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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Alpha Sentinel


Series: the Sentinel
Pairing: J/B
Rating: PG but will progress into NC-17
Warnings: AU, child abuse of screen, horny spirit guides
Summary: In a world of where Sentinels and Guides have been known for 100 years, the most rare of the Sentinels seeks a Guide
Submitted through the Makebelieve_Squidge mailing list.

Chapter 1: Page 1

Chapter Text

Alpha Sentinel
by Kateri


Excerpts form a Middle School Science Text

Sentinel: An individual who has enhanced senses due to a Genetic abnormality that is hereditary.

Guide: An individual who possesses an almost empathic or Physic understanding of other humans and can predict The actions of a person or group with uncanny precession. Due to a genetic abnormality that appears to be hereditary A Guide is uniquely qualified to partner with a Sentinel.

Bonding: The act by which a compatible Guide and Sentinel partner for life. Under most circumstances can Only be broken by death. Exactly how a bonding works Is not known.

Excerpt from 10th grade American history textbook In the late 1800's an English Explorer named Richard Burton published what is to believed to be the first text about the genetic condition that causes what he called Sentinels. The book was not noticed in most circles, though it is believed to have been the reason several people were released from sanatoriums as they were proved to not be crazy for hearing voices. At this time most people exhibiting the characteristics of the Sentinel Gene were in more primitive or solitary conditions. In other words they did not live in highly populated areas. After World War I as soldiers came back home, most having lived in hellish conditions, it became apparent that Sentinels were among them. Most having no idea what happened to them went to see Doctors. Eventually an anthropologist come across Burton's book and Sentinels became common knowledge. Today thousands of diagnosed Sentinels live in the United States and millions worldwide.


Detective Jim Ellison walked into the Major Crimes bullpen like he did most mornings"¦ angry. Various detectives and other police personal quickly got out of his way. Nobody in their right mind messed with Ellison, especially after a visit to the NorthWest Guide and Sentinel Institute in Tacoma. For a man who claimed he didn't want to bond to a Guide he was always in a barley controlled rage after yet another visit that resulted in no suitable Guide being found for him.

"Ellison, my office"� Barked Captain Simon Banks, who then turned and entered his office without waiting to see if his best, yet most troublesome detective obeyed.

Growling slightly Ellison grabbed a folder off his desk and headed into his Captain's office. "Yes sir, what was it that you needed,"� he asked standing stiffly at parade rest in front of Banks' desk.

Sighing Banks pored himself a cup of coffee. "Sit down Jim and talk to me. The Institute called and said that nothing had changed,"�

Ellison snorted "Of course nothing has changed, it's like they are hoping one day I will show up for my quarterly and suddenly turn into a Beta. That or flip out like they have been expecting for ten years and get myself killed, hopefully without taking out too many other people."�

"I take it that they still have not managed to locate a Beta Guide then,"� asked Banks pulling out a cigar and chopping down on the end.

"No, not even a hint of one. Not that it is a big surprise. Beta Guides are even more rare than Alpha Sentinels are. And on top of that they are even less likely than Alpha Sentinels to live past early adulthood as mostly sane and able to be a functioning member of society."�

"Did you at least manage to get me that case information so I have some idea what I am dealing with Jim?"� asked Simon expecting yet another no, the Institutes were not known for sharing their files.

"Here you go sir,"� said Ellison tossing a folder on Banks desk " a short who's who of the 163 Alpha Sentinels discovered in the past 100 years since the Institutes first formed, as well as the 68 Beta Guides identified in the same time period. Now if that is all I have cases that need my attention."�

Banks waived his hand toward the door already reading the file. Ellison hesitated when his hand touched the doorknob. "Simon, it's not going to happen you know. I could go fully online at almost any moment and the last time there was even a hint of a Beta Guide was almost 20 years ago. And even if they found him and he WAS a Beta I've been told that after what he went through he would probably not be able to bond. Heck he most likely would not even be able to exist in modern society."�

"Don't give up Jim, you have survived this long without a Guide to hold your hand, there is no reason to believe that you won't continue to well into old age no matter what those kooks at the Institute say,"� said Banks with a confident air.

"That may be sir, but will I want to?"� asked Jim sounding defeated as he left the office.

Banks sat stunned at what his detective had said. Deciding that he really need to know about what those other Alpha Sentinels had gone through and what had happened to them he began to read the first of many sad tales.

That night Ellison let himself into his loft feeling more tired than he could remember feeling in a long time. The conversation with his Captain kept replaying itself in his head, especially his words at the end. He didn't now why he had said them, he was perfectly happy the way his was.

Heading toward his kitchen he continued talking to himself. He didn't need a Guide and he didn't want one no matter what anybody said. James Joseph Ellison didn't need anybody, not even his family. Sighing Jim wondered if he was just lying to himself.

He was very good at that, along with hiding his feelings and emotions so well he didn't even always know what they were. He had to admit to being a bit jealous of the Sentinel/Guide pairs he knew. They all seemed so happy together, and never lonely. Ellison pondered this a moment, to never be lonely again, to have someone to come home to, to brighten up the loft, to talk to, to love. Shaking his head he angrily slammed the door of his fridge shut. Nothing was worth submitting to one of those smug know-it-all Guides that the Institutes turned out by the dozens. Not even the chance to not be lonely.

Disgusted with the direction his thoughts kept heading and realizing he was just going to keep going in circles all night Ellison headed up to bed. He dropped off much quicker than her normally did and began to dream.


The Panther was running through the jungle, heading toward what he did not know. All he knew was that he was being pulled along, directed to some destination. Finally he emerged from the trees into a clearing in front of an immense temple guarded on both sides of the doors by stone Jaguars. So engrossed was he by his study of the temple that the Panther almost missed the sound of another animal entering the clearing. Spinning around he was confronted by a smallish gray wolf slowly walking toward him.

The Panther began to growl but the Wolf kept his slow walk across the clearing toward the Panther. Angered by this the Panther let out a loud cry and crouched as if to jump.

Startled, the Wolf stopped momentarily and gave a few yips while jumping to the side. Seeing no reaction from the Panther, the Wolf started to move forward when the Panther growled again. This caused the Wolf to stop and begin to jitter around in place and give off the occasional yip.

The Panther continued to growl quietly while glaring at the Wolf. He would not let the Wolf near him. They were all the same, Pack Leaders expecting him to be submissive to them, even the bitches. Did they not know that a Panther was submissive to no one? Well he would show this Wolf like he had showed all the others that had dared entered his jungle.

Meanwhile the Wolf had stretched his front legs out and was slowly inching his way toward the Panther again.

Seeing this the Panther leaped at the Wolf fangs bared. At this the Wolf tried to leap back but was too slow, the Panther caught him and they both rolled on the ground for a moment before coming to a rest. The Wolf found himself on his back with the Panther atop him growling threateningly. The Panther found himself gloating. This Wolf was even easier that the others, he leaned his head down to take a sniff when he realized that the whines coming from the Wolf did not sound like sounds of distress, in fact they sounded"¦ happy? The Panther raised his head and cocked it to look at the Wolf. He was trapped beneath the bulk of the Panther and was wiggling slightly, almost trying to rub himself against the Panther, while his tail wagged almost crazily. He had his head thrown back and his neck bared and was making happy, almost needy little whines. Leaning forward the Panther sniffed at the neck before him. At his actions the Wolf tried to bare even more of his neck and his needy whining became louder. The Panther raised his head and shook it. The Wolf was acknowledging that the Panther was Dominant, and that he, the Wolf was Submissive. The Panther growled happily, this Wolf would belong to him, he would be his Mate, and any Pack Leader that tried to take him would be killed. The Panther carefully rested his body on that of his Mate and began to lick him in preparation to Marking him as his.


Blair Sandburg awoke with a start covered in sweat and more aroused than he had ever been in his life. Sandburg carefully got out of bed to check the rattraps in his warehouse living space for the tripped trap that most likely had awoken him from the erotic dream that was fading quickly from his memory. Even now all he could remember was weight holding him down, possessing him, owning him. Disposing of the dead rat Sandburg headed back to his bed already frozen despite his layers of clothing. Crawling under his moth-eaten and stained blankets he wondered if he would ever find someone who make him feel as loved and protected as the dream had.


Well, what do ya think? Let me know... feedback keeps me writing