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Renegades Honour


Disclamer: they aren't mine but we know who they blong too.
Feedback: please
Submitted through the AerynsFarscape mailing list.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Renegades Honour
By Mark Sherstone

Commerce Planet

John and Aeryn could not believe their eyes for they had found a merchant with all the peacekeeper supplies you could ever want. weapons, parts for Marauders but most important of all parts for prowlers.

"How did you get all this?" asked Aeryn suspicious that so much peacekeeper equipment was on the black market.

"You came from the leviathan Moya do you not?" the trader asked

"Yes but how?" Aeryn said leaving her pulse rifle at the trader.

"Your reputation precedes you partially after the destruction of that Peacekeeper Gammak Base." replied the trader "I deal with a Renegade by the name of Captain Nirre Kain."

"I know the name. The peacekeepers have been trying to catch her for cycles." said Aeryn.

"True. If I may be so bold but you are Aeryn Sun are you not?"

Aeryn nodded

"Good. Kain asked me to give you this." The trader produced a small box from his robes "Only you can open it for the key is DNA coded." he said had he handed Aeryn the box.

"How much are the prowler parts going to cost us?" John asked for he was wanting to out of here as soon as.

"Nothing. You may take what you need. I think Kain is looking for you both."

The look that went between John and Aeryn was indescribable.


Kain's ship

Captain Nirre Kain stood on the command deck of her pirate cutter. She smiled with satisfaction she and her crew of unlikely renegades had just avoided yet another Peacekeeper Command Carrier.

"You will have to do better than that Scorpious if you want to catch me!" she spat for she hated the Peacekeepers with a passion for what they had done long ago was still fresh in her mind. She also hated the Zintens and Sheyangs they were parites like herself but without honour.

Kain now turned to the former Zantien Strraz. who was bound and flanked by her security chief. "So Straaz." she said menacingly "Before I decide to space you you'd better tell me about the levathern Moya. That's why you came to find me wasn't it?"

"Yes. I've only encountered Moya the once. Near the Flax." replied Straaz

Kain nodded "I know it. keep talking and I might let you live. despite the fact you managed to bring a Peacekeeper Command Carrier with you!"

Straaz looked worried and with good reason he knew that Nirre Kain's threat was very real for her cutter's had destroyed more than a few Zeniten ships over the cycles. "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know about the crew, that's all."

Straaz knew better than to ask to many more questions "They are all escaped prisoners. The Peacekeepers have been trying to
recapture them."

"I know that you frelling idiot! I want to know about the crew as you have met them. Even if you did meet with them for a short time I'm hoping you have the information I want." Nirre paused and looked Strazz in the eye "For your sake you'd better." she said coldly.


Command Carrier.

Scorpious looked menacingly at the man before him "You lost her?" he asked standing and walking round his desk

"Yes. She is better then we thought." replied the Lt

"This sebasion reneged Nirre Kain is very smart. But I will catch her."

"That Zantien was not much use."

"I don't know. if he has done his job we will be able to track Kain. However Moya and Talyn are more important. Continue the search."

"Yes Scorpious."


Kain's ship

"Thank you Straaz. You have been most helpful."

"I try. But why is Moya so important to you?"

"Do you really think I'd tell you? I have my reasons." Kain said laughing. she glanced at her security chief flanking him "Get this peace of dern off my command deck and his peace of dren ship off this cutter."

After Straaz had been dragged out Kain turned to her ops officer. "Send a message to our base. Inform the Suns that the information regarding their daughter Aeryn is correct she is still on Moya."

"Yes Captain."


"So what's the story of this Nirre Kain? Is she a parite or what?" John asked

"She is a parite." Raygle said "Before I was overthrown there was a Sebacean colony that rebelled against the peacekeepers. So the peacekeepers sent the Zilblion to but down the rebellion."

"Our favourite pin up PK Dukra." John said scarticlly

Rygle grunted "Yes. I'm not sure what happened but some of the colonists the Kain family was one of the largest escaped and have been surviving by paitacy ever since."

"But they only attack Peacekeeper convoys and they hate Zeation and Sheyangs with a passion almost as much as Peacekeepers." Said D'Argo "for the Zentions and Sheyangs are with out Honour. I have never heard of one of Kain's cutters attacking a defenceless ship."

"This Kain and her gang sound more like renegades than pritaes too me." said John

"That's what they are as far the peacekeepers are concerned. Renegades." Aeryn said "But why would she be looking for us?"

