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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Changing Times


Set in break between fall and spring semesters in college, this season in the future. Also set in Sloan time because he's the only London Precept I know and like . Let's say this has an element of AU, shall we

Chapter Text

Title: Changing Times

Author: Voracity

Fandom: BtVS/P:tL

Pairings: derek/philip, Oz/willow (for now, but maybe not later)

Notes: Set in break between fall and spring semesters in college, this season in the future. Also
set in Sloan time because he's the only London Precept I know and like . Let's say this has
an element of AU, shall we? Thanks to the beta Goddess, Mary, who spends much of her free
time dealing with my comma addiction.


Changing Times
by Voracity

Buffy walked into the new Library's office, frowning at the neatness left by her Watcher, except
for the one corner. Giles had been gone now for the over a week, no one knew where, why, or
when he would be coming back. She sat down at his desk, opening the middle drawer, taking out
the envelope with her name on it. He'd told her it was there in case something happened to him.
It was his instructions to her, possibly his last. She opened the cream-colored heavy paper,
reading out the few last things he wanted her to do.


I know this may be a difficult time for you to do this, but you must do some things for me.
You must gather all my weapons, hiding them at your Mother's house. Do the same for
all the books but six: the Chronicles, my diary, Willow's spell books - both of them-, and a
book each of the men know about. You must take them to my friend, bring this letter as an
introduction. Call the number on the back today and leave by dawn tomorrow. The map
is in my diary, and for Heaven's sake let Oz drive you, follow it carefully.

You can trust them with your life, they already know about you and the gang. Take them
all to protect them and be careful. Please be careful. I'll miss you, wherever I end up.

R. Giles.

She smoothed out the paper on his desk, looking up at the Principle. "His requests for his things.
I and my friends need to move them."

He, being much more toward the attitude of the first one she'd had here instead of Snyder, just
nodded. He left her alone, letting her do what she'd been instructed to do.

She flipped the paper over, smoothing the paper as she dialed the lightly written number. "Hi, this
is Buffy Summers. Rupert Giles told me to call if something happened. He's been gone now for a
week." She let the phone drop from her fingers, letting her grief out now.


Oz stopped his van outside the stone castle, looking up at the ivy covered walls. He whistled,
impressed. "Impressive friends." He looked at his friends. "We're here."

Everyone got out, Buffy leading of course. Her nerves were on edge as she waited for someone to
answer the doorbell, wondering who and what this was all about.

An older man opened the door. "May I help you?"

Buffy smiled bravely. "I'm Buffy Summers."

"Ah, yes, come in," a deeper voice came from the inside. They all walked in, looking around then
at the man walking down the grand staircase. "I'm Derek Rayne. Welcome to the Luna
Foundation and my home."

Buffy shook his hand. "I'm Buffy. This is Willow, Oz, and Xander. They help me." She looked
down at the book she was clutching then slowly handed it over. "He told us to bring you some

Derek looked it over then led them up to the library. He smiled at the quiet gasp from the redhead
as he took his seat. "Sit, please." He looked at the late teens, wondering what called such....
unique people together. He smiled at the butler and especially his co-worker coming in behind
him. "Nick, you were almost late." He took the papers the younger man had handed him.

Nick nodded. "Yup. Clear orders for once." He looked at the four young people. "Nick Boyle."

Buffy smiled, at ease. She had seen how he walked, his every movement and control saying he
was a trained fighter. "I'm Buffy. The couple's Willow and Oz, the dark haired one's Xander."
She patted the later's hand, knowing he was still nervous.

"Buffy," Derek said, not wincing at the name as he said it, "do you know what happened to him?"

She shook her head. "He just disappeared one night." She shrugged, her eyes betraying her
body's calm facade. "He said to call if he was gone more than three days, but I waited almost a
week ?cause I didn't want to panic."

Derek nodded, mostly in sympathy. "I'm sure this has caused you great pain." He shifted,
leaning back. "What did he tell you about us?" She shook her head. "That's fine, he asked me
when he first attained you to help you when it became necessary. It seems," he paused to shift
again, "that he was taken. While he is gone, you four are to be here. We will continue your
training, guiding you in your mission." He looked at the redhead. "I'm sure some of you will be
able to help us also." He smiled. "Your magical practices are fine, just please don't use it in the
house. It's beenspecially shielded to prevent anything working and we wouldn't want you hurt
from a backlash." His smile got a little warmer and fuzzier. "There's a beautiful spot outside that
we've used forthat purpose." She nodded, taking Oz's hand. Derek turned his attention back to the Slayer, his newest responsibility. "I know he told you to bring some things here, but this is the only one I need except for his diary. Both will help us find him we hope. I'll have someone show you to your rooms soon, then we'll work out where and what we'll do." He smiled kindly, fatherly
almost. "Don't worry, we'll find him." He looked at Nick. "He'll be taking over your training
duties as he has the experience I don't."

Willow raised a hand. "Oz, Xander, and I are researchers. Well, I do computers stuff too but
we're the main researchers, I guess the only ones now."

Nick smiled, pushing over their fact files. "We know. Your room has an internet connection.
We'll be figuring out where you fit in later."

She looked down, reading quickly. "How...?" She looked at Derek. "How did you find all this

She looked upset so Oz took it from her to read. He grunted, tossing it back. "Very thorough." He
wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. "But it's incomplete."

Derek nodded. "We know. I was going to talk to each of you privately later."

Buffy looked down the table at Oz. "Giles said to trust them," she said softly.

"Werewolf," Oz said.

Derek drew in a sharp breath. "I see." He paused then smiled serenely. "We can deal with that."
He looked at Nick. "I'll leave that to you also." He stood. "You must be ready to rest, we'll talk
later." He patted Oz's shoulder as he passed. "We've dealt with much worse," he said as he left
the room.

Nick looked at them. "Okay, run this slower for me. Derek didn't give me much info."

Buffy raised a hand. "Slayer and they're the Slayerettes, what's left. Our two part-time members
are in LA now." She looked at Willow, who nodded. "Witch, werewolf, and normal back-up

Xander grinned. "Yup, that's me, normal guy. Also known as doughnut and munchie guy and
?let him be the diversion' guy."

Nick grinned, liking this kid. "Okay. You're the ?In every generation' one, right?" She nodded so
he turned to Xander. "Much braver than me. I'd be tempted to be the rear line of defense."

Xander nodded. "Yeah, but I'm more of a ?jump in' kinda guy. Not brave, no brains."

"Know that feeling." He took a sip of his coffee, grimacing. "Cold." He shook his head. "A
clear sign that it's time to move on. Okay, my turn? I'm a former Seal."

Xander got his hero-worship look. "Tell me it's not the ball-balancing on the nose kind."

Nick shook his head, grin back. "Handy trick to have but no." He looked at Buffy. "Tonight you
acclimate, tomorrow morning we evaluate." She nodded so he turned to the couple. "The rest of
you, we want reports on what you've dealt with so far to evaluate what skills you need." He
looked at Oz. "Last night?"

