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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Snapshots of a life


Gibbs and Tony move forwards.

Sequel to/continuation of Movements towards life


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

“You really need all of your DVDs at once?” Gibbs asked as they stepped out of the car at Tony’s apartment complex.


“Yes.” Tony nodded. “I have to do something while you’re in the basement with your damn boat.” Tony replied. “And the TV and DVD player are already there.” Tony had been in a bad mood all day. Having reached the fourth month of his pregnancy he had been placed on restricted duties, which meant he could do very little other than desk work. This was the first day that he had really felt the effects of that, with the rest of the team in the field he had been left to follow the paper trail and run background checks.


“We’re moving the most of your stuff this weekend.” Gibbs reminded him.


“I want them before then.” Tony replied through gritted teeth.


“Patience never was a virtue you ascribed to was it, Anthony?” Gibbs looked up to see a tall, older man addressing Tony.


“Hi, dad.” Tony greeted slowly.


“You must be Jethro Gibbs.” Anthony DiNozzo Senior extended his hand. Gibbs nodded and shook his hand reluctantly.


“That’s right.” He agreed.


“Anthony’s spoken about you often. He never mentioned the two of you were lovers though.”


“Partners.” Tony corrected.


“Excuse me?” Tony’s father looked at him disdainfully.


“He said I’m his partner.” Gibbs repeated it for Tony. He was trying hard to be civil to this man, for Tony’s sake, but he had little respect for him. Although Tony had never been physically abused by his parents the neglect and psychological abuse he had suffered had been just as damaging in Gibbs’ eyes. The past few months spent in such close quarters with Tony revealed flashes of vulnerability and insecurity that Gibbs had seen in Tony before but hadn’t realised were so prevalent.


“Your mother sent me.” Mr. DiNozzo turned back to his son. “When we heard you were pregnant we were surprised.”


“No.” Tony disagreed. “When you heard I was pregnant and planning to keep the children you were surprised.”


“Children?” Mr. DiNozzo asked.


“I’m having twins.” Tony sighed, somehow unhappy that he had given that piece of information away.


“I’m glad to hear it. I thought someone must have made a mistake when we were informed how far along you are. Either that or you had gained some extra…pregnancy weight.”


“It’s twins.” Gibbs told him certainly. Tony’s weight was still a sensitive issue and with him not being in the best state of mind that day Gibbs didn’t want to give his father the opportunity to get to him so easily.


“What do you want, dad?” Tony asked, sighing. “We’ve both been at work all day, we just want to pick some things up from here and go home.”


“Were you planning to inform your mother and I that you had moved?”


“I don’t need to inform you of anything. You always manage to find out anyway.” Tony replied. “And I’m not moving completely until the end of the month. I was going to send an email to your assistant then.”


“And just when were you planning to inform us you were pregnant?”


“When I was ready.” Tony replied. “Dad.” He said softly. “I’m pregnant. 4 months along. I’m having twins. In two weeks I’ll be moved into my partner’s house. Did I leave anything out?” He asked Gibbs.


“I don’t think so.” Gibbs replied.


“Your mother wants you to visit.” Mr. DiNozzo told his son.


“I have to work.”


“You must have parental leave.”


“I work for a government agency, of course I have it. I’m just planning to save as much as possible for when the babies are born.”


“This is ridiculous, Anthony. You don’t need to work. With what your grandparents left you you could…”


“I like working.” Tony told him through gritted teeth. “I get bored at home. I like going to work, I like the job that I do. I get a sense of satisfaction from it that nothing else gives me. After the babies are born I’ll take my parental leave and then I’ll probably work part time for a while. But I am planning to go back to work after they’re born. Look, if mom wants to see me she’ll have to come here. You can call first, it’s good manners.” Tony suggested. “But don’t think you’re suddenly going to show up and play a part in these kids’ lives. There is no way I’m giving you the chance to screw them up like you did me.”


“But you turned out so well, Anthony.” His father replied scathingly. “Fine upstanding member of the community, working in law enforcement for a government agency, settling down with your partner.” He almost spat the last word.


“You can say what you want.” Tony shook his head. “I like my life. I love my life.” Tony corrected himself. “I love Jethro. And I’m going to love these kids, so you can either do this my way or forget about being involved with them.” He pushed past his father and walked into the apartment complex. Seeing Mr. DiNozzo about to grab his son Gibbs stopped him.


“Don’t give me the opportunity to hurt you, Mr. DiNozzo.”


“You wouldn’t dare.”


“Several witnesses just saw you acting aggressively to my pregnant partner. No court in the land would convict me for preventing you from assaulting him.” Gibbs replied dangerously. “Either play this game his way or don’t bother.” He followed Tony inside the building, finding him waiting at the stairs for Gibbs.


“Sorry.” Tony apologised.


“Hey.” Gibbs tipped his chin up to make him look him in the eyes and then kissed him softly. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” He assured the younger man. “And Tony….” He added when the younger man had turned to head up the stairs. Tony turned back to face him.




“I love you too.”




“That’s everything.” Gibbs sat on the sofa next to Tony while McGee took a seat on the sofa facing, next to Abby.


“About time.” Tony grinned.


“You could have helped.” McGee commented.


“Not allowed.” Tony stuck his tongue out. “No heavy lifting.” He chanted.


“Tony.” Gibbs warned. He wasn’t in the mood to put up with Tony’s humour. Tony’s lease on his apartment ended the following day and Gibbs had enlisted the help of McGee to get the last of Tony’s possessions boxed up and into the house they would now share.


“I’ll be good.” Tony promised.


“You’re not capable of that.” Gibbs sighed.


“Be nice.” Abby reprimanded. Gibbs just sighed again while Tony grinned.


“You’re in a good mood.” McGee commented.


“Why wouldn’t I be? I’ve been practically living here as it is, now I get all my stuff here to keep me company.”


“You’re going to need it.” Gibbs groused. “You’re not leaving the house when you’re on leave from work.”


“Are you trying to bait him?” Abby demanded.


“No.” Gibbs glared at her.


“He just didn’t realise how much junk I had.” Tony guessed correctly.


“It’s not junk and this house is more than big enough for all of it.” Abby told Gibbs. “You should be nice to him, he’s having your babies.”


“I am nice to him.” Gibbs looked a little put out. “Aren’t I?” He looked at Tony.


“Yup.” Tony replied agreeably. “Don’t worry about me, Abs, I can stick up for myself.”


“Yeah?” She frowned. “You seem upset a lot recently.” She commented.


“That’s hormones.” Gibbs replied. “You can’t blame me for that.”


“Well, technically it’s half your fault.” Tony intersected.


“So I’m supposed to pussy foot around?” Gibbs asked.


