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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

What the Recruit Saw


Bilko explains to a new recruit that he didn't see what he thought he saw. inspired by 5 minute challenge using "I saw what you did last night."

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"But, Sarge, you don't understand," the new recruit wailed. His bottom lip wobbled and he looked at Bilko mournfully.

Master Sergeant Ernie Bilko put an arm around the young man's shoulders. "Don't worry about it."

"I saw them."

Ernie smiled and shrugged. He waved his free arm dismissively. "Saw what? What? What could you have really seen?"

The new recruit sniffed. "I saw Corporals Henshaw and Barbella. I saw what they did last night."

"It was a dream," Ernie assured the him suavely.

"No. No, it wasn't." The recruit licked his lips. "I heard something in the middle of the night. It was coming from their room--"

"You imagined it," Ernie interrupted and patted him on the back. "Yes. It was a nightmare. Yes, it was. You see, it's the stress."

The recruit gaped at Ernie. "What do you mean?"

"First time away from home and all of the training." Ernie put his arm up and flexed his bicep. "It's tough. The strain effects different people different ways."

The recruit's brow furrowed. "But why would I dream about..." He grimaced. "...that?"

"Who knows?" Ernie regarded him intently. "I'd forget about it if I was you. We all have strange dreams now and again."


Ernie led to the recruit to his door and pushed him out into the barracks. "Don't worry," he said smoothly. "Trust me on this. You know your Sergeant wouldn't steer you wrong."

The recruit managed a relieved smile. "Thanks, Sergeant."

Ernie grinned. "You're welcome. Rocco! Henshaw! In here. Now!"

The recruit's eyes got wide. "You're not gonna tell them, are you?"


Rocco Barbella and Steve Henshaw followed Ernie back into his room. Steve pulled the door shut. "What's goin' on, Sarge?"

Ernie faced them and put his hands on his hips. "You two keep your hands to yourselves until we get the platoon back. No more while the new recruits are here."

Rocco's face flushed. "We were careful, Sarge."

"Not careful enough apparently." Ernie held his hands up to stall any protests. "But I've convinced him it was all a nightmare."

Steve grinned. "You're the best."

"The master," Rocco added in admiration.

Ernie stood up straighter and took a moment to bask in the adulation. Then he put on a stern face and pointed a finger at them. "Hands off until further notice."

Rocco and Steve came to attention and saluted. "Yes, Sarge."