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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



What happens when Ram leaves Darryl?

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Darryl watched as the Mall rats and Ram got onto the boat, after all the kissing and hugging,
it was finally over. He stood off to the side, and watched as the man he loved, got onto the
boat, probably to walk out of his life forever. A tear slipped down Darryl's cheek, as Ram got
onto the boat, and as the last person got onto the boat, Ram looked over in his direction, and
a smirk crossed those lovely features, that still gave Darryl the goose bumps, every single time
he remembered their short time together.

"Why do they all leave me?" He asked softly, as the boat slowly began to sail off, picking up
speed every few seconds. Everyone that Darryl had ever cared for or loved, left him. They all
did. He never understood why that was. Darryl put his hand to his cheek, and wiped away his
own tears. Now he was all alone again, with no one to care for, and no one to love. He ran a
hand through his dark black hair, and wished that things had been better, so that the others
wouldn't have had to leave.

Darryl walked back to his house and began to clean it. There were still many things that
needed to be done, and sitting around moping about how Ram had left him, wasn't one
of those things. He began to clean, starting with the living room. Darryl dusted the room
down, until there was nothing left to dust, and where you could see yourself in everything
that was made of glass. He went into the kitchen and began to clean, starting with the
dishes, and then cleaning the cabinets.

The next thing Darryl did was clean the downstairs bathroom. An hour later, he finished cleaning
the bathroom, with only the medicine cabinet left to clean. When Darryl slowly opened the door
to the medicine cabinet, several different pill bottles crashed onto the counter, as others crashed
to the ground, startling him. He quickly picked them all up, and placed them back in the counter,
trying not to think about how appealing the pills were beginning to look. Darryl just sighed softly.

Even though Ram and the others had only been gone for a few hours, to him, it felt even longer.
He and Ram, had been going through a lot lately, as the others got ready to leave. 'The two of
them had talked about staying together, and they had talked about staying here, on the island,
but Ram didn't want to stay, and apparently he didn't wanna be with me either...' Darryl thought,
as another tear fell down his cheek. They had been arguing too much lately, instead of talking.

Darryl sighed softly, as he walked out of his downstairs bathroom, and headed upstairs, to go
clean everything up there. He walked into his room, and stripped the bed and pillows, bringing
the dirty laundry, and tossing it into the washer, and flipping the switch on, to start it, before
going back into the room. Then Darryl put on the new sheets and pillow cases, and then when
he finished, he stepped back to admire his work. A smile crossed his face. His house was clean.

Now, the only thing left, was the bathroom, that was connected to the master bedroom,
his and Ram's room. Correction. What used to be his and Ram's room. It was now, just
his room. Walking into the bathroom, Darryl began to clean it, not giving Ram or any of
the others a second thought, as he got caught up in the task at hand. However, as he
walked over to the hamper, and quickly picks it up, something fell out of it. When Darryl
bent down to retrieve it, he gasped softly.

It was one of Ram's shirts. It was one of the new shirts that he and Ram had bought
together, when they had still been a couple. Darryl hugged the shirt to his chest, and
inhaled the scent of Ram, that came from it. "Why did you leave me...?" He asked the
air softly, staring at the floor of the silent room. When no answer came to him, Darryl
fell to his knees, and still clutching Ram's shirt, began to full out sob. "What did I do?
What do I always do, to have you take everyone from me?" He cried, and then fell off
his knees and into a ball on the floor. "Why do they leave me?"

Darryl couldn't breathe, as he remembered when he and Ram had first gotten together.
They had been on the boat for a month already, and Ram hadn't been feeling well, so
he had gone to check on the other man, to see how Ram was feeling. When Darryl had
reached Ram's room, he'd found it empty. Darryl had gotten worried, then, Ram was sick
or hurt, and raced out of the room, and began to look for the other man, only to find him
sitting up on the railings of the boat, looking out over the water. "Ram, are you crazy?!"
He had asked, before pulling the other man off the railings, and back onto the boat's floor,
where it was much safer, and so they could talk.

After that, the rest is as they say history. Sure, they had talked for a while. But a little
while later, they had gone back to Ram's room, and the other man kissed him, surprising
Darryl. Unable to do anything, and not sure that he wanted to, Darryl let Ram kiss him.
When the other man finally pulled out of the kiss, a little while later, he felt a protest,
but it died on his lips, when Ram began to speak. "I want to thank you for being here
for me, Darryl. I know that I've treated you like real sh*t in the past, but I want you
to know, that I won't anymore."

Ram had smiled at him, and then had pulled him close, and kissed him. Darryl had felt tingles
all over his body, just from the kiss. However, when Ram's arms circled his waist, and began
to unzip his pants, Darryl began to get afraid, and he froze. Ram had sensed his fear, and so
he had spoke calmly and softly, asking if he was okay, and when Darryl said yes, but that he
was also afraid, Ram nodded. He had stopped his hands, and asked if the other man wanted
for him to continue. Oh yes, god yes! Darryl remembered, that he had wanted Ram to continue.

He had nodded, and Ram had smiled, and then kissed his neck, before going back to unzipping
Darryl's pants. Then he had slowly slipped one of his hands in the other man's pants, and began
to rub Darryl's thigh, making the younger man giggle since he was ticklish. Moments later, Ram
began to stroke him through his boxers, and Darryl felt himself begin to moan softly, loving the
feel of Ram touching him. However, when Ram had slid down Darryl's body, pulling the younger
man's boxers, down with him, Darryl began freaking out once again. That was, until Ram's warm
mouth, went over him.

Darryl thought that he was going to die from the pleasure, as Ram continued to lick him, and suck
him. A little while later, as things began to build up, Darryl wondered what it would be like, to make
love with Ram, and he asked the other man so. When Ram smiled, Darryl had grown afraid, but Ram
had assured him, that it would be okay. After they had made love many times, to one another, and
for one another, they had taken a shower together and had cleaned house, before sitting down on
the sofa, and talking about nothing in particular. Darryl sighed. He missed having that, all of it.

Getting up off the floor, he muttered softly to himself, angry curses. Calling himself a fool for even
falling for Ram, Darryl reached up to the cabinet, and pulled out several pill bottles. After looking at
all of them, and picking out the one that would be the worse, and have the worse affects, he took
the pill bottle, popped it open, and threw the lid onto the counter. Darryl looked in the mirror for a
moment, realizing that to him, Ram had been like a drug, his own secret drug. He sighed softly, and
tossed the pills back, taking the whole bottle. Darryl muttered softly, "I'm a Loser" before darkness
took him, and his fragile body fell to the ground, never to move again.

The End.