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humorous deathfic -- Who knew those suits hid THAT?


Fandom: NCIS
Genre: Slash
Rating: FRC
Pairing:You'll see
Series/Sequel: Part of my humorous deathfic series
Archive: Beyond Canon, WWOMB, my humorous deathfics page
Synopsis: It was just supposed to be a normal convention, even if it was in Miami and the hotel was hosting another convention at the same time.
AN: I got bit by multiple versions of this bunny, so you'll be getting more than one version of this story for each fandom.
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humorous deathfic -- Who knew those suits hid THAT?
by Josette Grover  or


Alexx looks up as the last body is taken away, taking off her gloves and looking at her companions.

"Thank you for your help, Dr. Mallard, Dr. House."

"You're welcome my dear." Ducky says, pulling off his gown as a grunting House limps out of the room. "It was the least I could do for the poor woman, Ziva didn't make a lot of friends while she was with the team, though she certainly made a number of enemies. Mostly due to her attitude, the poor dear. Besides, it was a pleasure to work with you again." Ducky throws an arm over the shoulder of his former student as they walk out of the morgue. "Though I am wondering how I will be explaining the cause of death on the final reports. . ."

"You mean we can't just write, Ziva died after a fall down a flight of stairs caused by tripping over her own tongue when she saw the probie walk past wearing a speedo?" Tony asks, coming up behind them. He yelps as Gibbs smacks him. "Don't even think it, DiNozzo."

"And don't you think it either Horatio." Speed says dryly, looking at the smirking redhead. "If you want to smack anybody, try Ryan or Eric."

'Who knew the Probie had that kind of body." Tony says, "Those suits certainly hide a lot of things."

/I knew,why do you think I let him wear those damn things anymore, except to make sure nobody else gets any ideas. My man, mine mine mine all mine./ One of the men present thinks as they leave the building.




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