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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Faerie Wedding


Last in the trilogy.
There's going to be a wedding.

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Faerie Wedding

Author: Lilithangel



Fandom: BtVS AU

Genre: Slashy schmoop

Warnings: lots of boy on boy sex.

Characters: Faerie!Spike/Angel/Xander

Disclaimer: I own a small two bedroom house in a small town with two sets of traffic lights. Well the bank owns it really. So totally not worth suing for my ramblings.

Summary: It's time for a wedding!

* * * * *

Entering the faerie realm for the first time effectively silenced Xander, much to Spike and Angel's amusement. Firstly the sky caught the human's attention. It was turquoise blue, a gemlike background for the rainbow of colours on the wings of the faeries flying there. When he tore his eyes from the spectacle the myriad of creatures thronging the forest floor captured Xander's flabbergasted vision.

These were not the cute faeries of Disney that Xander was used to. These weren't even the little creatures Xander had expected from his first encounters with Spike.

Xander practically twisted his head off trying to take in all the different creatures. There were ones that appeared to be made of the very trees they inhabited, others of water that flowed and morphed their form glistening in the sun.

But it was the winged ones that drew Xander and repelled him at the same time. Spike was strikingly handsome, his green skin merely enhancing his appeal but the other faerie were terrifying in their beauty. They all shared the pointed ears and high cheekbones with Spike but that was where the similarity ended for Xander. They were not human and yet they fit a human ideal of beauty until you looked into their eyes.

Xander was used to the demons they fought being ugly in some way, their outward face an expression of the evil within. The fey were not evil they simply did not care about humans. Xander felt a little like an exhibit in a freak show or something they had found on the bottom of a shoe.

He shrank in close to Spike and Angel wondering how he could have thought that he was good enough for such a place.

Two firm touches brought Xander out of his despair. "Relax," Angel calmed the boy, "it's just their glamour working on you."

"Ignore them," Spike brushed his lips across Xander's jaw, "they are vain creatures."

The touch of his two lovers cleared Xander's vision and now, despite the still alien beauty of the fey, Xander did not feel unworthy. Spike loved him and Angel loved him that was what mattered. Even if the fey were still looking at him like he was a bug.

"Why are they all big here?" Xander managed to ask.

"The magic is pure here," Spike explained, "in your realm it is not strong enough to maintain us full size for very long without compromising our magic so we stay small. Here we don't have to."

"Oh," Xander nodded not really understanding but happy to have an answer.

Angel had dressed himself and Xander very carefully for the meeting much to Xander's disgust. They were both wearing linen trousers in a light brown colour. The trousers clung to Xander's buttocks more than he was comfortable but Angel had insisted that they draped well. The tee shirt Angel had given him was made of blue silk and clung even more than the pants. Xander had almost changed several times but the look in Spike's eyes when he arrived was enough to change the nervous boy's mind.

Spike had been very appreciative of the sight Angel and Xander presented when he appeared to collect them. Their clothes were well made and cut to show off their obvious attributes. They were also natural products so as not to offend their fey hosts. Angel had fastened his sword to hang loosely at his hips and Xander had his bow and quiver slung over one shoulder. Together they presented an aura of strength and calm. Or at least Angel did and Xander managed so long as he stayed close to his lovers.

Most of the Court had made it their business to be in the area when Spike brought his consorts to be through to the faerie realm. Everyone was curious to see the creatures that had transformed the young prince so that he would fight so fiercely to win them. Many were impressed by the handsome young human and the strikingly stern vampire. Their darker looks contrasted against Spike's pale form and yet the faerie didn't appear weak between them. His confidence shone out in his expression and the way he walked, he was every inch a prince of the blood now.

Mab certainly approved of Spike's choices when they were presented to her. Angel had drilled Xander in the proper protocol for greeting a Queen and he performed it with almost as much grace as the vampire. Mab's eyes had lit up with appreciation and she had beckoned them close.

The Queen was not at all what Xander had expected. Of course if he had really thought about what he thought she was going to look like he would have had to admit that Lord of the Rings was a big influence. But Mab was not a tall willowy elf. She was smaller than Spike with fine delicate features reminiscent of a cat. Her skin was a similar shade of green to Spike but her hair was midnight black and hung in dozens of braids down to the back of her knees. Woven into the braids were small bells that tinkled when she moved her head.

Most of the fey were basically naked with only wispy scraps of cloth picked on a whim more than for coverage. Their wings were all sizes and colours and some were adorned with rings and chains as well as bells similar to Mab's.

Mab touched them each in turn reaching into their minds to find out what they were really thinking and how they really felt. Then she had pressed deeper demanding everything. It brought Xander to his knees and a very threatening Angel to the fore.

Spike eased the situation before it got ugly. Calming Angel and lifting Xander back to his feet. He was just as angry as Angel but his rage was as icy as Angel's was hot. Mab had laughed at the protectiveness finding it endearing much to Spike's relief.

