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Archive Warning:
Part 4 of Of Innocence and Empathy
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Of Innocence and Empathy: An Innocent Secret


Series: Of Innocence and Empathy
Beta: Fireness
Rating: FRT-13, non-explicit slash
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Damnit.
Challenge: 50episodes – Criminal Minds, Morgan/Reid
Table: 2
Prompt: 25. Giggly
Word Count: 745
Author's Note: This will make no sense if you have not read Illogical Knowledge. Sequel to The Logic of Sleep.
Submitted through CriminalMinds_slash

Work Text:


Of Innocence and Empathy: An Innocent Secret
by Frogg


'Hurry up and wait' was far from the motto at the BAU. However, sometimes it did apply, and offered the odd morning off. A chance to have a leisurely team breakfast, speculate over the current case or past ones, and generally reinforce the mental and emotional supports they depended on.

Morgan could have done without it as he stared into his coffee, dull silver spoon handle protruding from the murk. His right hand held a ballpoint pen, the notebook beneath covered in aimless scribbling.

After the night terrors, the only person he'd been able to look in the eye was Reid. And Reid already knew.

Not that the rest didn't, he told himself bitterly, in tired resignation. He'd felt the concerned looks, the worried gazes that slid over him before glancing away, not wanting to trespass.


Everything was raw, unsettled. The facade of maturity, stability, and strength he'd managed to construct, to maintain these past however many years had shattered, jagged pieces refusing to be put back together. 'I'm Humpty Dumpty, and even Reid's just another King's man.'

"Jeez, Reid, hungry enough?" Emily's startled question was enough to pierce Morgan's melancholic stupor, and he glanced up.

Reid smiled a little as he slid his tray onto the table across from Morgan, then started transferring things to the tabletop.

A bowl of strawberries and melon, cold and sweet-smelling, was set in front of Morgan without apology, as was a plate containing a plain bagel with two tubs of strawberry jam. Tea followed, tiny water kettle, lemon mint tea bags, and a handful of honey packets set beside the cup and saucer.

All too aware he was being watched, Morgan looked up from the simple feast laid out before him to Reid, wondering at the unexpected kindness.

No pity. No sympathy. Just patience and understanding.

Reid did, after all, have a perfect memory. He knew what Morgan ate when he'd an upset stomach.

Morgan nodded in thanks, pushing the neglected coffee aside, reaching for a paper-wrapped tea bag with trembling fingers.

Reid went back to setting his own breakfast on the table before sliding the then-empty tray onto the table next to them. By the time he'd finished and started in on a buttered and jellied raisin English muffin, the others' attention had drifted back to their own meals.

Clink-clink-clink-clink-clink. The spoon chimed against the ceramic mug as Morgan stirred a small mountain of honey in the bottom, other normal sounds of breakfast fading into white noise in the background.


"Could you pass the salt, please?" Hotch's voice, soft and polite.

Reid put down his coffee and handed it over. "Sure, Mom."

Breakfast came to a sudden standstill, silverware clattering on dishes, liquid quickly swallowed lest it be choked on.

Morgan blinked, glancing up at Reid.

Reid just smiled, looking inordinately pleased with himself.

Frozen in disbelief, Hotch looked torn, salt still clutched in his hand mid-pass.

"Did you just call Hotch MOM?" Emily stared at Reid, stunned.

"Darn Skippy!"

It was too much. Entirely. Too. Much.

Unable to stop the silent laughter, Morgan dropped his own spoon, swiftly covering his eyes and mouth with his hands, hunching over the table as his shoulders started shaking.

Too caught up in his own mirth to respond to anything or anyone, Morgan could still feel Reid's proud, triumphant grin, the look of fond exasperation Hotch gave Reid, Gideon's amusement, Emily's shock, JJ's confusion.

Before long, tiny hiccuping clicks and gasps for breath were all Morgan could manage. Fighting for control, he rocked back in his chair, tears streaming down his face, and shook a finger helplessly at Reid.

Reid shrugged. "You didn't tell me I couldn't."

The simple comment made Morgan lose control again, and he was panting and weak with relief by the time he'd regained control. "Don't--don't say it," he wheezed.

One eyebrow rose questioningly. "Say what?"

Morgan shook his head and gave Reid a dark look.

Reid shrugged and tried to appear innocent, eyes bright, cheeks flushed with pleasure.

Smiling lopsidedly, Morgan nodded in thanks again before taking a sip of his tea, now cool enough to drink and soothing to a throat abused by fear and laughter. His stomach rumbled, suddenly clamoring for more than the simple breakfast Reid had provided. He'd have to raid the hotel's too-generous buffet.

Another glance at Reid told him he wouldn't have to.

Even if Morgan still felt like Humpty Dumpty, Reid was no King's man.



Series this work belongs to: