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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

To Care For Someone


Set shortly after the episode “Tin Man� this piece continues the touching scene in the observation lounge between Counselor Troi and Commander Data. It is totally AU and a bit smutty, just for the sake of it.

Work Text:

Title: To Care For Someone
Author: Poodle
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Set shortly after the episode "Tin Man" this piece continues the touching scene in the observation lounge between Counselor Troi and Commander Data. It is totally AU and a bit smutty, just for the sake of it.



To Care For Someone
By Poodle~


Data turned, feeling the warmth of the counselor's presence pressed against him in the dim, and met her exotic eyes. She seldom touched him with such familiarity, and Data smiled, a timid tip to the corner of his mouth, realizing a special intimacy was being shared, a warmth generally reserved for her more Human counsels.

Tin Man was gone, leaving in its wake a restless stirring of realizations and emotions Troi gently nurtured within the android. Through moistened eyes and soothing acknowledgements, she encouraged the slowly emerging man that time and wisdom were proving him to be.

She returned his smile and he gazed back toward the portal. His eyes caught the spiral of stars beyond.

"I am home," he breathed.

Her presence did not fade, but lingered, pressed against him in the whispered shadows of the observation lounge. Silence wove their shrouded forms into a tapestry of unspoken companionship. No words were required. Data felt a unique closeness; he was pleased she elected to remain.

*To care for someone.*

Was that the meaning of life? If so, his existence held much meaning. Tam said it was not a sin to be different. Apparently, Data's friends felt the same. A smile touched his lips.

Troi's breath gently whisked past his ear, and he turned to find eye eyes wide. Something stirred in their fathomless depths, and she leaned near.

"Yes, we accept you as you are." She hugged him tightly.

He blinked in astonishment. "It is not possible you have read my thoughts."

"No," she said. "I merely second guessed you. It happens when people grow close."


His eyes widened and their gazes locked. Ebony melted into gold.

A trace of surprise reflected in Troi's face. She pressed closer, and lifting her chin, the silken touch of her lips found his.

Data froze. His circuitry raced to access the proper response. With only a hint of hesitation, his lips yielded to her moist caress. His arms remained locked at his sides, though Troi pressed against him in the grainy shadows of the room. The contours of her rounded form hinted to a softness unlike any he'd encountered before, and insatiable curiosity prevailed. His hands found her waist.

Abruptly he dropped them, shattering their embrace. His stance stiffened. "Forgive me, I meant no offense."

"You?" Amusement moistened the counselor's eyes. "I was the one who prompted our kiss."

"That is true," he acknowledged, struggling to find meaning in her gesture. "You initiated the contact as a form of counsel, did you not?"

"Yes." She smiled. Then her brow beneath a slope of rave hair furrowed. "And no."


Her smile widened. "I can't." She pulled him near, her hands slipping to the back of his neck as she melted against him. This time her kiss was probing and intimate.

His lips responded hesitantly, then with vigor.

"I find your actions most perplexing," he breathed into a cascade of fragrant hair. Her warmth rose, encompassing him and he longed to explore the intriguing form pressed against him in the semi-darkness.

"That makes both of us."

Her rounded accent strummed the audio sensors of his ears, and his head crooked toward the sound. "Your voice is quite pleasing. Its resonance produces an effect not unlike--"

The gentle rhythm of her laughter undulated over his words.

"Promise me something." The laughter settled into her eyes.

"If you wish, Counselor."

"First, call me Deanna, and second, promise you'll never change."

"One must strive continually to improve. In my quest to become more Human, change is tantamount to growth."

"I accept that, my friend. Just promise you'll remain forever sweet." She molded against him without reservation.

His sensors registered her curved form in its entirely, poured into her Starfleet uniform, and his eyes grew round. His breath quickened. "Curious." He sensed the stirrings of more fundamental programming attempting to engage. "Counselor...Deanna. If we continue along our present course of action, it is likely you will elicit a response that could hardly be deemed therapeutic."

Troi stepped back. Her face retained its characteristic glow of serenity, but her eyes lit with a deeper intensity. "Data." She bit her lip. "I'll be honest with you. It is the nature of Betazoids to be straight-forward in such matters."

"Such matters?"

She nodded. "Unfortunately, I am also Human, and it is that part of me which," a hint of color touched her cheeks, "causes me to hesitate."

His perplexity grew. "I do not understand."

She took his hands in hers.

He looked down at the long tapered fingers clasping his, then back up to meet her eyes, his own questioning.

"I would like to have sex with you," she said bluntly.

The air rushed from his lungs.

"I didn't mean to shock you," she hurried to add. "I'll admit, I'm just as surprised as you. I never thought I would..." She floundered for words. "What I'm trying to say is, I never thought I'd be asking you to...." She trailed into silence.

