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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



A plane crash.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Page 1


A plane crash; Gabe h/c but also Judson centric
Standard disclaimer: Purely for entertainment not making any money on this.

Chapter Text

By Debbie S.

Over South America a small Cessna airplane is flying, at the controls is a dark haired man and beside him is Judson with Gabe sitting directly behind him surrounded by various boxes and bags. Gabe doesn't look like he's having a good time but Judson is smiling broadly and enjoying the view below.

As the plane hits turbulence and some of the boxes shift Gabe says, "Judson next time I get to take the commercial flight and Mac flies with you."

Judson smiles at the pilot and says, "I only needed one of you to stick around in Argentina and give me a hand with the research. Mac was driving us both nuts so it made sense to send her on ahead and have her make all the arrangements for the rental boat. How was I supposed to know there wouldn't be any openings when we were ready to leave."

Gabe grumbles something unintelligible and Judson says, "Come on Gabe it's not that bad. At least the planes a lot nicer than the one we flew in Russia."

Gabe makes a face at the back of his friends' head and says, "Very funny. Horja how much longer till we get on the ground?"

The pilot looks at Judson and says; "Oh I don't know depends on the weather it could be quite while."

Gabe groans and Judson starts to laugh and says, "Come on Gabe look out the window enjoy the view it's great, before you know it we'll be on the ground."

Gabe looks out the window and says, "Judson we took off 20 minutes ago, all you can see is water and wow more water great view." They hit turbulence again and Gabe groans, "Now would be soon enough for me."

Horja chuckles and says, "Looks like we got some weather ahead of us. How about I divert a little and stay away from it. It's gonna add time to the flight but if we divert "

Gabe happily interrupts, "By all means divert and avoid it."

Judson looks at Horja and says, "How much time are we talking about? What about fuel?"

Before Horja can answer Gabe says, "Yeah what about fuel? Are we gonna have enough cause it's not like we can stop at a gas station up here, you know!"

Horja looks back at Gabe and says, "Not a problem we should have more than enough to make it to Wendell island. We can stop there and get some more fuel then I can fly you to Stanley airport from there. Maybe we'll get lucky and catch a tail wind and we won't need to stop in Wendell."

Gabe's eyes open wide at the last part and Horja laughs at him then says, "What's the matter kid? Thought you'd be used to flying around after working with Judson for a couple of years."

Before Gabe can say anything Judson says, "Gabe prefers commercial planes to the small ones. I don't know why though?"

Gabe smacks Judson in the back of the head and says, "Do I need to remind you about Russia, we crashed. Seems to me that's a good enough reason."

Judson and Horja start laughing at him so Gabe sits back and glares at the back of their heads obviously not happy about the situation.


Mac is lounging on the deck of the rental boat enjoying some leisure time before Judson and Gabe arrive and they have to get back to work.

She's about to take a sip of her drink when suddenly her cell phone rings. Putting her drink down she reluctantly grabs the phone and takes the call, "Hello!

Judson's voice can be heard saying, "Mac!"

Mac smiles and says, "Hey Judson. How's it going? Can't wait to"

Judson's voice practically yells, "Mac were in trouble here!"

Mac sits straight up in her chair and says, "Define trouble. Judson what's going on?"

Through a lot of static Mac hears Judson say, "Something wrong . . .plane . . . missed Wendell passing . . . West Faulk . . .small is . . . going down . . .off coast East." Then the phone goes dead.

Mac stands up and yells into her phone, "Judson? Judson can you hear me? JUDSON!!"

end part 1