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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Haunting Of Judson Cross!!!!!!!


A visit to Judson's aunt brings adventure of a different sort.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1



Chapter Text

The Haunting Of Judson Cross!!!!!!!
by Poohbear-29

"Judson, are you sure this was a good idea?" Gabriel Patterson asked as they turned down the tree-lined road. The trio of explorers had been driving for six hours with only a short break for lunch and they were all irritable.

"Gabe, I know it’s been a long drive, but you usually love to travel," Cross said as he turned the headlights to high beams.

"I do, but Judson usually we travel on The Vast Explorer. Never did like driving for long distances."

Judson smiled as he looked into the back seat of the Jeep Cherokee and smiled at the woman stretched out on the seat. An emergency blanket was pulled tightly around her and soft snoring accompanied the barely audible strains of Chopin from the CD player.

"Maybe you should do what Mac’s doing and try to sleep?" the explorer suggested.

"I never could sleep sitting up, Judson. Besides you need someone to keep you awake. Are you sure this is the right road?" Patterson asked as the first fat droplets of rain hit the windshield.

"Yes, I’m sure. Take the highway north out of Beau Harbor until you hit the first exit east. Follow the road east until you hit Mill Creek road and turn left. That’s what I did, so this must be the right road."

"Okay, so it’s the right road, but can you explain why we’re doing this again?" Patterson asked wearily.

Judson kept his eyes on the road as he hit the button to start the windshield wipers. The blades squeaked for several seconds before they picked up a rhythm of their own. He loved stormy nights, especially when he had to drive in the outskirts of the city. He smiled as he realized this road was on the outskirt of the outskirts.

"Judson, want some coffee?" Patterson asked, reaching for the thermos they’d filled at the last Krispy Kremes donut shop.

"Sounds good, and Gabe?"


"We’re doing this because Regina Newcomb asked us to check out the property she inherited."

"Oh, yes, I remember. I just don’t see what the rush is. I mean she’s what - 85?"


"Right and she inherited this place when?" Patterson asked, knowing his friend had a tendency to feel sorry for his distant relative.

"In 1928. Her uncle Ambrose left it to her before he was killed in a boating accident."

"So why is it so important to get out there today?"

"Thought you were sleeping, Mac?"

"I was, but that coffee smells great. Any left, Gabe?"

"Sure," Patterson answered, pouring a third cup and handing it back to the young woman.

"So, Judson, are you going to answer my question?" Mac asked, sipping the strong black coffee.

"What question?" Cross asked, rolling the window down slightly.

"Why is it so important that we go out there tonight?"

"Hell if I know, but aunt Regina is not easy to say no to," Cross answered as a streak of lightning shot across the narrow road in front of the car.

"Whew, careful, Judson!" Gabe told him.

"Tell me about it. Didn’t you say the weather was supposed to be sunny skies and clear sailing?" Cross asked as he wiped the inside of the window.

"Don’t you mean clear driving, Judson?" Previn quipped.

"Ah hell, Mac," the explorer said, but laughed at the look on the woman’s face.

"It is strange though, Judson. There wasn’t supposed to be any storms in the area," Gabe explained as he placed the empty thermos on the floor.

"I thought that’s what you said. I hope we get to the house before this gets any worse."

"Another thing, Judson. This house. How long has it been empty?" Mac asked.

"It’s been empty for thirteen years. My uncle Frank Cross stayed here less than a week and left under strange circumstances. He hasn’t come back to Beau Harbor since."

"Why?" Previn asked, intrigued by the possibility of an interesting story.

"I’m not sure, but from what aunt Regina told me uncle Frank complained about seeing ghosts."

"What kind of ghosts?" Patterson asked, a hint of tension in his voice. In the three years since he’d worked with Judson Cross he’d seen many unexplainable things, ghosts being one of those things.

"He said he heard banshee like wailing and a man’s voice promising him death by a thousand cuts," Cross said, smiling as he saw the young man swallow painfully. "Gabe, uncle Frank was a drunk and well he saw a lot of things including the proverbial pink elephants. The house is just so far out of town that most people find it an inconvenience. That’s why it’s stayed empty so long."

"So, what do we do for electricity and hot water?" Previn asked.

"There’s supposed to be a generator and there’s an old timer who lives about thirty miles south who makes sure it’s filled with gasoline and still working. He also makes sure there’s wood for the fireplace and according to aunt Regina he also keeps the place well stocked with dry goods."

"So that’s why we only needed to bring steaks and burgers?" Patterson asked.

"Exactly," Cross said, sipping at the coffee as he steered the car down the road. Several thick branches struck the windshield and he was about to pull over when the car broke through into a clearing. Lightning flashed across the midnight black backdrop as the Cherokee’s headlights illuminated the 200-year-old structure.

"You have now entered the twilight zone," Patterson said as lightning flashed and thunder rolled across the heavens.

"Twilight Zone? I was thinking more of The Outer Limits," Previn told them as the trio sat back and studied the ancient structure.

The two-story building had definitely seen better days, but Judson knew it was structurally sound, unlike a lot of the old homes around Beau Harbor. The lights illuminated a front porch that looked like it would fall down in a strong wind. Several large pillars ran along the entire front, supporting a wide terrace and the overhanging canopy that shielded gusts from the sun and rain. A trellis was filled with ivy, which had also spread to encompass most of the front of the house, leaving the windows surrounded in a sea of green. There seemed to be a small attic with round windows that were shuttered against the storm. They seemed out of place, but the trio did not question the reasons.

Judson reached for the handle and shoved open his door. Pulling his jacket up over his head he ran to the back and grabbed several bags before running towards the house and up the three steps onto the porch. He turned back in time to see Gabe and Mac hurrying towards him.