“No, but you could try being sensitive.” Abby replied.


“Hey.” Tony interrupted. “I don’t want him sensitive.” He told Abby. “I want him to be Gibbs. And you stop baiting Abby.” He told Gibbs.


“I’m not baiting anyone.” Gibbs sulked. Abby was pouting too.


“I think you’re going to do just fine dealing with kids.” McGee grinned at Tony who smiled back.




Tony gripped Gibbs hand as he lay on the examination table, focusing intently on the screen and waiting for the image to appear.


“There we go.” The doctor was in the room along with the nurse this time. He had assured them that it was just because he wanted to make sure there were no complications that could be caused by having twins. “Baby number one.” He commented, smiling as both Gibbs and Tony stared raptly at the screen. “Baby number two.” He added as the nurse moved the probe across Tony’s distended abdomen and the second baby came into focus.


“They look like real babies.” Tony commented quietly. “Last time they looked like aliens.” He explained to the nurse who laughed softly. Gibbs just shook his head, watching carefully as the nurse moved the probe and the doctor checked to see everything was progressing properly.


“Everything looks fine.” The doctor commented. “They’re both developing well and at the same rate.” Gibbs released a breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding.


“Do you want to know the sex?” The nurse asked gently.


“Please.” Tony nodded.


“Ok.” She moved the probe once more. “Baby number one is a girl.” She said. Gibbs hand tightened slightly on Tony’s. The nurse moved the probe across again. “And baby number two is a boy.”


“Really?” Tony grinned when the nurse nodded. “Cool, one of each.” He smiled up at Gibbs who was still staring at the screen. “Can we have some pictures again?”


“Of course.” The nurse printed the some of the images, also giving them a copy of the disc that the ultrasound was recorded on, Tony knew Abby would get a kick out of seeing the babies move and McGee would probably be freaked out that he was looking at Tony’s insides. The doctor spoke to them for a short while about what they could expect from the rest of Tony’s pregnancy, answering all of Gibbs questions patiently.


“The babies are fine.” Tony said when Gibbs looked ready to ask another question. “One boy, one girl, both healthy. Stop worrying.” Gibbs frowned at him.


“It’s fine.” The doctor assured Tony. “I’m used to being asked these questions. Expectant fathers are always nervous, and for some reason they’re always worse when their partner is male.” He smiled. “But Tony’s right.” He told Gibbs. “The babies are developing perfectly. It’s a textbook pregnancy so far. If you do have any problems though, or questions, feel free to call me. It’s not a problem.” He assured them. “I want to see you in a month or so, just so we can see if the babies are in the right position and discuss birthing options.”


“Sure.” Tony agreed brightly. Gibbs shook his head with a smile, he knew Tony had been avoiding thinking about the birth but it was something they were going to have to consider. “Thanks, Doc. C’mon, lets get going, Abby will kill us if we don’t call her straight away.”




“One of each!” Abby clapped her hands excitedly as she looked in delight at the ultrasound, which was currently playing on the plasma screen in the squad room. Ziva and McGee were both watching, fascinated, and even the director had come down from her office to congratulate the two. Some of the other agents were also looking at the screen from a safe distance, none of them wanting to upset Gibbs, knowing how protective he was of his team under normal circumstances and how much more protective he was over Tony at that moment. “We can start doing the nursery now.” She reminded Tony who nodded enthusiastically. “And thinking about names.” She added.


“Oh, names!” Tony replied. “I’ve got some great ideas.” He grinned at Gibbs.


“Don’t start.” Gibbs warned.


“Why not? We have to start sooner or later.” Tony pretended to misunderstand. “I thought we could name the boy after something naval. Like Destroyer.” He grinned as Gibbs winced and the people listening in fought to hide their smiles.


“What about the girl?” Ziva asked, earning a glare from Gibbs.


“Tinkerbell.” Tony announced.


“Tinkerbell?” McGee was nearly choking with laughter.


“Yeah. You know, from Peter Pan? I love that movie.” Tony said enthusiastically.


“Those are great names.” Abby joined in. Gibbs looked ready to explode.


“We are not naming them Destroyer and Tinkerbell.” He said careful not to raise his voice. Tony’s hormones were still wreaking havoc and although he might seem happy at that particular moment in time everything could change very quickly and Gibbs didn’t want to deal with that in the squad room. There was also Tony’s stubborn streak to consider and if Gibbs got his back up Tony might refuse to consider any other names. “We’ve got plenty of time to discuss it.” He assured Tony who grinned.




“Hey, boss.” Tony walked into the office. Waddled, was a more appropriate description, as he was well over 7 months pregnant.


“Tony.” Gibbs stood up and sighed in frustration. “You’re supposed to be at home resting.”


“I’m resting.” Tony promised.


“You’re not at home.”


“I had some shopping to do.”

“What is it now?” Gibbs sighed. Tony had been on parental leave for the past two weeks and working part time for the month before that. He’d been making adjustments to their home so that it would be more suitable for when the babies were born.


“Just some things I wanted for the nursery.” Tony replied casually.


“Nesting instinct.” McGee mumbled.


“What?” Tony asked.


“He said nesting instinct.” Abby appeared behind Tony. “If you’re going to sneak out and meet me for lunch coming up here isn’t smart.” She mock whispered.


“Meet you for lunch? Abby, he’s supposed to be resting.” Gibbs growled.


“You think that’s what he’s doing when he’s at home on his own? I told you I caught him standing on a chair cleaning the windows last time I went to visit when you were out.” She replied. Gibbs sighed, remembering the argument he and Tony had had about that.


“What’s a nesting instinct?” Tony asked, letting Gibbs force him to sit down at his desk, making the temporary replacement move.


“Me and McGee looked up stages of pregnancy on the internet.” Abby admitted. “It said when you get closer to your due date you’d start wanting to make the house ready for the baby. Babies.” She corrected with a grin. “Setting up the nursery, making sure everything’s safe, doing weird things you wouldn’t normally do, like cleaning windows.” She added with a laugh.


“It’s not a nesting instinct.” Tony pouted. “I’m just bored out of my mind at home on my own all day.”


“Abby, take him for lunch and then bring him back here. McGee can take him home and sit with him to keep him company.” Gibbs sighed.


“Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.” Tony pouted. “And I’m not really hungry anyway.”


“You need to eat something.” Gibbs reminded him. The doctor had said that Tony’s appetite might return by this stage in the pregnancy as the babies would have moved down to Tony’s pelvis, reducing the pressure on his stomach. Unfortunately the fact that he was carrying twins meant that one baby was still putting pressure against his stomach while the other was happily resting against his bladder. This meant Tony had only been able to manage small amounts of food at once and was spending a lot of time rushing to the bathroom.


