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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Valera overhears some very interesting things when she goes with Eric and Ryan to a conference.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

<b>Disclaimer</b>: The characters of CSI: Miami are the property of CBS Broadcasting Inc and Alliance-Atlantis Communications. No copyright infringement is intended.

<b>Warning</b>: <b>Male/Male homosexual content! Don’t like, don’t read.</b>

Jodine16: It wouldn’t be considered voyeurism because Valera isn’t actually watching so what would it be called? Eavesdropping-ism? Lol, does anyone know, I’m just curious.

This also contains a surprise pairing! Valera x ??? BUT, have no worries, absolutely nothing graphic, just merely implied.



Calleigh watched Ryan and Eric, with a raised eye brow, as they avoid eye contact with each other while getting a cup of coffee The both of them had just gotten back from a conference in Vegas and Calleigh was itching to get them to spill their guts on every detail fo the trip, even if it was just a forensics convention. They got their cups then proceeded to sit down. Ryan caught Eric’s eye from across the coffee table and his cheeks went a dark red, and his eyes darted to his cup, while Eric looked like he was biting the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. “Alright, what did you two do?” Calleigh asked impatiently, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Ryan jumped, as if just realizing she was there. “Huh, oh nothing. How’ve you been Cal? You look great, new hair cut?” He rambled.

Calleigh grinned. “Someone’s humiliated. Where’s Horatio? What’d you guys do that was so bad?”


“Ryan, was that a squeak I heard?” Calleigh teased.

Ryan stood quickly. “You know, I have a sudden urge to get my paperwork done. Later.” He left.

Before Calleigh could pounce on Eric for information, the Cuban stood as well. “You know, that sounds like a good plan.”

Calleigh pouted. “Geez, what the heck were they doing to be so embarrassed about?”

“It’s a funny story actually,” Valera said next to the mini fridge.

“How’d you find out what happened?!”

Valera smiled, sitting down in front of the Southern blonde. “I was with them for the conference in Vegas, and my room was next to theirs.”

“Lucky, so tell, tell,” Calleigh said eagerly, leaning forward.

“Well, it started about two hours after we had dinner and we had parted ways to our rooms....”


Valera had been reading over her notes when she heard the door next to her room bang open then slam shut. Startled, she stood; intent on finding out what the noise was all about when she heard a quiet noise. It sounded like a moan. Upon closer inspection, she heard a gasped, “Eric!” and instantly knew what was going on. She heard rumours about the two men in a relationship, but watching the way they interacted at work they just seemed like friends. “Eric...Eric, wait. Valera’s in the other room...we...uh...”

“Your point? This is a hotel room, what else are we suppose to do? She can either leave or enjoy it. I doubt she can hear what’s going on, anyway.” Valera felt her cheeks redden. She knew the right thing to do was to back off and maybe head out and do something until the guys were done doing whatever, but she felt her bad girl side perk up and insist she stay and listen in. '<i>It’s not like they’d notice,</i>' the little voice whispered. '<i>Besides, this is Vegas! Relax and enjoy the free show!</i>' If the boys somehow found out that she eavesdropped she could always blame the lab for wanting to save money by giving them lousy hotel rooms.

“It’s not like I can really see what’s going on,” Valera muttered to herself, but nonetheless, got comfortable in a chair near the wall that separated the two rooms.

“Eric, why are our beds pushed together?”

Valera could hear the grin in the Cuban’s voice. “Bigger playground.” Valera heard a grunt and thud. “Now, where were we?”

“Eric, are you...uh...sure that’s safe?”

“Less talk, more naked.”

“That’s not a verb, Lover-Boy.”

“Oh be quiet.”

Valera’s eyebrows rose. '<i>Those two have the weirdest pre-sex conversations I’ve ever heard.</i>'

There were faint sounds of lips against lips before the noises were covered with a zipper being undone. A ruffling noise told her clothing was being removed, and she could just envision the two young, hot men lying naked, making out on cheap sheets. She could definitely feel herself getting hot and bothered. '<i>Someone’s going to be sore and sated when we get home,</i>' she thought evilly. '<i>And I’m not referring to the guys, either.</i>' She added with a shy giggle.

She was shaken out of her muses when she heard a soft whimper. “Eric, please, just do it, already. I need you.”

“Happy to satisfy you.” Valera shivered at the growl of Eric’s voice. She heard the pop of a cap coming off and figured he had some sort of lube. Several minutes of silence later, the lab tech heard a hissed sigh of pleasure and a groan. “God, you feel so good, baby.”

“Hmmm, I love it when you’re deep inside me,” Ryan groaned. She could definitely feel herself getting wet as the sound of the squeaking mattress (or was it mattresses?) and intake of air grew.

Ryan mewled and then there was a gasp. At first, Valera figured Ryan’s prostate (from what she was knew was the world of pleasure spots for most men) was hit, until Ryan started babbling. “Eric...Eric, stop, wait! Arg!” Valera was a little startled at the cry of surprise.

There was silence then Valera was pretty sure she heard a muffled giggle. “Ryan, ah, are you okay?”

“No! I told you this wasn’t a good idea! Now help...are you laughing? God help if you—”

“Oh c’mon, Ry, this is a little funny—”

“Funny?! Oh that is it Mister. Up, get me outta here.”

Valera could hear shifting around before there were footsteps and the slamming of a door (Valera assumed it was the bathroom door, given it was most logical).

“Ryan, don’t be like that. I’m sorry, really.”

“Yeah right. Leave me alone so I can sulk in private.”

“Ryyyy.” Who knew Eric could whine so well and still sound sexy? “Look, I’ll move the beds back and we can do it on one bed, from now on, okay?”

There was silence for a moment, before Valera heard the muffled reply, “Fine.”

“Great, so can I come in?”

“No, you can wait until I get out.”


Valera retreated to her bed for some much need personal time.


Valera grinned as she and the boys headed back to the conference room from lunch. “Ryan, watch out for that crack in the sidewalk you might...fall in.” She continued on forward, leaving the two gaping CSIs behind her.

<i>Flashback ends</i>

Calleigh laughed. “That’s what they’re so embarrassed about?”

“I think they’re more embarrassed that I heard them than anything. Well, my break’s over, I gotta go. I’ll see you later.”

Calleigh smirked. “Oh, you will.”


Jodine16: Un autre histoire fini! Now, remember people this is fanFICTION. Meaning if I want Valera going with Eric and Ryan to a conference, then she’s going. And if they’re getting lousy rooms, so be it. And yes, Valera has super hearing! The Valera x Calleigh pairing was a total random thing.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Jodine16.
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