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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Las Vegas: That's my Boy!


This is a challenge on LoneTree Writers Group where the characters and fandom of your choice receives a DVD, VHS, Movie Reel, etc of a movie called “The Hole� and upon view the short movie they (him), receive a call telling them that they are now gay.

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FANDOM: Las Vegas

FANDOM: Magnificent Seven – Dallas Central AU

PAIRING: Casey Manning/Danny McCoy

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim any rights over the Negotiator characters used in this story, which has been written for the joy of writing only.

WARNING: Not Beta. If you want to beta this fic go ahead. Please send me a copy when you are done.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a challenge on LoneTree Writers Group where the characters and fandom of your choice receives a DVD, VHS, Movie Reel, etc of a movie called “The Hole" and upon view the short movie they (him), receive a call telling them that they are now gay.

The story can also be read at the following URL: Las Vegas - That's my Boy!

Check out my other stories by following this URL: Lone Tree Creative Perserve


That's my Boy!
by Texas Aries


Ed sat back in his chair deep in thought as his fingers rubbed his chin. Since there was no sign of Danny he turned his attention from his surveillance monitors to the blank covered DVD case on his desk. 

He had got the DVD when Sam started her games with Casey about two months ago, but during the last month he figured that just maybe she changed and allowed Casey to try to win her back.  Then two weeks ago Casey decided to throw Sam a Birthday party.  He arranged to have all her family and friends there along with his own because he was going to ask her to marry him but instead she tore him apart, humiliating him in front of everyone before leaving with another man. Ed smirked, for Sam miscalculated, not only was she on the outs with her friends at the Montecito but had made some very powerful enemies in Casey’s friends and family.  This resulted in them discreetly passed the word to her clients of her behavior and recommended that they might not want to be associated with her.  Word had it that some of them have refused to return her calls while others have come right out and told her never to call them again. She also had made two enemies in both Danny and himself, since they had become friends when Casey had taken over the Montecito six months previously.  Hence the reason that Danny was currently planning on stealing Sam’s contact book as part of their revenge and payback.  It was just that Danny didn’t know the whole of his plan, which he hope would included seeing the young man he considered his son happy.

It hurt him to see Danny continuing drawing the short straw with the various women he had dated.  Each woman had left Danny more and more withdrawn until he just stopped dating.  He was afraid of what will happen if the vein continued and he didn’t want to see Danny all alone.  Besides his wife started to notice and that’s never a good sign. 

Ed looked up just in time to see Danny switched Sam’s little black book containing her and J.W. McKellar contacts and replace it with a blank duplicated book as Mary acted as decoy.  They would only have a short time before she figured out who had taken it but by that time they would have everything scanned into the computer and won’t need it or her.  Then he would have the pleasure firing her.  Now that won’t get rid of her totally since she owns half of the Montecito but if his plan worked, Casey or Danny just might figured out a way to take that back as well.

Ed opened up the case and looked at the DVD that had a simple label with the title “The Hole” typed in black lettering.  He knew what he was about to do will change both Danny and Casey’s lives but he also knew that it would be the best thing for both men if they got together.  He looked up just in time to see Danny entering the office with Casey just behind him.  Both of the young men were laughing and joking with each other which had Ed sat back and smiled as he looked at the two younger men thinking how good the two of them will be for each other.  Danny handed the book off to Mike who, to Ed’s point of view, seemed to skipped away to do whatever he had to get the book loaded. Leaning over he put the DVD into his computer before standing up and moved around his desk to greet the two men as they came into the office.  “Casey.  Danny.  Thanks for coming.  I need you both to take at a look at the DVD and let me know what you think.” Both men were puzzle but allowed Ed to herd them behind his desk with Casey taking his seat.  “I’ve seen it and want your opinion on it.  Now I have to go and take care of a horse, but go ahead and watch it.  I will be right back and we can discuss it.”  Ed then turned around and left closing his door not wanting to have the DVD affect anyone else including himself.  Looking through the glass door he saw Danny leaning over Casey’s shoulder while strange lights played over their faces.  Both men’s eyes were glass and he knew that the power of the DVD was working on both the young men.  Turning back around he stood guard as the people around him did their job.  He smiled and rock back and forth on his heels knowing that it won’t be long till the change happen.  He jumped when he heard his phone ring and knew that it had worked.  Opened the door he hear Casey, “What?  Who is this!?  Yeah … ok.  Danny it’s for you.”

Danny was distracted looking over the DVD and took the phone from Casey without looking at the other man, “McCoy.”  

Ed was watching Casey’s face as the other man started intently at Danny.  He had seen a number of people fall in love at first sight over the years and Casey Manning had all the signs that he had just fell in love. Ed’s attention was brought back to Danny whose voice rose as he demanded, “Who is this?  What!? No.” A puzzled look crossed his face as he handed the phone back to Casey only to lock eyes with the other man.  He watched as his boy lower his lashes and blushing slightly but he could tell that Danny was just as much in love.