“I know, but I keep getting these weird twinges.” Tony shrugged. “I’ll grab something later.”

“Weird twinges?” McGee asked.


“Yeah.” Tony sighed. “In my side. They’re driving me nuts.”


“Tony.” Gibbs sighed this time. “How long have you been having them for?”


“Couple of hours. I was going to call you, but then they went away. Now they’re back.”


“How often?”

“Every couple of minutes.”


“Tony!” Abby looked at him in shock. “You’re having contractions.”


“I am not.” Tony argued. He gripped the table suddenly as pain washed over him.


“That is not a twinge.” Gibbs told him. He’d seen Tony take a punch in the face better.


“That one was worse than the others.” Tony admitted sheepishly. “They’ve been getting worse for the last hour or so.”


“We need to go to the hospital.” Gibbs moved to help Tony stand.


“I don’t think so.” Tony argued. “They’re really not that bad.” He winced as another contraction took his breath away and he gripped Gibbs’ hand tightly.


“Now is not the time to go into denial, Tony.” Gibbs told him. “We’re going to the hospital. If they say it’s nothing I’ll take you home.” He promised.


“I’m not ready yet.” Tony said quietly.


“I know.” Gibbs kissed his cheek, ignoring the fact that people were watching. “Me either but if they want to come you can’t stop ‘em.”


“I should have known any kids of yours would be impatient.” Tony sighed, walking with Gibbs to the elevator.


“Call me as soon as you have any news.” Abby called after them. “You think he’ll be ok?”


“He’ll be fine. He’s in good hands.” McGee replied.


“I wasn’t talking about Tony.” Abby sighed.

”Me either.” McGee smiled. “Tony will take care of him, Abby.”




“I can’t take this any more.” Abby threw her hands up.


“I’m sure Tony feels the same way, Abby.” Ziva said gently. Gibbs had called to tell them that Tony was indeed in labour and so he wouldn’t be returning to work. As soon as their shift was over the three of them, accompanied by Ducky of course, had rushed to the hospital where they had been told Tony was ‘comfortable’ but it might be a while before they saw the babies.


“Comfortable?” Tony had growled when Abby had been allowed to go and see him for a few moments. “I am not comfortable. Comfortable is sitting on the couch watching a football game on a Sunday afternoon. This is just….like going 15 rounds with Kate.” He winced as another contraction had hit him and Abby had been ushered out of the room.


“They’ve got to come soon.” McGee assured her. “He’s been in labour for hours now.”


“It is not uncommon for someone to be in labour for days, McGee.” Ziva corrected. Abby and McGee both glared at her. “But I’m sure that will not be the case.” She added hastily.


Ducky appeared suddenly, having been ejected from the delivery room, probably by Gibbs.


“How is he?”


“Threatening to kill our fearless leader.” Ducky smiled. “He’s feeling the urge to push and he’s sufficiently dilated so I don’t see it being much longer until we have at least one baby.” He replied. They all waited nervously, watching the second hand tick slowly around on the clock. After 20 minutes of anxiously waiting Gibbs appeared, looking exhausted.


“You got one?” Abby asked.


“A girl.” Gibbs nodded. “She’s fine. She’s perfect.” He corrected. “Tony wanted me to tell you.” Abby threw herself at him, hugging him delightedly. “I’ve got to go back.” He said, pushing her away gently. “Shouldn’t be too long before we have number two.” He disappeared back into the delivery suite.


“He looks shattered.” McGee commented.


“Seeing the one you love in pain is a very draining experience.” Ducky explained. They all nodded. 15 minutes later Gibbs was back, cradling his left hand to his chest.


“A boy.” He confirmed, smiling tiredly. “He’s fine.”



“Exhausted, but fine. They’re just cleaning the three of them up now.” He assured them. “Tony wants to take a bath and then the doctor said you guys can see him for a little while but then he needs to sleep.”


“What happened to your hand?” Ziva asked.


“Tony broke two of my fingers.” Gibbs shrugged.


“Names?” Abby asked. Gibbs and Tony had been guarding the names they had chosen for the twins carefully. Gibbs just shook his head.


“He might change his mind.” He said softly. “We’re going to pick them tomorrow when he’s had chance to rest.” He turned to head back to the delivery suite. “They definitely won’t be named Tinkerbell and Destroyer though.” He turned back to tell them, smiling before he went through the door.




“Tony!” Abby kissed his cheek softly. “We just saw them in the nursery. They’re so beautiful.” Tony nodded tiredly.


“Thanks, Abs.”

“Feel better after your bath?” She queried.


“Yeah. Still sore though.” He shrugged. “I’ve felt worse.” He admitted.


“Where’s Gibbs?”


“Getting his fingers splinted.” He admitted sheepishly. Abby grinned.


“He was lucky to get away with a few broken fingers.” Ziva commented from the end of the bed.


“Tell me about it.” Tony grinned. “Hey, Probie.” He smiled at the youngest member of the team. “Didn’t scare you with my screaming did I?”

“We didn’t hear you.” McGee frowned.


“He’s teasing you, McGee. He didn’t scream once.” Gibbs entered the room, the three middle fingers on his left hand taped together. “He did swear quite a lot though.”


“Can you blame me?” Tony asked, smiling when Gibbs kissed his cheek.


“The doctor wants you guys to clear out.” Gibbs told the group assembled round the bed. “You can come back tomorrow.”


“I’ll inform the director that you will be taking your parental leave immediately.” Ducky assured Gibbs.


“Thanks, Duck.” Gibbs watched as they said goodbye to Tony and left. “How’re you feeling?” He asked Tony.


“Like I got hit by a car.” The younger man admitted. “But the doctor said I’ll recover faster than I did after the plague.”


“Good.” Gibbs remembered the weeks Tony had spent in hospital while his lungs recovered, and the dark circles under his eyes when he had first returned to work.


“Yeah. So you can stay home with the kids and I’ll be back at work on Monday.”


“Not a chance.” Gibbs argued. “You will take every single day of parental leave you’re entitled to and then we can talk about you coming back on a part time basis.” Tony grimaced.


“I don’t want to fight about this now.” He sighed.


“You’re right.” Gibbs nodded. “We can fight about it another time.”




“Hey, guys.” Tony smiled happily as his friends entered the room. Abby kissed his cheek softly.


“Which one’s this?” She asked of the baby Tony was holding.


“The girl.” Tony grinned impishly.


“Just tell me, Tony.” She whined.


“Mia.” He said, stroking the baby’s cheek softly with his finger. “Mia Kate Gibbs-DiNozzo.” He added.


“That’s so pretty.” Abby smiled, trying to ignore the tears that welled up. “Kate would have been thrilled.”


“Yeah.” Tony nodded.


