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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Lunch Salad or Jimmy and the Giant Cucumber


Salad vegetables have many uses, but they can lead to some interesting misunderstandings when Jimmy and Agent Lee have one.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter One

Chapter Text

Using all the evasive techniques that she had learned in NCIS training, Agent Lee was hugging the wall, sliding down the hallway, trying not to be seen. She reached the corner and peered around. This was the most dangerous part of her journey as there wasn't any cover available and she would have to dash to her destination in the open. Taking a deep breath, she burst out of her hiding place, raced the final yards - and pushed open the doors to Autopsy.

Jimmy looked up and grinned. He was sitting at an autopsy table, holding dissecting tools, but he put them down in order to reach up and give her a big hug and a kiss. He smiled at her. "Dr. Mallard's gone out to lunch. We should be able to have a half hour together."

Michelle Lee smiled back at him and said, "Good, I've missed you. What are you dissecting?"

"Actually," said Jimmy, "I'm making a salad." He waved his hand at the vegetables sitting on the table waiting to be cut up. He had already minced a green pepper and some carrots, but he hadn't started the cucumber or tomatoes.

Michelle smiled. "You know Jimmy, some people do other things with vegetables."

"Um, what?"

Her smile got broader. She stood up, holding the cucumber, and motioned to Jimmy to also stand up. He did, facing her, and she suddenly grabbed the waistband of his scrubs and dropped the cucumber down the front. It was shockingly cold, but there was no way Jimmy was pulling it out, not the way she was smiling at him. That smile promised all sorts of lascivious treats. He rotated a little and she looked at his profile and winked.

Suddenly, their minds registered that someone was in the doorway. They turned their heads, trying to keep guilty looks off their faces, and saw Ducky standing there.

"I came back for my coat," Ducky said. Then he looked at Jimmy. "Oh my." His gaze travelled over Jimmy's body. "Oh my!" He looked away from Jimmy quickly and transferred his gaze to his desk. "Um, I guess I'd better get going to lunch. I'll see you later. Ah, goodbye Agent Lee." And he turned and walked away as quickly as his limp would allow.

Michelle looked at Jimmy. He had a horrified look on his face. "Jimmy?"


"I think I'll let you explain this to Dr. Mallard." She practically ran for the elevator.

"But it was your idea!" Jimmy called after her. She was already too far away to hear him.

He sank down and put his head on his hands. This was going to be an interesting afternoon.