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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Maybe opposites Attract


Disclaimer: can’t sue this gal, I don’t own not one thing. Although I’d love to own a piece of Hyde.

Author’s Note: this is my all ORIGINAL VERSION of how J/H got together. If you like, please review it.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Hiding from Kelso

Chapter Text

Disclaimer: can't sue this gal, I don't own not one thing. Although I'd love to own a piece of Hyde.
Author's Note: this is my all ORIGINAL VERSION of how J/H got together. If you like, please review it.
Chapter #1
" Jackie, what are you doing here? In the basement...alone?" asks Hyde as he walks in to find Jackie there by herself.
" What? ...Oh, I'm hiding from Michael." Explained Jackie, not even bothering to look up from her magazine.
" Right, yeah because Kelso will never look for you here." Laughs Hyde as he grabs himself a pop sickle from the deep freeze.
" Oh no, he did. But I just went and hid in your room until he left." Informs Jackie in a non-caring way.
Sitting down beside Jackie, Hyde flicks on the television," I why are you still here?"
Glancing over at Hyde, Jackie sets the magazine she'd been reading down," I'd leave, but I have no where else to go."
" So you have to grace me with your presence? ...Great." Jokes Hyde as he focuses on the television.
" Don't start with me today Steven, I'm not in the mood." Jackie snaps, throwing her magazine to the ground.
Grabbing himself a soda, Hyde tosses one to Jackie," why, what's the matter? Trouble in paradise?"
Taking a swig of her drink, Jackie raises a confused eye brow," why do you even care?"
" I don't, trust me. But I'm bored, so what's wrong?" questions Hyde; he shifts in his seat to face her.
" I'm tired of Michael. He is a lying, cheating jerk! And I am NOT taking him back again." Informs Jackie in an aggravated tone.
Laughing at this, Hyde coughs as he nearly chokes on his soda," right, of course your not. I've heard that before."
Rolling her eyes at Hyde, Jackie looks at him with a scowl," whatever. I'd be able to if I could just get away, or at least meet someone."
" And how are you going to do that?" inquires Hyde, now curious.
" I don't know... god, maybe I should just take Kelso back." Sighs a defeated Jackie.
" Whoa, what? No!" ...Flicking off the television, Hyde leans forward in his seat," Jackie, I am not letting you do that. Kelso is a jerk and you deserve way better."
Giving Hyde a befuddled look, Jackie raises an eye brow at him," uh huh, ok...Steven, why do you care again?"
" I'm tired of you crying on my damn shoulder." Enlighten Hyde, finishing his soda.
" Oh, well gee thanks for your concern." Scoffs Jackie in a flat tone.
Sitting down beside Jackie, Hyde places an arm around her," how's about this? You can come camping with me this weekend Jacks. Who knows, it might even be fun."
Smiling at the thought, Jackie glances over at Hyde," really? Just us?"
" Well, no. I'm going with my friend Randy, and I think he might bring someone." Comments Hyde, sitting up in his seat now.
"...I guess camping could be cool, I'm in Steven." Says Jackie with a grateful smile. ...
(The following day)
" Steven, mum where is our cabin?" Questions Jackie as she looks around.
" We don't have a cabin." Informs Hyde, grabbing his and Jackie's bags.
Following Hyde down the path, Jackie steps in front of him," oh, so we have a camper?"
With a mere shake of his head, Hyde drops the sacks he'd been carrying," nope, just a tent."
" We're going to be sleeping on the cold ground?" complains Jackie with a shudder.
" There's a sleeping bag if that helps." Comforts Hyde with a smirk.
Sighing to herself, Jackie kicks at the ground," how did I let you talk me into this?"
Rolling his eyes, Hyde glances over at Jackie," come on, it'll be fun Jacks. Lighten up." ...
" Hey Randy, what took you so long to get here?" asks Hyde as he greats his friend.
" We would have been here sooner, but Charlie spotted a girl down by the lake." Informs Randy with a laugh.
Racing up toward Hyde, Jackie knocks into him," Steven some guy is hitting on me!"
Stumbling back at this, Hyde grabs Jackie before steadying himself and her," Jackie, relax. It's just Randy's friend."
" Whoa, have a girlfriend?" questions Randy in surprise.
" Jackie, is not my girlfriend." States Hyde quickly, shuddering at the thought.
Nodding her agreement, Jackie brushes herself off," that's true. We're barely even friends, Steven's just helping me out."
Laughing at the thought, Randy raises a curious eye brow," Hyde helping people? ...Wow. What's he helping you for?"
" I'm trying to get over my ex." Admits Jackie in a sad tone.
" Why? ...Did he cheat on you?" asks Randy in a caring voice.
Looking down at the ground as tears fall, Jackie merely shrugs it off,"...whatever."
" What a jerk...come here." Comforts Randy, pulling Jackie into a hug.
" Thanks." Sniffles Jackie, smiling sadly.
Swiping away Jackie's tears, randy smirks in response," it's cool, my girlfriend was cheating on me...with my best friend. I dumped her and kicked the crap out of him, made me feel better."
Chucking at this, Jackie touches Randy's bruised cheek," is that where this nice shiner came from?"
"...well, yeah. It was a cheap shot." Informs Randy, wincing as Jackie touches his wound.
" Jackie, don't you think you should put some clothes on?" coughs Hyde, nodding at her.
Remembering she's in a bikini, Jackie bites at her bottom lip," that might keep me from getting cold since it's getting dark out...oh, and thanks."
Smiling shyly when Jackie pecks his cheek, Randy watches her run off," wow, she's pretty. How do you know her?"
" Her ex is my best friend." Grumbles Hyde, staring after Jackie.
" I wouldn't mind sharing a sleeping bag with her, if you know what I mean." Jokes Charlie, grinning at the thought.
Tensing up at this, Hyde's fists bawl up at his sides," lay off."
Taking a step back, Charlie puts his hands up," ok, no need to get violent." ...
(That evening)
" I'm just tired of his crap." Reveals Jackie later that night.
" Yeah, I know what you mean." Laughs Randy, tossing a marsh mellow in his mouth.
Glancing down at the ground, Jackie tosses a rock into the lake," I'm tired of being know?"
Nudging Jackie lightly, Randy grabs her hand," yeah, I know. ... Care to dance?"
" With no music?" ponders Jackie, her eyes brows raised.
"...well, I could hum a tune." Suggests Randy with a silly smirk.
Grinning in response, Jackie walks into Randy's arms," that could work."
Swaying back and forth, Randy looks down at Jackie," ah ha! I thought that this might get you to smile."
" Well, its hard not to with a charmer like you." Jokes Jackie with a chuckle. ...