When she did the same thing to Angel the vampire kept his feet but staggered a little from the onslaught. This was the full power of a faerie queen, cold and alien it searched down to his soul without mercy. As she left his mind Mab caressed it gently leaving Angel with an impression of approval.

The approval was broadcast to all of the Court and Spike finally relaxed. Revealing to his chosen how tense the situation could have been. Spike hustled them out of Court to show them his home, soon to be their home.

"Wow," Xander had his voice back.

"I was hoping you'd like it," Spike led them through the wide archways of the Elm tree that had chosen to be his home. It was filled with the sounds of wind chimes and every room was draped in soft pale fabrics.

"We would all live here?" Xander said.

"If you want to, we can find somewhere else if you don't like it," Spike said.

"We love it," Angel reassured Spike.

Xander spied a large bed in one room and grinned, "Definitely love it."

"Oh yes," Angel added as he wandered into the adjoining bathroom dominated by the round bath in the centre. One end was softly curved to fit Spike's wings and there was room for more than even the three of them.

"The tree will form separate rooms for you both if you want, somewhere that is just yours," Spike explained.

"This is going to be a big change for all of us, let's just take it one day at a time shall we?" Angel said moving over to Spike's side.

"Works for me," Xander's said bouncing on the big bed.

Spike gave a whoop and threw himself on top of Xander pinning the boy to the bed. Xander was laughing too much to struggle and could only gasp a plea for help to Angel. Instead of assisting, Angel dropped on the bed and caused the other two to bounce and end up in a heap on top of him.

Spike buried his head into Angel's neck and sighed. Xander slipped a hand around Spike's waist and hugged him. Angel snagged Xander's other hand and they simply lay comfortably together.

Finally Spike sighed and untangled himself, "I should get you home," he said regretfully.

"What happens after the wedding?" Xander said as he sat up.

"Aside from the honeymoon?" Spike asked playfully.

"Yeah," Xander blushed, "what do we do, what do you do?"

"Oh. Well I will have responsibilities to the Court. I wouldn't want you to give up your defence of the hellmouth," Spike said.

Xander sighed, "That's really Angel's gig."

"What do you want to do Xander?" Angel looked at the boy with concern.

"I'm guessing I couldn't hold down a nine to fiver," Xander said.

"The commute might be difficult," Angel said with a wry smile.

"I kind of enjoy the work I have been doing at the construction site," Xander said, "I'm guessing that there isn't much call for such things here."

"Not construction no," Spike said, "but we have many craftsfolk here who would be happy to have you join them."

"What sort of craftsfolk?" Angel asked interested as well.

"Carvers, potters, jewellers," Spike said, "The fey love beautiful things. Hence why they will love you."

Xander grinned, "I never thought about crafts but I do love working with wood. Would the tree mind?" he asked.

"The tree and the others trees happily provide dead wood for our artisans, just don't take any living wood and you will be fine."

Xander sighed with happiness even as he regretted have to leave so soon.

"Five days," Spike said catching Xander's mood, "have you told your friends?"

"Yes," Angel said remembering the meeting.

It had been hard to tell the people he had become so fond of that they were leaving. Nobody was surprised at them finally admitting their relationship but explaining where they were going was harder. Telling them about Spike had at least distracted the girls for a little while as did the promise of a wedding.

It had still hurt though, knowing that every time they returned their friends would be older while they stayed the same. Angel was used to watching people age but he knew it would hit Xander hard; Angel knew that even if the boy wasn't aware of the enormity yet. But Angel and Spike would be there for him and hopefully he would make new friends among the fey.

Xander had worried about how Angel would cope with losing the first friends he had trusted himself to make. Even though the vampire was used to watching people age around him this was the first time he was going to have to watch friends.

Giles had been fascinated with the chance to see the Court although the idea of being naked worried him until Angel assured him it was only the bridal party that had to be naked. As their guests Giles and the others were allowed to remain clothed even if most of the fey would be barely dressed.

"Are you nervous?" Spike asked them both.

"Terrified," Xander answered, "but you're supposed to be aren't you?"

"As long as it is a good terrified," Spike joked.

They hugged and parted one last time. The next time they saw each other they would be getting married.

* * * * *

Angel fussed with his hair again until Xander grabbed his hands and held them tight.

"Your hair is fine," Xander said, "you look fine, but I wish I had a tie to fidget with." He looked down ruefully at his naked state.

"You look fine," Angel smiled, "good enough to eat."

They had met the others and walked to the forest as a group. There they were greeted by an honour guard that set the girls all cooing with delight. This lasted until they entered the faerie realm and saw the fey in their natural state. Forewarned Giles had ensured they were all protected from glamour but they were still cowed by the alien beauty.

Angel and Xander were hustled off to get ready while the rest were made welcome by the irrepressible Harry and Daisy (firm friends since the proposal).

Now Angel and Xander waited naked and nervous for their escort to return and take them to the ceremony. They had been anointed with oils rubbing them into each other until their skin gleamed. Xander's a rich gold from the sun he got on the construction site and Angel pale gold beside him like the setting sun on marble.

