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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

If I Can't Have You


Fandom: Queer As Folk
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None, pre-QAF
Characters: Stuart/Vince, plus other crappy little original characters belonging to me ;)
Feedback: Yes please, or post to QAFFic egroup.
Disclaimer: Stuart and Vince are not mine *sigh* copyright infringement intended.
Submitted through the QueerAsFolkFic mailing list.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Page 1

Chapter Text

If I Can't Have You
by Juliet Andrews

Beeeep! Beeep!

Vince thumped his alarm clock angrily, squinting through sleepy blurred eyes at the figures. 8:00....shit! He jumped out of bed, rubbing his eyes and running a hand through his hair. He didn't feel like going to school, never really did these days. It wasn't like his classes, and his teachers were fine too, it was just, well....boring! His friends were all right as well, but lately all they cared about was who was doing what girl, what girl had given them or their friends head, and
generally blah blah blahhh.....Vince sighed, pulling on his school shirt and trousers, tying his tie round his neck.

Splashing his faced with water, Vince continued downstairs for breakfast. "Hi Mum...what's for breakfast?" Hazel was by the work surface, pouring milk into a bowl and fixing him some cereal. "Here you go, love. Sorry, but I'm off now, see you
later, all right? Have a good day!" "Bfffyeee!" Vince attempted incoherently, munching on his cereal.

It was quiet without things ready for school. On his way out, he looked in the mirror, combing his hair self consciously, then he shut and locked the door, heading briskly down the road.

"Mum!! Get off me, I can fix my own fu-...damn collar! I'm fourteen years old for crying out loud!" Stuart
snapped angrily at his mother. "Now Stuart, don't be like that...First day at a new school, you want to look your best!" She smoothed over his shirt and then left him in peace, winking and remarking teasingly as she did so -

"You never know, you might impress the girls." As Stuart heard her descend the stairs, he peered at his face in the mirror, scrutinizing himself. "The boys, you mean." He muttered, and then grabbed his bag and got ready to leave. "Bye Mum!" he shouted over his shoulder as he left, shivering slightly in the cold morning air. "Take care, dear! Have a nice time..."

"Will do..."

Having shut the door, Stuart grinned to himself and set off to his first day at a new school.

"And, if you take the square root of x², you get the size of the missing side of the triangle, okay?" Vince groaned inwardly, drawing idly on the front of his jotter. Maths was shit, and his annoying little bald, rotund teacher Mr. Thompson over explained everything.

"Now, if you turn your textbooks to page 15, exercise fi-"

Slouched students looked up with interest and sat up straight in their chairs as the door opened, eager for any form of distraction from the evils of pythagoras. In came the head of Year 10, Mr. Carville, and behind him was a boy, about 14 or 15.

//Woah!// Vince sat up straight in his chair. The boy had a presence about him ...he was gorgeous, although not in a conventional way, with a mop of curly black hair and sparkling eyes. He was slightly built and fairly small in height, but he radiated self-confidence and arrogance. He swaggered across the classroom, a well rehearsed pout on his face, and joined Mr. Carville at Mr. Thompson's desk. Carville then proceeded to address the class: "This is Stuart Jones - its his first day here, so try and help him out with topics, room locations etc. Thanks...Stuart, if you have any problems, just let me know."

Stuart merely nodded and smiled, the picture of self-assurance.

Mr. Thompson handed Stuart a text book and pointed at Vince.

//Me?!?!// Vince panicked, then realised he had an empty seat next to him that day. Stuart walked towards him, never breaking eye contact, making Vince feel as though he could see right into Vince's brain.

Vince lowered his gaze, intimidated.

As Stuart sat down and got out his pens and pencils, Vince worked up the courage and whispered shyly - "Hiya...I'm Vince."
"I'm Stuart..." Stuart replied, flashing him a million watt smile.

Vince swallowed hard, desperately searching for something to say. "Oh my god!" he blurted out clumsily, "You're Irish!"

"Mm, yes." Stuart agreed, looking slightly puzzled.

Before Vince could lodge his foot any more firmly in his mouth, Mr. Thompson gave them both a "Shut the fuck up!" look, so Vince did so until the end of the maths period, stealing sidelong glances at Stuart all the while.

As they packed up their things, they discovered they both had social studies next.

"Oh!" Vince exclaimed, trying not to sound too happy, "That means we have Sports and English together as well. You can sit with me in those too...if you want to, that is, I mean, uhh, whatever really, it's up to you, I-"

"It's fine, Vince..." Stuart answered, looking at him with a half smile.

"Okay then!" Vince replied, coughing and looking in his bag for something non-existent. He liked the sound of Stuart saying his name...the Irish accent made it sound softer, nicer.

//I like that...I wonder what he sounds like when....nooo, don't be silly Vince, stop it//

He jumped back to reality, Stuart was talking again.

Vince turned back round to face him.

"So..." Stuart slowly looked him up and down, eyes flickering back to his face.

"What do you do for fun around here?"

Vince blinked, lifting his school back over his shoulder.

""Uhh....well we, we...what sort of things do you like doing?"

Stuart smirked. "Oh, this and that. The usual boy things."

"What, football, girls, that sorta thing?"

"Not quite..."

He was smiling that smile again...that sexy, provocative look...those eyes teasing him...Vince supposed they were what were referred to as "come to bed" eyes...

//Ohh my God, quick Vince, say something witty!//

" we go then!" he said, heading for the door. l

//Well, OFF WE GO THEN?!// his mind yet again interjected //What the fuck was that?!//

After Social Ed., Stuart and Vince parted ways, leaving Vince in a whirl of arousal and confusion. His thoughts mostly consisted of how he never wanted to leave this boy's side ever again, no matter what it took.

They met up again at break, Vince finding Stuart alone, leaning against the wall. Vince squinted at him. God...even that looked good. No matter what Stuart was doing, he always oozed sex...something Vince had never seen in a guy his age before...he liked it.

He remembered his friends Ben and Damian were standing beside him, and hurriedly remembered to introduce them to Stuart
"Guys, this is Stuart. Stuart, Ben and Damian. Stuart's new here..."

"Hi, nice to meet you." Ben ventured.

"Same.." Stuart replied lazily, looking at Ben with that same intense expression he had used on Vince earlier.

The four of them chatted for a bit about nothing in particular, Damian proudly announcing how he had "got off with this chick" at the weekend, and how she'd "given him a good wank" the next day.

"Ooh, well done." Stuart interjected mockingly, no one but Vince picking up on the sarcasm. He grinned at Stuart and giggled quietly.

"What about you Vince? Got a...girl? A crush on anybody?" Stuart enquired slyly.

Vince blushed up to the roots of his hair, sure that Stuart must realize how attracted to him yhe was.

"Umm, no!" he squeaked, "Not right now. "

"Vince never wants girls any way, no matter what babes they are," Damian joked, "Sometimes, it's almost like he's gay!"

They all erupted into laughter, Stuart catching Vince's eye as Vince laughed just a little too hard.


At the end of the day, Vince hadn't seen Stuart again, and was anxiously scanning the crowds of pupils for his new friend. Having no luck, he gave up, sighing, and began to walk home.

He opened the unlocked door to his house with a a shout of "Hey Mum!! I'm home!" "Hi, all right love?" Hazel greeted him, dishcloth in hand, "How was your day?"

Vince grinned from ear to ear, trying not to flush too much.

"Well," he began enthusiastically, "There's this new boy at school...this Irish boy, Stuart..."