"Judson, open the door!" Previn shouted above the howling wind.

"Sure sounds like banshees to me!" Patterson said as he watched Cross patting down the pockets of his blue jeans.

"What’s wrong?"

"I left the damn keys in the glove box."

"Want me to get them?" Gabe asked.

"No, I forgot them. Wait here!" Cross said, pulling the coat up over his head and shoulders before braving the hellacious tempest once more. He fumbled with the door handle until it finally opened and was wrenched from his hand by a sudden gust of wind.

"Damn!" he cursed as it swung back once more. He tried to stop it from striking his hip and cried out as he felt and heard a sharp crack from his left wrist.

"Judson, are you all right?" Previn called.

"I’m fine. Hang on," Cross called as he used his right hand to open the glove box and search for the key. He smiled in spite of the pain as he found the block of wood with the key attached to it. Lifting his head he frowned as he glanced out the window at the round window set high above him. For an instant he thought he saw a ghostly white light, but it disappeared too fast for him to be sure. Standing up, he shoved the key in his pocket and drew the coat around him once more before hurrying back to his friends.

"Did you find it?" Patterson asked.

"Right here," Cross said, holding up the four inch block of wood with the ancient brass key attached to it by a length of rope. He used his right hand to put the key in the rusted lock and smiled as it opened easily. The trio grabbed the bags and hurried inside. Dropping her bag, Mac pulled out a flashlight and turned it on. Dust and cobwebs covered the immediate area and she coughed as they moved deeper into the old building.

"This place is certainly not The Ritz," Patterson said as they looked around the main room. Plastic covered the ancient furniture and a musty smell permeated the air as Mac panned the flashlight around them.

"It looks like the maid didn’t show up," Previn said with a grin as she ran her finger along the dust covered, marble topped end table.

"Damn, I called him last week to make sure it would be ready for us. Guess I should have called again," Cross said as he moved deeper into the room.

"Well, I guess we’re going to have to become maids ourselves," Patterson said, picking up an old broom and tossing it towards Cross. "Heads up!"

Judson turned just in time to see the broom coming towards him and reach for it with both hands, crying out as pain ran up and down his arm.

"Judson, what’s wrong?" Previn asked, instantly on alert and hurrying to her boss who was now cradling his left wrist in his right hand.

"Damn," the explorer cursed.

"What happened?" Patterson asked, watching as Previn shone the light on Cross’ wrist.

"The wind blew the door open and back. I tried to stop it from jamming me, but it caught my wrist the wrong way."

"Gabe, hold the flashlight. Judson, let me see," the woman ordered as she handed Patterson the flashlight.

Judson pulled his arm out of the sleeve and held it out for Mac’s perusal. He gritted his teeth as she probed the bones and knew instantly something was broken. He held his breath as the bones shifted and saw the sympathy on Patterson’s face.

"Looks like you’ve broken the bone in here," Previn explained pointing to the swollen area of his wrist.

"I know, believe me I know," Cross told her.

"Gabe, did you pack the first aid kit?"

"It’s in my bag. Hang on," he said and opened his pack.

"We can take care of this after we get a fire going," Cross said, shivering as he felt a chill run down his spine.

"We take care of this first, then we start a fire," Previn ordered when Patterson returned. She smiled at the explorer as she took the ready-made wrist splint from the kit. "Did you do this just to get out of sweeping?"

"Will it work?" Cross asked.

"It might, unless we can figure out a way to attach it to your butt. I always wanted to work your butt off," Previn joked.

"Funny, Mac, Ow!" he gasped as she wrapped the splint around his wrist.

"Sorry, Judson. Look we’re going to need to get that X-rayed."

"Not tonight. If this storm doesn’t let up we’ll be stuck here through Halloween," Cross said, and the trio jumped as a loud crash sounded from outside the window and lightning flashed brightening the room in an eerie glow. Judson gasped as he caught sight of something at the top of the spiral staircase on the right. The same ghostly white light he thought he’d glimpsed outside the door.

"Judson, are you all right?" Patterson asked as Cross’ face blanched in the after images of the electrical storm. He grew worried as the man continued to stare at something behind them. He turned, but the lightning stopped and there was nothing for him to see but darkness.

"Judson, what’s wrong?" Previn asked, worried about the blank look on his face. "Judson, what’s going on? Come on, you’re scaring me!"

"Huh? What?" Cross asked, blinking rapidly as he tried to focus his vision.

"Where did you go just now?" Previn asked.

"Go? What are you talking about, Mac? I’ve been here the whole time."

"I don’t mean literally, Judson. You just sort of pulled a Jim Ellison on us," she said with a smile.

"A what?" Cross asked, searching the dark area above them.

"Jim Ellison. You know the good-looking guy from that show Gabe makes us watch.

"She’s talking about The Sentinel, Judson. Jim sort of zones and his guide has to talk him back," Patterson explained.

"Damn, did I really do one of those?"

"Well you were staring at something only you could see and didn’t answer when Mac and I called you. What did you see?"

"I don’t know. Nothing really, it’s more like I caught a glimpse of something. A light of some kind."

"Judson, Halloween is still two days away and we’re out in the middle of no where in an ancient house full of dust and spiders and who knows what else. So please, let’s not start seeing things, okay?"

"I didn’t know you were afraid of ghosts, Mac." Patterson smiled as he teased the woman.

"Who said anything about ghosts?" Judson asked. "Look, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m beat. What do you say to finding something remotely resembling bedrooms and getting some shuteye? We can clean this place up in the morning."

"Sounds like a plan to me, Judson," the younger man answered.

