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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



5 domestic behaviors in the gibbs/dinozzo household (5x100 words only)

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title: home
warning/notes: no spoilers, not in timeline (kinda AU future), established relationship, written for the stagesoflove (5 domestic behaviors), 5x100 words



"It's spaghetti sauce," Tony explained. "A secret spaghetti sauce."

Gibbs rolled his eyes, but watched his lover's movements like a hawk. A little of this, a little more of that, some of that and then the secret magic ingredient - he tried to follow Tony's movements.

"Why is it secret?" he dared to ask while they were watching the sauce bubble.

"Bastardo ignorante!" Tony cursed playfully before answering. "It's... an Italian family thing."

"So, this secret sauce has been taught by word to generations of DiNozzos?"

"Our cook taught me," Tony answered quietly, a sad smile on his lips. "She's Mexican."



Gibbs was happy now that Tony had started coming down into the basement again. It had been a long few months previous where he had worried and wondered why Tony had stopped his visits - until he caught his lover coughing up a lung trying to find some sports equipment downstairs.

Angry with himself for not noticing, he had cleaned the basement then and bought a package of sterile breath masks to help his lover's weak lungs.

He looked up and smiled when he saw Tony contentedly sitting on the stairs, watching him work over the rim of the white mask.



The hammock was just big enough for two.

His head pillowed on his sleeping lover's shoulder, Gibbs watched the leaves above him shiver in the wind. That roof of green, where the branches of the two plum trees mingled was like a sun shade, only letting few rays through like little spot lights.

He closed his eyes then and felt their warmth on his skin like soft kisses. He could hear the birds sing, the trees whisper and his lover's calm breath.

He didn't like afternoon naps, considering them a waste of time, but sometimes... they were worth every moment.


watching the clock


Tony had tried to stay up, despite the yawns escaping him every few moments. He scratched the kitten behind its ears before resuming the calming strokes he'd been applying to the cat's fur. He looked at the clock one more time and sighed, switching the TV off with a lazy swat at the remote.

When Gibbs came home that night, he found his lover sleeping on the couch. The kitten had taken up its place on Tony's stomach, moving with each breath its owner took.

He was lucky, this man - having someone trying to wait up for him like that.


reading the newspaper

They had many weird habits. Sometimes they went running in the middle of the night, especially in summer. Gibbs went night-fishing sometimes and Tony came along for skinny dipping.
Gibbs was building another boat in the basement; not the one they had christened Kate and used to get away on long weekends - that one was finished. Tony thought he might want to start restoring an old Camaro in Gibbs' garage.

But on Sundays, they had a long breakfast and read the newspaper together. Tony the sports pages, Gibbs the news and comics. Then they switched.

Not weird at all.
