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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Ryan Wolfe Evil Genius at your service Madam


Genre: Gen
Rating: FR-T
Archive: Looks over at bunny, are you freaking nuts? Never mind, forgot who I was talking to.
Series/Sequel: See above comment
Synopsis: A typical Day at the Compound
AN: This bunny appeared full grown and howling thanks to a comment in the latest installment of Vo's Dragon series, in which Ryan, in an evil genius mood, talks to Stephni about working on his evil genius wardrobe and getting an evil genius pet. He doesn't want a cat because all evil geniuses have a cat, maybe a evil bunny (Ryan's not a writer, otherwise he'd know that all bunnies are evil, they look cute and innocent to lull you into a sense of false security then attack) and his friend said that all ferrets are evil, so how could you tell an evil ferret from a good boy ferret?
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Ryan Wolfe Evil Genius, at your service Madam
by Josette Grover  or



Ryan Wolfe sits down at the table, absently petting his bunny George as the others begin to come into the room. A pained bellow can be heard in the hallway and Eric comes running into the room, hiding behind Ryan's legs followed seconds later by a fuming Speed.

"Come back here you little bastard, SO I CAN KILL YOU."

"Speed, whatever is the matter? Talk to Daddy?"

"Your goddamn clone bit me again." Speed mutters, limping around the table and sitting in his usual spot before rolling his pants leg up. "Thank god the little creep didn't break the skin this time, last time Alexx had to give me a tetanus shot and they hurt."

"Eric, it's not nice to bite others."

"Unless it's that moron Stetler, him you can bite all you want." Speed says. Eric makes a disgusted face. "Yeah, you're right, he'd probably taste bad."

Horatio, dressed in his usual three piece suit comes into the room accompanied by Calleigh. They sit down at the table, putting folders down in front of the others when the door across the room blows open. "Dr. Wolfe, I am here to arrest you on charges of . . . " the man coming into the room, dressed in a loud jacket, white shirt with ruffles at the sleeves and neck, starts saying as Ryan calmly reaches over and pushes a button located under the edge of the table at every seat. The floor under him vanishes and he drops into a tank of mutated sea bass.

"Now, if we can get back to business?" Ryan asks calmly, holding his pinkie up to his mouth.

"Dad, why don't you just shoot Stetler instead of letting him escape your stupid traps all the time?" Speed asks. "I'll even help you shoot him, it will be a father/son bonding moment and you always complain I'm not evil enough for you."

"Speed, don't bother Daddy, I'm busy." Ryan says. Grumbling under his breath, Speed stalks out of the room, pausing long enough to kick Stetler back into the pit as he tries to climb out.

"Okay, now that the disruptions are over, can we please get back to business? Throw me a fricking bone here people."