"Any idea about the generator?" Previn asked.

"I have no idea where it is and I’m not in the mood to brave this weather to find it. You guys packed your sleeping bags right?" He saw them both nod and took a deep breath. "Then I guess we grab our gear and get some rest. Mac?"

"Yes, Judson."

"Did you bring any of those power bars of yours?"

"I thought you didn’t like them," Previn said as they reached the bottom of the spiral staircase.

"I don’t, but right now I’m so hungry my belly is taking a bite out of my backbone," Cross quipped as he watched her open her bag and remove three of the bars.

"At least it’s chocolate," Patterson said as he grabbed Judson’s bag.

"Gabe, I can carry it myself," Cross told him.

"I know, but for now humor me and eat your bar. Here, you take the flashlight," the younger man told him as Mac started up the rickety staircase.

"Think this is safe?" Previn asked after three steps.

"I don’t know, maybe we should spend the night down here," Cross said as a groan of creaking metal met their ears.

"I think you may be right, Judson," Patterson readily agreed as Mac came back down.

"Okay, so we sleep on the main floor," Previn said as the trio moved back into the main room. She watched as Cross moved to the fireplace and shone the light inside.

Judson placed the light just inside the opening and looked up the chimney. He searched for the lever that would open the flue and smiled as the well-oiled item opened easily. He reached for the kindling beside him and made a teepee of the small pieces of wood. Looking around he frowned as no matches were in the area.

"Here, Judson," Previn said as she handed him a gold lighter with the initials MP engraved on it.

"Is there something you want to tell us, Mac?" Patterson asked.

"About what?"

"A lighter with your initials on it?" Cross answered.

"Oh, that. A gift from an old boyfriend who thought I should always be prepared. He said I had no fire."

"He didn’t know you very well," the explorer said as he placed a few pieces of yellowed newspaper under the kindling.

"No, he didn’t," Previn said with a grin as the paper caught and the hungry flames reached for the kindling, igniting the dry wood and illuminating the area around Judson Cross.

"Well, at least we’ll have heat," Patterson said as he moved closer to the fire.

"Yes, and food," Cross said as he bit the top of the wrapper off the bar.

"Judson, you’re supposed to eat what’s inside the wrapper," Mac said with a smile.

"I don’t know about that, Mac, probably tastes the same anyway," Cross said and held the bar in his lips as he reached for several larger pieces of wood. Once the fire was going he pulled the grate across and stood up.

"Well, Gabe, how about you and I setting up the sleeping arrangements?" Previn asked.

"I can help," Cross said.

"You did your job for the night, Judson. Now why don’t you get out of those wet clothes and by the time you’re done the beds will be ready," Mac told him as she tossed his bag at his feet.

"Thanks," the explorer said.

"Don’t worry, I won’t look," Previn told him, smiling as she turned away and grabbed for the broom.

Judson heard the two of them talking as he removed the remainder of his wet clothes and pulled on a pair of warm sweat pants. He didn’t understand why he felt so cold as he grabbed for the bulky sweatshirt and hauled it down over his head. By the time he was finished changing the sleeping bags were laid out and ready for them. He moved to his bawdy orange one and smiled as he remembered when Penny gave it to him. She said it would always remind him of orange skittles and more often than not it did just that.

"Judson, are you all right? Previn asked, watching as the explorer trembled before getting into the sleeping bag and pulling it up around him.

"I’m fine, Mac, just a little cold," Cross explained. Truth was he just couldn’t get warm and his wrist was throbbing. He closed his eyes, but snapped them open as a cold hand touched against his forehead. "Mac!"

"Judson, why didn’t you tell us you weren’t feeling well?" Previn asked of the heat emanating from his forehead.

"I’m just cold…"

"And running a fever. Low grade, but with you being soaked like that it could get worse real fast. Gabe, see if we have anything in the first aid kit for fever."

"Sure, Mac," Patterson hurriedly opened the kit and pulled out a bottle of extra strength Tylenol. He handed them to Previn and reached for the bottle of water in his bag.

"Judson, take these."

Cross eased up, shivering as the sleeping bag fell off his shoulders and accepted the two pills before chasing them down with water. He lay back down and smiled sheepishly at his two companions before closing his eyes once more.

Cold…so cold…have to run…can’t breathe…can’t see anything…need help…water…can’t breathe water…need to breath. No! No…can’t breathe….drown…swim…must swim…can’t…can’t go any further…drowning…drowning…drowning…so c…cold….can’t breathe…

Part 2

He came to, gasping for air, his body bathed in sweat, his head pounding and close to exploding as he screamed. He felt hands touching him, but didn’t know whom they belonged to. He couldn’t breath, couldn’t get any air to enter his oxygen-starved lungs. No matter how hard he tried nothing gain access to his body and he tried to get away from the hands holding him under the water.

"Judson, breathe. Damn you!" Previn cursed as she helped Gabe sit the explorer forward. The flickering flames from the fireplace illuminated Cross’ face and she swore his lips were blue. Desperate to make him breathe she struck him on the back and was finally rewarded by the gasping sound of air whistling through clenched teeth.

"That’s it, Judson, Breathe!" Patterson said, relief evident in his voice as they held the shivering man.

Judson could not remember why it was so important to breathe, but it took a monumental effort to finally feel the air enter his lungs. If anyone asked he would swear he could feel his cells sighing as the oxygen renewed them.

"I…I’m okay."

"What happened?" Patterson asked worriedly.

"I don’t know, just felt like I couldn’t breathe. Felt like I was drowning," Cross told them, rubbing his eyes in and effort to clear his vision.

