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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Child of time


Cole and Phoebe have a baby in the future, a future that hasn’t happened. A time demon shows up with info on a forbidden child, a half-demon half-witch baby? Why did future Phoebe and Cole send their baby to the present? Xander centered.

Work Text:

Child of time

Title: Just a normal day
Author: MoonKat
Fandom: Charmed/BTVS
Pairing: Piper/Leo Cole/Phoebe Prue/?
Summary: Cole and Phoebe have a baby in the future, a future that hasn't happened. A time demon shows up one day in the past or the present or something and brings info on they're baby to the Charmed One's. What would happen to such a forbidden child, a half-demon half-witch baby? And why did future Phoebe and Cole send their child to the present?
Changes: Paige will appear later. I like her but I rrrrrealllly didn't like it when Prue became dead. Oh and Piper gets preggie sooner.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the craziness that spews out of my head. It does spew very sloppy-like. All characters belong to their respective owners. I don't own nada. If I owned the Charmed Ones or Xander I'd have money. Which I don't, sadly I don't. Just writing here.
Author notes & Warnings: might have Female/Female or Male/Male. I have No Beta. Be afraid, I'm a moody scatter brained nut of a girl. ^_- My mood affects my writing. I warn you it could get scary . . .And maybe a little out of order.


Tapping the pen on her cheek Phoebe flipped to the next page. The book of Shadows was being no help this time. The newest demon threat was a total mystery. How hard is it to find info on a blue skinned demon with glowing silver horns!!!? "Oh come on where is it? It's six feet tall and smells like tapioca! Grrrrr!"

Closing the book with quite a bit of force Phoebe made her way down stairs. Prue and Piper were sweeping up glass from the latest demons attack. It had tried to kill them and drain their powers. Just as she reached the last step Leo orbed in. "Leo, hey any news?"

"This demon is called Morhun. They are power hungry shape-shifters that take the form of their victims after they kill them. They're . . .um witch-eaters." Said Leo as he helped Piper put a shelf back in place. "Piper you shouldn't exert yourself to much. It's not good for the baby."

Piper rolled her eyes as she started stacking fallen books. "Leo, honey, I'm a month pregnant not sick or disabled. I can still work and tie my own shoes like a big girl."

"How do we get rid of this demon?" Prue narrowed her eyes at Leo when he squirmed. He was going to say something she didn't like, she just knew it. She tapped her foot as she waved her hand impatiently for him to talk. "How?"

" A potion and a powerful holy object. We need the blood of a higher demon, a hair from two or four powerful witches giving willingly or without their knowledge and . . ." They all looked at Leo with raised brows. "The blood of a newborn. We need to draw the blood no more then a minute after birth, any longer and the power of the innocent blood is moot."

"Grrrrrrreeat. What are we going to do? Go to the hospital and ask a birthing mother if we could watch?" Said Piper as she plopped down on the couch.

Prue raised a brow. "Somehow I don't think that would work . . ." She was going to add her own sarcasm to the mix when her cell phone rang. She was needed at work. Someone fucked up again!

"Well at least we already have some of the ingredients!! We have witch hair and I could ask Cole to donate a pint! We're already half done!" Phoebe seamed re-energized now that they had a plan. Just as she was about to run up stairs and get the book of Shadows Cole shimmered in.

"Phoebe where were you? You were going to meet me for lunch, you told me to meet you at that one french restaurant. You took so long that I ordered for us." He held up two red plastic bags that smelled of rich gravy and hot spices.

Hitting herself in the head Phoebe rushed up and gave Cole a kiss and hug. "Sorry I forgot all about it! We kinda have a demon problem . . .It wants to kill us and take on our human forms. Same old, same old. Oh and we need some of your blood. We have to vanquish a moron, mormon, marhun! Whatever it is. We need to kill it."

Cole raised a finely chiseled brow. "Really."

"It's a Morhun demon Phoebs. I'm going to go and make the potion." Piper said as she plucked a hair from her head than from Phoebe's who yelled 'OWW' before going to get the book. Tapping Prue on the shoulder, who was yelling at whoever it was on the other end.

"Give. Need a hair." Piper held out a hand. Plucking a hair Prue handed it over then kept yelling into the phone. Prue's grey eyes were alight with fire, whoever pissed Prue off was in BIG trouble. Leaving Prue to pace and yell at the Larry person on the other end of the phone, Piper had a potion to make in the kitchen. A minute later Phoebe and Cole joined her in the kitchen. With the book of Shadows open Phoebe slammed it onto the table, she was smiling brightly as she pointed at a tiny paragraph in the book.

