent most of his day interviewing witness's.

"Hey Jake, did you hear the news?" Asked his partner and former lover Pete Wilson. He was tall, well built, with short cut brown hair. Eyes blue as the sky. At first glance you'd swear it was Jim Ellison.

He had tried to move on with his life, he really had. He joined the SFPD, and quickly moved up in the ranks to head detective, due to his solve rate. He had even, briefly taken a lover, but it didn't last. He just couldn't get Jim out of his system. Sentinel's and Guides are forever. He knew Jim would find him, but of course, Jim thought he was dead.

"No Pete, what news are you talking about?" the young detective answered distractedly.

"There's going to be a huge police seminar here this week, cop's from all over the country are going to be there. Along with us."

"Huh? What do you mean us? I... I can't go to that seminar, you know why Pete."

Blair/Jacob had explained most of what had happened to him, Pete had let the sad and unhappy young man move in with him. They had become fast friends, then lover's for a few short weeks. Then Jacob had ended it and moved out. He had finished the painting he had started, and had given it to Pete as a gift for all of his help and understanding. It seemed like years ago, that he had started the painting. Had it only been one year?

"Look, Jake. Just because theres gonna be a police seminar, with cops from all over, dosen't mean he will be there. Besides, we were ordered to go." The last part having been said softly, knowing that it would upset the younger man.

"Well fuck..."

"Not now, maybe later." Pete said off handedly.


"Kidding, I was kidding. Ya know... ha ha."

"Not funny."

"I'm sorry, Jake."

"No, I'm sorry... I wasn't fair to you. I tried, I really did. But I just can't. It's not just you, it's anyone. I don't want anyone but him, and I can't have him so..."

"Look, Jake, I'm sorry. I know how you feel..."

"Do you?"

"Yeah," Pete said softly, "I do. I feel the same about you."

"Awww Pete, don't..."

"I know, Jake. I'll get over my feelings, but I can tell, you won't get over yours. So, I'll just bide my time, remain your friend and wait for some other good looking guy to come my way. Anyway, we still have to go to this thing, so you better practice your breathing techniques and such, just in case. But I hardly think you'll need them."

"We'll see Pete, we'll see." Jake said saddly, and walked out of the station to go home and try to prepare himself for what could turn out to be one of the worst days of his life.

The War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco

"Why did they pick the Opera House for the convention?" Jake asked as he and Pete entered the building. "Not that I'm complaining, it's an interesting building, considering all of it's history."

"I have no clue, but I think they probably thought they would have such a big turn out that they needed someplace to hold everybody. I mean, look at this place, it's huge, and how many officers that are here already."

Jake looked around nervously, suddenly he spotted Detectives Rafe, Brown, and Conner. 'Shit, I know if they're here, Jim's here too,' he thought to himself. 'I gotta get out of here, Jim will know I'm here. The thread is thin but not gone.' "Pete," he said aloud, "I gotta get out of here, cover for me will ya?"

"Jake? What's goin on?" Pete asked looking around, not really knowing what he was looking for.

"The gang from Cascade is here, you know they only send partners. Well, Rafe and Brown are here and so is Conner. I had a friend of mine check to see who Jim's new partner was, once he was back to work, and it was Conner. So, I know he's here... somewhere. He'll know it's me, I gotta go." He all but started to rush his way out of the building. Half way to the door he spotted Jim, at the refreshment table that the SFPD had set up for the convention. Suddenly Jim's head shot up and he began to look around. Jake took a quick memory photo and hastily made his exit.

Jim had decided to get he and his partner something to drink from the refreshment table, while he waited for the attendent to get their drinks something began to tickle his memory, a scent, very familer, sparked his mind into remembrence. Moonlit nights on the balcony, picnic's in the park, all night making... BLAIR! No! It couldn't be, his lover had been dead for a year, but he knew that smell. He felt the tug of the connection, although very weak, but he felt it. He snapped his head up and began to look around. He didn't see anyone who remotely resembled his lost lover. But he knew what he felt, and the scent, impossible to imitate. He retrieved his drinks and returned to his friends.

As he walked up to the other Detectives, Conner could see something was wrong, Jim was scanning the room, not paying attention to what was going on around him.