"Are you okay now?" Previn asked, concern evident in the way her hand unconsciously massaged his shoulder.

"Think so. Not sure I want to sleep anymore. What time is it anyway?"

"A little after four. Are you sure you’re okay? You look kind of pale." the young woman said.

"I’m okay."

"Have you warmed up yet?" Patterson asked.

"Not really," the explorer said and watched as Mac stoked the fire and added two more chunks of wood.

"Why don’t you try and go back to sleep, Judson," Previn suggested.

"I will, you two should do the same," the explorer said as rain clamored off the roof and the wind gusted through the trees, rattling the windows in the ancient framework. Lightning flashed as Cross settled down and tried to sleep. He soon heard the soft breathing that bespoke of the other two sleeping and knew he’d soon be joining them. He listened to the storm and felt it lull him towards the waiting arms of Morpheous. He heard someone calling to him, but was not sure if it was real or imaginary as he finally slipped over the edge.


A thick branch scraped against the window as the tempest raged around the 200 year old house. A figure, totally dressed in white stood silhouetted against the dark pane. Soft blue eyes looked into the warm light and long fingers tapped against the pane of glass. A voice as soft as quicksilver, called to the man she longed to hold and she watched as the figure turned on his side and faced her. She knew he was still asleep, and soft tendrils of a white aura penetrated the glass and touched against his forehead. Words were hard to form, but she called upon every ounce of energy she had and voiced a name.


The touch was feather light against his skin, but she knew he was hers. One hundred years of waiting was finally at an end. Judson Cross had come home and she would soon feel his warmth once more.


The old house settled during the storm as a second ethereal presence began to exude its influence on the air within the four walls. Something invaded his domain and he could not allow whomever it was to take what belonged to him. This house, the furnishings, the very walls and windows belonged to him, and he would not see anyone within it. The woman belonged to him and he felt her presence once more. She could not leave the house and her spectral aura was chained within the walls much as her body was chained within the mortar and brick room. She could not escape. He would not allow it, because they were destined to live out their existence here. She was at the window again, calling a name. At first he didn’t know the name, but he understood that she cared for whoever the invader was.

"Angelina, do not attempt to speak to him!" he ordered, but no sound escaped the ruined lips of the ghostly figure standing at the top of the stairs. He knew she heard him and smiled as he caught sight of her beyond the pane of glass. Heavy rains continued to fall yet he knew she could not feel it because her body was not real. It was as much smoke as the wisps of white that escaped through the chimney. He felt her fighting him and laughed as he influenced her mine and twisted her heart in knots. She belonged to him, and he would see that she understood just how strong he was. Pulling back from her he gazed upon the trio of sleeping figures and was surprised to see a familiar face.

"Judson Cross, it cannot be," he whispered, smiling as he sent out icy tendrils to infiltrate the man’s dreams. He reached deep, searching for this man’s soul and seeking some weakness he could exploit. Finding what he sought he sent out a cold breath of air.


The sleeping man shivered as if the room was bathed in the icy breath of an arctic wind. The air around him seemed heavy and his breath was easily visible in the warm glow of the fire. Something touched against his right cheek and seemed to burn his sensitized skin. As he looked around the semi-darkness, he heard his name being called, but the voice was unfamiliar and he tried to ignore it as he gazed at the two other occupants of the room.

Mac lay on her side, her hair covering most of her face as she slept soundly, oblivious of Judson’s perusal. Next he spotted Gabe sleeping on the other side of Previn and he couldn’t help but think about how young Patterson was. There was an air of innocence about him that was seldom seen when he was awake and working to fix some problem or another with The Vast Explorer. Judson lay back as the first tendrils of a predawn sky lightened the view beyond the window. He closed his eyes, but felt someone watching him. Opening his eyes once more Cross looked beyond his sleeping companions, his gaze drawn to the top of the spiral staircase as a dark figure stood rooted to the spot.

The figure was tall, perhaps six and a half feet and dressed totally in black. The hair was as dark as a midnight sky totally devoid of the stars and the moon, but it was the eyes that made Judson’s blood run cold. The pupils were black and rimmed in a crimson tide of bloodied veins. He watched as the figures mouth opened and heard the words spoken inside his mind.

"Come to me, Judson, she will not be yours."

"Who?" Cross frowned, as no sound escaped his throat, yet he knew whatever he was watching heard him.

"Angelina is and always will be mine. Come to me, Judson," the ghostly figure whispered, yet the voice thundered inside his skull and he knew he had no choice.

Judson stood on shaky legs and slowly made his way towards the spiral staircase. He remembered Mac’s attempt to climb it and renewed his efforts to ignore the specter, but his will was not his own anymore. He heard someone calling his name and wished he could answer, but whoever this was would not allow him to speak. As if controlled by something unseen his right foot found purchase on the first step, his left quickly followed and the creaking of the old staircase quickly drowned out the voices that were calling to him. One step at a time his feet moved, taking him upwards as his eyes locked with the crimson ones of the ghostly figure standing at the top of the staircase. The higher he went the colder the air around him became and goose bumps formed on his arms. He wanted to turn away, but there was something hypnotic about the image that drew him on.


"Help him…please…help him!"

Mac turned on her back as a soft voice sounded near her. She moaned as she pulled the blanket tightly around her and tried to ignore the unwanted wake up call, but the persistent voice continued and she grumbled without opening her eyes.

"Go away."

"Help him before it’s too late."

"Mac, something wrong?" Gabe mumbled as he forced his eyes open. He frowned as he looked towards Cross’ sleeping bag. ‘Where’s Judson?"

"Sleeping…wish I was," Previn groused.

"No, Mac, he’s not!" Patterson pushed back his sleeping blanket and stood up, searching the immediate area for their friend.