"Was my last night. I'm safe for another cycle."

"Thought so but I don't pay much attention to that stuff." He looked at Xander. "In addition to
your reports, you can help me set stuff up, okay? It's pretty boring here if you don't have
something to do and you aren't an avid reader." The teen nodded. "Okay, let's head to your
rooms. You have a wing to yourselves but sound carries." The group started out to the van but he
stopped Oz. "You and she, we don't mind or care, but you're in separate rooms. There's a nice,
quiet spot out in the garden to play also."

Oz nodded. "Thanks. We're not that together anyway." They walked out side by side, Oz tossing
the keys to Willow as they got closer. They stepped out of the way of the pack mule known as
Xander as he wobbled toward them.

Buffy took her stuff from the younger man's hands. "Relax," she said softly. "Hero worship

Willow set her's and Oz's stuff on the steps, handing him back the keys. "I've got it," she told

"Where can I park? I don't think it goes with the whole ivy covered thing."

Nick looked up, seeing the colors the ivy was still showing. "Neither does my Mustang." He
pointed at a building just barely seen around the corner. "There's the garage." Oz nodded, getting
in and pulling away. Nick picked up a few of the bags. "I'll take you up and you guys can do your
own room assignments."

They followed him upstairs, through a few doors and up another flight of stairs. Once he dropped
the bags, Willow took charge, doing the practical stuff. "Okay, I want the room on the end. It's
also got the meeting table. "Oz'll," she smiled as he walked up, "want the room next to mine."
She blushed slightly when he nodded. "So, Xan, take the left side, Oz the right. Buffy, garden's
on the right, bay's on the left."

The blonde looked at both rooms, eventually picking the one beside Xander's because she liked
the furniture.

Willow looked at Nick. "Are we supposed to dress for dinner?"

"Clothes, always a good idea," Xander said as he disappeared into his room.

Nick waited until Willow rolled her eyes. "Nope, he's got the right idea. We're not formal here
unless it's a formal event." She blanched. "Not another for two months."

She wiped her brow. "Good, I left everything like that at home."

"Kitchen and dining rooms are where?" Oz asked.

"First floor. We'll do the guided tour later." He waved and went back toward the working

Willow went to her room, laying down. "Yeah, this is different." She sighed, turning her head to
look out the window. "Way different." She smiled at Buffy, who had walked in. "Hey,

"Later." She sat on the bed. "What's up? You're being snappy to Xan again."

Willow shrugged. "Not a clue. Maybe it was how unserious he was. This place just screams
?serious' to me." She looked Buffy in the eyes. "Didn't you get the hallowed hall feelings?"

"No, I got the protective/protecting one. Like they're the guardians of all that knowledge in the
library. But I got the same feeling from Giles too." She sniffled then pulled herself together again.

Willow, being the friend she was, pulled the older woman's head to her chest, hugging and
holding her. "We'll find him," she reassured.


Derek read their instructions from the Ruling House Council again. London had decreed them
Associate members with full access. He was to put them on both staff's rolls, get them into
college, and treat them as his own children. He frowned as he sat back, thinking about this most
unorthodox ruling from the Legacy, which guarded it's secrets until the point of death of rouge
members. Why had their secret society gone to this length to protect these four untried and
uninitiated individuals? His thoughts were broken into as Nick walked in.

"That boy's got a real problem with his self-esteem," he said in greeting. "Reminds me of me
back at that age."

Derek raised an eyebrow, with a hint of a smile. "When did it change?" He pushed across the
papers. "Most unusual."

Nick nodded. "Read it when it came across." He pushed them back. "Any idea on

"Willow and," he paused, trying to remember the other young man's name, "Oz are both goot
with computers. Buffy," he grimaced at the sound of the name on his tongue, "needs to train. I'll
leave Xander's assignments up to you as you seem to be getting close." He leaned back. "Have
them start reports and journals tonight, get their transcripts so we can follow orders, and we'll
initiate them after dinner." He dialed the phone with one hand, putting it on speaker phone.

"Yes, Derek!" The London Precept actually sounded happy to hear from him for once. "Are they
there yet?"

"Getting settled in," Nick said. "I put them up in the far guest wing to give them some privacy."

Derek nodded. "A safe place." He turned to look out the window. "A most unusual bunch."

"But necessary." They could hear the creak of a leather chair on the other end. "Mr. Giles has
trained them most efficiently. They have more skills and knowledge now than we had when we

Derek smiled fondly. "Some of us had plenty."

"But no clue what to do with them." A short laugh. "Seriously though, with the Watcher's
Council turned they need us. I've gotten their list of potentials and sent people to them. Still no
word on their Watcher. The last we knew he boarded a plane in New York."

Buffy knocked hesitantly, standing just inside the door. "Where was he headed?"

Derek waved her to a chair. "We think to the Council."

She nodded then thought for a second. "He has some magic of his own," she said quietly. "He
hates to use it but will to protect us."

Derek opened his mouth to say something but William's Sloan's voice overrode whatever he'd
bene about to say. "Buffy, the whole Council appears to have turned toward the dark. We believe
he and a few other members have gone to cure it."

Derek grunted, adjusting his vest. "Some of this we were going to tell you tonight but he sent you
to us not only to help you in the interim but to be made into one of us. It's the only way you can
be protected now. If he comes back, he'll be joining you here."

She swallowed past the lump in her throat. "Okay." She walked out, seemingly calm.

Derek watched her go, sad that someone her age had to deal with this. "There's a very strong
bond there."

William grunted. "Wait until you hear about what they've done over the last few years. We've
had a person watching them from inside the school and she's a strong girl. The redhead's the
bright one, but never underestimate her own abilities. She's the most adaptable one they've had
yet." He cleared his throat. "Did the musician come with them? Oz, I think his name is."

"Yeah," Nick said. "Interesting hair. Spiky and flourescent purple right now."

"That's a switch. He tends to go from his natural color to blonde to another shade, but not purple
before now." They could hear the smile in his voice. "What did you think of him?"

"Taciturn," Nick said. "He didn't make an expression the whole time we were talking. Not even
when I gave them our fact file."

William laughed. "Yes, that's him. Derek, I want him to have your job one day." He hung up.

Derek frowned at his security chief. "Don't encourage him. He wants me to take his place." He
steepled his fingers, propping his chin on them as he leaned back in his chair. "A most unusual
group and a most unusual set of circumstances that brought them." He looked at Nick. "I want
your opinion on them."

"Mostly okay. Some major work that needs to be done to Buffy." He scratched his tongue. "That
does sound funny the first few times, doesn't it?" He grinned. "That one's like me, then there's
the couple. She's his world and he's overly protective. I wouldn't try any of that stuff that you
used to do to Alex on her, he'll get you." His grin got bigger. "I think Oz is the strong one
emotionally but Xander's got a strength to him that comes from having to hide for too long. I
think the city and the Legacy will be good for him." He looked over as the young man in question
came in. "Hey, come on in. We were just talking about you."