"Jim, you ok mate?" the Aussie Detective asked. "We couldn't be in any danger here, there must be at least 300 coppers here."

"I'm fine, and there's no danger. It's just... I picked up a familer scent, I need to check it out. I'll be right back," the big detective replied as he walked away. Following his nose, he made his way through the crowd. The scent brought him to one of the San Francisco Detectives, at first glance Jim could almost swear he was looking in a mirror. Walking up to the Detective, he held out his hand...

"Hi, Jim Ellison, Cascade PD. I have to tell ya, when I first seen you, it was kind of erie. Almost like I was looking at myself."

Taking the pro-offered hand and shaking it, he thought to himself, 'So, this is the famous Jim Ellison. No wonder Jake tried to take up with me for a while, the resemblence is uncanny. But I'm not him,' aloud he said, "Pete Wilson, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, your reputation preceeds you, detective. Though I never knew what you looked like, I have heard about your arrest record, number one in the state of Washington. Very impressive."

"Thank you, but it hasn't been as good since I lost my original partner." he responded saddly.

"Oh? Did he retire?"

"Um, no... he... he died." Jim answered softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. I just assumed..." Pete trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

"No, it's ok, he wasn't only my partner at work, but my life partner. We were on our way to get married when a drunk driver hit us and he was killed." Jim wasn't worried about revealing his sexuality, since gay officers were finally accepted into the fold.

"Oh man, that's just... I don't know what to say, other them I'm so sorry. Listen, would you like to come to my place for a drink after the session today? I'm not trying to pick you up or anything, just trying to be friendly. Although, you are quite good looking and I wouldn't mind, but under the circomstances..."

"I wouldn't mind the drink, as friends only. I haven't wanted a relationship since he died. I don't think I ever will." 'The scent is really strong on this guy, maybe once I get to his place I can find out some things.' Jim thought to himself.

"Ok then, I'll meet you by the refreshment table when this is over and we'll have that drink. See ya in a bit." Pete replied as he walked away to go back to the rest of SFPD brothers. 'Jake would have a fit if he knew what I was doing.' Pete told himself, 'but I'm doing it for him, he's miserable, Jim's miserable. I have to get these two back together somehow.'

Two hours later Jim waited at the refreshment table waiting for Pete to show, "Hey Jim, ready for that drink I promised?"

"I am now, the first day is usually pretty boring, I wasn't disappointed either," he laughed softly.

"Yeah, you got that right." Pete answered, "well, my car is parked outside, I got lucky and found a place not to far from here."

"Great, lets go." Jim had told his fellow detectives that he was going with Detective Wilson and would be back to the hotel before to long.


Arriving at his home some thirty minutes later, Pete hoped he could pull this off without letting the cat out of the bag, so to speak. He wanted to get all the information he could about Detective Ellison for Jake. He loved him and would do anything for him, even get him back with the man he loved. Somehow.

Entering the house, Pete flicked on the lights. "Well, this is home. Nothing to fancy, but not shabby either." he jokingly laughed.

The front door opened to a fairly good sized living room, dining room toward the back of the house, kitchen to the left of that and bedrooms and bath down the hall to the right of the livingroom.

"Nice place. Just about right, not to big and not to small." Jim could detect the scent strong here. As if the person had just left. "You live alone?" Jim asked conversationally.

"Yeah, I do now. I was in a relationship for a few weeks, it didn't work out. We just weren't compatible, so he moved out. We're still friends, have to be, he's my partner." Pete laughed.

"Yeah, I know how that goes. Really difficult when it's your partner and it doesn't work or it does work and something happens." Jim shrugged his shoulders and looked around the room.

"Um, yeah... well, how about that drink? What'll you have?"

"Got any beer?"

"Sure do, be right back." Pete replied as he left Jim standing in the living room, "Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back."

"Sure, thanks." Spotting an easel with a painting covered with a tarp, Jim asked, "You like to paint?"

"Me? No, I'm lucky if I can paint a room and make it look good." he answered laughing. "No, my partner gave that to me," returning to the living room and handing Jim his beer, "he had just finished it and gave it to me as a gift. Said he had started painting it a long time ago and hadn't felt like finishing it until recently. Would you like to see it? I keep it covered until I figure out where I want to put it. I wouldn't want anything to happen to it."