The anointing had made them both hard but nerves and the wait had taken care of that well before the light tap on the tree. To their surprise Giles was standing there and to their greater surprise he was naked.

Giles blushed at their surprise. "When the girls mentioned it was traditional for someone to give the bride away the blue faerie Harry declared that I should give the two of you away. You don't mind do you?" he asked with concern.

Xander had blushed at the sight of the man he considered his father naked but couldn't hide his smile of delight at the question.

"And me," Jenny stepped out beside Giles.

"If you're both sure," Angel said.

"Very sure." Giles put out his arms around Jenny. "You are both very important to us and we would be honoured to do this."

"Wow G-man not too shabby," Xander said to ease the moment before they all started to cry.

"Thank you Xander," Giles said as Jenny tried to hide her smile.

Xander took a deep breath and threw his arms around Giles and Jenny. Angel moved behind them and placed one hand on Xander's shoulder.

"Time to get going," Angel said after a moment.

They gave Xander and Giles a moment to compose themselves and then headed for the ceremony Xander with a full body blush.

The glade where the ceremony was happening was full of all manner of fey, all waiting excitedly for the consorts to arrive. Many were still not happy about the prince marrying a human and a vampire but the fey love a good party.

Spike stood at the centre of the glade nervously waiting. His wings shone with gold dust and his skin glowed with the oil rubbed into it.

When he saw Giles and Jenny enter his skin seemed to glow like the forest at sunrise. When his consorts entered his wings unfurled with joy, scattering the gold across the glade.

As one his consorts walked up to him and knelt gracefully at his feet. Spike touched their bowed heads gently and then raised them to their feet. Hand in hand they faced Mab and the ceremony began.

"Who stands for these two," Mab said, "to vouch for their worthiness and to present their lineage to the Court?"

"We do," Giles said in reply holding tight to Jenny's hand.

"And we do," Xander and Angel's friends chorused. A delighted Dawn stepped forward and handed over a scroll to Giles.

"Has the lineage been read?" Mab said.

"Read and approved," Daisy fluttered forward and took the scroll from Giles, "these two are worthy."

"Good." Mab smiled. "Let's get the formal stuff out of the way." She beckoned the three forward. Taking a multicoloured ribbon Mab bound their entwined hands together.

"These three shall be as one. Guardians of the fey and humankind, binding begun in desire forged with love now complete. Consorts, do you consent to wed?"

"We do," Angel and Xander replied.

"Prince Spike, nephew," Mab smiled, "do you consent to take these two as your consorts?"

"I do," Spike smiled.

"He is yours," Mab said to Angel and Xander, "they are yours," she added to Spike.

Around the glade a sound rose as the fey began to sing. To the humans it bordered on pain as they listened but at the same time they could not deny the beauty of the sound. There were no words just the sound of joy and love. This was the sound that seduced humans from their homes to chase after the fey until they died, this was the essence of music that Beethoven heard when he lost his hearing and children see when they play.

Spike leaned forward and kissed his two consorts sealing the binding between them.

Tears streaming down their faces Harry and Daisy brought robes for Giles and Jenny before leading them to the edge of the glade.

Spike turned to the waiting fey and lifted their bound hands high. As he did so, the ribbons began to move entwining faster and faster around all three arms until the colours merged with flesh leaving them with ribbon tattoos.

Around the glade faeries flew throwing petals into the air until everyone was covered in them. The three were mobbed by the humans all crying and hugging and they were all dragged out of the glade to the awaiting feast.


Several hours later the three slipped away from the party to say goodbye to their friends. Spike hung back to give his consorts privacy and watched with pride as they said goodbye with love and dignity.

Finally Spike got to take his consorts home.

Inside the tree were a thousand faerie lights, small motes of magic that would glow all night. The wedding bed was draped in pure silk but none of the three paid their surroundings any attention.

Hands slipped across still oiled skin. Lips tasted gold dust and honey mead as they reacquainted themselves with each other. Laughter when they realised that the oil really had gotten everywhere quickly replaced with passion as hands caressed slick erections.

It wasn't long before Xander was kneeling in front of Spike mouth full of the faerie's erection while he was filled from behind by Angel's cock. One of Angel's hands was wrapped around Xander's cock stroking it in time with his thrusts.

Angel's other hand was clasping Spike's over Xander's back completing the link between them.

Xander could tell Spike was close and the knowledge sent a thrill down his spine tightening his muscles around Angel's cock. It was enough to send the vampire spiralling into orgasm as Xander milked his cock.

The expression of ecstasy on Angel's face sent Spike over the edge to follow him and that was enough to trigger Xander as well.

They collapsed in a heap on the bed still physically and emotionally linked to each other. Xander let Spike's cock slip out of his mouth and climbed up to kiss the faerie and share the release. Angel followed and gathered both up in his arms stroking their hair as they kissed.

"So," Xander finally had to come up for air, "we get to do this for eternity?"

"Yes we do," Spike said with a smile to both his consorts.

"Eternity," Angel repeated.

And they did.