"You desire to initiate intimacy with me?" His lips parted in astonishment. "Why?"

"Why?" She brightened. "Because, you're you. Betazoids, unlike Humans, are unique in their ability to separate their sexuality from the deeper nuances of love."

"Humans, too, appear adept at such."

She laughed. "So it would seem. I'm sorry if I've offended you."

"I feel no offense. It is only that your request..." Confusion creased his brow. "Is the word surprised appropriate in this context?"

Her eyes twinkled. "More than."

"Then your request surprised me." A timid smile touched his lips. "Such an encounter would be most enjoyable."

Her gaze washed over the pale contours of his face, lingering on the thin, expressive lips, before she slipped her arms around him and pulled him close. She molded against his solid form with the softness of her own.

His hands fell to her shoulders and he caught a trace of spice mingling in the air. He inhaled deeply, then frowned. "There is an aroma about you." Burying his face into her hair, he unceremoniously sniffed. "Much like something one should eat."

"It's perfume, Data." She burst into laughter. "I don't usually wear fragrances, but I picked this one up on Lyrae Three."

"Ah!" He nodded. "An aromatic aphrodisiac."

She laughed again. "Some cultures considered it such."

Pulling her close, he inhaled, then shrugged. "It is pleasant, but I am uncertain as to whether it will induce sexual responses from my programming."

"I'm sure we can work around it."

He began to speak, but her lips covered his and devoured his words as she melted into his arms. His hands yearned to roam, to explore the unknown wonders of this Betazoid woman he'd known for so long, yet really did not know at all. His inquisitive nature broke free, and he tore from her lips.

"Deanna, may I touch you?"

"Of course." She frowned. "Why do you ask?"

"Many nuances of social etiquette were not incorporated into my initial programming. One of my earliest encounters with a member of the female gender taught me," he cleared his throat, "the expediency of assuring such assent."

Troi snickered. "I would love to have been there."

"That makes one of us."

"You poor thing. You did have a lot to learn."

"Indeed. Her reaction was most...educational." He appeared contrite. "Undoubtedly an advocate of corporal punishment."

She muffled her laughter with a hand. "You can be assured of my consent, Data." She kissed him deeply. "If I, in turn, can be assured of yours."

His eyes glimmered as he eagerly nodded.

She slipped into his arms. "Your place or mine?" She nibbled lightly on his ear.

"Excuse me?" He gained his senses and stepped free.

"We can't very well make love on the floor in the observation lounge."

"I concur. Activities of such an intimate nature are generally restricted to private quarters."

"At least in theory."

His head cocked in puzzlement, then understanding dawned. "Humans seldom adhere to regulations."

He gazed toward the portal and the stars beyond.

The gentle rustle of her movement caught his attention as she laid her head on his shoulder. "You are certain you wish to do this?" she whispered.

"Quite. I find such encounters most enjoyable. In fact, my good fortune in this instance puzzles me." When her eyes widened, he faltered. "My revelation was inappropriate, correct?"

"No just unfiltered."

"I do not understand."

"Humans often filter, carefully selecting their thoughts and feelings, before speaking. You reveal yourself with an innocence I find refreshing."

He smiled almost shyly. "As ship's counselor, perhaps you can explain another Human anomaly which eludes me."

"Of course."

"Why the majority of my intimate encounters have been initiated by inebriated woman who, in retrospect, wish to conceal the fact."

The starlight spilling through the portal enhanced the sudden pallor of Troi's ivory countenance.


She cleared her throat.

"You have not been imbibing? I detect no indications of such."

"Of course not, Data." She pressed near.

"Your expression is..." He struggled for the proper word. "Sad? I have spoiled the mood?"

"No." Her lips brushed a gold tinted cheek. "I can't answer for the others, only for myself." She gazed toward the stars. "Individually they were wounded - isolated - but though joining, they have been healed."

He frowned. "You are lonely?"

"Yes." She smiled. "And, no. I feel something I didn't expect, closeness and a blending of our thoughts, which surprises me. I desire to culminate that bonding though physical intimacy."

A grin weaved its way across his lips. "I, too."

She kissed him, but he pulled free.


"Yes?" She sighed.

"Is it impudent to admit, I have long puzzled what it might be like, what *you* might be like," his eyes moved slowly over her, "beneath your clothing?"

"Such innocence! Your thoughts are typically Human."

His eyes lit. "Humans entertain such perceptions regarding their colleagues?"

"Regardless of whether sexual attraction exists. I must admit, I, too, have wondered what you might be like," her eyes passed over his trim form, "beneath your uniform."

He blinked in surprise as she nestled against him in the cloistered semi-darkness. A smile tipped his mouth.

"I have questions as well," she whispered against his ear. "The majority of your medical records are sealed."

"You searched?"

