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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

SPN: As Time Goes By


Dean remembers everything. (And yes, it is a deathfic, but not the usual kind. I only write happy endings.)

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Dean remembers seeing Sam the first time, picking him out in the hospital nursery amongst all the infants.

Dean remembers his father placing Sam in his care when he was four.

Dean remembers how smart his brother is, how Sam absorbs knowledge like a sponge.

Dean remembers Sam's first hunt, young Sam saving Dean's and John's asses and asking for some ice cream afterwards.

Dean remembers falling in love with his brother.

Dean remembers the pain when Sam left for Stanford.

Dean remembers Sam's return.

Dean remembers battling the evil creatures that inhabit the shadows, his brother at his side.

Dean remembers how much he wants Sam in his bed.

Dean remembers as he sits beside Sam, feeling guilty yet again.

Dean remembers the bottle of tranquilizers he's been feeding Sam when they're finished with a hunt, the strong ones that make Sam forget everything.

Dean remembers the first time, of Sam in pain, passing out while Dean cleaned and stitched his wounds.

Dean remembers his hand wandering down to Sam's groin and touching Sam's dick, jerking him off while Sam lay unconscious.

Dean remembers Sam not remembering when he woke up in the morning.

Dean remembers the next time, giving Sam some tea laced with the drugs.

Dean remembers kissing Sam from head to toe, rubbing off against his hard body, coming all over Sam.

Dean remembers Sam waking up; he made a crack about Sam having a wet dream.

Dean remembers the next time and the next and the next. Sam doesn't have a clue.

Dean remembers the feel of Sam's skin, how silky and baby soft.

Dean remembers how lush Sam's lips are, how they part when he licks at them, how he allows Dean's tongue entrance.

Dean remembers swearing to himself he will *never* do this to Sam again, never drug him again, never touch him.

Dean remembers lying to himself.

Dean remembers waking up one morning and finding Sam gone.

Dean remembers reading the note Sam left him.

Dean remembers the five words Sam had written. 'I would have said yes.'

Dean remembers sobbing, his tears dotting the piece of paper.

Dean remembers hearing about his father's death and calling Sam to let him know.

Dean remembers not getting a return call.

Dean remembers the next two years clearly, wanting to die, hoping the next hunt will bring him face-to-face with a creature that can put him out of his own personal Hell.

Dean remembers the poltergeist holding him against the wall, not fighting it, his lifeforce slowly leaving his body.

Dean remembers Sam rushing inside, armed with holy water and a slew of Latin and banishing the ghost.

Dean remembers Sam helping him back to the car, back to the motel, cleaning him up.

Dean remembers Sam holding him.

Dean remembers how much Sam means to him, how precious his brother is.

Dean remembers begging Sam to forgive him for what he's done.

Dean remembers Sam kissing him, making love to him, taking him to new heights of pleasure.

Dean remembers the forgiveness.

Dean remembers the sun streaming in through the window the next morning, the sense of panic, of fear, because Sam is not beside him.

Dean remembers Sam coming inside the room with some breakfast, Sam soothing him while he cries and apologizes some more.

Dean remembers all the days and nights and years that follow, loses track of the countless times they make love, swap mushy endearments.

Dean remembers learning to laugh again, to feel happiness.

Dean remembers all the battles they fight, that for some reason they continue to survive when others fall.

Dean remembers the two children, Tom and Molly, who lose their parents to the darkness.

Dean remembers taking them in, he and Sam teaching them to hunt.

Dean remembers their first battle and how well they do.

Dean remembers handing over all their weapons to the now-grown children, of settling down with Sam in Lawrence, in their old house.

Dean remembers the day Sam old man and of natural causes.

Dean remembers allowing death to take him shortly after.

Dean remembers seeing Sam again, the face young and happy, standing beside the Impala.

Dean remembers that they're dead.

Dean remembers Sam explaining that even the afterlife has evil things that need to be banished to the deepest bowels of Hell.

Dean remembers starting the hunt all over again.

Dean remembers everything. He will never forget.