Xander took the seat Buffy had vacated. "What was Buffy talking about?"

"We were going to discuss that over dinner," Derek said. He looked at the young man. "Would
you like a condensed version to go explain to them?" The young man nodded. "We're members of
an organization called the Legacy. We've been around since the beginning of time, we actually
predate the Watcher's council. Rupert sent you to us to become members so we could continue to
protect you four and allow her to do her job. I've been ordered to treat you as my own children,
getting you into school and making sure you fit into this house here." He leaned forward.
"Everything around here deals with the paranormal. While your group may have cornered the
duties dealing with Vampires, we deal with the average demon, ghost, and other odd occurrences.
Our whole job is protective." He smiled. "Where have you seen yourself, what career path did
you have laid out?" It was time he tried to figure this problem out and here was a good place to

Xander drew in a deep breath then let it out before answering. "I was thinking about the military
or the Police." He looked down, playing with the carpet with his foot. "I'm the extra, do
everything person in the group."

Nick patted his shoulder. "I understand. I was that guy for a long time too." He ruffled the short,
dark hair gently. "I'll teach you what I can. We also deal with serial killers and the like too.
Maybe you'd be good at that."

Xander smiled. "You used to be like me?"

"Yup, that was part of the reason I joined the Navy. While you're here, consider me a big brother
and we'll be okay, all right?" Xander nodded, happy. "Good. Now then, I gotta go get some
stuff to bring up to you guys, and we'll talk about those reports." He ruffled the hair one last time,
then left.

Xander watched him go. "Wow." He turned to Derek. "Thanks for putting up with us."

"Not a problem. We were actually expecting Rupert to show up in London with all of you in
tow." He smiled. "Seems the Hellmouth has closed again, fully this time." He pointed at the
phone. "Want to call your parents?"

"I probably should." He picked it up, dialing quickly. "Mom, it's me." Pause. "Xander mom.
Yeah, I've made it here and we're all right. We'll be here for a while." He hung up. "I'll tell
Willow if she's not already e-mailed her mom, okay?" Derek nodded. "Thanks." He left the
office, still happy, not even let down by his parents not caring.

Derek shook his head. "I see now what Nick meant." He picked back up the detailed instructions,
reading them again.


Xander bounced into Willow's room. "Office downstairs. Called mom." He sat down next to
Buffy. "We're getting the stuff to do the reports in a minute."

Buffy smiled. "I'm glad." She looked out the window. "Killer view."

"Definitely." Oz looked at Xander then at the hall. They went out there, closing the door to get
some privacy. "Spill."

"We're wanted here as members. Giles sent us for that reason. Seems this organization's older
than the Watchers." He bounced slightly. "Everything they do is paranormal. The old guy,
Derek, mentioned other demons and ghosts and stuff." He grinned. "Sounds cool, huh."

"Sounds like more of the same." Oz got that frowning look in his eyes. "What about the band?"

"Not a clue man, maybe they could come down." Xander looked hesitantly at them. "Derek said
we could use his phone to call home. Maybe you should call Devon and your mom both."

Oz nodded. "Sounds right." He opened the door, hearing Nick coming up. "Hero's coming."

Xander frowned. "He's an amazing man. He's treated me like a brother so far and even said he'd
help me learn new stuff." He looked over as the older man came into view. "Hey," he said.

Nick smiled. "Hi. Ready?"

"Yeah," Oz said. He let Xander walk in but stopped Nick. "Don't hurt him. He's too fragile to
do that to."

Nick shook his head. "I used to be him." He walked in, followed by Oz. "Okay, got some stuff
for you." He looked at the diskettes Willow handed him. "What's this?"

"Reports. Over last summer I got bored so Giles suggested that I make a database of our cases so
far. That's the contents up to when we left." She shrugged. "Not a big, I can print them if you
want a hard copy."

Nick shook his head, sitting down. "No, this'll be fine. What format?"

"Lotus. I like the programing stuff." She grinned. "If you want, I can collate our research too.
Our most common research that is."

Nick shook his head. "Not really necessary, we have most of it downstairs in books." He looked
around. "None of you is fluent in Latin, are you?" Everyone shook their heads. "Didn't think so.
We've been looking for someone to translate recently since ours is on a *long* missionary trek
through the jungle." He shook his head. "How Philip got that assignment, no one's sure." He
handed out the journals. "As you've heard, this is also the West Coast center of the Legacy, and
the second House in command at the moment. We all do journals to help us deal with the stress
of our cases. We'd like you to start one tonight. Nobody looks at these unless there's a
questionable event in the house then an independent board reads them." He waited as they looked
through them. "Okay, now then, questions?"

"Legacy?" Oz said. "Like that place I stumbled into on the net a few months back?"

Nick frowned, remembering very vividly spending three weeks trying to find him. "That was
you?" Oz nodded. "Yeah, it is." The younger man nodded. "We're a secret organization that's
been around since Man could think. We fight the dark side, same as you guys did, but on a
broader basis." He sipped his water slowly. "We were going to give you the lecture tonight then
let you loose in our database tomorrow and the next day but some people jumped the gun." Buffy
grinned. "About Giles. We know he was headed for England but it looks like he's never gotten
there. He boarded the plane but didn't get off it."

"Shielding spell," Willow said. "Sort of like the ?don't see me' thing in the last Dracula movie,
the good one. More than I can do." She looked at Xander. "He said we can call home, make sure
everyone's okay?" Nick nodded. "How long are we here for? We have to start classes in another
few weeks."

Nick grimaced. "Your Hellmouth's closed. There are a grand total of eleven vampires in town
and we're dealing with them. He sent you here to become one of us, to protect you as our own."
He took another drink, trying to figure out how to put this. "You're staying for a while. We'll get
you transferred down here, maybe even into Berkeley if possible."

Oz nodded. "So I figured but I'm a musician. Do I bring my band down here?" He looked at the
book. "I like playing in Dingoes."

"And we liked the music we heard," Derek said, walking in. He took a seat beside the younger
man. "I have many contacts. I believe if you call your friends, you'll find you have an audition
down here at a small club. More of teen nightspot than not. I can't guarantee you'll get it but it's
worth a try."

Willow frowned. "You've got it all planned out?" She looked really upset. "Why?"

"Because Rupert asked us to," Derek said softly. "Back when he was first called to come to
Sunnydale, he and I had been friends. He knew who and what I was through an incident that
doesn't bear repeating right now. He asked me to arrange things so you would come here if
something happened. We all thought he'd pull you to London and the new high spot in Vampire
activity but instead he went alone. It seems," he cleared his throat, "that the Council has turned
toward evil." He looked down at the journal in front of him momentarily. "He's gone to fix it."

"That would explain an illusion spell when he got off the plane," Buffy said. "He wouldn't want
anyone to know he was there."

Willow nodded, still upset. "Okay," she said softly.

