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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Secrets Shared


Fandom: TOS Star Trek
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Category: slash
Rating: PG
Disclaimers: not mine, I have no money, etc...
Notes: written for the "When are you most afraid?" Challenge on 60 Second Fanfic.
Brief Summary: Amanda and Kirk share a secret.
Warnings: m/m hinted, a tad angsty

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Secrets Shared
by Margaret Newman aka Mereridkat

"When are you most afraid?" She asked him, turning from her garden to face her son's friend and, now they knew the truth, lover.

Kirk shrugged at first, grinning carelessly. He took a step forward, standing beside her, and she shifted again, keeping her gaze on his face.

"When?" She persisted, whispering.

The moment shifted, the grin faded. He spoke softly, almost hauntingly.

"It used to be every morning before I walked out the doors of my quarters. Will I fail today? How many crewmen will I lose on this mission? Then slowly, I came to realize how much Spock meant to me. He has been more than a friend for a very long time, I just hadn't-." He paused, lifting one shoulder. "I didn't want to accept it. I never thought I could love anyone, need anyone the way I love him."

She said nothing, only waited.

"Now, it's in the morning. We're still in bed, and a moment or so before the alarm goes off, I think- will today be the day that I lose him?" He shook his head, glancing down at his hands. A trickle of knowing shimmered up his spine, and he knew that Spock and Sarek had returned from their meeting. He glanced at Amanda. "Please don't mention this to him."

"Don't be silly." She rested a hand on his forearm. "Anymore than you would tell on me."

Kirk frowned a second, then smiled slowly and nodded.

Spock sent an inquiry, worried at the somber emotions he sensed. Kirk and Amanda stepped apart then, and turned towards their approaching mates.

"I trust you have not been boring the captain with stories of Spock's childhood." Sarek held the customary two fingers to his wife.

"Now, Sarek, why would I do that?" She smiled at him, raising her own hand in response.

"Who said they were boring?" Kirk grinned again, winking up at his mate. There was a swirl of embarrassment and irritation from Spock. "I really enjoyed the one about the-." He glanced at Amanda. "What did you call that thing? A du'a?"

Spock closed his eyes momentarily, seeking calmness. He knew logically that his mother would not have mentioned that *thing* to the captain, but one could never be certain with his mother. Or with his James.

Amanda laughed softly as Sarek led them all inside.