"What?" Previn was on her feet in an instant and the duo searched the room, but found nothing as they rubbed the chill from their bodies. "Where the hell is he?"



Judson heard someone calling him, but could not tear his gaze from the dark haired specter as he took another step towards the horror standing slightly above him. The hairs on the nape of his neck stood on end and he knew he should turn around, race down the stairs, and get out of the house, but he couldn’t. The air grew heavy, his limbs leaden, his vision blurred as he climbed the unstable structure.

"Come to me, Judson, for she is mine and you should never have touched her!"


Patterson and Previn turned at the sound of creaking metal and wood high above them and gasped at what they saw.

"Judson! Don’t move!" Previn called as she raced forward. The explorer stood at the top of the staircase holding tightly to the rail. The upper level was still in shadowy darkness, untouched by the dim light cast by the glow of the fire behind them.

Gabe watched, horrified as Cross took another step, seemingly oblivious to the danger he was in. Another sound had them both calling his name as the bolts, long ago rusted and untended gave way and the spiral casing tore away from the mezzanine floor. It seemed to hang suspended in midair for several long minutes, but was less than a second as the entire structure dropped towards the lower level.

Part 3

Gabe watched, horrified as Cross took another step, seemingly oblivious to the danger he was in. Another sound had them both calling his name as the bolts, long ago rusted and untended gave way and the spiral casing tore away from the mezzanine floor. It seemed to hang suspended in midair for several long minutes, but was less than a second as the entire structure dropped towards the lower level.


Judson felt his stomach lurch as hollow, evil laughter reached his ears seconds before the staircase deteriorated and gave in to the laws of gravity. A loud shriek permeated the air and he suddenly realized it came from him as the bottom dropped out of his world and he hit the floor before his mind registered the fall. He laid in a tangle of wood and metal, a bloodied heap filled with pain and fear as the phantom presence hovered over him.

"You will not die so easily, Judson! Angelina will see you suffer and know to whom she truly belongs, but come Halloween you will pay for touching her! Pay with your life!"

Cross heard Previn and Patterson talking to him, but the pain radiating from his left arm and chest left him breathless and he closed his eyes to ward off the nauseating sensations racing through his stomach. He tried to sit up, but two sets of hands held him on the floor. The aura of darkness above him faded and the air began to warm, but he trembled uncontrollably as his eyes locked on the angelic presence hovering near the window.

Long blond hair framed a sensual face, high cheekbones surrounding a perfect nose and cerulean blue eyes. The softness of her face left him breathless and he trembled as the darker aura enveloped her in a demonic embrace.

"No!" he cried as he tried to stand, but the images faded as pain radiated from various areas of his body. He moaned as someone touched him and his vision focused on the two people kneeling beside him.

"Judson, don’t try to move!" Patterson warned.

"H…have to help her!" Cross said as something ran down his left cheek.

"Help who? Mac’s okay, Judson, she’s right here!"

"N…not Mac. Angelina!" the explorer tried as consciousness left him.

"Who?" Previn asked as she looked at the now unconscious man.

"I don’t know. Damn it, Mac, what was he doing up there?"

"I don’t know, Gabe, but we need to get him away from this mess." She looked towards the window, grateful that the storm seemed to have ended. She turned back to the injured man and shook her head at the newly formed bruises and the wound over his left eye.

"How bad?"

"I’m no doctor, but I’d say he needs a hospital. Go out and start the Cherokee while I finish checking him over," Previn ordered, knowing Gabe would not question her authority on this. Ever since she’d removed the bullet Ana put into Cross, Patterson turned to her when they needed medical advice. Mac didn’t ask for it, but she was now their medical authority, and she wished Judson’s life wasn’t on her shoulders once more.

"On it," Patterson said and hurried towards the door as a loud crash sounded from outside. He pulled open the door and cursed as the wind howled through the 100-foot trees and several branches from high above cracked, as a streak of lightening seemed to bounce off the trunk and shatter the ancient pine. The tree seemed to drop in slow motion until it obliterated the road leading away from the house.

"Gabe, what’s wrong?" Previn asked, not looking up from where she continued to tend Cross’ head injury.

"I thought the storm was over, but it must be like a hurricane at sea."

"What are you talking about?" the woman asked as the house shook to its very foundations. The storm was once more overhead, thunder and lightning warring for attention as the sky darkened once more and hail pelted the ground and rooftop.

"The storm’s worse and lightning just took out one of the damn trees. It’s blocking the road, Mac. There’s no way we’re going to be able to move it until this stops."

"Shit! Okay, shut the door and get back here. We need to get Judson in his sleeping bag. He’s freezing here and I don’t even want to think about the possibility of internal injuries, Gabe."

"Alright, Mac, just tell me what you want me to do."

"Put more wood on the fire and then help me move Judson. Then we’re going to see if we can’t find the generator he talked about!" She quickly cleaned the two- inch laceration and placed a square of gauze over it as Patterson added more fuel to the fire. She glanced at the wall and was relieved to see they had an ample supply of wood to last several days.

As this thought struck her another more morbid one hit, ‘Does Judson have several days?’ she thought as her hand gently probed a dark bruise on the left side of his chest.

"Sorry," she apologized as her fingers touched several broken ribs, causing the explorer to cry out and pull away from her.

"Mac, are you okay?" Patterson asked from the fireplace.

"I’m fine, Gabe, but Judson’s not. He has at least two broken ribs here. I don’t think there’s anything else broken, but again I’m not a doctor."

"You’re doing the best you can, Mac…"

"God, I wish there was more I could do!"


"Easy, Judson, lie still, okay?"

