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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Aquilius Cor Astra


For this? Kavanaugh is sent offworld, gets captured as a slave, and Aiden ends up freeing him.

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Title: Aquilius Cor Astra
Author: Diayma
Rating: FRM-FRAO
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: Bates/Kavanaugh, Sheppard/McKay, Ford/OMC, Carson/Hallen, Ronan/Caldwell
Warnings: AU, Violence, cursing, m/m sex, mentions of non-con, OFC, OMCs,
Notes: This is *not* a sequel to A Child's Innocence, considering i'm not even done with it yet. This is what i'm working on to break my writer's block *on* A Child's Innocence and my Xena fic, Oh Baby!. Anyway...hope you all enjoy! Oh, the title is Latin for Dark Colored Soul Star...or at least that's what my translator says. If it's wrong, lemme know!
Spoilers: Up to Friday's episode to be safe. (2/10/06)
Website: (check as last resort as I don't update it as much as I should)
Livejournal: Http://
Archive: Wraithbait,, WWOMB, my livejournal, and when it works again. This'll be up on Area 52 when it's completed.




Dr. Calvin Kavanaugh took one look at his laptop and cursed under his breath. Three *months* of work destroyed all because of the goa'uld in Caldwell. Three months he's been working on uncovering the Ancient database known only to him and it's gone. It'll probably take him *another* three months just to recover it!

Sighing and running his fingers through his hair, Calvin shuts down the laptop and closes the lid. Glancing outside he winces. The second moon is already up and he planned to be out of the lab before the first moon was at it's peak. He's way overdue for his blind date thanks to McKay but then again, he never planned to go in the first place. He had enough of the hazing in the SGC and in Antarctica, and he's has quite enough of it on Atlantis. Though, to be fair, it's never gotten as bad as it was on Earth and he has an inkling that is due to Colonel Sheppard.

Getting up out of his chair, Calvin grabs his coat and leaves the lab. He's going to his rooms and hopefully he'll sleep at least five hours tonight. Heading down the hallway to the transporter, he ignores the contempt in the eyes of the various personnel he passes. He doesn't need to see it. He knows he's been cruel. He's purposely being cruel. If he's cruel, he won't get hurt. If he doesn't get hurt, he won't have to go through what Richard did to him so long ago.

Reaching the transporter, Calvin presses the area of Atlantis where his quarters are and then steps out barely ten seconds later. Walking down to his room, he stops and growls. Spray-painted on his door is yet another caustic remark about how he shouldn't be on Atlantis...though not in pretty terms. Glancing up and down the hallway, Calvin snaps his fingers and the paint goes away. Entering his quarters at last, he locks the door behind him and collapses in his bed. Here at least he's safe.

Reaching under his bed, he pulls out a mahogany brown box and opens it. Inside are hundred of pictures ranging from wallet-size to 8 by 12's and beyond. Nothing bigger than the box though, at 20 by 40. Picking up the first one, Calvin smiles softly. It's his sister, Kiranea before they went against the Elders. In this one, she has waist-length black hair and warm green eyes. She's clad in a violet kimono with silver obi and laughing as she is being sprayed with water by her dog. Nowadays, Kiranea has *neon purple* hair and wears black leather...and she also goes by Kira.

//Weir to Kavanaugh,// interrupts Dr. Elizabeth Weir. Calvin groans to himself before placing the picture back in the box and stuffing it back under his bed. Touching his radio, he replies.

"What do you want at this time of night Weir?" growls Calvin, not trying to be pleasant. People are Kiranea's department, not his.

//Colonel Jerkins has requested your presence on tomorrow's trip to P3X-768,// says Weir. //I have already approved it. You leave at nine. The briefing's at eight. Do not be late.//

"Fine," growls Calvin before turning his radio off. Just what he needs, to go on a pointless mission when he *should* be refinding the database he lost. That database is Kiranea's personal database and it lists what needs to be done to fix Lieutenant Ford of his enzyme fix, should he still be alive. Sighing, Calvin gets out of bed and heads towards his bathroom. Shower and then sleep. Tomorrow he'll worry about tomorrow.