"Yes, I'd love to see it. By the way, you never told me your partners name."

"Oh sorry. It's Jake, Well, Jacob Sands, But we all call him Jake. He just doesn't look like a Jacob, more like a Jake. I've got a picture of him around here somewhere, would you like to see it? I'll show you the painting first then try to find his mug shot."

"Um, yeah, ok." The big detective said as he started to sweat, knowing what he'd see once the tarp was removed.

Pete walked up to the painting and flipped the tarp, revealing the finished painting of a panther and wolf wrapped around each other, surrounded by trees and wild flowers. In the lower right hand corner, the painter had signed the painting, JACOB SANDS.

"My god, Blair." Jim whispered.

"What, did you say something Jim?" Pete asked, looking at his new friend.

"Where would I find this partner of yours? I'd like to meet him while I'm here."

"Hang on a minute, I'll call him and see if he's busy. Maybe he can stop by for a few minutes." Pete suggested as he picked up the phone. Dialing Jakes number he waited while the phone rang and rang. "Huh, I don't understand it, he should be home. He said he didn't feel well shortly after we got to the convention. Said he was going home. Maybe he stopped by the PD for some reason and got held up. Let me check," hanging up, he redialed the SFPD. Reaching the desk sargent he asked for Detective Sands, and was told that he had been there, but had requested a weeks personal time, effective 1mmediately and then left. Not telling anyone where he was going, just that he had some important business he had to take care of. Something about closing the past.

"That's strange," Pete thought aloud.


"The DS said that he was there only to request immediate personal leave to put some closure to the past. But he didn't mention where he was going."

"I know where he's going, I gotta go Pete. Thanks for everything, you'll never know how much." Jim shouted as he ran out the door, oly then remembering that Pete had brought him here. "Shit!" As Jim turned around to go back to the house, Pete was coming out with his jacket and car keys.

"I figured you'd want a ride to the airport?"

"How did you...?"

"Jake... Blair has talked to me. Told me what happened. Made me promise that I wouldn't tell another living soul what he was about to tell me. Of course I promised."

"What did happen? I was unconscious for awhile, then when I woke up, I was told by my father he was dead, so I never tried to look for him. Did he... did he tell you about me?"

"C'mon, get in the car, we'll talk on the way." Once in the car, Pete continued, "You mean about you being a Sentinel? Yes, he told me."

Nodding his head in acknowledgement, Jim continued, "I opened up my hearing, trying to detect his heartbeat, but I couldn't find it. I was so weak when my father told me, I didn't even realize he was lying. That bastard, if he wasn't already dead, I'd kill him." Jim responded venomously.

"Your father passed away?" Pete looked over at the big detective questioningly.

"Yeah, maybe four months after I got out of the hospital, why?"

"Well, Blair wondered why your father hadn't been in contact with him, he said this guy called him once a month to remind him of his promise. Then all of sudden, the calls just stopped. He wanted to contact you so bad, Jim. But he was afraid of your father."

"Did he tell you exactly what happened? I'd really like to know, if he did."

"Yeah, he told me. He said that his face was so messed up after the accident that his own mother wouldn't have recognized him. Said that every bone in his face was crushed, jaw broken, sever lacerations all over his face. If nothing had been done, he would have been horribly scarred for life. Your father approached him, told him that he would pay for his plastic surgery, so that he could probably look better then he did before the accident. He knew the best surgeons. In return for his generosity, he was to leave you alone. Never try to see you or have any contact with you, what so ever. Or he could stay the way he was, and did he think that you would want anything to do with him the way he would look, once healed. He accepted and your father had him moved to a private facility, probably why you couldn't detect him."

"I knew my father was evil, but I didn't think he would stoop to such a low level to get what he wanted. Guess I was wrong. But even in the end, he didn't get what he wanted. I stayed alone, even though he introduced me to several women. I never dated, never looked elsewhere. I only wanted Blair. I wouldn't have cared what he looked like. I loved him for what was inside. I thought he knew that." Jim said saddly.

"He knew you loved him, for who he was, not what he looked like. He did this for you. Because he loves you so much. He wanted you to have a normal life, with someone normal, not a freak, like he thought he would have been without the surgeries."

