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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Summary: Angel deals with the prophecy that says he will kill Connor
Spoilers: Up to Couplet and some speculation on Loyalty
Genre: It is supposed to be ANGST, but it is mainly a big fat proof of what happens when you suffer from WILD MOOD SWINGS (I'm not pregnant and I don't have my period today! It's just a normal state of mind) Rating: PG13 for language? NC17 for the idea of Angel eating Connor? How disgusting is that!? Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. Groo would have never reapeared if I owned them. And Doyle would have never died... and Faith wouldn't be in jail... and... humm. I guess that's it. Distribution: If you're crazy enough to want it, then take it! Just let me know where it is so I can visit...
Feedback: Yes... yes... yeah... ye-ahh... yeahhhhhhh! Ok, I'm done.
Submitted through the 'YG deleted' All-About-Cordy mailing list. Please join us at AllAboutCordy


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

by AngelChase2001

"Cordy? I thought I told you to take a couple of weeks off, sunbathe and all. Why are you here?"

"Oh, Angel... I don't want to sunbathe with Groo. I want you, you dumbass"

Angel leaned forward and kissed her. "I can't... sunbathe", he said

"Nevermind. We'll figure it out", Cordelia smiled back at him and kissed him.


The phone rang and Angel woke up. It was Cordelia. He heard Wesley talking to her. The love potion had worked, according to Wesley's words. He even had to remind Cordelia there was something known as "too much information".

Anyway, she was calling about a vision. That meant the potion had really worked. After Wesley got all the information and was about to hang up when Cordelia asked to talk to Angel.

"Angel is still asleep", Wesley said. He waited for Cordelia's response and then he added: "I'll tell him that. See you later!".


Ten minutes later, Angel was downstairs. "Was that Cordy earlier?", Angel asked casualy, entering Wesley's office with Connor in his arms.

"Yeah, she just came back. She asked me to thank you on her behalf. It seems like she has had a wonderful time", the ex-watcher observed.

"Well, that's good", Angel said, without really showing that much enthusiasm.

"It hurts, I know. But sometimes, it's for the best", Wesley whispered, not looking at him.

"What?", Angel asked.

"Please, I know! It's bloody obvious. And Lorne told me what happened at the ballet. That must have been hard".

"Well, I've been through worse".

"And still..."

"And still it hurts, because there's nothing I can do about it. She obviously doesn't feel the same way. And even if she did... I don't have anything to give her. I can't have her in any way".


"I thought you were over her"

"How could I? Those eyes, the beautiful smile, her pure heart..."

"Not to mention a body to die for"

"What?", Wesley looked mad all of a sudden. Then he calmed when he got it. "No, I wasn't talking about Cordelia. I meant Fred. Not that she doesn't have the body. I just wasn't fond of you looking at it".

"Oh, no... I meant Cordy, of course. So... Fred, uh?"


"I saw that coming. So, when are you going to make your move?"

"Too late"

"Come on. She's not seeing anybody, right?"

"Wrong. She's seeing Gunn"

"What?", Angel looked completely surprised.

"Gunn. Yes, they have been together since the ballet. They didn't bring it out in the open, though".

"Wow. I'm sorry, Wes. I didn't know..."

"Oh, don't worry. But now we have more important issues to deal with, Angel. There's this tiny matter of a certain profecy..."

"The father shall eat the son. I know. I knew you were going to figure it out. And that's why I sent Cordelia away. This might have been too hard for her. But I know I can count on you. Only you. So, here Wesley", Angel said, kissing Connor's forehead and placing the baby on the ex watcher arms.

"Angel, what are you doing?", Wesley asked watching the vampire heading towards the door in the middle of a sunny day. "Angel!"

"Wesley, don't. Give everyone my love, and take care of them. Take care of Connor and Cordelia for me, Wes", Angel said with a very calm and sure tone in his voice. Then he moved towards the door and stepped out.


Wesley stood breathless, until he saw the vampire being pushed back inside, his skin sending out a bit of smoke.

"What the fuck were you trying to do?", Cordelia shouted when she got pass the door. "Angel? Are you insane?", she kept shouting at him while she helped him got back on his feet.

He sit on the couch and pressed his hands against his face. Angel was crying.

"Angel?", Cordelia's tone was softer now. Still, he wouldn't meet her gaze. "Wesley?", she turned around and looked at the watcher with her eyes full of tears.

"I'm sorry Cordelia. I couldn't react. I just stood here. I never thought he would do that..."

"Wesley, what's going on?

"There's a prophecy, Cordelia. Angel... the prophecy says the father shall kill the son, it talks about Angel and Connor", Wesley explained in a very soft voice, trying not to upset Connor.

"What?", Cordelia asked. "That's bullshit. He'd never do that. He'd rather kill himself before... Oh, my God!... Angel, you won't hurt him, I know that. This prophecy is bullshit!", she broke down, kneeling at Angel's feet, holding him by the waist and burring her face in his chest.

"Cordelia, I am a monster", was all he replied, desintagling from her embrace and getting up, walking across the hall to the other end.

"Angel, don't. Don't say that. You are no monster. You are a champion, you are noble, caring, sweet..."

"No, I am not. I will kill my own son. I am... I am... there's no name for what I am".

"Angel, don't. You won't hurt Connor. We'll take care of that. We can work it out. I won't let that happen", she assured him.

"Don't bother, Cordelia. Go back to your place. Go back to Groo. Just stay away from me".

"Angel? Can you be more of an asshole? I'm not leaving Connor, I don't want to go back to my place. I don't want to go back to Groo. And I won't stay away from you. Now shut up, and we will deal with this prophecy crap!".


A week later, Wesley was still in bed. It was almost noon, but he didn't feel like getting up. The phone rang again, but he didn't felt like picking up. The wachine got it.

"Wes, please, pick up. I know you're there", Cordelia's voice sounded weak, still hurt. "Wesley, I need you right now. Don't turn your back on us, please".

His heart was breaking at the sound of her voice. But still, he couldn't move.

"Please, call me when you wake up, or when you feel like it. I'm at Buffy's".


Cordelia hanged up the phone. She went back into the living room, where Buffy, Willow, Xander and Gilles were watching Connor sleep peacefully. "He won't talk to me", she said.

"I know it must hurt, but he did the right thing", Gilles said. "It wasn't him anymore"

"He was brave, he had to be brave. For all of us. I know I couldn't have done it", Cordelia whispered, settling on the couch next to Buffy. The slayer hold her tightly against her body, washing the tears away from the seer cheeks.

"We can't bring him back", Tara said entering the room.

"He's already been given a second chance when he came from hell. I'm sorry Cordelia, I really am".

Cordelia broke down and started crying out loud. She started choking on her own tears, crying desperately. Buffy embraced her a bit more tightly. "Cordy", she whispered "Don't cry... he wouldn't want to see you like that. And you have Connor here too. You need to be strong for him".

"I can't...", Cordelia whispered

"Don't! Don't ever say you can't. He gave him to you, to take care of him, to protect him. He loved you more than everything. He trusted you with his own son, his own blood", Buffy reassured her. "He gave you his heart", the slayer went on. "In a way...", she completed, looking at Connor "he will always be with you".



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author AngelChase2001.
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