"Look at this!! I found a teeny tiny reference to the Morhun! Or maybe I should say the wind did . . . Anyway it has instructions for the potion. First it says to boil fresh spring water . . ."

Pulling a water bottle from the shelf Piper poured it into the little cauldron, it did say fresh spring water on it. "Ok what next."

"We need to let the hairs boiled in the water--"

Cole left the sisters to their work and went to the table and unpacked the food. The smell of good but not quite Piper food mixed with the bitter smell of magic, it hung thick in the air. Prue stomped into the kitchen and slammed her phone onto the table and snatched a creamy chicken pasta from Cole's hand before he could place it onto the table. She was glaring death at the food as she ate it.

"Sweetie? Trouble at work?" Said Piper as she walked around the table to face Prue.

Prue sighed. "The new guy lost my clients merchandise . . .I'll need to go in today. My client is really upset, Ms. Lindee is thinking of suing."


"Yeah. But there was something odd about her two paintings anyway." Prue set down the half eaten food and went over to the book.

"What ya mean by odd? Odd like it smelled, it was off color, or maybe bland? Or like flashy lights moving in a window with warlocks living in it odd?" Piper ask. Her hands were on her hips and her eyes were narrowed. Phoebe sat in the stool across from them, she had a worried look in her rich colored eyes.

"The color of the guy's eyes kept . . .I don't know, swirling. And the men in the pictures would um . . . shift. Like a movie that's on the slowest setting possible. Larry said some crazy girl and angry young boy ran out with the paintings saying that they wouldn't let Ms. Lindee sell their brother." Prue tapped a page in thought. " Something's off about Lindee too. She looks at men like a predator. I thought one time I seen her eyes glow when a guy accidently brushed by her. At the time I just thought it was the play of the light in the sun. But now I'm not sure."

"You think it's something we need to ass kick?" Asked Phoebe as she preformed a perfect high kick that would have left someone quite tall reeling with a throbbing jaw.


"Grreeaaaaaaat. Something else we need to worry about. I swear, give it another year and we'll be the youngest white haired woman in San Francisco. Maybe Leo can--" The house phone rang, Piper answered it.

Piper groaned. "Wonderful! Just lovely. I forgot about the party of twelve coming to P3 at 10pm. Today is just getting better and better."

Phoebe pulled a sharp knife from one of the shelves and headed for Cole. She waved the knife and glass vile in Cole's face. "Ok buster. Need you to fill this to the top."

"Ok, lets get organized. Prue you research your picture thing, all we need is that to bit us in the end. Phoebe. You and Cole work on the potion. Oh and help Prue." Said Piper as she started gathering her purse and keys.

"I don't need any help." Said Prue not even looking up from the book.

"Humor me." Said Piper as she put on her coat.

"And where are you going?" Phoebe stirred the thick dark blood into the potion. The potion went from a clear milky color to a deep almost black green.

"To the hospital. Leo we need to go to the hospital!" Leo popped right in at Piper's call with a panicked look on his face.

"What's wrong? Are you ok? The baby-"

Piper covered Leo's mouth and smiled at him as she ruffled his sandy hair. " Its only a little over a month a long. We need to get the potion ingredient remember?"

"Oh, right." He said with a sheepish look. He was about to orb them out when Phoebe yelled at them to wait.

"I have a spell! It could point you to the right direction. You know so you guy's don't have to wait hours for a birthing mother to do the birthing. Just wait a second." Pulling out a piece of paper from a notebook and a small crystal on a string Phoebe started to chant.

~The soil is rich . . . seed grown . . .to the air where it be blown
Take on life this glowing one . . . May your life be full of fun
Point me to thee, where ever ye be~

Once finished the little white crystal glowed and started pointing north. "There we go! One baby finder already!! What?"

Everyone had a particular look on their faces, even Cole. They were all looking at her oddly. The crystal flared then pointed east. "Oops. You two better hurry. You just missed a birth."

Piper took the crystal then gently extracted the worn paper with the spell on it from Phoebe. "Sweetie this is really worn out. Why'd you write it?"

Phoebe shrugged and took the paper back and put it into the notebook. "Well you were all worried about your soon to be daughter, I wrote it for her. It's going to be a protection spell. I just reworded it for this."

