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Archive Warning:
Part 26 of The Switch
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Switch 26: Reality Bites


FANDOM: "Farscape"
ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
SUMMARY: "Slowly the crew of Moya discover what they are up against. Still in the dark Crichton lives a nightmare that has no end."
The usual disclaimers apply. No infringement of copyright is intended.
Submitted through the AdultFarscape and Makebelieve_YG mailing list.

Work Text:

The Switch 26: Reality Bites
A "Farscape" slash story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL
* * * * *

Everyone stared at Rygel. Chiana stood next to the Dominar, watching the baby nestled in the Hynerian's arms. D'Argo was the first to speak. They were all in command. From the clamshell monitor Pilot watched and listened in silence. Anxiety written into every line on his face. The leviathan gunship was close to Moya. No one was inclined to invite Crais to come aboard and hear what Rygel had to say. First they wanted to hear for themselves. D'Argo approved the caution, still not completely trusting the former Peace Keeper Captain. "A Scarran vessel you say?"

Rygel nodded. "Yes, but like no other vessel I have ever seen. It is huge, Ka D'Argo. A city in space."

D'Argo looked suspicious. "Then why can we not find it if it is so *vast*?"

"Because," said Rygel. "It does not want to be found. It is using illusion to evade us."

The Luxan snorted. Angry to have found himself listening. "I have never heard such dren in my life before! You speak as if the vessel is alive."

Rygel nodded. "In a way it is. Not in the same way Moya is alive but it has sensors built into every square dench of it. It is an experimental vessel."

"You seem to know a lot about something you have never seen." Said the Luxan in a dark voice.

"It is not my knowledge, D'Argo."

For a moment they all looked at the baby.

Aeryn felt her heart falter. "Experimental? What do you mean experimental? Explain."

The Dominar hesitated. The things Rion had shown him were not for general consumption. "It is also a fully equipped warship above the excelsior class. It can eat command carriers for breakfast. I do not need to tell you what it could do to a leviathan."

"Talyn is not like Moya, he is armed." Said Aeryn.

Rygel almost pitied her ignorance. "Talyn would be throwing space dust at a meteorite by comparrison, Aeryn. No. The only way we are going to find this vessel is if it *wants* us to."

Absolute silence greeted his last words. Zhaan said nothing, absorbed everything Rygel had said and picked up on a few things he had not said. She allowed her gaze to drop to the baby. For some unfathomable reason he seemed to be the key. The baby had been looking up at Rygel. Now the blue eyes turned their gaze on Zhaan. For many microts the universe itself stood still, the stars paused in their orbits, the illusion of time broke away to reveal a window. A tiny piece of space that moved of its' own volition untouched by solar winds. Her eyes widened slightly as the murmur of its' passage stirred against her cheek.

* * * * *

He had never been so terrified. Strapped to the table he felt the probe move inside his head, peeling back layers of his brain like some leaf cutting beetle. There was no pain but every other sensation was heightened so he could feel each stroke of the knife. The pounding of his heart was almost enough to drown out his screams. Almost but not quite. He woke shaking, covered in perspiration which dampened the silk bedsheets on which he lay. Heart in his mouth it took several microts to realise he had been dreaming. No. No dream. It was a nightmare. A hand moved across his chest. He was naked and so was the woman lying beside him, limbs wrapped around him in an act of casual possession. What the *hell* was this all about? He struggled to sit up. A dark head raised off the bed beside him. Eyes bewildered and concerned gazed into his own.

"John, what is it? What's the matter?"