“What about this little fella?” She asked, nodding at the baby Gibbs was holding, sitting quietly in his seat next to Tony’s bed.


“Lewis.” Tony replied when Gibbs didn’t look like he was planning to answer.


“Middle name?”




“Lewis Aaron Gibbs-DiNozzo.” Abby tried it out. “Lewis and Mia.” She grinned. “Mia and Lewis. Cute.”


“Glad you like ‘em.” Tony grinned but he was being honest. The idea of naming his children had stumped him for a while. They were going to have to live with the names he gave them for the rest of their lives after all.


“When can you take them home?” McGee asked.


“Tomorrow morning.” Gibbs finally answered, standing to push Abby gently into his seat and pass Lewis to her. He took Mia from Tony and made McGee sit on the foot of the bed.


“Boss, I don’t know if…”


“She doesn’t bite, McGee.” Gibbs assured him, patiently instructing the younger man on how to hold the baby.


“She hasn’t got her teeth yet.” Tony agreed with a grin. “Don’t look so scared, Probie. Neither of them has developed the second B just yet either.”


“Ignore him, McGee.” Gibbs said with a smile. “He looked just as terrified when they handed Mia to him yesterday.”




“An NCIS family picnic?” Gibbs asked in astonishment.


“That’s what it says.” Tony nodded, grinning as Gibbs deleted the email.


“What a good idea.” Gibbs griped sarcastically. “Get all the agents of a federal agency, and their families, in one place. Why not just paint a bullseye on the building?”


“We’ll be outside.” Tony reminded him.


We won’t be anywhere, Tony. We’re not going.”


“Yes we are. We never have time to do anything as a family. Abby already made me promise we’d bring them.”


“We might be on call.” Gibbs tried.


“We’re not. The director just told me both our teams are not on call.” Tony grinned as Gibbs glared at the stairs leading to the director’s office. When the opportunity to lead his own team in Washington had come up Tony had been unable to resist and Gibbs had encouraged him to take it. Knowing he couldn’t keep the younger man on his team forever and wanting to see him flourish. They still worked in conjunction on a lot of cases; Tony’s team being the only one at NCIS headquarters that could deal with Gibbs’ team without having nervous breakdowns. McGee had become the senior agent on Tony’s team while Ziva had remained with Gibbs and was still a valuable and trusted member of the team as well as a friend. “McGee’s going to bring his fiancé.” Tony said excitedly.


“You finally convinced him you won’t terrorise her too much?” Gibbs asked, a smile finally showing through.


“I’m going to be too busy making sure our little terrors aren’t wreaking too much havoc.” Tony grinned. At two years old the terrible twins, as Abby had affectionately named them, were a menace. Walking and talking, they had inherited Tony’s love of life and attention seeking ways, and Gibbs’ stubbornness and temper. A dangerous combination. They were, of course, absolutely adorable but kept their fathers on their toes trying to keep up with them.


“You got a case?” Gibbs asked as Tony’s cell rang.


“No.” Tony sighed. “It’s Julia.” He named their long-suffering babysitter. “Hello?” He asked tentatively. “They did what?” He asked wincing. “No, I’ll be right there.” He hung up. “Keep an eye on my team for me?” He requested, glancing at the area of the squad room where his team sat, right next to Gibbs’ own. “McGee’s at the dentist.”

“What did they do?” Gibbs asked wearily.


“Nothing I can’t deal with.” Tony smiled brightly. “It’s my turn.” He reminded his partner with a wry smile. Gibbs shook his head with a small laugh. He turned to his team. “Guys, I’m on TT duty. I’ll be back as soon as I can but if you have any problems Gibbs will help you out.” He grinned at the wide-eyed looks he got from the two members of his team present. “McGee will be back soon.” He assured them, watching as they relaxed a little. “See you later, boss.” He grinned, winking at Gibbs before running to catch the elevator before the doors shut.




“What’s your name?” Abby asked with a big smile, watching as Mia held a hand up to her chest and announced:


“Mia Gib-Nozzo.”


“Yeah?” Abby asked. The little girl nodded enthusiastically, dark curls bobbing with the movement. “What about you?” She asked Mia’s twin brother, currently stationed on Tony’s lap sucking his thumb contentedly. He pulled the digit out of his mouth with a pop.


“Lewiz Gid-Ozzo.” He assured her.


“What’s my name?” She asked.


“Abbie!” They both chorused together.


“What’s Daddy’s name?”


“’Ony.” Mia replied while Lewis nodded, his thumb back in his mouth, content to let his sister answer the question. Tony gently pulled his hand away from his mouth, Mia had stopped sucking her thumb months ago and he and Gibbs were trying to get their son to do the same before he ruined his teeth. Lewis gnashed his teeth at his father before resolutely putting his thumb back in his mouth. Tony just sighed and shook his head, watching as Gibbs poked their son gently.


“No biting.” He warned. Lewis shook his head in agreement.


“What’s Papa’s name?” Abby resumed her questioning of Mia, who frowned for a few seconds, looking thoughtful.


“Boss.” She decided gleefully.


“Boss?” McGee almost choked on his soda and the young woman who had accompanied him to the picnic laughed too. Her name was Sarah and Mia had adopted her as soon as she had sat down, sitting on her lap happily. Tony and Gibbs’ twins were a lot of things but shy wasn’t one of them.


“Boss.” Mia repeated, frowning at McGee. “Papa’s name is Boss, ‘Gee.” She told him.


“That’s right.” Gibbs agreed, smiling at his daughter, who grinned back brightly. Abby had been correct about what the children would look like. Bright smiles they inherited from Tony, beautiful blue eyes from Gibbs, dark hair from both of their fathers. Mia’s hair curled prettily while Lewis’ stuck up in every direction like Tony’s. They looked strikingly similar and people never failed to comment on how cute they were.


“Daddy?” Lewis demanded his father’s attention.


“What’s up, buddy?” Tony asked.


“’m hungry.”


“Me too.” Tony grinned. “When are we eating, boss?” He asked Gibbs who shook his head with a smile. “Enquiring minds want to know.” Tony’s new team members smiled from their position on the periphery of the small group. It never failed to baffle them that Tony still called Gibbs ‘Boss’ even though they were now technically the same rank, lived together and had been partners for over 3 years.


“Whenever you’re ready.” Gibbs replied agreeably. Their party was the largest of the groups on the field, Gibbs’ and Tony’s teams mingling together with their partners and children. Ducky had declined to come, citing other plans, and Abby had decided not to bring her new boyfriend, not wanting him to have to deal with Gibbs so early in their relationship.


“Ask the director.” Tony whispered to his son as the red head approached their group, her husband on her arm and her pregnant stomach obvious in the summer dress she wore.


