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Part 10 of The Little Shi—Cat Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Spike the Attention Whore


She’s insistent alright. Especially when she helps you. Part 10 of 12


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Disclaimer: The characters of CSI: Miami are the property of CBS Broadcasting Inc and Alliance-Atlantis Communications. No copyright infringement is intended.


Warning: Swearing! Established Male/Male Relationship! Not your thing, then leave!


Jodine16: This takes place a week after Spike the Voyeur and Sadist.






Spike the Attention Whore



Spike was pissed off. She didn’t understand why her human and Dumb Mouse were upset. She just saw dangly things and attacked. It’s a very natural kitty thing for her to do. What made her angry was that they. Clip. Her. Nails. She heard from other cats that their owners did that all the time. Her human has never done that before and it’s all because of that damn Dumb Mouse!


But as she watched them interact, she realized that the dangly things that she attacked were Dumb Mouse’s mating tools. While she happily admitted that she didn’t want any of Dumb Mouse’s offspring running around, she also grudgingly knew that was a sensitive area. Yeah, she was female, but she was very sore there when her human took her to the vet when she was almost an adult.


Maybe she should make it up to him. Show she didn’t mean to hurt him that much.


Hm, what to do, what to do.





When Spike was prowling the house, it was early morning, maybe a half hour before her human had to wake. Then suddenly she saw all the bright, blinking, lights go out then come back on only the lights were flashing. That’s when Spike remembered her human storming around the house in hurry because this happened.


She hurried to her human’s room and jumped onto the bed. She made her way over to Dumb Mouse and started pawing his face. He groaned softly, but didn’t move.


Huffing, she grabbed his nose and tugged.


“Ugh, Spike, quit it,” he mumbled, his hands brushing his face.


“Meow!” 'Get up, now!!'


Eric opened his eyes and glared at the cat. Yesterday was long and tiring after spending most of it wading through the Miami dump looking for pieces of a body, which they later found out was in the Ever Glades, much to Eric’s irritation. Combine all that with his healing manly bits and you have a cranky, hurting CSI. Although, he did start to feel better when Ryan gave him a hot bubble bath. Sleep was what he needed and Spike clearly didn’t understand that.


Spike put her front paws of the flashing alarm clock and meowed again. Eric’s eyes widened when he saw the time. 12:00. Flash. 12:00. He didn’t have to go to work, but Ryan did. “Ry, baby, wake up. C’mon.”


Ryan moaned and rolled away. “Half an hour,” he murmured.


“Ryan you have to wake up, the power went out,” Eric urged.


Ryan sat up and looked at the clock. He rubbed his tiredly. “What? How did that happened?!”


“Haven’t a clue,” Eric responded. “C’mon, in the shower and I’ll see how late you are.”


Ryan grumbled under his breath, but grabbed some fresh clothes before heading into the bathroom. Eric glanced at Spike, who was sitting on his pillow. “Thanks Spike, I’m not sure if you did that intentionally or not —and I can’t believe I’m saying this— but thank you for waking me up.” Spike walked up to him and rubbed her body against his arm before jumping off the bed and heading to the bathroom.


Eric ran a hand through his hair, sighing. Spike confused the hell out of him. Just when he thought he had her figured out, she goes and does something completely unexpected.


Damn cat.





As it turned out, Spike gratefully woke them up a half hour before their alarm was supposed to go off. Currently, Eric was at his computer, reading his mail, while eating a turkey sandwich he made.


As he took a bite, he felt a tug on the other end. Looking above the large sandwich, he saw familiar pointed ears. Eric swallowed what was in his mouth. “Hello, Spike.” Spike munched on the meat she managed to grab. He watched in amusement and a tiny bit of annoyance as she leaned forward to try and another bite. Eric leaned back, his sandwich coming out of reach of Spike. She gave him a look. 'I want some.'


“Spike, this is my sandwich.”


'So? I woke you up. I want some.'


Eric rolled his eyes scowling. He hated it when Spike was right for once. He grabbed a thick chunk and set it on the desk. “There, eat that.”


'At the rate I’m going, I’m gonna be more whipped than Ryan,' Eric thought with faint hilarity.






Jodine16: Part 10 of 12 in this silly little series.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Jodine16.
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