"What makes you think she is looking for all of us?" said Chiana "it sounds more like she is looking for you and Crchiton."

"Have you opened the box, Aeyrn?" asked Zhaan

"No." Aeryn replied. She looked at Crchtion who smiled and nodded.

They both left command and headed for the terrace.


Kain's ship

"Why that good for nothing Zanten. If I ever get my hands on him he's dead." said Kain angrily as she looked at the tracking device that had just been found "Where did you find it?"

"It was in the docking bay. well hidden too." replied her security chief

"So Scorpus wants to play hide and seek dose he?" mused Kain "Place it in an escape pod and....."

"Captain we have detected the Leviathan hybrid Talyn." informed her ops officer

"Good. We may yet find Moya. Plot an intersect course." Kain looked at the tracker "And jettison that."



Aeryn and John were on the trerrce Aeryn opened the box. Inside were two peacekeeper Ident chips plus two data crystals. Aeryn took them out and studied them. Aeryn went pale

"What's wrong, Aeryn?" John asked

"These ident chips belong to my parents." Aeryn replied quietly.

"Whoa. What about the data cyrstels?"

"I don't know. I'll go and see Pilot." Aeryn looked at John "I don't want the others to know about the Ident chips till I've seen Pilot."

"I understand, Aeryn."

Aeryn stood and left for Pilot's chamber John stayed put for sometime after for he was wondering at the possibility of Aeryn meeting her parents.

"I hope she can." John said "No I hope me and Aeryn can." a smile spread across his face "Before I ask Aeryn to marry me I'd better meet her folks." John chuckled "Like she'd say yes." He now stood and headed for command.


Command Carrier

"What is it?" Scorpious asked

"We have detected Talyn Scorpious also Kain must have found the tracker."

"The latter was to be expected. However the former is good news alter course accordingly."

"Yes Scorpious."


Kain's ship

"How are you Crais?" asked Kain not really meaning it she had no love of this ex-PK for she had lost five good cutter crews to Crais.

"I've had better days Kain. What do you want of me?" Crais asked fear in his voice for he was worried it was payback time.

"Do you know where Moya is?" Kain asked. "Revenge can wait and I have no wish to harm Talyn."

Crais blinked "At least I know where I stand." he said as Nirre nodded her agreement "To answer your question. No not really. What do you want with escaped prisoners?"

"My bissness Crais. All I'll say is I need to contact one of the crew."

Talyn bleeped happily for the thought of seeing his mother and her crew pleased him "Ah. Talyn tells me he can sense Moya. She is in this sector."

"Will Talyn take us to Moya?"

"Yes. I don't think I'll be able to stop him."

"Captain sensors have picked up Marauders and Prowlers heading in this direction." interrupted her ops officer.

"That means there is a command carrier near by." Kain said

Kain and Crais looked at one another "Scorpious." they said.

"we had better starbrust while we have the chance." Crais said

"Yes on to Moya." replied Kain. the link with Talyn went dead. She smiled Aeryn Sun was in for a very pleasant surprise. "Soon, Aeryn Sun, soon." turning to her ops officer "Follow Talyn. We may as well ride his Starburst."

"Yes Captain."



Aeryn was in Pilot's chamber. What she and Pilot had seen on the data critalis had been almost unbelievable. It had been a short message from both of her parents. They both said that they were alive and well and they were proud of her for she was more than a peacekeeper and that Nirre Kain was looking for her to tell her more.

John walked into command. his mind was still spinning at the passable thought of meeting Aeryn's parents.

"John what is wrong?" asked Zhann upon noting he distracted look.

"Oh nothing, well not nothing but Aeryn asked me not to say anything just yet."

"Where is Aeryn?" asked D'Argo

"With pilot. She's checking some data crystals that were in that box."

"Data crystals?" asked Ryagle

"Yes, spanky. But If you try anything I'm not going to stop Aeryn killing you."

"What would be so important that Aeryn would kill me if I were to procure them?" asked Ryage even more intrigued

"Shut up toad." said Chaina "Whatever is on those crystals I think it's personal. Very personal."

D'Argo grunted "I agree with Chaina."

John smiled "You could say that Chaina."

Command Carrier

"Report Lt."

"Talyn and Kain's cutter were here. However they have starburst before we could cut them off."

"I'm hardly surprised. They will not wait for us to catch up. But we are going in the right direction."

"It would seem so Scorpious. Also a long rage Marauder reports that Moya may be in the sector."

