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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Twas The Night Before Christmas (Angel style)


Rating: PG
Spoilers: Itty bitty one for Reunion
Pairing: Darla/Lindsey, Kate/Gunn, Drusilla/Cordelia... kinda
Content: Pure silliness and terrible attempt at prose
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. Joss owns them. I'm just messing with them.
Archive: Sure, if you want it
Summary: A wacky Christmas poem-story.
Feedback: Please do
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(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:


Twas The Night Before Christmas (Angel style)
by Bridget

Twas the night before Christmas and all though the the Hyperion
Four people were stirring including Angel who was a broodin'
The weapons were lined up on the wall with care
Except for one Wesley left on the stairs

Wesley sat back reading on one of the beds
While poor Cordelia had a sudden vision ripping through her head
Gunn fell asleep with his head on a table
While Angel mused in the dark because he was able

While having her vision, Cordelia fell off a chair with a clatter
Gunn woke up to see what was the matter
Wesley came out of the room like a flash
Angel joined him walking nearly knocking over his blood stash

Cordelia had seen two vampires rip up the metropolis
Angel got angry, "We have to stop this."
"I saw it with Lindsey," said the pretty, dark haired lass.
"That's it," Angel said. "I'm going to go kick his ass."

To the Angelmobile went three humans and a vampire with a soul.
Wesley sat in the front and cried out, "Let's roll!"
Angel hit the gas and quickly the went
To the place the vision said the fighters should be sent.

The stopped the car and into a builing they did rush
Except for Wesley who tripped and fell into a bush.
More rapid than eagles, the others did came
While poor Wesley did limp for his leg made him lame.

It was an apartment they did run inside, but they were stopped by
Detective Kate
Angel began to panic, "Are we too late?"
Kate shook her head. "We got a distubance report.
By the sounds it, someone was upset by Lindsey's preformance in court."

Angel hesitated, but Cordelia continued to run
While Angel wanted to help him about as much as he liked being in the sun.
But Wesley and Gunn urged him to continue to go
Because they refused to let him sink down that low.

Darla looked up while Drusilla snarled at the girl
The loony attacked Cordelia, pulling her down, their skirt in a whirl.
Drusilla sank her teeth in Cordelia white neck
While Darla bit Lindsey, making them both hit the deck.

Cordelia grapped onto Drusilla's hair and pulled real hard
Drusilla released and glared at her hard
"That wasn't very nice," she said looking sad.
"Making Mummy upset is something quite bad."

At last Angel arrived, holding a stake in his hand
Gunn followed behind with Wesley out of breath and struggling to stand
Darla released Lindsey and leapt to attack and refusing to yield
Drusilla stood up, using Cordy as a shield.

Kate came up behind, not liking how public this was and looking quite pissed
She took out her gun, hoping that there would be no vampire she had missed.
"Now Lindsey and Darla, Wesley and Gunn
And Cordelia and Drusilla, this is not how this should be done."

Drusilla laughed and the back of Cordy's head she did kiss.
"Be merry, children for it is Christmas."
"Bah humbug," said Darla, hitting Angel with a vase.
Sometime Dru did annoy her, that crazy English basket case.

When to their panic stricken eyes did appear
But the green horned karoke guy and a demon who looked like a reindeer
"What hell?" Darla asked, while up Angel stood.
The karoke guy had an happy expression while the other guy had a smiled quite good.

"Do think maybe just for this one night
We could stop the fighting, I think it would be right."
Drusilla looked happy and the other demon
For it was the chaos demon she had dumped last Buffy season.

"Because we are demons we don't really celebrate the season.
But a little bit of happiness, I think would be a good reason."
Angel looked and Darla, who glanced and Lindsey on the ground.
Drusilla let go of Cordelia without so much as a sound.

Everyone looked at each other, feeling quite silly
Then, just because it ryhmes appeared the bartender named Willy
To the applicable people, eggnog and blood he handed out
Wesley took a big gulp of some fine Guiness stout.

The chaos demon turned on some music
Darla made a face and looked like she would be sick.
She picked up Lindsey and sat him down on a chair
She pushed back his hair with a smile and care.

Drusilla began to dance, pulling Wesley along
She smiled and pulled him close because she loved that song.
Gunn shrugged and held out his hand to Kate
"I'm going to leave for a party, and I need a date."

Everyone looked happy, making the karoke guy and the chaos demon smile
They both left for they had to walk almost a mile.
They both did not like to see a battle on Christmas
They both preferred that everyone feel bliss.

Thinking everything was okay, Angel left feeling happy
He did not anyone to see him, looking all sappy.
Now that was a mistake for the worse things did get, yes quite a bit.
For the demons did not convice the vampires to quit.

Drusilla pulled Wesley into the other room for a bite.
While Darla finished off Lindsey, towards Angel she felt spite.
Cordelia panicked and dove for some holy water
But Dru had come back wanting to make a new daughter.

That night both Lindsey and Cordelia were turned.
While waiting for them to rise, the two women drew the shades so that they wouldn't be burned.
Darla lay next to Lindsey, a smile upon her face
While Drusilla covered her new daughter's body with lace.

When the sun set the new vampires did rise
Drusilla clapped her hands and hoped they liked the surprise
Lindsey went to Darla and pulled his sire into a happy embrace
Cordelia let Drusilla feel her new face.

"Come children," Drusilla said, her voice full of glee
"For it is now really Christmas and you all must go out and see."
"Let's go," said Darla, pulling along her beautiful childe.
Drusilla took Cordelia out the door and promised a night quite wild.

The is the end. This is my present to all my list friends.
I bet you didn't expect that crazy end.
Yes, this poem made no sense, was insane, and a little bit sappy
But I like you all and wanted to avoid a present that was crappy.

What? Who's there. Who's coming into my home?
Oh my God, this is not happening, into my basement four vampires did roam!
I didn't invite you guys in. Besides, you people aren't real, you're from Joss's imagination
Oh crap, it looks like I'm bound for damnation!

This is no longer Bridget at the computer.
Now it is Lindsey who is typing, Drusilla decided to kill and turn her.
Merry Christmas to you all. We wish you good cheer.
We'll be visiting you all before the New Year!


Bridget's Fan Fic:


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Bridget.
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