He froze, his jaw slack. It could not be. It was Aeryn. He tried to speak, to breathe, to move but nothing obeyed him. His shock kept him trapped in silence. The image of Aeryn moved closer, her hand dancing slowly across his chest, her eyes looking deep into his in ways he had only dreamt of. Her lips parted and curved in a smile for him, her voice low enough to set his heart racing with divine promise. This could not be happening. Then he felt a rush inside his head and he was back on that damn table, a sound like a saw buzzing in his head, the blade digging deeper, cutting and exposing memories, thoughts, emotions, the whole nine yards ripped out of him strand by biological strand. Now the pain kicked in. His earlier screams had nothing on the new ones. The walls of the operating room rang with his cries, the ceiling shook, his world crumbling in agony all around him but the pain did not ease. No deep dark oblivion was going to save him this time. Whatever passed for the emotional cut off switch had been disabled. He was meant to feel it all. Endure it all and then be washed in the pain and sorrow of it until they got what they wanted.

* * * * *

The corridor was dark with rooms occasionally branching off it. In one such room Eskar was suiting up, a troubled expression on her face. "Did we do the right thing?"

Carver nodded. "Of course."

Eskar's hands paused. "It was not supposed to be like this."

He touched her cheek fleetingly then kissed her. "He is alive."

"I thought he would be free."

He laughed, the sound oddly harsh and brittle like the taste of betrayal in her mouth. "You ask too much."

She placed a hand against his cheek. He was her beloved and they had done much together. This risk they now took was beginning to apall her. The consequences consuming her with a mounting terror. "They're torturing him."

He kissed her palm. Could not look her in the eye. "He is alive," He repeated. "I never promised we could give him his freedom too." He raised his head, the certaintly of his next words driving nails through her heart and impaling her with guilt. "To do more would be to sign our own death warrants and reveal the others, you know that."

She nodded through her tears and let him help her with the fastenings. He kissed her tears and held her a moment so he could gaze one last time on her face. "We cannot do any more, the rest is up to his friends."

Her eyes flickered with uncertainty, not sure what he was telling her. "Friends?"

He nodded, his eyes flicking from side to side as if to detect a listening device. His voice dropped to the merest whisper, relayed by placing his lips up to her ear. She held her breath as he spoke. "I sent a signal, details. If they are looking for him still they may find it."

She shook her head alarmed. More fodder for the canon. "No! They will all die, there is no escape!"

"My love, listen. We can do nothing. It has to be someone on the outside."

Tears resumed their course. Miserable she rested her forehead on his chest, his arms gently wrapped around her and held her close. "I thought we were helping."

He rocked her as she cried. "We did what we could. Now we have to get out of here before they find us. Discover what we have done."

She looked up and their eyes met. In silence they helped each other on with their helmets then approached the airlock. The planet below was too far away for them to reach and they could not take a lifepod. All were coded and alarmed, there was no way they could sneak out in one. If they did that everything they had done would be unravelled and others would be at risk. This was the only way. Some called it death. Suicide. They knew it by another name: Freedom.

* * * * *

The shock on all their faces made a stark contrast to the Delvian's calm. "There may be a way."

All eyes turned to her. Chiana tilted her head, her eyes anxious. "How?"

She looked at the child. "The baby is the key, we all feel that."

D'Argo frowned. "He is just a child."

"No D'Argo, he is not. Rion is more than that."

Rygel said nothing, he was nodding slowly to himself. Aeryn felt uncomfortable. "What are you talking about?"

"The baby - Rion - is a Seer. They are rare even among my own people but with the mingling of John's DNA with D'Argo and Chiana's something else has been added."

Chiana went cold. "Added? What are you talking about?"

Zhaan started to walk slowly across the room. Every eye followed her. "Remember the neural chip? It was removed from John, or so we believed. Then John intimated one had been placed in D'Argo." She paused, now standing in front of Rygel. She held out a hand to the child, a serene but sad smile on her face. Rion clasped his little hand around her index finger, his eyes fixed on hers. The connection made. "What if part of the chip was picked up by the baby?"

Shock and anger filled the room. A chorus of voices gave her a dozen reasons why that could not have happened. Zhaan let them argue, let the words dart like meaningless babble passed her ears. She was watching Rion, saw the painful truth in his eyes, the future as yet unborn in others lived and breathed in his alien depths. She was invited to share the vision. Zhaan silently bade the baby wait a few microts. When everything had gone quiet again, Zhaan spoke. "I propose entering Unity with Rion."