Derek looked at her, gauging her by what he could read in her eyes. "Did you ever think of
becoming a Watcher?" She nodded. "We do the same thing only on a much broader scale. Our
organization has taken over the Council's duties to the girls who might be called. We do research
and chronicle. We fight on a daily basis."

"Only in this house," Nick muttered.

Derek shot him a dirty look. "You really want to go to Moscow for six months don't you?" The
younger man shook his head emphatically. "I didn't think so." He turned his attention back to
Willow. "This house sits on a low point in the energy field. Think of the Hellmouth as a hill.
San Francisco is the valley the runoff washes down into." He spread his hands. "You are as
needed for the same reasons here as you were there."

Willow was silent for a second, lost in thought then nodded. "Okay, I can accept that rationale
but no more meddling. Some of us can't get into Berkeley and we want to stay together."

Xander shook his head. "Yeah, me."

Buffy slapped his arm. "And me." She frowned at him. "I didn't think you wanted to go to

"I should. It'll help me with other stuff."

Willow smiled. "Oh, what're you going to take?"

Xander shrugged. "Not a clue. I'll look over whatever they offer and see." He smiled at her.
"Probably not the same classes as you though."

She shook her head. "There are plenty of freshman mandatories that we can do together."

"That way some of us actually do things like homework," Oz said, looking at Buffy. "Otherwise
I'm going to start charging for tutoring." She had the grace to look embarrassed.

Derek frowned. "I'm sure we can find a school that will fit all of your needs." He looked at
Buffy. "Of course we expect you to do your best at all times."

She nodded. "I'll try."

"I'm glad." Derek looked at his watch then at Nick. "I'm going down to check on supper." He
got up, leaving them alone.

Nick leaned over to the blonde, talking softly. "He teaches at Berkeley as an adjunct. Just try and
he'll be satisfied. Some of us aren't the scholars he is." She nodded. "Good." He sat back up.
"Why don't you start on your beginning journal entries. There are only two rules. Don't tear out a
page and don't mark anything out or erase anything. This is your private spot to work out things
that the cases make you realize and the stresses it causes." He stood. "Any questions?"

Xander raised a hand. "Tour?"

"After supper." He grinned. "We planned to have you guys all go tear around the city tomorrow
too." He left them alone.

Willow got up to get her purse. She came back with pens, handing them out. She started on hers,
bending over to write down her initial thoughts.

The other three sat there, staring at the blank page.


Willow bounced out of the hidden control room, psyched about what she'd read in the Legacy
database. "They do *tons* of stuff I've never even thought of." She sat down next to Xander,
looking at Oz. "I think I like it here so far."

Oz looked up from his not-reading. "That's good." Willow looked concerned so he expanded. "I
still have to think."

She nodded, taking his hand. "I know Dingoes is important, you and Devon have been friends
forever." She thought for a second. "How often would you guys be down here?" He shrugged.
"I could stand it if I could see you kinda often."

He patted the hand holding his. "That's only one solution but I'm not sure if it's the right one."
He took his hand back, leaving the room.

Xander, wanting to reassure, patted her back. "He'll do what's best for both of you."

She shook her head, shrugging his hand off. "No, he'll do what's best for him." She went back
into the control room.

Nick stood in the doorway, watching the teen drama unfold. He shook his head at her callous
feelings, vowing to be a support when she finally destroyed him in her own pain. "Hey," he said,
walking in. "I'm going out to the firing range, wanna come?"

Xander looked up at him, eyes showing his pain and happiness both. "Yeah," he said quietly.
He put down his book. "It's just a big change and she's feeling torn." He stood, putting on his
happy expression and stance. "You'd teach me to shoot?"

Nick looked him over. "How many memories do you hold still?" He led the younger man out,
going to the armory/game room.

"Truth?" He took a handgun from the cabinet, stripping it and rebuilding it. "How's that?"

Nick held up the trigger lock the younger man had forgotten. "Impressive but a little slow. Fifty-
five seconds each way."

Xander grinned. "I've never touched one of these before."

Nick's grin matched his. "That's gonna change." He grabbed his own spare gun. "But that just
makes it more impressive." He relocked the cabinet, grabbing two boxes of ammo. "Come on,
firing range is this way."


Nick looked at the younger man's target, huge smile showing. "Very nice." He handed it over.
"You should keep it. Perfect on the second try." He shook his head. "Took me a week but I still
have my first perfect target."

Xander bounced in happiness as he carefully folded it. "That was fun."

Nick pulled him over to the walk through course, a shorter version than the standard one used in
Police or Military training. "Try this." He activated it, stepping on the start button.

Xander walked through, hitting the targets easily. He heard the buzzer go off so stopped.

Nick looked at the automated stats then at the younger man then back down at the stats. "Wow."
he sent them to the newly created personnel file. "How much of that was you and how much was
from those memories?"

Xander shrugged. "It's all one and the same now. I can't distinguish between myself and Private
Harris anymore." He looked down at his scores, a slow smile stealing over his face. "Was I off

"Yeah. The center circle's a little smaller. It looks like you missed one and hit the rim on most of
the ones you did get." He pushed a few more buttons, showing his last scores. "An inch doesn't
usually matter in life."

Xander looked them over. "Hey, I did really good then. Right?" He looked at the older man for

Nick wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "You did good for a seasoned veteran in the Military."
He led him back to the game room.


Xander walked into Willow's room, unfolding and laying out his target. "Perfect, second try."

Buffy smiled. "Congrats. Is that good?" He nodded, sitting down. "Well, I'm happy for you
then." She pushed it back to him. "I got told I did sucky." His brow wrinkled. "Seems I have
advanced skills but not the basics."

Xander nodded, folding the paper back up. "Sounds like playing catch-up. Want to spar with
me?" She shook her head. "Okay." He smiled as Oz and Willow walked in. "Want to see my

Willow grimaced but Oz nodded. "Sure." The younger man unfolded it again, handing it over.
Oz looked at the close grouping then handed it back. "Very good."

"Second try."

"Then I'm impressed." He sat down beside the younger man. "Is that where you guys went to

"Yeah, Nick took me. He even let me go through that course, that one with all the targets and you
gotta pick out the bad guys." His smile got bigger. "Got eighty-five percent."

"Well, it seems like you've found something you're good at," Willow said.

Xander looked hurt. It took him a second but he walked out, fed up. "Yeah, I know when I'm
not needed too," he threw over his shoulder.

Willow didn't watch him go, she looked at Buffy instead. "What are you doing this afternoon?"

The blonde looked in her friend's face and peered into her eyes. "Trying to figure out what's
wrong with you." The younger woman frowned. "He just did something special and you put him

Oz tapped the table, breaking the staring war. "It's the stress of all this." He looked at Buffy.
"Some of us don't have as clear a role here."

The blonde nodded. "Maybe, but there still is one." She stood. "I'm gonna shower. Nick wants
me in the gym in an hour." She left them alone.

Oz looked at his girlfriend. "You can't take this out on them. They don't deserve it."