"That is interesting news. First we have a Zenitan who is looking for Kain. Then Kain finds Talyn. Talyn and Kain will soon find Moya. That I do not doubt. But why?" Scorpious mused has walked round his quarters "I wonder. Whatever became of Officer Suns parents?" he asked



Aeryn entered command. She looked more preoccupied than what John had.

"Are you alright, Aeryn?" John asked as he came to stand beside her.

Aeryn shock her head "I don't understand it, John." she said looking into John's eyes.

"Understand what?" asked Zhaan worried about the ex-peacekeeper

"Why my parents are involved with Nirre Kain." said Aeryn

everyone else in command looked at Aeryn except for John has he had suspected something. Had Aeryn just said what they thought she had?

"But your parents are peacekeepers. Aren't they?" asked D'Argo

"Yes they are. But the chose to have me out of love not to just fill the ranks. So they are no ordinary peacekeepers." Aeryn got a distant look in her eye "I remember when I was young and my mother came to see me one last time before she was transferred. She was a Lt then. I can remember her telling me that she and my father loved me but did not wish me to be raised as a peacekeeper as they had. It was not what they would have chosen or wanted for me." Aeryn had begun to cry. John not knowing what else to do did what came naturally he put his arms around her. "I will never forget her last words to me 'Aeryn if the time ever comes, remember, you can be more'." as she spoke Aeryn looked into John's eyes.

John smiled slightly "But what of your father?"

"I never met him. All I know is his name, Talyn. And that my mother loved and missed him very much. The only other thing I know is that they are both alive."

"We may soon know more Officer Sun." announced Pilot's image

"How so?" asked D'Argo

"Moya has just detected another leviathan and what appears to be one of Kain's cutters exiting starburst." Pilot's eyes went wide "The Leviathan is Talyn!"

"What? Are you sure Pilot?" asked Aeryn.

"Yes very sure. It is Talyn."


Command Carrier

"Officer Suns parents were declared Missing in action presumed dead just over two cycles ago." said the Lt

"That would be not long after Officer Sun was declared IC would it not?" asked Scorpious

"That seems right. Do you think the events are linked?"

"It seems likely. What were the Suns last assignment?"

"They were both assigned to a Marauder that was shadowing Kain's cutter the last transmission was that the Marauder had been discovered and they were in a fire fight then the transmission went dead."

Scorpious pondered this for a time "What if the Suns were not killed but freely joined Nirre Kain?" he smiled for he began to understand "I think the Suns are looking for their daughter, Aeryn Sun."

"But why?"

"Because you frelling fool if you bothered to read their files you would know that Officer Suns Parents chose to have their daughter because they loved each other not just fill the ranks."



The Crew of Moya were waiting to greet their visitors in the docking bay. Crais entered followed by Nirre and her surity chife.

"I do not know weather to thank or kill you Crais." Aeryn said

Crais looked a little amused by this "Thank I hope." he said "If you really want to kill me you will have to wait your turn as Nirre Kain has first option on that I believe."

The crew looked at Nirre. Their reactions vareyed. D'Argo's was one of rectionsion and greeting. Zhaan, Chiana and Rygle's were of greeting. Aeryn's was one of respct and greeting. John was taken by Nirre's beauty. he had always thought Aeryn looked good in almost anything she wore. hell Aeryn looked good in her black flight suit! But Nirre, wow. John didn't really manage to hind the fact he was staring "admireing the view" as it were.

Nirre smiled knowingly at John for a moment beofre turing to D'Argo General Ka D'Argo in is an honour and plaesure to see you again."

The looks on everyone's faces was priceless.

"And the same to you. Nirre Kain." replied D'Argo

before anyone could ask Nirre came up to Aeryn.

"You must be Aeryn Sun. I am honoured to meet you at last. For your parents have tlked of you often. They are pround of you Aeryn. And that's why I am here. Is there someplace more comfertuble we can go to talk?"

"Yes this way." said John has he headed for the mess hall.

Aeryn was about to follow but Nirre cought her by the arm soon the two women were alone

"I want to pass an a message as we walk." said Nirre as she now followed the others "Also you have your parents blessings." At Aeryn's confused look Nirre simply smiled.

Aeryn followed Nirre's gaze. Aeryn's eyes came to rest on John Crichtion "How did they know?" she asked

Nirre smiled again "You are not as alone in the Uncharted Terrtires as you may think. Another reason why I'm here."

TBC when I write some more heehee.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Mark Sherstone.
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