“’Rector!” Lewis shouted.


“Hello, Lewis.” She greeted with a smile.


“When’s food?” He demanded.


“As soon as you want.” She assured him.


“Food, Papa.” Lewis made a grasping motion with his hands. Gibbs levelled him with a look. “Please.” He amended, wriggling to get down from Tony’s lap and then rushing into Gibbs’ waiting arms, helping to dig through the picnic basket they had been handed at the gate. “Want, Daddy?” He offered a sandwich to Tony who took it with a careful thank you. They were still struggling to teach the two of them manners. “Mia.” He handed a sandwich to her sister.


“What do you say to Lewis, Mia?” Gibbs asked.


“Thank you, Lewis.” She chorused, standing up to give her brother a big kiss on the cheek and half of the sandwich Abby had unwrapped for her. They settled down quickly, tucking into the food they were handed, swapping and sharing and eating from each other’s plates indiscriminately. The Director had made her excuses after a while, stating the need to mingle with the other agents. The newer team members had seemed relieved to see the back of her, unused as they were to spending time socially with the director.


“I told you you’d have a good time.” Tony teased Gibbs, as they each carried a sleeping child back to the car.


“You always have to be right.” Gibbs mock sighed, leaning in to kiss Tony softly, ignoring the curious looks they were getting from the other agents. Apart from their easy camaraderie there was no evidence of their relationship in their behaviour at work so for most of their colleagues, a choice few not included, this was the first time they had seen Gibbs and Tony acting like they were in a relationship, other than the often shared grumbling about their mischievous offspring.


“They were really well behaved.” Tony commented, managing to strap Mia securely into her car seat without waking her.


“There were more than enough people to keep them occupied.” Gibbs reminded him. Tony nodded, laughing. “It was nice though.” He admitted grudgingly as he got into the drivers seat.


“The picnic?”


“Spending time together outside the house.” Gibbs leaned over to kiss Tony again. “We don’t get to do it nearly enough.”


“It’ll be easier when they’re older and don’t cause so much chaos.” Tony smiled.


“Any children of yours will always cause chaos, DiNozzo.”




“You ok?” Gibbs peered into the NCIS bathroom with concern. McGee had told him Tony wasn’t feeling very well.


“No.” Tony sighed, flushing the toilet and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.


“You look pale.” Gibbs commented, resting his hand on Tony’s forehead to gauge his temperature. “You don’t have a fever though.”


“I was sick yesterday too.” Tony said quietly.


“Really?” Gibbs raised an eyebrow. “You don’t think…?”


“It’s a possibility.” Tony nodded.


“We can pick up a test on the way home.” Gibbs said. He kissed Tony’s cheek softly. “Don’t worry about it.”

“I’m not.” Tony promised. “Another baby would be kind of cool and I’m going to be 40 soon so now would be the time…” He trailed off looking surprised at his own reaction.


“So what you’re saying is that if you’re not pregnant you want to try?” Gibbs asked, smiling.


“Yeah.” Tony nodded.


“Me too.”




“Yeah. The twins are 3 now, neither of us is getting any younger. Now would be a good time to think about it.”




They had managed to keep Tony’s pregnancy a secret from the twins until the first scan had shown that everything was ok with the baby. This time Tony was only carrying one child, something both men were secretly relieved about. The twins were wonderful and a blessing but neither was sure they could have coped with two newborns all over again.


With the images from the first scan sitting on the coffee table, and Abby and McGee’s encouraging words ringing in their ears they had decided it was the right time to tell Mia and Lewis that they could look forward to a baby brother or sister.


Mia was looking at the pictures in confusion, tilting her head as Gibbs pointed out the outline of the baby to her. Lewis was examining Tony’s abdomen with interest.


“In there?” He asked curiously.


“Yeah.” Tony assured him.


“Where?” Lewis poked Tony carefully.


“It’s really tiny right now.” Tony assured him. “But it’s growing.”


“I want a brother.” Lewis announced. “I don’t want another sister.”


“I want a brother too.” Mia agreed.


“Not a sister?” Gibbs asked with a smile.


“I’m not sharing my dolls.” She hugged her favourite doll close to her chest and Tony sighed, before yawning widely.


“Daddy’s tired?” Lewis looked at Mia in concern. Mia gave Tony a penetrating look that she had inherited from Gibbs and he smiled sheepishly.


“Daddy go bed.” Mia announced. “It’s naptime.” She yawned too, Lewis following suit. “Papa sleepy?” She inquired.


“I bet you could go for a short nap, right, boss?” Tony asked with a grin.




“What do you think we should call him?” Tony asked the two inquisitive faces peering at the baby in his arms.


“Baby.” Lewis shrugged, poking slightly at the podgy hand.


“Gentle.” Gibbs warned.


“Gen’le.” Lewis echoed stroking softly before withdrawing his hand.


“What do you think Mia?” Tony asked.


“Daddy looks tired.” She looked up at her younger father, worry clouding her face.


“I’m fine.” Tony promised with a big smile. “It’s nap time soon anyway.” He assured her and she nodded, somewhat appeased. It never failed to amuse Tony how concerned the twins had become with his health as the pregnancy had progressed, obviously picking up on Gibbs’ questions about how much he had eaten and slept.


“Call him Lewis.” She decided.


“We already have a Lewis.” Gibbs reminded her with a smile at the same time as her brother began to whine.


“Nooooo.” He complained. The baby stirred a little, looking at the source of the noise.


“Down, Papa.” Lewis pleaded, bored of sitting still on the bed for so long.


“You don’t want to help pick a name?” Gibbs asked, amused. Lewis crossed his arms and pouted, looking ridiculously like Tony.


“Why don’t we name him after Papa?” Tony asked Mia mischievously, keeping an eye on Gibbs’ reaction.


“Boss?” She asked. Tony laughed.

”We are not naming him Jethro.” Gibbs sighed. “Or Leroy.” He added before Tony could make a smart comment.


“I was thinking more along the lines of Jet.” Tony replied, he was smiling but Gibbs could tell he was serious.


“Jet.” Mia cooed, stroking the baby’s hand softly. “He likes it.” She announced when the baby wriggled a little and opened his eyes.


“Jet.” Lewis joined in.


“You’re overruled, boss.” Tony grinned. Gibbs just sighed and leaned in to kiss him softly.


“You know I always let you have your own way.” He smiled as he pulled away, touched that Tony would want to name their son after him.


“Done?” Lewis asked, looking hopefully at Gibbs. Mia was still watching the new baby with interest, occasionally reaching up and patting Tony’s face, for no particular reason apparently as when he looked at her she didn’t seem to want his attention.


“How many names do you have Lewis?” Gibbs asked. Lewis looked thoughtful for a second before holding up two fingers.