Chiana's face contorted in horror. "No!"

"Absolutely not!" Thundered D'Argo.

Zhaan placed a hand on the Nebari's shoulder. "Chiana, I have to know what Rion knows. He is the only one who knows how to get to John, the only one with the knowledge to save him."

Tears rolled down the chalk white face. She did not want John to die. Wanted to be able to go after him and bring him back unharmed. But she did not want anything to happen to the baby either. Zhaan let go of the baby's hand and lifted Chiana's face so she could look her in the eye. "Rion is not like other babies Chiana. He has part of John in him too. He wants this as much as I do."

"I don't want anything to happen to the baby, Zhaan."

"Too late, it already has." Said the Dominar in a subdued grumble. He was about to say more but a look from Zhaan silenced him. He dipped his head and said nothing.

Zhaan looked at Chiana. "It is the only way, Chiana."

Chiana reached out and touched the baby's cheek, the sad blue eyes fastening on hers for a microt. He seemed to be begging her to agree. Maybe Zhaan was right. "If it's what you want." She whispered to Rion. The baby held out a hand and Chiana took it, kissed it and then kissed the baby's cheek through a veil of tears. She straightened slowly and looked at Zhaan. "Okay. Rion wants you to do it. But as soon as you find out what you need you let him go, okay?"

She nodded and put a hand on Chiana's arm. "Thank you, Chiana."

Chiana turned away and looked for D'Argo. He did not understand what was going on. Why union with Zhaan would be dangerous for their child. Why Rion was the key to anything let alone what had happened to John. None of it made sense to him but still his hearts faltered as if a great shadow had fallen over them like some finger of doom. Chiana reached him and he put an arm around her, finding immeasurable comfort in her presence. Aeryn was perplexed. "Zhaan, why would the baby be the key to anything?"

Zhaan smiled softly at the Sebacean. "In some worlds the veil is thinner than others, Aeryn. Some people are able to see through that veil, pierce the dimensions, join with the souls that travel through them."

A look of incredulity spread across her disbelieving face. "And you think Rion can do that?"

"I know he can, Aeryn."

Aeryn had no answer to that. Zhaan picked the baby up and took him in her arms. Everyone stopped talking and watched her, half in awe and half in horror. Their hopes blazed in her mind as she joined in Unity with Rion.

* * * * *

The Scarran commander could not help jeering. "Why should this puny human make a difference? He is pathetic!"

Renik bowed his ugly great head slightly, then peeled back hideous lips to reveal rows of long sharp uneven teeth. "Yes, but the wormhole technology..."

The commander held up a hand and slowly closed his claws as if crushing the human's head in it. "We already have the technology within our grasp, Renik. A few more solar days and it will be ours!"

"Yesss, but this is assured."

"Assured? We have had him for three solar days and he has given us nothing! Nothing, Renik. I say we kill him."

"What about Scorpius? He has spent monens chasing this human through the Uncharted Territories for this information."

"Scopius is a fool." The Scarran commander paused, a thought forming in his mind. "But perhaps we can use this human to draw Scorpius to us." He paused, his eyes starting to glitter as he considered the idea. "Yesss, that would be mosst pleassing."

* * * * *

She felt momentarily disorientated then the images merged with her consciousness and she was sharing the baby's thoughts. His connection to Chiana and D'Argo. His connection to Crichton. There were so many things Zhaan wanted to ask him, longed to know, but her scientific curiosity would have to wait. Crichton did not have that much time. She could sense it in Rion. Where is John?

Images flashed. A cell. Dark. It was hard to see. Rion illuminated the image, Zhaan knew not how. Crichton was not lying on the bed but sitting on the floor, his back to a wall, rocking himself. He looked distressed. She could not tell if he was injured. I wish I could speak to him

You can

I can?

She felt the baby smile at her surprise. How do I do that?

Emotion Thought the baby gently, then he sent a wave of love to Zhaan and the power of it made her gasp slightly. It was so beautiful. She looked at the image of Crichton. He looked so miserable. So lost, tormented. And she did love him. Use that Urged the baby. I will help you

Zhaan nodded and prayed to the Goddess then opened up her heart, every thought and emotion flooding out to him to touch and lift the burden from his heart. To hopefully reignite his shattered hope. For a moment nothing appeared to happen. Crichton sat with his head in his hands as if he was in pain, then slowly he raised his head. A tentative joy on his face. His eyes widened slightly. I'm goin' mad, right? Bonkers "Zhaan, is that you?"

Zhaan put a hand to her mouth, a little cry almost escaping bringing tears to her eyes. Yes, John, it is me

He looked all around him as if expecting her to walk through the walls. Not seeing her appear the joy left his face and plunged him into a sorrow so deep it shook her. Just another fucking illusion He muttered darkly.

Alarmed, Zhaan tried again. John, John! Don't give up

He became angry. "Why not? You're not real!" He stood up and held his arms out to indicate the confines of his cell. "None of it is real, honey." He paused and pointed a finger at his head, turning slowly. "They're messing with my brain! You wanna help me, Zhaan? Take away all the craziness? Then get me the hell out of here or leave me alone!"

The change in Crichton frightened and alarmed her but she was not about to give up on him. Not when she was this close. John, listen to me


Just do it. Listen. You are on board a Scarran experimental vessel. Not only is it as big as a city it is also fully armed and operational. You are in great danger

"Hey, Zhaan, didn't anyone ever tell you size isn't everything?"

She ignored the comment. We don't have much time John...

"Hey, I've got all the time in the world!"

Zhaan sighed, this was not going to work. She could not get through to him. He was not listening. Rion tried to reassure her, begging to be allowed to connect directly to Crichton instead. Zhaan withdrew and gave him access. Suddenly images flooded Crichton's mind. Images of Moya, of Chiana, D'Argo, Pilot, Zhaan, and Aeryn. Aeryn. It brought tears to his eyes. He could not bear it. Then Rion flooded him with his own emotions, gently soothing away his anger, the bitter defeat that had overtaken the hope that once lived in his heart. Rion sent him his love, warm lapping waves that washed over all his wounds and eased the burden he carried that had almost defeated him. If you give in Soothed the baby. They have won

"Yeah, right," His voice ached. "Like I can do anything about it."

You can. We are here. We are coming but you have to hold on. Have to be ready to move when we say Rion paused. We love you, John. Not just Aeryn but all of us

That was it, he could not stand any more. He sank to the ground and buried his head in his hands and cried. Zhaan tried again to reach him but he had shut himself off. His tears were like drops of acid falling in her heart. Tears ran down her face. Rion sent him more waves of love, memories of his birth infiltrating Crichton's thoughts, touching him deep inside, trying to encourage him not to give up. Then a sound interrupted the connection. Crichton looked up. Panic and alarm on his face. Zhaan and Rion heard it too. The unmistakable sound of a heavy bolt being drawn back. Someone was coming. Crichton turned to face the door, slowly backing away from it towards the shadows in the far corner. The door opened with a violent wrench and two Scarran males sneered at him from the doorway. Zhaan felt her heart miss a beat, the baby's calm thoughts shattering.

Renik entered the cell and drew his lips back. "You're coming with us!"

Crichton screwed up the last of his dwindling courage, an insane grin on his face as he tried to be brave for Zhaan. Real Zhaan or False Zhaan it had to be better than this. "Hey, Zhaan, you know what they say? Another day another interrogation. But hey, none of this is real, right?"

Zhaan could not say anything through her tears. It was real, she just wished with all her heart it was not. Knew now without a trace of doubt that they would never reach him in time. The ache in her heart was compounded by the baby's utter sorrow. As they came for Crichton her connection broke and she collapsed to the floor.


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