Willow sighed. "So I'm not thrilled about a shooting thing. Big deal."

"It's a big deal to him. He's never *excelled* at anything before, not like some people." He took
her hand. "He's as insecure as you are and you slammed him. Again."

She shook her head. "No, I didn't."

"Yeah, you did." He stood up, giving her aloneness.

Willow closed her door then laid down on her bed. "So I don't want to be here. Shoot me."


Xander rummaged in the refrigerator, trying to find something to munch on.

"Excuse me," the butler said softly, not wanting to startle him. "If you'd tell me what you're
looking for, maybe I could help."

Xander turned, guiltily blushing. "Just stuff."

The butler opened a cabinet, handing over a bag after studying the young man for a second.
"Comfort food, as Nick calls it."

Xander took it, nodding. "Yeah, that's what I needed. Thanks." He patted the elderly man on the
shoulder as he passed.

"Sir, the tv room is next to the game room or there are a few nice spots to sit outside."

Xander nodded, small grin coming out. "Xander," he said. "Thanks again." He headed for the

The butler shook his head. "I hope he get's it sorted out," he told the pot he pulled out. "I'd hate
to see this continue. This house is very lonely when you're alone." He filled the pot, setting it on
a burner, then wrote some things on his grocery list. "Best to be prepared though."


Derek heard the sound of cartoons as he walked down the hall looking for Nick so he headed that
way. He found the dark haired young man, Xander if he remembered right, huddled down on the
leather sofa, eating greasy handfuls of chips as he watched some sort of Japanese cartoon. "May I
join you?" It was time for him to start to get to know the new members of his house.

"Sure, Pokemon's about sharing." He moved his feet. "Hope you didn't mind."

"No, that's what it's here for." He studied the young man. "Would you like to talk?" He guessed
but even he could read body language.

"Nope, thanks though." He smiled briefly. "I'll be okay."

Derek relaxed back into the soft leather. "As soon as she is?" he guessed, not even sure which
female this was about.

Xander nodded slowly. "She's confused and hurt so she took it out on me." He shrugged. "Not
the first time I've been the outcast." He looked at the tv, not facing the older man. "We've been
friends forever but she's upset and I'm an easy target." He ate another chip. "Happened before,
will again."

Derek looked sad. "If you don't want to stay, I could arrange to have you transferred. We have
some very nice houses in some nice locations." He cleared his throat, looking at the blonde
standing in the door. "I'll leave you with that thought." He walked past her, frowning at her.

"Not me," she said. She waited until he was gone. "Bringing him in?" She sat down beside him,
stealing a chip.

He handed her the bag. "He asked why I was upset. I told him. Nothing more." He stood. "All
yours. You probably want to watch soaps anyway." He walked out of the room, heading for the
outside. He walked in the opposite direction of the soft guitar music he could hear, wandering
among the manicured bushes and flowers. He noticed a small path going off into the woods so
started down it, not even looking back.


Oz watched him walk away, wondering what he was thinking, wondering if he should step in
some more.


Nick looked around the table, wondering where Xander was. "Where's he at?" he asked Buffy.
She tended to know where everyone was at any given time.

"Walking," Oz said. "He went down this small path into the woods."

Nick nodded. "That's my jogging trail. He'll be fine." He looked at Derek before dishing up
some rice. "So, we've done some evaluating. Buffy has superior skills but not the basics. She's
got the strength gifts and all too." He rubbed a sore spot on his shoulder in jest. "Willow seems
to have integrated herself into the computer really well this morning. I found her happily surfing
our past cases." He looked at the redhead. "Any questions, he's the guy to ask. I only shoot at
things." He grinned, handing Buffy the mixed vegetables without her having asked for them.

She dished some out, not quite sighing at the parental attitude. She put the bowl back down.
"When do you usually work out?"

"Oh, around dawn." He saw her look of disgust. "I know, you became a night person because of
the job. I'll deal with your training in the afternoons." He looked at Oz. "Audition tomorrow?"
The younger man nodded. "I have a key to the gym door if you want to lock yourself in."

Oz nodded, dishing up some ham for himself. "Thanks but I can play upstairs and not disturb by
not plugging in." He looked up as Xander walked in. "Nice walk?"

"Very. I'd forgotten what looking up at the stars was like." He dished up some food, starting in
on it.

Nick smiled at his new found protégée. "He scored a perfect on his targets on his second try and
eighty-five on the walk through."

Derek smiled, putting down his fork. "Very impressive. You're right up there in Nick's range
already." He patted the young man on the shoulder. "You'll be quite an asset when he has to
leave in three weeks for a conference."

Xander looked up. "He's leaving?"

"For a few days, maybe a week." Nick watched at him. "I'll teach you everything you need to
know about the security systems before I go. You'll be filling in for me while I'm gone. Okay?"
The younger man nodded. "Didn't think that'd be a problem." He looked at Willow. "We want
you to work on the research angle for now. Pull all your research notes and collate it with what
we have on file. We've only had one occurrence of vampires and we solved it by blowing them

Derek shook his head. "Don't let Alex hear you say that. She's still having nightmares about
that." He took a bite of ham. "There's plenty, Xander, eat." He watched as the younger man took
seconds before everyone else had half-finished their firsts. "We never worry about having enough
to eat."

"Growing boy stomachs," Buffy said. "He's had one, at least, for as long as I've known him."

Derek looked at her plate. "I'd suggest you follow his example. I'm sure you can't get along on
that." He handed her the rolls. "Here, eat."

Nick grinned. "European women aren't Americans, Derek," he reminded his boss. "Most girls
her age don't eat that much."

"They should, especially when they do as much as she does." He looked at Willow. "I grew up
splitting my time between this house and schools in Europe with my mother." He smiled kindly.
"It was quite an experience."

"I bet," she said. "I got the chance to go to Oxford but I turned it down to stay." She looked at

Buffy grimaced. "Maybe that's an option now." She ate some more, mostly to make Derek

"It's a great school." Derek smiled his fond/remembering smile. "I went there for a while. Met
many people that helped me immensely." He looked at Nick. "And some that have vexed me my
entire adult life."

Nick pointed with his fork. "I could lock you two in a room. I'm sure you and William would
work it out eventually."

Derek shook his head. "One of us would die and then arguments would be over." He went back
to eating.

Oz looked at everyone. "I gotta go practice," he said, pushing back. He left the room, picking up
his guitar from where he'd laid it earlier.

Buffy watched him go. "This is hard for him." Willow slammed down her fork, following him.
"And for her."

Nick turned his head to look out the doorway. "I imagine it is. He's faced with going back or
giving up everything. She's not sure if she wants to follow him or not." He looked at the Slayer.
"They have to work it out on their own. They're both welcome here when they've decided."

She nodded. "I'll tell them later." She looked at Xander. "I heard, are you leaving too?"

He shook his head. "I want to stay here. I can learn stuff here." He looked at her. "Beside's I'll
be closer if you need me." He went back to eating, quiet now in his thoughts.

