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Part 1 of Getting Together
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Crosshairs of a Sniper


Speed and Horatio track down a sniper

Disclaimer and Beta list on my author's page

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~ Speed ~

It's all laid out right here in front of me.  All those little bits of people's lives stuffed into evidence bags; the personal items they never thought someone like me would be standing here looking at.  Not like this.

The PDA goes with the stockbroker guy.  I got the shots I took to match this gigantic jigsaw puzzle together with, which helps.  Couldn't do this any other way. The coffee mug belongs to the secretary.  I got one of her shoes, her bag.  Photos.  Those go with the other guy.  He had a pack of photos.

What connects these people, besides them all lying in the morgue?

Three average people just going about their daily lives.  Least that's what it looks like.  Doesn't make sense.  Not yet.

There's something ghoulish about this stuff, going through their belongings like this.  I know it.  But maybe there's a reason here and I just can't see it. 

At least it gets it off the street.  I hate people standing around staring like they got nothing better to do.  You just know each damn one of them is thankful it’s not them lying there on the sidewalk.  I'd be yelling at them if H hadn't stopped me.  How does he not let this get to him?  I gotta figure that out one day too.

Freaks me out when the stockbroker's cell starts going off.  Got a cold shudder.  Whoever it is, they don't know what's happened.  Just an ordinary thing like a phone call.  Should be an ordinary day for these guys right...?

~ Horatio ~

I moved through the lab with a purpose. We have to find this guy and do it fast before he strikes again. Terrorizing my city. I won't permit it. 
On my way back to my office I stopped by the Trace Lab to see Speed working diligently. He's going through the victims’ belongings trying to find that connection between them.

I'm not sure if I'm hoping there’s a connection, a master plan in all these deaths, or if it's just random with no reasoning or plan behind the victims. I shudder at the thought. Killing without motive?  Well, if the only motive is the goal to see someone die, it makes the killer that much harder to find and their path of destruction so much worse.

The toll of the case is weighting heavily on my team. I can see it in the way they are moving through the lab. Stressed, worried, and determined.

I stepped through the door. "Speed? Have anything for me?"

~ Speed ~

Frowning. I seem to be frowning a lot today.

"Nothing. Three average people doing average things on an average day. I can't find anything to link them yet. I'll go through the PDA, cell records. Maybe they knew each other somehow and they didn't realize it. There's a pile of security tapes here though from all the local stores. Maybe, I'll find something there."

I can't help sighing. Other people are gonna die before we stop this guy. I know it.

That's when the cell started ringing again, and I'm sure a pained expression crossed my face cos Horatio's looking at me worried now.

"Part of me really wants to answer that, H."

~ Horatio ~

I looked over at the phone.  I always hate telling a friend or loved one that someone they care about is gone. I gave them my number to call for anything and hung up, handing it back to Speed.  It's still evidence after all.

"Dig as deep as you can, Speed."  He's the top in his field if there was a connection he would find it. "I have faith in you."

He looked at me with those rich brown eyes of his filled with determination. "Got it H."

~ Speed ~

There's nothing. Hours of searching through cell phone records and grainy looking tapes and all I got is that Jason Groves, Lou Blake and Mya Franklin were doing normal daily a dry cleaners, a coffee shop and a one hour photo.

Night's fallen outside and I didn't even notice.

H thinks that's a theme...everyone’s in a hurry.

My shoulders ache. I've been sitting here too long. At least him and Calleigh found the guy's name, address and bonsai trees.

Can't find him though.

Big shock there then.

This isn't getting any easier and Eric's sister is already trying to stop their dad from going to work. Bets are being taken on the sniper hitting again.

And all I got is this!

If I wasn't so tired, I'd be throwing things across the room in frustration.

"Five hours to rush hour," he says.

Yeah. Plenty of targets to pick from, and I'm not helping here.

~ Horatio ~

He took another victim. A simple college professor stopping to get something to eat. I prowled through the lab wanting information, something, anything to tell me where this guy is. Speed was desperately looking for information. I can see the frustration on the surface.