"W…what happened?" Cross asked, his tongue licking at dry lips.

"You took a fall," she answered, smiling thinly at him.

"Is that why my whole body hurts," the injured man asked as his vision cleared and he looked into her worried face.

"Well, no, the fall didn’t do that. Think that had more to do with the landing!" She joked and heard his soft laughter, before he curled into a ball and moaned as pain intensified and threatened to send him back into the darkness.

"Don’t make m…me l…laugh, okay?"

"Okay. We’re going to get you back into your sleeping bag."

"S…sounds g…good. Ccccold!"

"Gabe has the fire going again, so it should warm up soon," Previn explained as the other man returned.

"All right, Judson, let’s get you back to bed." Patterson said and eased his arm under Cross’ shoulders and helped him into a sitting position. He watched as Previn offered support on the opposite side and they soon had their friend standing, but he sagged heavily between them.

Judson held his breath and tried hard to ignore the fire raging in his chest as he hung suspended between the man and woman he thought of as family. He knew his ribs were broken and understood if he moved too much he could end up with a punctured lung and if that happened there was no way he would live until they made it to a hospital.

"Judson, are you ready to move?" Patterson asked worried about the fine sheen of sweat covering the explorer’s forehead.

Cross couldn’t find the energy or the air required to answer and simply nodded once as he forced one foot in front of the other. He kept his eyes closed, feeling the nausea rising as his tumultuous stomach churned violently. He felt his aching body being lowered to the floor and grunted as his ribs protested this new torment. Something was tucked under his head and a glass held to his mouth as he tried to ignore the continuing discomfort he felt. He drank the cool water and smiled reassuringly at his worried friends as Mac pulled the sleeping bag up over him.

"Judson, I want you to take these, and then I want you to stay put while Gabe and I check for the generator," Previn explained, placing two tablets in his mouth and helping him drink more water.

"Thanks…both o…of you. T…think I’ll p…pass out n…now," Cross said as his eyelids closed.

"Mac, you stay with Judson. I’ll check for the generator," Patterson suggested.

"There’s nothing I can do for him right now, Gabe. It’s going to take both of us to get the generator going and then we need to check the supplies we brought with us," Previn said, reaching for the flashlight as she stood up.

"Are you sure he’ll be all right by himself?"

"He’ll be fine. There’s nothing here to hurt him…unless there are ghosts around we haven’t seen," the young woman joked in an effort to reassure her friend.

"Ghosts? No, I think that’s tomorrow night and I hope we’re back home by then!"

"Me too, Gabe," Previn said as they made their way to the door. The duo grabbed their jackets and pulled them on before opening the door and fighting against the wind and rain. The high beam of the flashlight revealed very little as the tempest kept the light of day close to the darkness of night.

"I haven’t seen anything like this since….since I don’t know when!" Patterson shouted above the howling wind.

"It does seem a little weird!" Previn said as she pulled the door closed and moved down the three steps. She led the way around the corner of the house, her hair whipping across her face as the wind shifted and the violence of nature seemed to be holding them back. Pulling her coat closer she turned to see Gabe doing the same as they fought their way around the corner of the house. She had no doubt that if they found the generator Gabe would get the damn thing working. The beam of the flashlight illuminated the storm- ravaged landscape and she ducked as an overhanging branch of a tree bucked and bowed, driving her to her knees.

"Mac! Are you all right?" Patterson asked, helping her to her feet.

"F…fine! Just watch out for the damn trees!"

"I will!" He smiled as he spotted something tucked under an eve at the far corner of the house. "I think that’s it, but it looks like it’s older than Judson’s aunt Regina!"

"Think you can get it up and running?" Mac shouted above the screeching tree branches.

"I haven’t found one that beat me yet," Patterson smiled confidently as the wind reeked havoc with his hair and the combination of rain and hale stung his face.

Mac knew it wasn’t a worthless boast. Gabe was a natural with engines, generators, and cars and right now there was no one she’d rather have working on this one. She held the flashlight so that he would be able to work and wondered how Cross was doing at that moment.


She moved through the house once more, a wispy presence of white smoke un-seeable to the naked eye, until her ghostly essence formed into the beautiful figure of the woman she once was. She knew he would be after her once he discovered she’d managed to slip past him once more, and she would pay the price when he found her. She remembered the beatings she’d endured for this man, and knew she would go through hell’s fires to be with him. To feel his strong, warm body pressed up against hers, his breath against her ear as he whispered of his love. How she wanted to hold him, to kiss him, to run her fingers through his sandy blond hair, but that would not be. Not until the horror of the past was redeemed could she ever feel warm again.

Judson opened his eyes as cold surrounded him once more. A smoky essence hovered above him, but there was none of the fear and horror he felt from the first encounter. He blinked rapidly until the angelic face came into focus and pushed back the blankets in an effort to reach for her.

"Angelina," he called and the face lit up with a rare softness he’d never seen before.

"Oh, Judson, you have returned to me."

The voice sounded inside his head and he frowned as he tried to make sense of what was happening. Who was this woman and why did she know his name? How did he know her name when he’d never laid eyes on her before? There was something about her that cried out for him to trust her, yet he could not give his trust so easily.

"Who are you?"

"My name is…was Angelina Riverton and this was to be my home, but he would not have it…would not let us be together." Her eyes darted left and right as fear overwhelmed her and her form began to dematerialize before his eyes.

"He who?" Cross asked weakly as he shoved back the sleeping bag and began to rise to his feet.

"Lucas! He’s here, Judson. Be careful I don’t want to lose you again," she whispered as her vaporous body disappeared.