“Lewis Aaron.” He replied.


“Does Mia have one name?”


“Mia Kate.” Lewis replied shaking his head.


“Doesn’t Jet get two names then?”


“Daddy?” Lewis asked. “Baby want two?”


“I think so.” Tony said with a smile. “You get to pick this one.” He told Gibbs with a smile.


“Evan.” Gibbs decided certainly, choosing one of the names they had discussed as Tony’s due date had drawn closer. Jet had not been on the list but he knew Tony had probably been considering it for a while, knowing Gibbs would veto it before it ever made the list if he was given the opportunity.


“Jet Evan Gibbs-DiNozzo.” Tony tried it out. “You like it?” He asked Mia.


“Jet Evan Gib-Nozzo.” She agreed, still mesmerised by the baby her father was holding. She sat back suddenly. “Jet stinks.” She announced, causing both her fathers to laugh, much to her astonishment.




“You look exhausted.” Gibbs commented quietly, passing Tony a cup of coffee as he sat at his desk.


“Thanks a lot, boss.” Tony attempted a bright smile but it was ruined by a wide yawn. “I’ve got to get these personnel reports done or I’ll miss the deadline and they won’t get their cost of living adjustments. It used to drive me crazy when you did that.”

“Do them in the morning.” Gibbs suggested.


“I can’t. You know if I leave something until the last minute I’ll get called out on a case and they won’t get finished. Why don’t you go home? I’ll meet you there when I’m done.”


“The kids are already in bed, Tony.” Gibbs sighed, sitting down next to the younger man. “You need to slow down, you’ve only been back full time for a few months.”


“I know, but Jet’s nearly 12 months now and McGee’s kid’s only 3 months, he can’t cover for me as much as he has been doing.” Tony reminded his partner. “Things will calm down.”


“Things are never calm.” Gibbs corrected. “If McGee can’t cope you shouldn’t be taking on extra work.”


“Extra work?” Tony looked confused. “Oh, you mean the seminars the director wants me to go on? I can use them to catch up on some sleep.” Tony grinned cheekily. Gibbs shook his head with a sigh, knowing Tony would do no such thing.


“No work this weekend then.” He suggested. “Neither of us is on call. You need to rest and I want to see you outside this building.”


“You see me outside here all the time.” Tony reminded him.


“Awake, Tony.” Gibbs sneaked a quick kiss. “I’ll go and get us some food, you finish those reports and then we can go home.”


“Ok.” Tony promised. “Thanks, boss.” He smiled. Gibbs just shook his head and ruffled Tony’s hair, keeping an eye on him until the elevator doors closed.




“Daddy!” Mia came ran into the room screaming his name. Tony sighed and put down his pen. “Papa!” She changed course, seeing Gibbs sitting in the armchair, having returned from running errands. “Don’t let them get me!” She hid behind the chair, safe in the knowledge her Papa would protect her.


Lewis and Jet came into the room, screeching to a halt when they saw where Mia was hiding, both of their fathers looking directly at them.


“Tattle tale.” Lewis accused.


“Tattle tale.” Jet copied.


“What have you got in your hands, Lewis?” Gibbs asked calmly, seeing his sons, cupped hands.


“I don’t got nothing.” Lewis replied.


“Would you like to try that again?” Tony asked the ten year old.


“I don’t have anything in my hands.” Lewis said. Tony tried to hide his smile.


“As pleased as I am that you know how to speak correctly, Lewis, I meant would you like to tell the truth?” Tony explained.


“It’s a bug!” Mia told them.


“A bug?” Gibbs asked.


“A big bug!” Jet answered delightedly. “It’s pretty.”


“Bugs are not pretty.” Mia glared at both her brothers, coming out from behind the chair.


“It’s shiny.” Jet argued.


“Lewis.” Tony said patiently. “Please put the bug back where you found it. I’ve asked you not to bring things like that in the house before.”


“Ok, Dad.” Lewis nodded.


“Make sure you wash your hands.” Tony called as his son made his way out of the room. “C’mere you.” He scooped up his younger son. “You’re filthy. What were you doing in the garden?” He inquired.


“Digging for bugs.” Jet shrugged. Tony just shook his head with a sigh.


“You shouldn’t be afraid of bugs.” Gibbs pulled his daughter into his lap when they were alone.


“He was trying to put it in my hair!” She said, as though Gibbs couldn’t possibly understand the horror of it.


“If you didn’t run away screaming he’d get bored.”


“He wouldn’t.” She pouted. “Why’s Jet digging for bugs anyway? It’s dirty.”


“He’s just playing.” Tony said, coming back into the room. “They’re going to play softball instead.” He coaxed.


“Ohhh.” Mia jumped off Gibbs’ lap and ran out of the room, Tony took up her vacated place.


“Oooff.” Gibbs grinned. “You’re a little bigger than Mia, Tony.”


“I need a hug.” Tony insisted.


“They’re no worse than any other kids.” Gibbs assured him.


“I know.” Tony admitted. “Sometimes it’s easier to get a serial killer to confess than it is to explain to a six year old why he shouldn’t pick up every bug he finds.” He sighed.


“He’s inquisitive. It’s a good thing.”


“He’s you at six years old.” Tony groused.


“Nothing wrong with that.” Gibbs kissed him.




“Corporal Kenyon, I promise we’re expending every resource we have on finding your daughter.” McGee promised, glaring at one of the members of his team as they looked ready to interrupt.


“Sorry to interrupt.” The young man stuttered. “The Director’s on his way.” McGee just nodded before turning to the man he had been speaking to and his distraught wife.


“The Director has assigned the best teams we have at NCIS to deal solely with this case. He’s going to coordinate the operation from here as much as possible so you know exactly what’s going on.” He assured the man who nodded, somewhat appeased. His wife looked surprised and McGee smiled softly. “His partner is an ex-marine, he knows they like to be in control of a situation.”


“You lead one of the best teams at NCIS?” Kenyon asked suddenly.


“Yes, sir.” McGee drew himself up, daring the Corporal to argue. “I do. Special Agent Gibbs heads a special Ops team. He’s one of the longest serving agents the agency has.” He turned, knowing the two men he was waiting for must have arrived as some of the agents hurried to look busy, not wanting to incur Gibbs’ wrath. Tony walked into the house first, Gibbs speaking into his ear urgently, clearly updating him on the situation. Tony was frowning, for once looking his almost 50 years. He nodded once at Gibbs who swept across the room to get an update from his people.


“This is our Director.” McGee introduced. “Anthony DiNozzo. Mr. Director, this is Corporal Kenyon and his wife.” Tony nodded at the two parents standing in front of him, empathising immediately with how they must feel.


