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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Ongoing (Investigation)


A Gil/Greg (pre-) Slash story (FR: OT) Word Count: 404 Set: After Greg is injured in ‘For All Our Country’ (S4)

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Who was he supposed to like? How did he know?? How did he figure it out?? Before he had managed to hurt her, really hurt her, by dragging her into his murder enquiries on a new level, Lady Heather had told him, ‘It's not what you want in sex, and from it, that makes you” It's you. You can make the sex when you know what you want.' And then, she added, ‘with whichever willing person you want.'

He felt comfortable with Catherine, not so afraid of her, thus, threatened by her presence. He didn't know why; which should have bothered him, and did in a way; He lived like a scientist after all.

Sarah - Sarah. He couldn't quantify his feelings for her either, but this did bother him. She was an enigma, more so than the others. On some level, he did so want to know her.

And the final variable to be considered; Greg. Was he a wild-card?? He was hardly suitable. Gil was his boss, and not only that, Greg was a good deal younger than the man whom was his boss. But there was an openness to Greg that lifted Gil's heart, that assured him, that had become a comfort, and was a clarity, and a strength for Gil, and to Greg himself, too, Gil hoped. It was as though Greg was a door, a door which brought the world to Grissom somehow. Tangible, yet somewhat ethereal. Greg's loving soul was the one that Gil should have feared the most, on this basis. Maybe, he did. And yet, Greg had everything, and pretty much in balance. He was a scientist; he had spirit; he was vital and imbued with vitality; he was inspired, inspirational, intuitive, intrigued and intriguing, complex, and yet, beautifully simple (!)- And, he took Grissom's breath away, because, at that moment, this soul over whom Gil pondered so much, opened up his eyes upon the world again, and locked them with Gil Grissom: Like he always did; saying come with me, pleading for Gil to walk with him through a moment in life…

“Hello, Greg.” Grissom leant forward, in his chair by Greg's hospital bed.

“Hi.” Greg replied softly, as he tried to get comfortable on his side, his hands under his head, which was resting on his pale elbows; his gaze tilted; Greg was looking at him so beautifully, Gil realised.

Did he have his answer?

The End..?