Piper melted and hugged her sister. "Thank you! It would be helpful and might work. The thought of binding my daughter again makes me sick to my stomach. Well lets go Leo. The sooner we collect the blood and finish the potion the better! I have a party of twelve to work on!"

With that said Leo and Piper orbed away.


Piper growled as she and Leo orbed home. "Next time I say don't point that thing at me, don't point it at me!!"

"How was I supposed to know it would squirt out like that!" said Leo as he tried to wipe some of the red stuff off her with a napkin. She slapped his hand away but did take the napkin.

Prue looked her sister over. "Should I even ask?"

Piper glared at her sister. "No."



Phoebe held two potion bottles full of blue liquid. "Ok vanishing potions all ready to go! Now lets kick some evil demon butt!!"

Prue sighed. "We still need a powerful holy object."

"Not to worry! Leo can get one!" Said Phoebe with her bright sunny smile.

"I can?" Said Leo.

"Well sure!! You're a whitelighter. And you said yourself you're like a guarding angel! So bring something angel-like here!" Phoebe made a shooing motion.

"Why do I have to look for one?" He asked before he orbed out.

"Ok now that that is settled lets find our demon!" Phoebe cheered as she headed for the book.

"Don't bother." Growled Prue.


"Because he's at the door." Prue barely finished speaking when the doors blew up revealing the morhun demon. The sisters fell to the ground among the rubble and glass.

"Well at least he used the door." Groaned Piper as she tried freezing it.

The demon froze but it was slowly starting to move, breaking Piper's hold on it. "Well at least your powers are working. No flowers, or puppies, or butterflies! Good right!" Said Phoebe as she tossed a ceramic figurine at the demon.

"No. The mushy stuff only pops up when I try to blow things up. I'm carrying a pacifist after all."

Landing a flying kick which dug her pointed heel into the demons back, Phoebe winced. The demons skin was as hard as rock and now her nice shoes were trashed. The heel had snapped clean off. The demon growled and swiped out at Phoebe, tossing her across the room. Prue swiped her own hand out and tossed the demon through a wall.

"Leo! We could use your help now!"Said Phoebe as she levered herself up.

"LEO! GET DOWN HERE NOW!"Yelled Piper as she tried to blow the demon up. Baby ducklings popped up instead of blowing the demon away. Piper growled. "This is so not the time for this!!"

Leo orbed in. In his hand was a plain black cross on a silver chain. "Hurry lets do this! Shinigami is only letting us barrow his cross! I need to get it back to him before he sends his lover the winged angel of light. They can cause more trouble then a hoard imps on a coffee buzz!"

Holding the cross out Leo force the demon back. Pulling out the potion Phoebe dribbled a bit on the cross then threw it at the demon. The second the cross touched the demon it lit on fire then blew up.

"Well now that was fun. Our house is broken! Again." Growled Piper.

"At least the demon's gone . . ."Shrugged Phoebe.

"Yeah . . . At least." Groaned Prue as she pulled a piece of wood out of her hair.

"Well I better get this cross back to--" Said Leo only to be interrupted by a happy sounding male voice.

"Oh good! My cross is in one piece! Was worried for a second! You said nothing about pouring potions on it." Before the girls was a tall young man with a long thick braid of chestnut brown hair and leather. He was the embodiment of sweet sin and dark irresistible lust. He also had black bat wings that took up most of the space in the room. He skipped over to Leo and plucked the cross from his hand. "T'anks!"

The Charmed ones jumped when another young man appeared out of bright light. "Duo we should go. You know the elders in this dimension hate it when we just drop in. They get . . .twitchy." The newcomer seamed the exact opposite of Shinigami. He was almost emotionless where his darker counterpart was expressive and explosive. He was the light in all its cold beauty. The light one was the taller of the two with messy brown hair and bright dark blue eyes that seamed too large for his face. On his back were butter soft white wings that seamed to glow like the sun.

"Ok Hee-chan!" Putting his cross on Shinigami hugged his lover. "Oh and congratulations Piper! On the baby! He's going to be a hand full." With that said the orbed away.

"Um . . . Thanks! And it's SHE! But thanks." Piper muttered.
"Leo? Who the hell were they?" Asked Prue with her hands on her hips.

"The gods of life and death . . ."He said with a wince.

"WHAT!!!!!" They yelled as one.

Cole's apartment

Across town Cole was facing a time demon. One he knew well. One that said he has a message for him and Phoebe. "What do you want Cragnuss? I don't have time for you."

"Funny, Cole. I have more then enough time for the both of us. I have a message for you . . . from you."