“Corporal Kenyon.” Tony nodded at him. “You were with your children when they were abducted?” He asked gently, knowing the question could come across as an accusation but not having the time to think of a nicer way to put it. The man nodded stiffly. “Agent Gibbs needs to speak with you.” He nodded in Gibbs’ Direction.


“Yes, sir.” The military man in Corporal Kenyon took over and he obeyed immediately, heading over to the corner where Gibbs’ team were setting up.


“If you’ll excuse me…” McGee looked at Tony who nodded. Tony led the young woman to a seat, sitting next to her.


“I’m sure Agent McGee told you I have my best teams working on this.” He assured her. “We’ll find them.” He hoped desperately that he could keep that promise.


“Do you have children, Mr. DiNozzo?”


“Call me, Tony, please.” He requested. Mrs Kenyon nodded her assent. “My partner and I have 3.” He responded gently, nodding his head in Gibbs’ direction.


“Your partner?” She looked at Gibbs in surprise and then a small smile crossed her face. “I should have known. He carries himself like a marine. Agent McGee told us your partner used to be a marine.”


“He still is in a lot of ways.” Tony nodded. “He takes it personally every time something like this happens. If anyone can get your children back it will be him.”

“You have a lot of faith in him.”


“I’ve known him for a long time.” Tony smiled.


“How long?” The woman asked.


“Almost 20 years now.” He admitted, knowing that it was a good idea to distract her. “That’s how long I’ve been with NCIS too.”


“You were promoted above him?” She asked curiously.


“Gibbs is a fantastic field agent but he would be a terrible Director.” Tony sighed. “He doesn’t play well with others.” He glanced across the room to where Gibbs was barking orders at his team whilst listening to McGee explain something to him at the same time. “That’s what this job is all about. I miss being in the field but I actually get to spend more time with him and the kids now than I ever did then.” Tony’s phone rang and he pulled it out, looking at the caller display with a wince.


“One of your children?” Mrs. Kenyon asked. Tony nodded. “You can take it.”


“She probably just wants to tattle on one of her brothers.” He smiled wryly.


“DiNozzo.” He snapped.


“Hi, Daddy.” Mia was clearly grinning on the other end of the line, knowing his bark was worse than his bite.


“I’m really busy right now, sweetie.” Tony told her gently.


“I know. It’s on the news.” She sighed. “Is Papa ok?”


“He’s yelling at people.”

“He’ll find them.”

“I know.” Tony nodded.


“I just wanted to know if you’re coming home but I guess you need to stay there too.”


“Yeah. I know we were supposed to catch that movie but…” His daughter had picked up Tony’s love of movies and there had been a black and white movie marathon on at the art house that they were supposed to see.


“This is more important.” She assured him. “Abby made us dinner.” Abby was staying with Tony and Gibbs while her messy divorce went through, both parties fighting over the coffin and various other items while Abby tried to keep their daughter oblivious to it.


“Where are the boys?”


“In the garden with Crystal.” Mia named Abby’s 7 year old daughter. After living comfortably in Gibbs’ house until the twins were twelve they had decided to move somewhere bigger with more room for an active family when Tony had gotten his promotion to Director. It had also meant that no one asked awkward questions about how they had been able to afford a large house with extensive grounds in a nice area. Tony had decided to dip into his savings to buy the house, rather than take out a ridiculous mortgage. The result being that the family were more than comfortably well off, Tony’s salary having increased exponentially when he was promoted to Director, and Gibbs’ not far behind as the team coordinator for the agency, and head of the special Operations division, both positions created for him by the previous director.


“Ok. We’ll be home as soon as we’re done here.”

“Love you, dad.”

“Love you too.” Tony sighed, flipping his phone shut. “Sorry…” He began to apologise.


“Don’t be.” Mrs. Kenyon assured him. “After today I don’t think I’m ever going to risk not taking a call from one of my kids. You never know whether you’ll get to speak to them again.” She almost choked on her tears and Tony put a comforting hand on her knee. “How old are they?” She asked, composing herself quickly. Tony had to stifle a smile, she was clearly a military wife.


“Two 14 year olds and a ten year old.” Tony smiled. “You want to see some pictures?” She nodded so Tony pulled his wallet out of his pocket, passing over the most recent photographs of his children. “That’s Mia.” He indicated his daughter. She was really beautiful now, beginning to look more like a woman than a girl, her long hair still curled prettily, straight white teeth, sinfully long eye lashes shading bright blue eyes and a wide smile. Tony knew she was going to have boys begging her for dates, knew that she’d already had a few although that was something Gibbs wasn’t yet privy too. Mia was too picky to date any of the boys who had plucked up the nerve to ask her out but Tony knew it was only a matter of time before one took her fancy or wore her down. He knew he would never have given up pursuing a girl as pretty as her when he was in high school. “That’s Lewis.” He pointed to Mia’s twin, standing with his arm slung over his sister’s shoulder, already a few inches taller than her and rapidly catching up to Gibbs in height. He shared her wide smile and white teeth, bright blue eyes and dark hair, but his jaw was beginning to get more square and his shoulders were broadening, meaning that as she was maturing into a woman he was also losing the roundness of youth. “That’s Jet.” He pointed to the smaller boy on the picture. Although it was clear that the three children were related Jet had Tony’s eyes rather than Gibbs’, and a slightly more serious expression. While the twins took after Tony with their gregarious personalities Jet was much more like his namesake. “He’s the one we have to watch out for. He’ll take over the world while we’re not looking.” Tony sighed. “He already hacked into the Pentagon from my computer at the office.” He added conspiratorially.


“He’s only ten?” Mrs Kenyon asked aghast.


“He thinks he’s 40.” Gibbs sighed from behind Tony. “Sorry to interrupt, sir.” He added.


“You know, I’ve been doing this job for two years and I still love that he has to call me that.” Tony smiled before turning to face Gibbs to receive an update.




“You found them, right?” Mia asked, concern immediately evident in her voice as soon as they stepped through the door.


“We wouldn’t be here if we hadn’t.” Gibbs replied. Tony elbowed him.


“You should be in bed.” He told his daughter, giving her a one armed hug anyway.


“I couldn’t sleep.” She sighed. “So I went to practice the piano while I waited for you.”


“They’re at the hospital with their parents.” Gibbs assured her, passing both Tony and Mia a glass of milk. “They’ll be ok.”


“What about the guy who took them?” Mia asked. Gibbs turned away to put the milk in the fridge and Tony looked resolutely into his glass. “You shot him?”


“McGee did.” Tony corrected. “He would have killed one of them if he hadn’t died first.”

“Some people are just bad.” She sighed. “Is McGee ok?” Gibbs smiled, suddenly warmed by his daughter’s concern. She reminded him more of Tony in these moments than any others.


