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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

That Ole' Christmas Feeling


Uhura shares a bit of home.

Work Text:

That Ole' Christmas Feeling


"Hey Ny, I picked up a package for me and saw you had one as well. I put it in your quarters for you."

"Thanks Christine, I hope it's the Christmas package I ordered a couple of months ago. Leave it up to the online companies to quickly to take your credits, but take their own sweet time to deliver."

"That's their way of making you feel like a valued customer. Hey, you want to watch a holovid tonight, it's new."

"Sorry I can't. If that package is what I think it is, I'm going to be busy."

"Well, if it isn't stop by and keep me company, kay?"

"I'll be sure to do just that," Uhura said smiling.

Uhura looked at the shipping label on her package once she arrived in her quarters and found it was exactly what she was hoping for. She used nimble fingers to unseal the box with great care and was delighted once she saw the contents.

With her mind made up and the package in hand, Uhura walked to her computer to make a call.


The Observation room lit with stars as Uhura sat in her favorite spot. As expected, no one was around, and she had the place to herself to relax and unwind. Christmas was fast approaching and memories of home and family flooded her thoughts. This year she will miss the presentation of a perfect Christmas gift to the family, the birth of her first niece. She will receive holovids of the blessed event of course, but nothing could replace her being there supporting her sister and holding the sweet smelling baby in her arms. She'll miss the annual Christmas visit to the Americas to see relatives, and the snow that made its timely appearance.

She heard the door swoosh open and saw the reflection of someone enter as she continued to look at the stars.

"I'm glad that you are able to join me, great timing as always."


"Have a seat; I have something I would like you to experience with me."

One of Spock's brows disappeared as he sat in the seat she patted next to her. The dark room caused the stars to reflect in her eyes as he took note of her excitement. As he sat next to her he followed her eyes down to the package she was slowly opening, and leaned over for a closer look.

"Peppermints," she said.

Uhura smiled at the confused look on his face. She didn't give an explanation right away, loving how she could sometimes be a mystery to him.

"Are you going to explain why you called me down here to look at peppermints?"

"Oh they're not just any ole' peppermints, they are the peppermints that melt in your mouth. Like it was first made hundreds of years ago on earth, here try one."

When Spock reached for the box she snatched it away, bringing a crease between his brows.

"Not so fast. First when you pick one up you must study it. See, roll the peppermint ball between your fingers like so, then hold it under you nose and take a good long whiff. That way multiple senses get to experience it. That's right. Now place it in your mouth and roll it around on your tongue, savor it."

Spock and Uhura sat back in comfortable silence and watched the stars as the peppermint melted in their mouths. Every now and then Uhura would look at Spock amused, and he in turn was unreadable. She didn't wonder what he was thinking, she knew. She was aware that he was analyzing it, the texture, the taste and separating each ingredient.

// Ever the scientist//

"Now you must quickly bite and chew the remaining peppermint and swallow."

Spock followed her example after she spoke around her candy. He wondered how she manage to smile and chew at the same time without biting the inside of her cheek. A second thought came to mind as he continued to watch her. He wondered if her lips where as soft to the touch as they looked and found a sudden desire to...

"Spock you stopped chewing."

"That is because I am finished."

She quickly swallowed the rest of her candy when a twinkle entered her eye.

"Okay now put your lips together and slowly suck in like this."

Her demonstrations caused him to want to act on his earlier hypothesis.

"Quickly, Spock before the sensation goes away."

He couldn't help raising both brows, and decided to follow her example instead of her unconscious statement. He experienced a cool sensation that lead to his throat despite his normal high degree body temperature.

"The coolness reminds me of the snow at Christmas time in North America, Main. Catching snow on your tongue, making snow angels, and having snowball fights," she whispered

She continued to look at him as he followed her actions, hoping he could experience a little Christmas feeling through her and the cool mint candy.

"Mmmm, those thoughts lead to caroling, hot chocolate and sugar cookies with red and green sprinkles."

Spock watched as Uhura re-lived past Christmases of her childhood, and was very honored that she would share it with him. He continued to observe as she became quiet, wandering the halls of bygone days with a hint of sadness, as it caused her joy to fade a little.

"I am pleased to be able to share another Christmas with you Nyota," he whispered.

"I am as well, Spock. It's nice to make new memories, isn't it?"

Spock was surprised when she leaned her back against his body and sniffed another peppermint before popping it in her mouth. She continued to look at the stars while holding up the box for Spock to take another candy. When she heard the air rush between his lips she smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Spock."

"Merry Christmas, Nyota."

The End