Aquilius Cor Astra, Chapter One:

(Warnings: Remembered non-con in this chapter folks)

Lieutenant Aiden Ford takes one look at the village and growls. Even though slavery still exists in the universe, he was hoping not to come across it in the Pegasus Galaxy. He's been on Kilner for about a month now and has only just come across this village. Course, that's mainly due to the fact he explored instead of heading straight to the village. Getting up, Aiden walks down the hill towards the village. A couple of his spies told him that one of the Atlantis crew is living in this village as a slave and by the description, it sounds remarkably like Kavanaugh. That in itself confuses him for Kavanaugh doesn't like going off-world. Why, Aiden doesn't know but he agreed with John with keeping Kavanaugh on Atlantis if he didn't want to go.

"Can I help you?" asks a villager as Aiden reaches the outskirts of the village.

"I'm here to buy a slave," says Aiden calmly.

"Ah, welcome to our village then!" says the villager pleased. "I'll take you to our leader, the Esteemed Warlik. I am Iler,"


Hands caress down his sides, a slight touch but it's enough to cause him to shudder in revulsion. Three months he's been chained to the wall and no one has even wondered where he is. Richard takes great pleasure in gleefully recounting how hidden in plain sight he is and yet, no one knows. Gods above, the only thing keeping him from escaping his binds is the fact that the room he's locked in has been created for Atlantean prisoners, such as the 'Ori'. Three of them share his cell but they just mindlessly follow Richard's directions, as he broke them quite thoroughly.

A hand caresses his nipples while another surrounds his cock. A third and fourth grab his hips to keep him steady while a fifth begins to prepare him, most likely for Richard's upcoming rape. All three pairs of hands belong to the captured Ori, though he can't feel the sixth hand.

"Well, well, are you enjoying yourself Culei?" drawls Richard's voice from the doorway opening. Thanking the gods that he can't see, he stays quiet. Less he does, less Richard will hurt him. Physical and mental torture and frankly he's surprised he's still as sane as he was three months ago. "Begone!" Richard snaps.

The three Ori immediately scatter to their various corners, probably very grateful Richard's attention has been more on him than on them. He stays quiet, pointless as it seems. It's a small rebellion against that doesn't quite work at well as he wants.

"Rebelling again?" drawls Richard before backhanding him across his face. Pain escalates from his shattered cheekbone and he barely keeps from screaming. He can hear Richard's chuckles and bites down on his lip, ignoring the sudden rush of blood into his mouth. You can never tell what Richard'll do next as he likes keeping his 'rewards' guessing and fearful. "I think it's time I step up your punishment. Do not doubt that you will break. Everyone breaks. It just takes time...of which I have plenty."

Sharp pain explodes from his side, causing him to gasp. The cold metal tells him exactly what pierced his skin. A blade, most likely Richard's favored black onyx and sapphire dagger. Preparing himself mentally, he is ready to let go when a very welcome and startling voice echoes from the doorway.

"That knife touches him and I swear by our Ancestors that you will not live to see the next second, let alone the rest of your life," snarls Kiranea, her usual warm and cheerful voice laden with rage and hatred. Sagging in relief, he prays Kiranea will get to him soon. The blood loss alone is making him dizzy. Sudden cold against his side has him yelping before he recognizes the healing device Kiranea created barely a year ago.

"He's mine!" growls Richard, his voice sounding far off. "He's my culei!"

"You have no right to call him such!" Kiranea snaps. "He was your culei. He's my cuhei!"

A fight between his ex-lover and his beloved sister. Calvin suddenly bursts out laughing, not really caring about the fact that it's hysterical laughter. Feeling the chains disappear, he collapses into Kiranea's arms, the blindfold also disappearing as she wraps her arms around him protectively, soothingly. Laughter soon gives way to tears which gives way to sleep.


Calvin growls as he barely misses being soaked in ice-cold water. Two months ago he went on that damned mission with the new Colonel Jerkins and ended up being sold to the Kilnerians as a slave so Jerkins and his team could escape. Considering no one has come for him since, it's likely that either Jerkins told the truth and no one gave a damn, or Jerkins lied. He's betting on the second though. Colonel Sheppard may not like him but he's one of the few that truly follow the motto "No Man Left Behind,".

"Get up ya lazy asses!" bellows the slave master and Calvin rolls his eyes but gets up. He's trying to stay invisible enough that he can formulate an escape plan. He would've left the next day after he was captured...but a family took him in and taught him how to live barely five minutes after he was thrown into the pens. Even with his cruel attitude, they've kept him safe. Because of that, he won't leave without them.

Groaning at the sudden influx of light, Calvin covers his eyes with his hands as he look out in the courtyard for his normal eating area. He normally eats alone but a little girl, no older than five at the most, started joining him and, like the family that took him in, ignored his coldness and aloftness. Spying his area beneath the only tree in the yard, he groans to himself. Apparently he's become the Pied Piper because there's an influx of little kids, *all* under the age of ten, waiting patiently for him to show up. About to change his mind, he turns around and is faced with Juea, the 'Mother' of the slaves in this pen. All go to her for complaints because for some reason, she has some relationship with the slave master that allows her to get away with alot...and it's not sexual. Calvin found that out the first day.

"Will you not join them?" asks Juea, the amusement easily heard in her voice.

"I. Don't. Like. Kids." Calvin growls.

"Ah, but they like you," says Juea with a laugh. "Do not worry so much about them. They are quite probably the only reason you have not been sold yet."

"What do you mean?" asks Calvin, now confused.

"Most buyers want happy, healthy children as servants or as playmates for their own children," says Juea. "Ours have no been as happy until you have arrived. Seeing this, I believe the slave master has realized you are most likely invaluable,"

"I am *not* staying," says Calvin coldly.

"I know," says Juea. "But I suggest you go join the children before they go hunting for you. Patience they have learn...for long, they have not."

"Great," grumbles Calvin under his breath as he goes outside. "We've got Yoda."


"Welcome to Kilner," says the Esteemed Warlik as Aiden kneels before act of equality, not submissiveness though. Because of the Wraith enzyme, he's been treated with a gamut of emotions, most ranging from healthly fear to outright worship. He's hoping that by saving Kavanaugh, or whatever Atlantis personnel that manage to get captured, he'll be welcomed back on Atlantis and Beckett will completely cure him...or at least get him looking as human as possible. The one completely black eye still freaks him out every now and then. "What can I do for one of the Wraith?"

"I am looking for a slave," says Aiden as coldly as Warlik. "I've heard you excel at the market."

"Yes I do," says Warlik, his eyes warming up just a little. "Anything in particular?"

"Atlantean," says Aiden. "I've heard you acquired one."

"His people gave him up to us for their own freedom," says Warlik distastefully. "While I do deal in the slave business, most of mine are convicts that chose slavery over prison. The ones that are not convicts have been born in the slave trade and would not survive out there free. This Atlantean I have, I would gladly free but I do not know where I can send him where he would be save from his own people *and* the Wraith."

"Who gave him up?" asks Aiden. "I ask because I am Atlantean as well as Wraith and my leaders would never willingly give up their own people. They'd rather die."

"A Colonel Jerkins," supplies Iler when Warlik looks at him. "His men all but shoved this 'Calvin' at us,"

"I have heard rumors though that he will not leave without this one family," says Warlik looking at Aiden thoughtfully.

"How many?" asks Aiden, already plotting ways to bring the family.

"Three," says Warlik. "A sister and her younger brothers. The girl is barely six moons, the brothers barely four moons."

"So seventeen and thirteen," murmurs Aiden to himself, faintly remembering that for the Karliks, a moon equals three years. Looking back up at Warlik, Aiden sighs. He won't leave Kilnar without Kavanaugh but it seems like Kavanaugh won't leave without this family. Sighing again, Aiden looks Warlik dead in his eyes. "How much for all four of them?"

"I will give you the Atlantean for free as he was sold through treachery," says Warlik. "The girl would be seven dins and the boys would be three dins each. Thirteen dins total."

"Hell," curses Aiden under his breath. He barely has six dins. On Karlik, the monetary system is similar to the American monetary system. A lin is their smallest, followed by reli, seru, and then dins. Five lin equals a reli, seven reli equals a seru, and fifteen seru equals one din. He has about six din, ten seru, five reli, and two lin in total.

"Problems?" asks Warlik.

"Bargaining?" asks Aiden. "Five seru each for the boys and five din for the girl."

"Two din for the boys each and five din for the girl," counters Warlik, a gleam in his eyes. He likes bargaining. Most wouldn't.

"A din and five seru for the boys each and four din for the girl," retorts Aiden.

"Deal," says Warlik with a satisfied look in his eyes. Aiden smirks and stands.

"I wish to see Calvin and this family before I give you the money," says Aiden. "I don't want to find out that they're dead or worse."

"What can be worse than death?" asks Iler confused.

"I know what he means," intones Warlik before standing. "I will take you myself to them."