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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Got to Get You Into My Life


GENRE: Plain out silliness; Post Ep for "There's No Place like P.G."
SPOILERS: The "Pylea" arc at the end of _Angel_ Season 2
SUMMARY: How to get a trans-dimensional babe into L.A.
FEEDBACK: If you feel so inclined.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I'm so gonna get nailed for this one...oh well. *grins* For my partners in fic crime, who share my ...enthusiasm...for a certain part of the Pylea arc. And the discussion about Fred and Willow's joint x-mas present to Cordy...
Submitted through the 'YG deleted' All-About-Cordy mailing list. Please join us at AllAboutCordy


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Got to Get You Into My Life
by Lilly Beth

As we all know, Cordelia's Piece of Beefcake was left to be King of Pylea. Bummer. I wanted him around longer, so my mind went to work.

Picture this: instead of that lovely tableaux, what if Groo insisted on walking Cordelia back to the car? What if- as a result- seven people went back across instead of six? The scenarios might have run something like this.

What if TBTB had other ideas?


"Cordelia. We must go. Now."

The former Princess hugged her would-be-mate goodbye. "Remember what I told you," she whispered to him.

"I will, my princess."

She smiled at him, stepped out of his arms- then folded to the ground in agony.

The vision was a short one. When she came back to herself, the Seer began loudly insisting that, "He has to come with us!"


"He has to come with us or he dies." He'd caught her; she stared up into his beautiful eyes. "You'll die," she sniffled at him.

"Fine," Wesley snapped. "He may return with us if he so desires."

The warrior looked to Cordelia. "Do you wish it so, my princess ?"

Cordelia nodded so hard her head was like to fall off. He swept her up, and then placed her gently in the backseat. Once she was secure, he jumped the car door and onto the seat beside her.

"Show off," Wesley muttered. Then, "Everyone in the car- now!"


TBTB were silent, I know. But what if there was an "Uh-oh --d'oh!" clause in The Prophecy?


"Cordelia. We must go. Now."

"I'm sorry," she told him. "I have to leave."

He shrugged, sheathed his sword on his back. "Then I am ready to leave as well," he said simply.

Cordelia shook his head. "You, you, you..."

"Are promised to you, and you to me," he smiled back at her confusion. "We are destined. I must go back with you."

"You're serious," Cordelia sputtered.

"Always, my princess."

"Cordelia," Wesley shouted over the din of on-coming victory celebration. "Sacred bond and whatnot. Discuss the particulars in Los Angeles!"

"Oh God," the Seer breathed. "Please don't let me regret this." She threw open the car door.

"Everyone in the car," Wesley yelled. "Now!"


That didn't happen. What if Cordelia had put her foot down?


"Cordelia. We must go. Now."

She linked arms with her Champion. "He's coming with us."

"Cordelia," Wesley snapped, "we don't have time for this foolishness."

Cordelia didn't back down. "Either he goes," she stated evenly, "or I stay."

"Cordelia..." Angel began.

"Save it," she cut him off. "Choose," she demanded of Wesley.

Wesley looked to the man in question. "And what do you have to say about this?"

"She is my destiny," the warrior answered simply.

"Yo, this portal is closin'," Gunn called in warning. "Just thought y'all would like to know!"

"All right then," Wesley decided. "Everyone in the car -- now!"


All right. None of the above happened. But what if Joss and David are closet Jude Devereux/Nora Roberts readers? (Like me? (*g*) What if they got into the good stuff one night? What if they just wanted to mess with us?


"Cordelia. We must go. Now."

She asked him "Come with me."

Simultaneously he asked, "Take me with you."

She didn't hear him at first. "It's all right, I understand..." Then his words registered in her mind. "What?!"

He reached out and pulled her to him. "I could never send you away from me my princess," he whispered in her ear, "and I wouldn't leave you of my own free will."

"Ahhh!" Cordelia squealed, throwing her arms around him. Laughing, he picked her up by her waist, and went swinging her around in circles.

"Do pardon me," Wesley's sharp voice cut through their happiness. "I hate to interrupt such a lovely moment --"

Angel muttered something about rotten cheese and romance novels.

"-- but it is time to leave. Everyone in the car --now!"


Just a few silly ideas...more as they come.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Lilly Beth.
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