Buffy looked down at her plate then pushed back, leaving the dining room.

Derek watched her go, frowning. "I'm sure it will all work out." He smiled, having a useful
thought that was also a very simple solution that would let him off the hook. "I could sic William
on them."

Nick shook his head, dishing up some more rice. "Cruel man, very mean." He handed over the
bowl. "Want some?" Xander took it with a small smile in thanks.


Buffy put down the phone, hanging up. "Mom's okay. She said it's been quiet. No unexplained
deaths by blood loss, no bodies rising up to kill." She turned her head to look at Willow. "Want
to talk?"


"Okay, when you're ready, I'm here. Or actually, I'll be in my room. I've got to finish

"If he goes, so am I."

Buffy sat back down. "Will, we don't know that Sunnydale's safe yet. Others can still come
back." She took the book from the younger woman. "Think about what you're saying. I don't
want to see you in a box."

Willow nodded. "We'll be careful." She took her book back. "'Night."

Buffy stood back up, closing the door behind her. She tapped on Oz's door, waiting until he
opened it. "Talk?" she said softly, not wanting Willow to hear. He nodded so she walked in.
"Got info from Mom. No new deaths. No vamp rampages. No word on new ones though." She
sat down in his chair, looking up at him. "She's gonna follow you."

He sat down on his bed. "I know. I'd rather have her safe but she feels not welcome here." He
touched his sheets of music. "I tried but she didn't listen."

Buffy nodded. "I'll understand if you aren't there in the morning." She walked out, closing the
door behind herself, going back to her room.

Oz shook his head. "That'll only make it worse," he told the door. He picked up the music,
staring at it for a minute, then he decided to deal with it later. Right now, he had to practice, it
was the only way he could stay here.


Willow walked out, heading down to the kitchen. She was hungry, now, and needed something to
chew on before she fell asleep. She saw the light on in the kitchen and frowned but went in, not
wanting to disturb but needing the food.

Nick looked up at her. "Leftovers are over here," he said softly. He watched her pull down a plate
and grab a fork. She sat down across from him. "If you talk, it might help."

She frowned, dishing out some food for herself. "Nothing to say. I'm leaving if he goes." She
took a bite, then sprinkled some salt on it.

"Love can be like that but he'll be back."

"I don't have a place here," she said. She looked hard at him. "I'm not one of you."

"You research with the best of us." He put down his sandwich. "This house does more research
on more varied cases each year than most of the organization combined. We could use someone
with your knowledge base." He took another bite. "But we won't push. You have a spot here
when you're ready to take it." He ate the last bite, brushing his crumbs back onto his plate.
"Don't leave a mess, the night butler's off tonight." He put his plate in the sink, leaving her

Willow thought about what he'd said, weighing it with what was right for her. She looked up as
Oz walked in. "Leaving?" He shook his head, sitting down to steal a bite of food from her plate.
"I heard her."

"I know. Doesn't matter, she's right. Sunnydale's still not safe." He kissed her cheek. "I wanted
to go see the stars again." He walked out, sitting on the back steps.

She looked down at her plate, wondering how selfish she seemed to everyone else.


Xander walked in, hair still damp from his early morning swim. "Morning," he said, sitting down
and dishing out a plate. He noticed the two new people. "Xander," he said, holding out a hand.
"I came with Buffy."

"Alex," the dark skinned woman said. She smiled at him. "Another swimmer?"

"Rachel," the older blonde said. "Psychiatrist and mother." She handed him the plate of muffins.
"Orange one still left. Buffy said to save it for you."

He took it with a smile. "Thanks. And yeah, I swim. I'm decent. Was on the high school team
for a few meets." He took a bite, smiling. "This is great," he said, mouth full.

Alex handed him a napkin. "Yeah, there's a good bakery near the docks. We happened to pass it
as it opened so we stopped." She looked around the mostly empty table. "I'm assuming Buffy is
the blonde that's working out with Nick?" He and Willow both nodded. "Okay, and the other

"Oz," Willow said. "He'll be gone later for an audition but he should be back tonight." She
looked at Xander. "Good morning."

"Hi." He took another bite. "So, I'm wondering what I should be doing today." He looked at
Alex. "Nick's been testing me to see my skill levels but he never said what he wanted me to do

Alex handed over a list. "Oh, yeah, he did. A very detailed list." She watched him read it. "I
can help with the computer stuff. He said you haven't even been near it yet."

Xander smiled in relief. "Thanks, I'm not real proficient with them." He nodded his head toward
Willow. "That's her area."

Rachel patted his shoulder as she passed. "I'm sure you'll be acclimated soon, running searches
like a pro." She walked out then put her head back in. "Willow, you're with me today." She
waited for the young woman to follow her.

Alex waited until they were alone. "Cold front between you two?"

"Not. She was mean yesterday and I don't feel like a repeat." He finished off his muffin and his
glass of milk. "Want to start now or soon?" He eyed the last little bit of scrambled egg in the

"Eat, you're a growing boy." She handed it over. "Truth be told, we've just gotten back from a
case. Leave the computer stuff until I catch a nap and a shower. We'll work on it this afternoon."

Nick walked in. "Tired? From a haunting?" He smiled at them. "You must be getting old

She tossed her napkin at him. "Hey, you didn't volunteer. Someone had to go do the man's work
that you ignored." She looked at Xander. "He's a staunch nonsupporter of women's lib."

"Hey, I resent that. I think women are just as qualified. I just wouldn't give up my job for one."
He smiled at Xander. "Don't listen to her, she's been having this problem since we met." He
tapped the younger man on the head as he passed by. "Swim already?"

"Yeah, did a few laps." He scraped his plate. "I should go get started. I'll go do the research
stuff first and when you're ready, just come get me." He walked out, sliding past Buffy without
touching her sweaty body.

Buffy looked at Alex. "Hi," she said softly. She sat down in his place. "Did they have another

"No, he refused to talk to her." She shrugged. "I'm Alex." She held out her hand. "I've heard
much about you. Derek called to tell me."

Buffy smiled. "Yeah, he's been real fatherly since we got here." She picked up a poppy seed
muffin. "How do we cure them of that?"

"Time," Alex said. "It's the only way. Or make them work it out." She put her dishes in the
sink, sitting back down. "So, let's get acquainted."


Buffy looked up from her weights, smiling at Oz. "Go okay?"

"Yeah, we'll be there three days a week." He sat down on the machine next to hers. "How do we
fix it?"

"Alex, the dark skinned one, she suggested getting them to talk. I'm not sure if they will."

Oz shook his head. "Won't work. She's made up her mind and nothing short of a tragedy will
change it right now."

Buffy looked up at the old man in the doorway. "Then let's make one. Derek," she called. She
sat up, wiping off her hands. "We have an idea."


Derek looked at Willow. "I asked Buffy who best to give this to and she said you both. Seems
she thinks you work well together." He handed over the files, a copy for each. "It's a simple case.
Find out who the spirit was and find out what it needs to move on." He relaxed a little. "I'm sure
you'll do fine."