He knew like I did that with the dawn of a new day would come more victims. I stopped outside his lab and watched him work tirelessly. I admired his dedication, trying to find something to stop this guy.

Walking into the room I gave him a tired smile. "Go home."

"I can't, we have no idea where this guy is and come tomorrow rush hour..." He looked over at me, his stance showing his exhaustion.

"Then let me get you some coffee," I beckoned toward the door. "We could use a moment to clear our heads."

He looked at me for a moment almost as if unsure, and then took off his lab coat. "Sounds good, H."

~ Speed ~

He's trying to make me feel at ease, but I'm not really listening.

I'd narrowed down the substance on the back of the firearms data card. I just had to narrow down which hotel roof it came from. If I could do that, there was hope we'd stop this guy tomorrow.

I wasn’t even sure there was time for coffee.

I think, maybe I smiled a little at what H was saying, but I'll put money on him knowing my head is still in the lab.

I should be back in there. Internet gambling sites were betting on this guy striking again. People were making money off this asshole!

Why am I standing here drinking coffee?

"I gotta get back to the computer, H," I mumbled.

As much as I like the time we get to spend together, and it doesn't happen as often as I'd like, I just can't stand here.

His smile is generous and warm. I love that smile. If I can one day encourage people with just a smile that way, my days in this place ruining my eye sight staring at computer screens won't have been in vain.

That smile makes me blush. I gotta stop doing that...

~ Horatio ~

I gave him a smile.  I could drag the body out of the lab, but the mind was still working the evidence. I can relate, as much as I know  we both needed the step away from the office; my mind was still on the case. Morning was approaching too soon.

"Promise me," I gave him that ‘I'm the boss and know what’s good for you’ look, "that after that last test is run you'll get some rest."

As he opened his mouth to protest, I placed my fingers over his lips not sure what possessed me to do it.  "Even if it’s crashing on the break room couch..." My eyes focused on the full lips and the feel of them under my finger. I had to pull away before I took it a step too far.

His brown eyes were questioning, emotions mixed in; we held that gaze for a while before my phone went off.

"Caine." I answered, tossing my coffee into the trash and heading out with Speed right behind me.

I smiled. 
We got him.

~ Speed ~

There were plenty of sites for this guy to aim form but given his capacity to show off, he'd choose a high traffic target upward of 800 yards away or more.

We knew which hotel he'd be on. Morning rush hour...

Morning rush hour.

Eric got sent up in the chopper. Calleigh was sent with SWAT.   And me...?

I stared at him. He wasn't going to do what I thought he was going to do...right?


Part of me really wanted to pull him back but I didn't. He knows the risks, I'm not his momma. He doesn't need me whining in his ear.

He looked at me strangely; like he had in the break room, with so much compassion and caring.

"Be careful," was all I managed to finally croak out as he ran out the door.

And all I could do was watch; remembering that soft and fleeting touch of his finger on my lips.

"Just don't get dead, H, please."

I held my breath.

~ Horatio ~

I watched them escort the sniper to the squad car; I couldn't help the wide but determined grin on my face. We caught the bad guy, justice will be served.

It had been a long couple of days, and I was pretty much ready to head home and crash. But first I had to make sure the suspect was booked and the paperwork was filled out. We still couldn't afford for anything to go wrong with this case. 
I looked around the lab and noticed Speed had gone home.  Good.   He needed the rest.
As I turned to head to my office I ran into Alexx, Speed’s mom. And she didn't look happy.

"Alexx?" I asked smiling.

"I'm not happy with you." Her dark eyes boring into mine. Nope she wasn’t happy at all.

Okay, what did I do to make momma bear upset?  "I'm sorry."

It's usually the easiest approach. Her hands are on her hips and she’s giving me that look. "Okay what did I do?"

"Sniper, target, left my baby off in a corner scared out of his mind you would end up on my table." She poked me.

Speed scared for me...

"Don't get that shocked look, Horatio Caine. You know...oh God you don't know." She stepped back and shook her head. "Do us all a favor Horatio. Go see Timmy."

~ Speed ~

I have no idea how I got home. I don't even remember the trip. Must've got here somehow, on autopilot I guess.