"Angelina, come back! You don’t have to be afraid!" Cross called and held his hand to his head as he felt his head begin to pound with newfound intensity.

"She will not come back, Judson! She will not be yours!"

Cross lifted his head as he recognized the voice from earlier. Ignoring the pain stemming from his ribs he moved towards the ghostly figure and glared into the dark face. He knew he was facing something not of this world and yet he could not make himself believe he was seeing a ghost.

"Do you doubt your own sanity, Judson?"

"Most people p…probably do, Lucas, but I don’t. Why don’t you let her go?"

"Let her go where? In case you haven’t noticed she’s dead and since you’re decidedly amongst the living she means nothing to you! Leave here now while I am in a generous mood or you and your friends will never be able to leave! Do I make myself clear? Angelina is mine and no longer your concern!"

Judson watched through slitted eyes as the man twisted his hands and a scream of pain erupted from deeper in the house. He turned to see the ethereal aura of the young woman writhing as if in agony. He tore his gaze away and cursed the wraithlike creature shimmering in delight before him.

"Leave her alone!" he shouted as the figure turned back to him and the hands were pointed at his chest.

"You will leave her alone or die!"

Judson screamed as an unnatural force struck his chest. Invisible hands propelled him backwards as the air seemed displaced and he slammed up against the wall. He hung there for several long seconds before his body slowly slid down the wall and the light above him glowed with a brightness that burned his eyes.


"Wish me luck, Mac!" Paterson shouted above the hellacious cacophony caused by an angered mother nature. His hand hovered over the switch and he sent his own silent prayer that the out dated equipment had not seen its last day. He pressed down, holding his breath as the grinding sounds of gears shifting and suction sounder in his ears. He shouted and smiled as the glow of light shone from several windows.

"Luck had nothing to do with it, Gabe!" Mac said as the sound of a painful scream rent the air. The duo raced as one through the muddied ground until they reached the front door. Gabe grabbed the handle and shoved inwards, but nothing happened. Again and again they pounded on the heavy wood, but to no avail.

"JUDSON!" Previn called as she threw her weight up against the barrier. The only sound was that of the angry wind whipping the trees into a frenzied dance with the added sound of shrieking branches accompanying them, a freakish twist to the normal twisting dance performed at parties all around the world.

"Mac, let’s do it together!" Patterson shouted. "On three! ONE, TWO, THREE!"

They rammed the door and felt something give. Again and again they pounded their bodies against the unmovable obstacle until the locking mechanism gave and the door creaked open. They rushed inside and looked towards the sleeping bags, cursing as they noted they were all empty once more.

"Judson!" Mac called and was rewarded by a soft moan from the darker shadows near the fireplace.

"M…Mac, Gabe…"

"We’re here, Judson," Patterson told the semi-conscious man

"M…my head h…hurts…"

"I bet it does. I thought I told you to stay put!"

"I w…was. Was sleeping, but she woke me," Cross moaned as they helped him stand. He turned his head to the side as he lost the contents of his stomach.

"Who woke you, Judson?" Previn asked.

"Angelina…she’s a g…ghost," Cross answered, his voice filled with pain as once more they settled him into his sleeping bag. He mumbled a few unintelligible words as they tucked the blanket around his trembling body and watched as he drifted towards sleep once more.

"Mac, is he going to be all right?"

"I don’t know, Gabe. Whatever’s happening is probably a result of the blow he took to the head. He’s showing all the signs of a concussion including the nausea and dizziness."

"But seeing ghosts?" Patterson said in disbelief.

"We’ve all seen ghosts, Gabe, and with the concussion Judson has it’s probably easy for him to imagine he’s seen someone."

"Not just someone. He gave a name, Mac. He called her Angelina. Isn’t that strange to you?"

"Probably, but again it could be the concussion making him do that. I don’t think we should leave him alone either. You stay with him while I check out the kitchen. Maybe I can get something made that’ll warm Judson up."

"The cooler is still in the Cherokee!" Patterson observed.

"I know. I’ll get it and see what I can make," Previn said, knowing the cooler would have kept everything from going bad. She prayed there was a refrigerator and a kettle or pot to boil water in. She needed coffee and somehow she would make a good strong pot.

"Just be careful, Mac."

"I will, you just make sure Judson stays where he is this time." Previn smiled as she hurried away, leaving a worried Gabe Patterson to watch over the explorer.

Mac moved into the kitchen and was surprised by what she saw there. The equipment looked outdated, but it was so much cleaner than the rest of the house. Frowning she moved to check the fridge and found it humming loudly, a good indication that it was working. She opened the door and found the inside growing cold. Next she checked the stove and again smiled as the burner came to life, glowing as it radiated heat from the single coils.

‘Looks like we’ll be eating something hot for lunch!’


"Who’s there?" she asked, whipping around and searching the shadows for movement. Nothing moved in the kitchen and she shrugged her shoulders as she went back to searching the cupboards. There were plenty of dry goods on hand and several well used, but clean pots. Finished she walked back into the outer room and checked on her two companions.

"How is he, Gabe?"

"Restless, Mac. He’s warm!"

"His temperature seems to be up a little and that’s probably from the cold and being wet yesterday. Hopefully it’s nothing serious," Previn explained.

"I sure hope so," Patterson told her as Cross shifted under the sleeping bag. "What did you find in there?"

"Believe it or not, the kitchen is spotless and Judson was right about it being well stocked. I’m going to grab the cooler from the Cherokee and see if I can’t get something going for lunch."

"Sounds good, Mac," Patterson said and moved to add more wood to the fire. He heard Previn leave and stoked the fire until the heat filled the area surrounding him. He heard a soft moan and turned to find green eyes staring at him.