Pulling into the airport, Pete parked the car at the entrance of the terminal. Both men sat quietly for several moments, then Jim turned to Pete saying, "You really love him, don't you?"

"Yes Jim, I do. That's why, when I realized who you were, you had to know the truth. If his saddness is any indication, then I know what you also went through this passed year. Possibly worse for you, thinking he was dead."

"Yeah, it was almost unbearable. Truthfully, I don't know how I got this far. Shortly after I got out of the hospital, I had thought about taking my own life. Just ending it all, one shot with my service revolver and it would've been over, but something... something kept me from going through with it." Jim seemed to have a far away look in his eyes, as if reliving it all over again.

"Hey, Jim! Where'd ya go man? You ok?" Pete said worriedly, grabbing the big mans shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm fine. I'm glad I didn't go through with it now."

"Me too, if you had, and Blair found out, it would have killed him. Literally. He was basically dead as it was, but that....." Pete trailed off quietly.

"Yeah, well thanks Pete. I better get in there and get a flight home. I really appreciate what you've done for us. I can't thank you enough."

"You just take care of Blair, that's all I ask. Just love him, love him enough for both of us, that will be thanks enough."

"You got it." Jim said as he exited the car and ran for the terminal.

24 Hours Later

Jim had gotten home in the early morning, showered, changed and was back out the door even before the sun was up. He knew where Blair was going, and he was going to get there first. He'd camp there all day everyday if he had to, to finally face his Blair again.

Once up on the mountain, Jim hid in the trees, opposite the cliff. The rock sitting not to far from where he was hiding. Several hours later, Jim heard a noise. The sound of footsteps crunching leaves and twigs. A few minutes later, a man emerged from the other side of the trees and headed toward the rock. He was beautiful, the surgeons had done a fantastic job, clear skin, slight scaring, but only noticable with sentinel sight. His teeth, now stratight, not crooked like they used to be. His hair, longer now, flowed with the wind as it brushed his shoulders. Looking around, the man approached the rock and with great effort lifted it onto it's side. The man stared down at the empty spot he had just uncovered.

Jim stepped out from his hiding place and approached the man, "I can't let you have them."

"What?" The man responded.

"I said, I can't let you have them. You see, these," he stated, as he pulled out the two necklaces, wrapped around each other in a lover's knot from his pocket, "represent something very special to me. Something that would carry on from this lifetime, to the next, and beyond. A love, so special, not even death could stop it."

The look on the man's face went from stunned saddness to hopeful.

"One of these belonged to a man so special to me, but I was told he had died, so I didn't try to find him. I was so alone, so hurt and angry that he could have left me. At first I thought about joining him," Jim heard a slight gasp from the other man, "but something... something kept me from ending it." Slowly he approached the other man, not wanting to scare him.

"I just couldn't believe that he could have been taken away from me, there had to be something keeping him away. Then by chance I found out what that something was. But you see, that someone is gone, died unexpectedly of a heart attack. So if he should happen to find his way back, I would be the most grateful person in the whole world." Jim had stopped, walking and talking just inchs away from the man standing there. Tears rolling down his face.

The man looked up into Jim's face and whispered one word, "Jim."

There was more love and heart felt meaning in that one word, that was all it took. Jim enveloped him in a tight hug, with a responding hug he thought he'd never feel again.

"Oh god Blair, I'm so sorry. So sorry baby, I thought you were dead." Jim cried as he held the man he loved more then his own life. "I didn't know what my father had done, if I had I would have come looking for you."

"Shhhhh, it's over now Jim. I love you, I never stopped, but I couldn't saddle you with a monster."

Jim pulled back, "Blair you'd never..."

Blair stopped him with a finger pushed lightly against his lips, "Maybe not to you, but I couldn't take that chance. My face was a mess. I still have some scars on my body that will never go away, but they're small. I couldn't do that to you, so I accepted your fathers offer."

"I've got you back, and I'm never letting you go again. No matter what. Do you hear me Blair, no matter what."

"I hear you Jim, I'll never leave you again. I'm back to stay."

"Promise?" Jim asked, his voice thick with tears.

"I promise." Blair responded, now crying himself, and hugging his lover tighter.

Releasing the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, Jim whispered into his lover's ear, "Let's go home, Chief. Let's go home."



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Peggy R.
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