Willow opened it, looking over her information. "Do we have a place to start?"

"How about with the building? Don't they have to stay where they died?" Derek shook his head.

"No, occasionally they can go back to significant places in their lives." He smiled at the young
man. "But your idea was a goot one. The place is usually specific as a clue, as are any actions."
He reached for the phone as it rang. "I'll leave you to it." He picked it up. "Yes?"

Willow led the way back to the control room, going through the holographic door first. She called
up the area on a map, searching for the building in old news stories. "Nothing." She sat down,
rereading the file.

Xander leaned over, punching in a search command like Alex had taught him. He smiled as
something started to come up but his query was too general, he got over a hundred answers.
"Hmm, needs narrowing." He tried a few more times, coming up with something useful on the
fifth try. "Look at this." He pointed at the entry, calling it up so she could read it. "Area, female,

Willow looked at the entry then at her file. "What if she wants to relive something happy?" She
started her own search, coming up with nothing then sat back, frustrated. "I'm no good at this."

He turned to face her. "We must have different files, I don't get how you see that." He handed his
over, getting up to take hers when she didn't offer it. He read it quickly then called up something
that was in each. "A similarity." He looked over the three entries. "Which one?"

"Bottom," Willow said. "Something I would come back for." She read the death report,
saddened by the loss of love. "That could be me."

He turned to look at her. "Only if you let it." He came over to sit beside her. "He's not leaving
you full time. He'll be back in Sunnydale a few days a week and here the rest." He smiled,
patting her shoulder. "Derek said they had someone there, maybe you could ask to travel with
him?" He went back to his seat, calling up another option. "How's that one?"

Willow read it. "Sounds like her but that's strange."

Xander shook his head. "For some people it's the little things in life that matter." He called up
the other one. "But if she's here to relive happies, a birth there might be an option."

Willow called back up the second choice. "I think that one may be it." She looked over at her
oldest friend. "I'm sorry."

"You were stressed." He looked at her again. "But just because we're friends doesn't mean you
can do that to me. It hurt." He called up the associated articles and a mention in the database. "I
think that's it. There's an old case that looks just like this one."

Willow shook her head. "I'd want to test us too." She printed out the file, gathering their files up.
"Want to go talk to him?"

"Nope, you need to though." He walked past her. "I'm going to go play in the gym or the pool."

Willow watched his back, trying hard not to be upset that he was still mad at her. After all, it had
been her fault. She carried the stuff back to Derek's office, knocking as she walked in. She sat in
the chair, waiting for him to acknowledge her.

"Problems?" he said, looking up. He put down his pen, crossing his wrists. "Or did you figure it
out already?"

She handed it over. "I would have tested us too." She swallowed. "I'm sorry. I've been worried
and stressed and I've been taking it out on everyone around me." She looked down. "I didn't
mean to, it just felt like I hurt less when I did."

He came around the desk, sitting next to her and making her look at him. "I understand that. The
Legacy has ruled and overshadowed my whole life since before I was born. My father was
Precept here back in the sixties and I've had to dig my way out from under his shadow." He
smiled kindly. "His leaving part time isn't the disaster you think it is. He'll still be here."

She nodded. "But I hate to be alone."

"Ah, but you're creating a solitary life for yourself by your actions and words." He left her alone,
not listening as she picked up the phone to call home.

"Mom?" Willow said. "Got a sec?"


Willow hit the last key, integrating their cases with that of the Legacy's. She leaned back,
watching in interest as the computer made links for cross-referencing automatically, building new
connections to assimilate the new data. She smiled as her mate walked in. "Hi. Got it done."

He sat down beside her. "I gotta leave tonight. We have to play at the Bronze tomorrow." She
nodded, biting her lip. "I'll be back the next night." He kissed her gently, standing back up.

She stood, moving into his arms, holding him tightly. "I should go back the next time, I left some
stuff there that I might need."

He nodded. "Next time is Saturday. We could come back by Monday morning." He brushed
some of her hair aside. "Be safe." He kissed her again. "Love you."

She clutched his hand. "You be safe. Nobody's sure if Sunnydale's safe or not yet." She pulled
him into another hug. "Come back to me," she whispered as she stepped back.

"Always." He tweaked the end of her nose then left the room and the castle.

Willow sat back down to watch the computer work it's magic. She didn't look up as she was
joined by Alex and Rachel. "Done," she said.

"He'll be back soon," Alex said, patting her shoulder. "He'll be fine. We have someone in town
and they know to watch for him."

Willow looked at her. "Really?"

Rachel hugged her. "The Legacy takes care of it's own." She stood up. "Speaking of which, I
believe my daughter would like to know I still exist." She left them alone, knowing that she
wasn't needed. Alex was a good enough mom.

The older woman shook her head. "Her daughter's got the sight. She's very talented too." She
leaned back, watching the computer work. "You guys have done a lot."

"Necessity." She cleared her throat, wiping at her damp cheeks. "Weird things happen there and
someone had to deal with them. Buffy's second night or so, she saved us. Then the next day, she
had to slay our best friend that had been turned." She looked at Alex. "Want to switch?"

"No, dear, I think I liked having a normal life." She smiled sadly at the young woman. "Make up
for it now before the job wears you down." She called up a search she'd been running earlier,
printing the results. "I'm done for the day." She looked at Willow. "I think today's payday.
Want to go shop?"

The redhead shook her head. "That's a Buffy thing. I only really go when I need something."
She smiled. "Thanks though. I'll be fine."

Buffy walked in, handing over the envelopes she was carrying. "Payday," she said cheerfully.
"Derek said I could ask to hitch a ride with you? Please Alex?" She nodded and they left.

Willow looked down at hers and then sighed. She set it aside, checking the links to make sure
everything was in there.


The night shift Butler walked into the control room to shut off the lights. He stopped to shake his
head at the young woman asleep on top of the workstation but didn't move her. He was sure he
would be treated to many such sights in the near future but maybe her discomfort in the morning
would be enough to keep the incidences down to a minium. He shut off the overhead and work
lights, walking back out easily from much familiarity.


Xander hopped down the stairs, looking around to see if anyone was responding to the knocking
at the door. When no one was, he pulled it open. He smiled at the youngish looking man
standing there, recognizing him as a priest. "Hi."

"Is Derek no' in?" he asked softly.

Nick walked out, pulling the door open. "We have butlers for that," he reminded Xander. "Of
course he is, Philip. Why were you knocking?" He waved him inside, not saying the words.

Father Philip Callahan walked in, gathering Nick into his arms. "Goo' to be home," he said, then
passed out.

Nick swore as he caught him, nodding at Xander to go get someone. "Yeah, just like old times."
He kicked the door closed, cradling his friend's head to his stomach.

Derek came down the stairs, followed by Buffy and Xander. "What happened this time?" He
looked over his former house member. "Fever or injury?"