"Right here, Judson. How are you feeling?"

"Sore. Chest h…hurts."

"You’ve broken a couple of ribs and should try not to move around much."

"G…good advice. Where’s Mac?"

"She just went out to get the cooler and should be back any minute."


"Yes, we’re still stuck in the storm. As soon as it stops we’ll get you out of here and to a hospital."

"Ship…back to the ship."

"Yes, that too, but I have a feeling you’ll be spending a few days in Saint Lukes before we do any traveling."

"N…not if I can help i…it," Cross said, and held his ribs as several deep coughs erupted from his chest. He felt Gabe lift him forward and tried to speak, but the air was cold and his throat seemed to be frozen. He heard the door open and felt the colder air sap what little warmth his body had managed to hang on to.

"What’s wrong?" Previn said, slamming the door with her foot and dropping the cooler beside the door.

"H…hi, M…Mac," the explorer finally managed as oxygen entered his lungs and his constricted throat opened once more.

"Hi yourself, Judson. Do you realize you’ve managed to make Gabe even paler than he usually is? What happened?"

"Chest hurt, c…couldn’t breathe."

"How is it now?" Previn asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Better. Could use s…something to d…drink," Cross told her.

"I’ll get it, Mac," Patterson said as Previn supported their friend. Mac held the explorer and was gripped with fear as she felt him struggling to breathe. She lost track of how many times he coughed and how often she and Gabe forced water into him until he finally seemed to relax and take in enough air to satisfy his oxygen starved lungs


"Right here, Judson," Previn said, clinging tightly to the trembling man in an effort to keep him warm.


"I know, but Gabe has the fire going and we have the generator working so hopefully it’ll warm up pretty fast now. I’m going to see about warming up some soup for you."

"O…okay, s…sorry…tired."

"I know you are. Think you can sleep?"

"No. Can’t, she’s there, in my dreams," Cross told her as he leaned against her for added support.


"Hmm," the explorer mumbled.

"Who is she, Judson?" Patterson asked.

"A g…ghost, s…stuck here. D…don’t know w…why," the injured man explained.

"Judson, it’s just a dream. She can’t hurt you," Previn assured him.

"N…not her…him! He’s going t…to k…kill me."

"Who?" Gabe asked looking worriedly at Previn.

"Lucas…says I c…can’t have her! S…so cold." Judson looked at the upper floor once more and his eyes grew wide as two figures stood there. He recognized both and knew the man was not going to let the woman get away with speaking to him. Somehow he had to help her, but right now the call of sleep was too much and his lids dropped over glassy eyes.

"Mac, you don’t suppose there are really ghosts here?" Patterson asked as they settled Cross on the floor once more.

"I don’t know, Gabe, but something’s had Judson acting strange since we got here. First his wrist gets broken, then his being so cold and that bad fall. There’s something going on here and I think we need to find out what it is before something else happens."

"Mac, I’m going to see if I can maybe cut away part of the tree. Maybe we can get out of here today!"

"I took a look at it, Gabe. Nothing short of a miracle or a chain saw will move that thing. We’re stuck here until this storm dies down and then maybe we’ll be able to pull it out using the Cherokee and the chains. I’d try it now, but I think we’d just end up stuck in the mud and if that happens one of us will have to walk out for help. Why don’t you stay with him and I’ll start lunch?"

"All right," Patterson said, nodding as he stood and walked to the window. He heard Previn leave as he gazed out at the windswept landscape. There was no way they could leave, even with Cross’ life depending on medical help. He’d tried his cell phone, but for some reason there was no service in this area. Something told him Judson and Mac’s would have the same problem. Although it was almost noon the day was dark as the night and the tempest created a macabre dance of trees, rain, hail, and brush. Something moved to his right and he frowned as he caught site of something white, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared and he shrugged it off as he rubbed the chill from his arms.

Part 4

"All right," Patterson said, nodding as he stood and walked to the window. He heard Previn leave as he gazed out at the windswept landscape. There was no way they could leave, even with Cross’ life depending on medical help. He’d tried his cell phone, but for some reason there was no service in this area. Something told him Judson and Mac’s would have the same problem. Although it was almost noon the day was dark as the night and the tempest created a macabre dance of trees, rain, hail, and brush. Something moved to his right and he frowned as he caught site of something white, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared and he shrugged it off as he rubbed the chill from his arms.


Lucas stared at the unconscious man below him and smiled at the thought of what would happen the next night. There would be no way Judson could escape this time. He would once more find himself in a watery grave, but unlike the other times he would be alone. At midnight, the blackest hour, Judson Cross, as he called himself now would drown in his own blood.

"Lucas, please don’t do this. I will stay with you!"

"It is too late, Angelina, you should have thought of that when I first met you. I told you then I would kill anyone who even looked at you in such a way. You were promised to me, Angelina and I will keep you until I tire of killing your paramour!"

"No, please, Lucas, no more. I can’t stand to watch him die again. Please I will go with you!" Ghostly tears slid from cerulean eyes as she knelt before the hated figure dressed in the black tuxedo.

"It will be over tomorrow night, Angelina! You and I will be together forever and he will exist only as a fleeting memory."

"You can’t take away my memory, Lucas. You may take my body and use it as you will, but the love I share with Judson will stay with me forever."

"NO! I will not allow that! You will forget him and love me as it was supposed to be!"

"I despise you, Lucas!" she ground out, her voice cold with hate as she watched him.

"He will pay for your insolence, Angelina, and pay dearly!"

"NO! Please, don’t!"

"You should have thought of that before speaking to me of your lover! Watch!" Lucas said, raising his hand and pointing it towards Judson Cross.