Her muffled laughter rose to his ears. "Of course. I'm a woman. Don't you realize half the females on this ship are dying to know what makes you tick?"

"Tick?" He opened his mouth to comment, but snapped it shut when the phrase registered as a colloquialism "You, too, are curious?"


"I have encountered a wide array of responses from Humans, with respect to my ability to function in an intimate capacity, the extreme of which has been anger."


"To the point of violence. I have concluded there are primal instincts involved in this reaction, since it is exclusively males who display anger upon learning of my functional status."

The Betazoid gasped. "I'm sorry."

"I have learned to exercise discretion in such revelations. Portions of my file were sealed at my request; others, for reasons of security."

"To discourage casual snoops, such as myself." She nestled against his back and wrapped her arms across his chest. "Humans can be cruel to people who are different."

Her compassion soothed the disquiet within him.

The starlight caught his eyes as a companionable silence fell.

The gentle rhythm of her heart pulsed against his back; the whisper of her breath caressed his cheek. He steadied the thoughts surging through his brain to center on the simplicity of her presence, knowing her touch would aid his attempt to access programming too-long dormant.

"Is something wrong?" she inquired softly.

He shook his head. "I am endeavoring to allow your presence to produce its desired effect."

"Here?" she gasped.

"For apparent reasons, the nature of this particular program is such that its access is not instantaneous." His voice fell to a whisper. "And it has been some time since I last attempted."

"Data, if you'll forgive further snooping, what exactly triggers - I mean, what stimulus is required to..." The counselor, rarely at a loss for words, shut her mouth.

"Once the program is engaged, I respond quite normally to a wide variety of external and internal stimuli. But unlike Human males, I retain overrides they apparently do not."

Troi giggled.

His brow furrowed. "That is amusing?"

"Only the part about Human males."

"Curious. I once elected to mention that to Geordi. He did not find it amusing."

She giggled again and rested her head against his back. "So, once you've accessed this programming, nature simply takes its course?"

He pondered her words, then nodded. "That is essentially correct." Troi's lips pressed lightly against his neck and he drew in his breath. "Although, in recent years I have noted an increased tendency of the failsafe to malfunction." Turning, he gathered her near. "You will find my physiological responses quite normal," he breathed.

"As I'd hoped."

He relished the cushioned contours of her body as his hands trailed from her shoulders to the small of her back. "You are unlike any woman I have ever touched." His eyes fell to her ample cleavage, then nervously flickered back to meet her gaze. "Your proportions are quite," a smile crooked the corner of his mouth, "intriguing."

"Why, thank you, Data."

"I wonder if I might..." His eyes moved over her cascade of hair. "I have wondered what it would be like to..." He touched it lightly, feeling its silken texture slip through his fingers. A strand escaped and drifted to her brow. "Later, if I may, I would enjoy loosening it from its confines You wear it in a manner much less constricted than you once did. Still it is bound."

"You may do anything you wish."

His face brightened. "Anything?"

"Within reason, of course," she hurried to add.

"I find that concept most appealing." His hands slipped to her bottom as he pulled her against him.

She gasped in surprise. "Sometimes it's easy to forget just how strong you are."

He caught a hint of trepidation in her face. "It is highly unlikely, I too, shall forget," he assured softly, and was rewarded as she relaxed in his embrace. He kissed and lingered, devouring the cinnamon of her lips. Her spicy fragrance drifted past and he inhaled deeply. "Your aromatic aphrodisiac."

"My perfume," she murmured.

"It is possible I am in error."

"How?" She pressed her lips against the hollow of his throat.

"It would seem your perfume is eliciting a decidedly pleasant response from my programming." His grip tightened and he crushed her against him.


"Sorry." He loosened his hold. His eyes fell to the gentle rise of her breast and his pulse quickened. "Counselor, may I be so bold?" Without waiting for a reply, he peeked into the cleavage of her uniform, then back up to meet her eyes.

She smiled.

With the back of his hand he gently stroked her supple skin and his breath quickened. "Is it impolite to ask..." He peeked again.

"You may ask anything you wish."

"I have been exceedingly curious to know, though it does not pertain to our current situation." He swallowed. "When Ian was born, did you breastfeed?"

Silence fell, and he hurried on. "I understand the mechanics involved. It is only that, I wonder what it must be like. What are the intricacies? Do you and the child..." When her eyes widened, he trailed. "I have offended you."

Troi burst into laughter.


"Data, you're adorable."

"I am?"

"I never know what to expect from you."

"I meant no offense. It is only, examining them," he motioned awkwardly toward her chest. "Prompted me to inquire."

Her eyes twinkled mischievously. "Have you been entertaining such thoughts since Ian's delivery?"

"Occasionally," he admitted softly, looking away.

"Dear sweet, Data."

Her gentle touch urged him to raise his eyes.