I can't...

I just...

Okay, breathe you idiot.

Just breathe.

All I want to is to smack the stubborn sonofabitch. He didn't have to be there, it didn't have to go down that way!

I could've...he could be...

Focus Speed. What are you? Twelve? He's alive. Be happy. Yeah, of course I'm happy. I'm freakin' ecstatic he put himself in the path of a sniper's bullet and left me sitting there in lab with my head up my ass!

By the time I heard someone hammering on the door I was pretty well through a bottle of scotch. Not really sure what the time was but hey, I could at least close my eyes and not see him lying there on the sidewalk with a bullet in his temple.

"Yeah, yeah...keep your pants on I'm getting to it..."

The hammering was loud and obnoxious and my head wasn't up for it. Two guesses says it’s Alexx come to make sure I'm not still freaking out. I don't even need to talk to that woman and she knows things...freaky. She's a mind reader I swear. A gypsy or something maybe.

"Quit it with the damn hammering!" I yell, trying to concentrate on getting the door open.

If it’s Alexx she'll smack me for saying that. Why did I say that?

I hiccup when I finally find I'm face to face with...


Yeah, good opening line there Speed. Very deep.

He's looking at me like he did in the break room.

~ Horatio ~

I slipped off my sunglasses.  He looked stressed, tired, and pissed.

"Can I come in?" I asked as I slid into the house. My eyes caught the bottle of scotch and glass.

"Sure." he waved his arm as he shut the door. "Wanna drink? Or would you prefer to go out and act like a target some more?"

I turned toward Speed, watching him intently. He cringed and looked down at the floor muttering to himself. What he said I just couldn't quite hear.

"I'm sorry." I went straight to the point. I was never one to drag things out.

He looked up at me in shock. "What?"

"I left you at the lab, alone, and didn't keep you updated on our progress.  For that I'm sorry. You're part of this team..."

I stumbled back, sunglasses dropping to the floor.  My hand flew up to my aching jaw.  Who the hell knew Speed had a good left hook?  I looked over at him and paused.

He really was pissed.

~ Speed ~

I hit him.

Oh God.

That's it Speed you are so fired.

I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing's coming out.

He's looking kinda stunned, but he's not the only one.

Something inside me takes over. Where words won't do it, actions have certainly fucked up for me. Why not make it worse? What's he gonna do? Fire my ass?

I'm already packing.

With one step I'm right there in his personal space but this time I'm kissing him and pushing him back against the wall.

To hell with doing this right. I just gotta do it...

~ Horatio ~

His lips are soft on mine. I moan and open up to the kiss, deepening it. My arms slip around his waist and pull him closer, wanting to feel every inch of his body against mine. I could go on kissing, tasting those sweet lips, but the lack of oxygen made me pull back.
I stared deep into his eyes.  "Speed?"

~ Speed ~

Still not breathing good. He's holding me...that means he wants this right? I mean he was entitled to hit me too...

"Thought you'd hit me," I mutter, still tasting him.

Is that his heart I feel beating so fast? Or mine?

God, but I could drown in those eyes.  Just being this close to him...

~ Horatio ~

I cupped his cheek, rubbing my fingers over the scruffy beard. "Believe me Speed I don't want to hit you." I smiled brightly. "Actually I would rather kiss you again."

And with that I leaned forward and took his lips into another tongue tangling kiss. My hand slipped into those dark locks and held him while I devoured that sweet mouth.

My suit pants did little to disguise my arousal as I moved from his mouth and down the prickly jaw line, nibbling on a spot just under his ear. Was that moan his or mine?

~ Speed ~

God this is amazing...

Breathe Speed. Remember to breathe... it’s okay to breathe...

His lips are making me tingle. I'm sure I moaned. Did I? Was that me?

I dropped my head onto his shoulder and felt his breath against my neck. I can't stop shaking, but I'm holding him now. Like an idiot I didn't know where to put my hands for a second or two, but I'm holding him; my arms around him, my hands under that jacket he's wearing.

He feels warm. Solid.

"Don't stop..."

