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Part 11 of The Little Shi—Cat Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Spike the Bed Hog


When Spike’s decided it’s hers, it best not to argue. But, do you think Eric would realize that? Heck no! Part 11 of 12


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Disclaimer: The characters of CSI: Miami are the property of CBS Broadcasting Inc and Alliance-Atlantis Communications. No copyright infringement is intended.


Warning: Swearing! Established Male/Male Relationship! Not your thing, then leave!


Jodine16: This takes place a week after Spike the Attention Whore.






Spike the Bed Hog



Eric awoke sometime in the middle of the night, feeling a bit disoriented. His neck hurt and his head felt a little funny. That’s when he noticed he was using Ryan’s hip as a pillow. As nice as his lover’s hips were, they were definitely not meant for sleeping on. Other parts of his body were, though. Like his stomach, his chest, his shoulders, and his back but Ryan was lying on his side, so all of that was out of the question. Eric groggily sihfted up the bed to his pillow. He frowned when his ear met with something furry. Lifting his head, he saw Spike curled up on his pillow staring at him.


“Spike. Get off my pillow,” Eric said, his voice rough from sleeping.


In the moon light that shone on Eric’s side of the bed, Eric saw Spike stretch and move a little, as if getting comfortable. 'No, my spot.'


“Spike, move.” Eric tried to push her off, but Spike grabbed his hand, her claws digging into his skin threateningly. 'Don’t touch me, or else.'


“Damn cat,” Eric growled. He sat up and snagged the spare pillow that was at the end of the bed. He put it so that some of it was on Spike, just to annoy her.


Clearly, Spike thought this meant war. Just as Eric got comfortable lying on his back, Spike got up and walked over him, sitting on his stomach. Eric felt her paws creep forward and he quickly bucked his hips, knocking her off him. Eric always got paranoid whenever Spike went near his crotch (could you blame the guy?!), and kept her away, regardless of what Ryan said about her learning her lesson.


She was not a cat you could just forget and forgive in one day.


Eric turned onto his back and ignored Spike. Spike, did not take that kindly. She jumped onto his back and started rolling around, irritating the hell out of the Cuban.


“Spike, shove off, I’m trying to sleep!” Eric hissed, picking her up and dropping her unceremoniously on the floor. That was where he went wrong. Spike took great offense to that and proceeded to bug the hell out of him for the rest of the night. She did it so much that Eric finally got out of bed and locked her out of the room. Like that went well. She started scratching at the door, meowing loudly.


“Arg! Fine take the stupid bed!” Eric nearly shouted. He grabbed a pillow and stormed off to the couch, leaving a very smug Spike behind him.






Jodine16: Part 11 of 12 in this silly little series.





This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Jodine16.
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