His brow knitted. "Are such thoughts unusual?"

She shook her head and a wisp of light caught her hair. "You might be pleased to know Human males have asked me that same question."

"Indeed." He brightened.

"It's perfectly normal." She snuggled against him, returning his hand to the cushion of her breasts.

"Many of my inquiries are not." He drew in his breath. "It is difficult to ascertain their appropriateness before speaking."

"You'll never learn, if you're not allowed to ask. There wasn't time to nurse him." Her tone held a touch of regret.

The warmth of her skin burned through the uniform molded beneath his hands. His operating system hastened to reroute the chemical nutrients of his blood, and the sudden rush heightened the gold flush of his cheeks. He blinked in surprise. "It seems I have miscalculated." He forced his mouth over hers.

She gasped and melted into his impassioned embrace; her lips absorbed the unexpected vigor. "Miscalculated?" She fought for breath as his lips trailed to the crook of her neck.

"There are aberrations inherent in my programming."

"This particular program?" She moaned, throwing back her head as his lips reached her throat.

"My initial programming. It is difficult to know," his breath matched the tempo of the woman's, "what to expect. I should have waited before attempting access."

"Maybe it's passion."

As she rubbed against him the ensuing tingles stole what remained of his breath, and his head began to swim. "That is not a possibility I had considered."

"It's time you did." She claimed his mouth. The tip of her tongue tempted the edges of his lips, and they parted.

He moaned as he returned the kiss, momentarily lifting her from the floor. "Should have waited," he rasped against her cheek.

She broke the embrace. Her eyes flickered to the carpet.

His eyes widened in surprise.

She tipped a charcoal eyebrow and smiled.

He swallowed. Nodding numbly, he pulled her against himself. The subtle shadows of the room swirled across his vision. He dipped his head to meet her lips, when -

The door swished open behind them.

Troi tore from his embrace.


The voice was only too familiar.

Picard's silhouette stood framed in the doorway he squinted through the dimly lit room. "I was unaware this room was occupied." He moved beyond the threshold and his eyes began to adjust. "Don't you think a little light might be in order?" Catching sight of the android, he paused. "Data?"

"Sir?" Data fought to override his heightened senses.

Picard faltered.

The counselor's hand fluttered to the loosened wisps of hair across her brow, and swept them in place. She started to speak.

"Sir." Data sensed her discomfort and he moved to meet the captain. "Counselor Troi and I have been discussing the motivations inherent in Tam Elbrum's decision to remain aboard Tin Man."

"Is that so?" Picard's fists fell to his waist.

"Yes." Troi cleared her throat, and moved through the shadows to join them.

"I sought her counsel," Data continued, accustomed to the unease women exhibited when caught in such positions with an android. "If I am required elsewhere--"

The captain raised a hand for silence. "That won't be necessary, Mister Data. I'm certain we'll manage without you. Carry on." He turned on his heel, and strode toward the door.

"Captain!" The counselor's voice cut the hush. "That isn't true, sir."

"Excuse me?" Picard turned. His brow furrowed.

"It is, but it isn't," she rushed to add.

The furrows deepened.

"Commander Data and I were kissing."

The captain's features remained frozen.

Data's eyes flew wide.

"I kissed him," she turned and faced the android squarely, "because he is a sensitive, attractive man."

Picard cleared his throat. "I trust there is some reason for this confession."

"Yes, sir." She smiled, catching the golden glint of the android's eyes. "None you would understand."

A self-satisfied grin tugged at the corer of Data's mouth.

Picard's expression hardened, but the whisper of a crinkle gathered near his eyes. "I respect the judgment," he cleared his throat meaningfully, "and discretion, of my senior officers. I shall leave you to your...discussion." He headed for the door, then stopped without turning. "Counselor?"


"In the future, you may wish to bear in mind this door locks."

"Sir, I--"

The captain was gone.

Data blinked in astonishment, unsure of what had occurred.

"I've never sensed that before!"

He turned and found Troi at his side, the Betazoid's eyes wide with puzzlement. She sought his arm, and nestled against him.

"Sense?" His arm slipped around her.

Troi nodded. "I touched a trace of emotion so deep, so ephemeral, I almost missed it. I wonder if he even knew it existed."


"It's difficult to define." She turned her thoughts inward, and her eyes deepened. "The only word I can find to capture its essence is...paternal."

"I have never been a child." His head cocked. "I wonder what it might be like."

The hint of a smile passed over her lips. "I suppose, in a way, we are all his children - his only children."

"To care for someone," Data breathed.

Her presence did not fade, but lingered, pressed against him beneath the whitewash of stars spilling through the portal.

She turned and winked. "So, kiddo. Wanna play in the sandbox?"

"I am uncertain what you--"


A quirky grin brightened the android's face.

Shadows merged their forms, joining what was separate into one.