Ed smiled for he had seen a number of couples fall in love at first sight though the years and he had developed a knack to know which couples would make it and which one won’t.  He was looking at one that would.

Ed backed out of his office and quietly closing the door letting the two men have some time alone.  He watched from the other side of the glass as Casey reached out and grabbed hold of Danny’s hand pulling the other man towards him as he spoke to him.  Danny sat down on the desk listening intently to what Casey was telling him leaving his hand in the other man’s grip.

Feeling very pleased with himself he turned around and extract a cigar from his case and was about to light it when he saw Sam coming up to the control center.  Disgusted he put the cigar away and headed to block her from coming up when Mike rushed up slightly out of breath with a smile a mile wide.   “Here Ed, I have everything scanned in.   Can I watch?”

Ed raised an eyebrow at the requested but he didn’t blame Mike for wanting to watch.  Not after the way Sam had treated him and the rest of the staff when she became part owner.  “Just stay back and let me deal with her.”

“Sure Ed.”

Sam stormed into the room demanding, “Ed! Where is it!?  I know you had done something to do with it disappearing and I want it back!”

Ed moved forward the book in his hand.  “Is this what you are looking for Ms. Marquez?”

She snatched the book out of his hand and started to go through it before snapping it closed.  Sam looked up before invading his space and started to wave her index finger under his nose.  “That’s it!  You fire!”

Ed looked down his nose at her and told her very calmly, “Ms. Marquez you are only part owner of the Montecito and you need to have Casey’s agreement before firing anyone.”

She flipped her hair and told him with a shark like smile.   “Oh, I believe that Casey will do anything I want.  Then I will make damn sure that you never –“ Casey’s voice broke through Sam’s rant, “What the hell is going on out here!”

Everyone turned towards Casey who was standing in the doorway of Ed’s office with a pissed off expression on his face.  Danny was to one side and slightly behind Casey wearing a dazed look on his face.  Ed’s eyes narrowed as he took in Danny’s slightly swollen lips and rumple look.

Sam moved forward oozing sexual charm as she snuggled up to Casey and caressed his jacket lapel.  Using her most sensual voice Sam told him, “Ed took my book with all my contacts.”  She then pouted, “I want him fired.”

Casey looked at her like she was lower than slim and couldn’t wait to get away from her.  Gently but forcefully he moved her away from him.  “Ed did you steal Sam’s book?”

Danny cleared his throat bring all the attention to him, “Actually, I did it.”

Surprised Casey turned to him.  “Why?”

Danny lowered his eyes and muttered something only Casey could hear which caused the other man’s look to soften as he reached out to caress Danny’s arm.  When Danny looked up at him Casey gave him a soft smile and told him, “You won’t do it again will you?”

“No Casey.”

Casey turned back to Sam and told her, “Danny won’t do it again and you have the book back so what’s the problem.”

Sam stamped her foot, “I want Ed and Danny fired!”


Seeing that she wasn’t winning him over she decided to change tactics.  Moved closer she wrapped herself around Casey rubbing against him almost like a cat in heat.  “Are you still made about what happen at the party?  I can make it up you.”

Casey just grabbed her by her arms and pushed her away from him.  A look of disgusted on his face.  Firmly he told her, “Don’t touch me again Sam.  God!  What did I ever see in you?”

Shocked Sam’s mouth opened and closed as she stared at Casey. 

Danny used the distraction to slip by Casey, only to be pulled back against the door frame, facing the other man.  Casey leaned in using his body to box Danny in as he smiled down at the other man.  “Were still on for tonight at your place?” Ed saw Danny’s eyes glace towards Sam, a wicket gleam in his eyes, before returning his focusing on Casey.  “ Seven o’clock .  Hope you like Porterhouse steaks?”

“Love them.”

Danny then reached up and cupped the back of Casey’s neck pulling the other man down towards him.  Their lips were barely touched as Danny whispered, “Good “.   He then took Casey’s mouth in a kiss that should have been illegal for the heat that it generated.  Of course the gasped that rock the room seemed to increase the intensity of the kiss with all the air that past open mouths.

Danny gently pushed Casey back searching the other man’s face and smiled in satisfied before moving away.  As he passed Sam he paused and fixed the woman with a hard look.  “Keep you hands off my man.”  He then exited the command center with a smile on his face leaving Casey to watch with a slightly dazed look on his face.

Ed smiled and thought, ‘That’s my boy!” but kept an eye on Sam for he knew that she was the only one that would cause trouble.  Therefore he was the only one to see the look of hatred and the dangerous light of revenge that crossed her face.  He had to watch her carefully and might have to take care of her, in a more permanent manner.