The words are out of my mouth before I know it.  Begging, pleading.  Please God, don't let him stop.

~ Horatio ~

I had no intention of stopping now, and slid my hand down his back to give his ass a squeeze before pulling back slightly.

"Can we move this some place...?" I ask, running my hands up under his shirt touching hot skin. "Somewhere I can get you naked and laid out so I can see and feel all of you?"

~ Speed ~

I'm drunk. I gotta be dreaming.

Or I'm dead maybe? Yeah, I'm asleep right? I'm fantasizing again...

Is this too fast? I can't breathe.


Great goldfish impression Speed, but his hands on my skin are driving me insane. I can't focus on anything but his touch, so I bury my head against his shoulder and shyly kiss along his neck above his collar.

If I'm dreaming I don't want to wake up, but pressing against him I can feel how aroused he is and I'm not exactly subtle either when it comes to my groin leading the way here.

~ Horatio ~

I moan as his lips press against my neck. I turn us and hold him up against the wall, ripping his shirt open, letting buttons flying around the living room.  But finally his chest is exposed to my sight and I run my fingers down the hard chest scraping over his nipples, feeling them grow hard.

I lean in and take his mouth into another deep kiss, before working my way down his neck and chest. I have one goal in mind.
My hand brushes against his erection and I squeeze it lightly before dropping to my knees and looking up at him with a mischievous smile.

~ Speed ~

Yeah I'm dreaming...that's gotta be it...

I'm moaning as he touches me. I can't believe this is happening, not now, not after all those nights I'd woken up and been aching for him to do this.

I look down at him on his knees and gaze into his eyes.

He wants me, wants this, us.

"Please..." and that's the only thing I can find to say after all those fine words I'd been planning on.

What the hell DO you say when your boss is grinning and clearly about to blow you while you stand there with your shirt open and a hard on straining for release?

"Please H..."

And his fingers tickle over my skin. I never thought his touch would be like this.

I reach out and run my fingers through his hair. So soft. Just like I'd imagined. I'm not sure if my knees can take this...

~ Horatio ~

I unbuttoned the jeans and release his cock, so smooth and hard to the touch. I kiss the head lovingly before licking away a drop of pre-cum.

So good.

I take the head into my mouth sucking on it gently, my tongue swirling around before taking him deeper, burying my nose into his hair; inhaling the musky sent that is Speed.

~ Speed ~

Is it me making that sound? Yeah, must be...

My hips jerk forward. His mouth feels so perfect.

And his tongue could tease me for hours.

I'm shaking. Feels so damn good. I mean I'd dreamt about him doing this but never thought it would feel...

"Horatio...don't stop...please..."

Can't breathe...oh god...

~ Horatio ~

I had no intention of stopping.

I sucked on the head, lapping up the fluid leaking from that thick warm cock. My fingers moved further back searching for that one spot, the very center of him.

I hum softly as my finger runs over his opening.

~ Speed ~

My legs are gonna give way...


With humiliating speed I'm yelling his name and coming down his throat, feeling him swallow around me.


Panting for breath now all I can feel is him. I don't even realize how tightly I'm clinging to him there on his knees, until I let go and I'm shaking so much I can't help it...

He just...he...did he really just...?

Coherent thought would be good but...all I want is to be naked next to him and kissing every inch of his body...

~ Horatio ~

I swallowed every drop, licked him clean before tucking him back in and standing back up to take his mouth into a deep, hard kiss.

I nuzzled his ear. "Why don’t we take this someplace I can get you naked and horizontal?"

I kissed him softly, more tenderly. "This isn't just one night, Tim..." I hoped he understood I wanted it all, his heart, soul and body.

~ Speed ~

"Good...cos I'm not sharing you with anybody...ever..."

I'm gonna wake up in a minute...I'm sure of it, but I still grab his hand and lead him upstairs to the bedroom. I just want my hands on his skin and my tongue finding all those places where I can turn him on.
If it's a dream, I want everything before my alarm clock wakes me up.
If it’s not, I still want everything.  I've waited too long for this moment.

Series this work belongs to: