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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Loving You


Pairings: J/B
Archive: Yes to WWOMB
Disclaimer: Pet Fly and Paramount own the copyright to The Sentinel and its characters. I write because the characters inspire me and I do so without any hope of money or fame, there is no profit gained in writing or posting this fan fic.
Author's Notes: I have watched every episode of The Sentinel as far as I know, many repeatedly. I have been reading Slash fan fiction in this fandom for two years and am an avid reader. This is my first attempt at writing Sentinel fan fiction, I have written some in the BtVS world.
I, as most writers, would like feedback not only as an incentive to keep writing but also as a critique with suggestions and comments. Hopefully any feedback I get will inspire me to finish this story quickly.
Summary: Jim's senses cause him and Blair unnecessary heartache.
Submitted through the sentinel_fic mailing list.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Page 1

Chapter Text

Loving You
by DeBeth

Part 1

Thursday 6:25pm. Blair should have been home nearly an hour ago, it was his turn to make supper and yet Jim was methodically fixing a meal he knew he would more than likely be eating alone. Tonight was the fourth time in the last two weeks that his partner had been late getting off work and Jim was unwillingly getting suspicious. Jim knew he was being ridiculous, Blair would never cheat on him and if he did Jim's sentinel abilities would make it impossible for Blair to hide the indiscretion. Even still Jim had an uneasy feeling about the way Blair had been acting lately. Blair was not acting any differently, by distancing himself or over compensating, but there was something and that something was making Jim uneasy.


Blair was nearly dead on his feet as he parked his Volvo outside his home. He was beyond tired; the last few weeks had been hectic to say the least. His newly acquired position as adviser to a certain touchy feely young lady was only a part of the reason. Tonight she had finally made her move. There had been more then the random comment or touch that plagued their meetings. This time she had actually kissed him, and Blair knew that he would smell like her perfume to Jim, even though he could not smell it he knew that transference of the fragrance had plenty of time to accrue during the unwanted kiss. Blair had purposely put off coming home as long as possible, than he had driven home with the windows down hoping to air out any smell that might remain to his Sentinel's nose. Blair exhaustedly pushed open the door to the loft and put his backpack down, threw his keys in the basket, and hung up his jacket completing his nightly home coming ritual.

"Hey stranger, dinners been ready, I've got it warming in the oven for you." Jim said in way of greeting from his seat on the couch. There was only a lamp on and Jim had a book spread open on his lap, which he picked up and closed as he stood to walk over to his tired looking lover.

"I'm sorry. I grabbed something to eat at the office earlier. I know I should have called but time just..."

"Got away from you, I know. I've known you for three years and I don't expect time and you to ever be on a friendly basis, babe." Jim said as he closed the distance between them. Just as he was about to lean forward for a welcome home kiss, Jim hesitated for a second. There was an unfamiliar scent on Blair, a woman's scent. Blair walked around him quickly then started toward the bathroom at a less obvious fleeing pace.

"I'm sorry man, but I just want a shower and then a bed. I'll be out in a few minutes." Blair called as he went to get washed before his Sentinel caught the smell, which unknown to him was too late.

Much too late.

Jim just stood there staring at the wall; there was no way this was happening. He did not just smell a woman's scent on his lover, and there could not have been a slight stain of lipstick on Blair's lips. Slowly as he heard the water run in the shower Jim regained his motor controls and managed to walk mechanically to the stove and put away the leftovers he had left warming. Than he climbed the steps to their bedroom and unconsciously pulled back the blankets, and laid down on his side his back to Blair's side of the bed, then he brought the covers up to his neck to act as a shield from the pain.

Blair's heart was racing. He could hear it but nothing else, no words spoken under his breath, but than Blair wouldn't do that, he was aware of what Jim was, and had the practice of living with a Sentinel for the last three years to know not to go about muttering confessions while washing away the evidence. Jim felt certain that was what Blair was doing; trying to rid himself of any lasting reminders or evidence his lady had left on him. Jim tried in vain to keep the pain in his heart from over taking him. He lay with his knees partially drawn up and his arms crossed tightly over his chest, while systematically breathing in and out just so he would not forget. His eyes were open but unseeing as he tried to keep the tears that threatened to spill free at bay.

The water downstairs was turned off and Jim tired harder to fall asleep. He finally shut his eyes only to be met with stinging pain from the dryness his eyes had achieved by not blinking for the last few minutes. Than he worked his breathing out to a slow rhythmic pace and turned down his senses of hearing, smell, and touch.

He didn't want to feel Blair tonight.

continued in Part 2

(I promise its longer)