Nick shrugged but Buffy decided to take control. She picked him up easily, carrying him in and
putting him down on a sofa. "Fever," she said, feeling his head. "High one." She looked at
Xander. "Go move his stuff out of the way of the door, then get a thermometer and a wet cloth for
his head." She looked at Derek. "Let me guess, he's the language guy that Nick told us about?"

Derek nodded, standing there in shock.

Oz walked in, carrying the other man's bag. "Gave him a lift on the ferry." He set it down near
Buffy. "He okay?" She nodded. "Okay, what do you still need?"

She unbuttoned his top button, handing over his collar. "Um, coverings, wet cloth but Xander's
gotten that. Nice place to put him and we need someone to see if he needs to be hospitalized."

"Rachel's gone home for the day," Xander said, handing her a bowl with a wet cloth and a ear-
type thermometer. "Good gig?" he asked Oz. The older man nodded. "Okay, so how bad?"

"102," she read. "Hospital or not," she asked Derek.

The Precept shook himself, coming over to look at his friend. He opened his eyes, looking at them
and his skin tone. "I'd say he goes. If he's not that sick, they'll send him back." He nodded at
Nick to call. "There's a paramedic on the ferry usually. Shouldn't be too long." He looked at his
newest charge. "Very goot work. I had no idea you were this calm in an emergency."

"Every night is an emergency in Sunnydale," Xander said. "This is her area." He rewet the cloth,
putting it back down on the Priest's forehead. "He should be okay, he feels cooler now." He
watched as the man Nick had called Philip started to shake. "Or not." He took the throw from
Oz's hands, covering him gently. "Now what?"

"Now we wait," Nick said, pulling him away. "I've got it. Sit." He checked the cloth then used
it to wipe down his friend's face. "Philip's our semi-member. He shows up and stays then leaves
to go back to his calling. Most of the time he only get's bruised." He shrugged. "Some cases,
shot at or possessed." He looked down at his friend. "I wonder which jungle fever he got."

The butler let the paramedic in, waving him toward them. Everyone was pushed aside but Nick,
who was asked to go start the helicopter. They got Philip loaded and started toward the hospital,
everyone worried now.


Nick and Buffy carried Philip back inside the castle, much to his protest. "I can walk," he said
vehemently, but quietly. "I'm no' feeble."

"Of course not," Buffy said. "You just took a header a while ago and broke a high fever." She set
him back on the couch. "Now be a good man, sit and whine like the rest." She walked out, going
to tell everyone that they were back.

Nick looked at his friend. "It's an interesting story. I'll tell you later." The Irishman nodded.
"Let's just say she's a chosen one and leave it there."

"She's ona them?" Nick looked confused. "I was stayin' with a Watcher for a while." He shook
his head. "No wonder." He raised his eyes heavenward. "You hadda call me back here now?"

"Yes," Derek said dryly, "he did. We could always use your help. Especially with four new
Associates members." He hugged the younger man tightly to him. "How are you?"

"Jus' a fever. Broke so I'm okay." He looked at the blonde, smiling as she handed him a glass of
tea. "Thanks muchly." She smiled at him. "Are ya Faith or Buffy?"

She snarled. "I'm not that traitorous...." Willow clamped a hand over her mouth.

"She's Buffy. Faith turned right before we had to fight off an Ascension." She let the older
woman go. "Relax. Don't scare him, he's sick." She sat down next to Derek. "I'm Willow by
the way."

Buffy looked confused. "Does everyone know we're here?"

Nick shook his head. "Philip was staying with a Watcher for a while." He pulled her to sit on the
coffee table. "I agree with Willow. Chill. We like it when Philip stays. It's never boring."

The man in question snorted. "This house, boring? No' a chance." He sipped his tea. "Thank

"Not a big." She stood back up. "I've still got to lift so I'm going." She looked at Willow. "Oz
was headed that way too."

The younger woman nodded. "Oh, okay. Don't let him get hurt." She watched her friend walk
out. "He must be looking for Xander."

"Who's on the firing range," Nick said. He looked at the butler. "Could you go get him?"

"Ah, leave him. He'll mee' me soon enough." He patted the side of Nick's face. "We gotta talk

"That's my cue to leave." Willow stood, walking out of the sitting room.

Philip watched her go. "Interestin' problems?" Derek smiled, nodding. "So William tol' me
when he called my Bishop to free me. Which I didn' min' by the way." He grinned. "No' my
calling. I prefer ta let them live in peace." He drank some more of his tea. "Go' a new one for ya.
Nice case too." He put down the glass, pulling aside his shirt to show a new set of black
markings. "Wa' taken and used. Gotta remove it."

Derek leaned closer, looking at them, then touching them with his fingertips. Everyone in the
room saw him jerk as his sight went off. "Actually their watcher needs to," he said after shaking it

Nick frowned. "But that discussion can wait until you're in bed." He stood, holding out a hand.
"Come on, I'm not carrying you."

Philip smiled. "Oh, why no'?" He stood, grabbing Nick's arm to steady himself. "I thin' she
was right, I need a nap."

Derek watched them go before picking up the phone on the end table, dialing London to find out
the status of finding the missing Watcher.


Buffy looked critically at the marks on Philip's chest. "Giles has one of those on his arm." She
looked up at him. "Had one myself. Tattoo removal guy got mine."

He smiled sadly. "If one's touched it'll summon them." He looked at Willow as she came in.

"Hi." She laid the tray across his lap then bent over to look at them. "Easy enough to get a
negation put on." She traced one with her fingers. "It'll cancel but won't allow them to be
summoned." She stood back up, taking a step back. "You just have to find someone with the
right skill mix."

Philip looked up at Derek, who was looking up to silently ask for patience. "No offense, bu' I'd
rather wai' for someone with more exp'rence." He patted her hand.

Derek touched Willow's shoulder. "That may be the solution but he prefers less intrusive means."
She nodded, not upset. "Goot. I don't know if I know anyone like that anyway."

"Oz might," Willow said, happy. "He knows lots of people."

Buffy stood, smoothing down her shorts. "Gotta go thump Nick. Wanna watch Will?" She
shook her head. "Okay." She left the room, humming softly as she hopped down the stairs.

Willow shook her head. "At least she's feeling better." She smiled at Derek. "It's good she's
happy." She walked out. "Nick said to go organize reports for him."

Derek closed the door behind her, relaxing against the solid wood.

"Bi' energetic are they?" Philip smiled at his old friend.

"*I* never used to have that much energy." He shook his head, walking back over to the bed.
"She may be right. It may be the only way."

"I'd rather le' their Watcher do it." He shifted up some, setting the tray aside. "He'd know more
as he used ta wear one with pride." He touched the mark of Eyghon.

Derek removed his fingers, holding them with his own. "How are you really?"

"Fever aside?" He looked down at the quilt covering his legs. "I was bored. Tha's why I asked
ta go somewhere else."

"But it backfired and you ended up in the rainforest doing something you think is wrong." He
brushed a light kiss over the younger man's forehead. "You're not leaving for a while." He got