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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

All about Friends


Disclaimer: All bow for the all mighty Joss. Put a stake through the heart of Fox and hunt the WB down. But don't touch me! Status: At the beta reader but has been through editing already. Archive: Let me know. Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Season 4 (but it is my little universe after all)
Couples: Buffy/Riley - Anya/Xander - Buffy/Xander - Willow/Tara
Feedback: Puh-lease?? I NEED IT!
Summary: The story starts of Buffy/Riley and Anya/Xander, but all changes quickly. Doyle is alive and Willow goes steady with Tara. There are some troubles between the different couples and someone wants to kill someone... Just read.. Oh yeah, and feedback please!!! Dedicated: To my lovely beta reader Duchess, to all of my supportive feedbackers (I'll name you guys in the next part!) and to Lucas he knows why. NOTE: first part is big, next parts will be a bit shorter. Just to get you interested.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Page 1

Chapter Text

Xander opened his eyes slowly, not wanting to come into the reality, leaving the world of his dreams, where everything was so much better. He turned around on his bed. Suddenly he jumped up and rubbed his eyes. "Shit! I fell asleep!"� he yells at himself. He quickly started to look around for his sweater and coat. He hadn't been feeling very well that day so he decided maybe a little nap would do him some good. Naturally he didn't wake up when he had to wake up, and he was already late for his date with Anya. He even missed dinner. Not that that meant something to him. Sitting at the same table with his parents wasn't exactly fun time for him. He wasn't surprised nobody came to wake him up for it either.

Suddenly he heard a knock on his door. "Well maybe someone finally notices I'm not there"� He walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hi Xander"� she said before crashing into his arms crying.


Anya looked at her watch. For the third time in 2 minutes. She started tapping her fingers on the table.

"Would you like another coffee miss?"� a friendly waited asked her.

She looked at him with eyes that could kill and the waiter stepped back a few steps.

"Uhmm... You just call me when you decided..."� he murmured.

"He is *so* gonna pay for letting me wait so long..."� she whispered to herself. She looked at her watch again. 10:35. The date was supposed to be at 10 o'clock. Suddenly she got bored waiting and got up. While grabbing her coat from her chair she wished Xander into hell for letting her wait so long for nothing.


*knock knock*

Willow looked up from her books at her desk and walked over to the door of her dorm room. *Must be Buffy* She opens the door with a swung and started, "Buffy where have you- Oh, hi Riley..."� she blushed slightly at her mistake. Then she noticed the wild look on his face. "Is there something wrong?"� she asked him, making a gesture with her hands for him to come in.

Riley gratefully took this opportunity and stepped into the room. "It's Buffy... Isn't she here? I was hoping to find her here...?"� he said with a worried tone in his voice.

Willow frowned her forehead. "She was with you all night I thought?"� She asked.

Riley shook his head and then nodded. He sat down on Buffy's bed and held his head in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees.

Now Willow saw he was shaking all over. "Riley? What happened?"� she asked getting scared.

"I screwed up. Big time."� he managed to get out.

Willow sat down on her own bed, in front of Riley. "What happened?"� Willow asked, only realizing she asked that already after she said it.

Riley kept shaking his head. "I can't believe I could be so stupid..."�

"She was with you tonight was she?"� Willow asked, trying to get the whole story out of him.

Riley looked up to her and she saw tears rolling over his cheeks. She silently got up, grabbed a tissue of her desk and gave it to him. He didn't even notice her hand with the tissue waving in front of his eyes. The only thing he could see was Buffy's face right before she stormed out last night. He snapped out of his daydream when Willow gently tapped on his hand with the tissue. He gratefully took it and wiped away his tears with it.

He took a deep breath and started explaining. "Yes. I mean, yes, she was with me last night. Not for long though... Willow, I screwed up everything. Everything I had with her or was going to have... I screwed up our relationship... I... I was drunk last Tuesday night... I was at a frat party of a mate and, and... Well... I was drunk as hell and then this girl..."�

Wilow gasped. "You cheated on her!"� she yelled out.

Riley bowed his head and started sobbing again. "I didn't mean to hurt her, I was just so-"

"Drunk, yeah you said that already!"� Willow interrupted him. "Where is she?"� she yelled again.

Riley shrugged and shook his head. "She stormed out yesterday and I don't know where to..."�

"You didn't go after her?"� Willow said unable to believe what he was telling her.

Riley looked up at her, looking into her eyes. "No... No I didn't... I thought she might have needed some alone time you know and... But that's not it. That's not all..."�

"There's more?"� Willow screamed. She totally lost control at the thought of her best friend being hurt so much. She knew how much Buffy cared for Riley.

Riley stood up and watched the tips of his shoes. "Last night I... I went to the Bronze to find her and... Well she wasn't there but that girl was..."�

Willow gasped. She stood up too and slowly started walking towards him. Her voice was deep and dark. "You took the girl to your dorm. You slept with her, and Buffy walks in"� she hisses at him.

Riley couldn't do anything but nod.

Willow's hand hit him hard and fast. Because he was caught off guard the impact was big enough to cause him to fall onto the bed. Willow jumped on him and started hitting him over and over again. "You jerk, you loser, you big, bad..."�

Two strong arms pulled her away from Riley. Willow was so mad she kept hitting in the air and kicking her feet. But the person behind her managed to pull her away, so that Riley could get up again. His nose was bleeding terribly and he had ripped shirt. Willow suddenly came to her senses again and struggled free out of the grasp holding her. "Get out"� she huffs at Riley.

"But Willow"� he tried.

Then another dark voice from behind Willow said, "I think you should go before I kill you"�

"Angel..."� Riley whispered frightened. He knew what the man, or vampire, was capable of and he didn't want to mess with him. He quickly snuck out of theroom. In the hallway the idea stroke him. *She's at Xander's*

"Angel what are you doing here?"� Willow asked when she recovered from the shock.

"I... I'll explain later. First things first. We have to find Buffy, she's in danger"� Willow looked at Angel with a frightened look on her face.

"What do you mean...?"� Angel shook his head. "Where can we find her?"