“He’ll be fine. We sent him home to Sarah.” He assured his daughter, opening his arms for a hug and returning it fiercely. “Where are your brothers?”


“Sleeping. Crystal wore them out.” She grinned. Abby’s beautiful blonde blue-eyed daughter was indeed a handful, often colluding with Jet to cause chaos in the nth degree. “You two should go to bed.” She instructed when Tony succumbed to a yawn.


“So should you.” Tony reminded her. She opened her mouth ready to whine.


“It’s three o’clock in the morning, Mia.” Gibbs reminded her, his tone brooked no argument. Mia nodded immediately, knowing when not to push her Papa.


“We can catch that movie marathon tomorrow night.” Tony assured her as they made their way upstairs. “Papa can stay here to referee between Crystal and the boys. Abby has a date.” He reminded Gibbs.


“Great.” Gibbs sighed. “When is she going to have a date with a realtor?”


“You know you like having them here, Papa.” Mia nudged him with her shoulder as they reached her room.




“Agent Gibbs.” The whole squad room went silent seeing the furious expression on their director’s face. One look from Gibbs and they all self consciously went about their business.


“Director?” Gibbs asked.


“My office, now.”

“I’m a little busy.”

“You’ll be a little unemployed if you don’t move.” Tony glared at him. Gibbs faced him down for a few moments before realising there was no way Tony was going to back down, not in front of the rest of the agents in the squad room.


“Fine.” Gibbs nodded, following Tony to his office.


“You got my memo.” It wasn’t a question.


“I was busy.” No hint of an apology.


“This isn’t a joke, Gibbs. You can’t keep disobeying me. You’re making me look a fool and taking advantage of our relationship.”

“That’s not true. I never obeyed any of the other directors.” Gibbs argued. “You of all people know that.”


“You at least showed them some respect.”

“I always show you respect.” Gibbs eyes narrowed dangerously.


“Next time I tell you to come to my office you come. I don’t care if the Sec Nav’s been murdered and you’re working on the case. Understand?” Tony demanded.


“Yes, sir.” Gibbs’ glare didn’t relent. “What did you want to see me about?”


“I can’t remember.” Tony sat down in his chair with a huff and Gibbs stifled his smile admirably well. “You infuriate me so much, Jethro.”


“I don’t mean to. I just treat you the way I treated the other Directors.”

“I know, but believe it or not I’m actually on your side.”


“I know.” Gibbs nodded soothingly. “I’ll try and remember that.”

“Please do. It won’t look great to the kids if I fire you.”


“You wouldn’t fire me.”

“I could force you to take retirement. You’re well past due for it.”


“Hey.” Gibbs frowned.


“You know what I mean.” Tony grinned cheekily. “You’re 60 now after all.”


“I can still beat you down, DiNozzo.”


“If you want to keep your job threatening the director isn’t the best way to go about it. And spousal abuse is frowned upon.”


“If you don’t behave I’ll tell Jet the password to your laptop and let him have at it.” Gibbs threatened playfully.


“You wouldn’t!” Tony glared. “He nearly caused world war three last time.”


“That’s my boy.” Gibbs was practically grinning as he sat down opposite Tony. “Remembered what you needed to see me for?”


“Oh, yeah.” Tony nodded. “Write your name on this.” He passed over a piece of paper.


“What is it?” Gibbs asked. His eyesight hadn’t improved and the form was in inexplicably small typeface. He could make out the fact that Tony had already signed it.


“A request for leave.” Tony shrugged.


“We’re going on vacation?” Gibbs looked worried now. “When has it ever been a good idea to take those three anywhere together?”


“They’re older now.” Tony placated. “Please?” He asked hopefully. “I could really use the break and so could you. The kids’ grades are all up and we promised them a reward if they did well.”


“When are we going?” Gibbs knew he would give in eventually, might as well face up to the inevitable.


“We’ve got a two week gap.” Tony checked his notes. “Between them finishing school for summer break and Jet leaving for camp.”


“They’re all going to camp this year.” Gibbs reminded him.


“I know. Jet leaves for science camp first, he’s gone for three weeks and then he’s at computer camp during the day for another three. Mia’s at gymnastics camp for two weeks and then home for a week before she goes to music camp for another 2 weeks. Lewis is at Soccer camp for two weeks, home for the weekend and then straight to basketball camp for 3 weeks.” Tony rhymed off. “It’s a damn good job I got this promotion or we wouldn’t have been able to afford it.”


“Liar.” Gibbs snorted. They had never struggled for money, their salaries meaning they could live comfortably and Tony’s inheritance giving them an added bonus. “It’s going to be quiet around the house for the two weeks they’re all gone.” He said softly.


“I know. It’ll be good for the five of us to get away together. We’ll all drive each other nuts and then we get rid of them for a few weeks.” He grinned at Gibbs, standing up.


“Maybe we should take three weeks off.” Gibbs stood up too, advancing on Tony who grinned brightly. Gibbs leaned in to kiss him and Tony happily accepted. The sound of someone clearing their throat broke them apart.


“Hey, McGee.” Tony grinned at him.


“Don’t you knock?” Gibbs demanded.


“He picked up some pretty bad habits from you.” Tony grinned. “Everyone else knocks, they’re too afraid they might run into you in here. Except Abby that is.”


“I suppose I should be glad.” Gibbs sighed. “She probably would have just stood watching us.”


“Probably.” Tony grinned. “What can I help you with, Probie?” The affectionate nickname had never really dissipated, even though Tony had had several other probationary agents and McGee had had a few of his own since getting his own team.


“Actually I came to find Gibbs.” McGee grinned. “The suspect you wanted to interrogate is here.”


“Why couldn’t one of my team come and find me?” Gibbs demanded.


“Because none of them wanted to interrupt if you and Tony were fighting.” McGee grinned.


“We’re not fighting.” Gibbs glared.


“I know that. That’s why I agreed to come. If I thought you were fighting I would have found something else to do. Somewhere far away.”


“You know, I think I liked you better when you used to stutter.” Gibbs left swiftly. McGee and Tony shared a quick grin before McGee left to attend to his own team.


Tony sighed, sitting back in his chair looking at the picture on his desk of himself and Gibbs with their three children, taken the previous summer. Time was flying by so quickly. In just a few years the twins would be at college and then Jet would be gone too. He and Gibbs had talked about retiring then, to spend some time together, time that they hadn’t had when their relationship had started. Tony knew Gibbs would be horrible at doing nothing though, so maybe they could just take jobs that didn’t require quite as much dedication. Tony just hoped that the next fifteen years of his life would be filled with as much happiness and love as the last fifteen.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Tabitha Llewellyn.
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