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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Dead Mell - The First Episode


DISCLAIMER: Jim and Blair aren't mine. Like that's news. No real Jims, Blairs or Mels were harmed during the writing of this story. And you all know Mel just keeps on keeping on.
With apologies to Petfly, and especially to Mel. She’s a good friend of mine and I had her permission to write this little story.
A Mary-Sue for the Mary-Sue in all of us. Written at the second – I think – Club Oz Fandom weekend, here in South Australia. A challenge was issued and I took up the gauntlet.
Submitted through the SenseXangstRevisited mailing list.

Work Text:

Dead Mell - The First Episode
By Lyn

Mel was seething. Flicking her perfectly brushed red hair over her shoulder with one perfectly manicured hand, she glared at her powder-pink hands-free phone and willed it to ring.

She should be studying for finals, she knew, and therein lay the problem. There was no way she was going to pass the anthropology exam without a little help.

She'd thought at the beginning of the semester that she had a chance. She'd seen the way the teacher had watched her careful, fashionably late entrance into the classroom, her color-coordinated folder tucked casually under one arm.

His eyes had glanced briefly at her, then returned for a longer, more lingering examination as she made her way past the tattily-dressed riff-raff of glowering young men and giggling girls.

She waited a moment for the class to settle before choosing her seat, not wanting his view, or hers to be obstructed by some beefy football player. Finally, she seated herself somewhat inconspicuously in the third row. Mel looked up, after placing her notes in her lap, pulled her gold pen from its utility pocket inside the folder, and caught his gaze.

His smile was sweet, his cerulean blue eyes so stunning that her breath caught in her throat. His long brown curls were caught up into a ponytail at the nape of his neck, and Mel longed to pull them free and run her fingers through them. She smiled back at him, careful not to bat her lush eyelashes at him. She didn't want him to think she was a tramp.

Mel's father had given her an ultimatum; get good grades in all her classes this year or he was going to cut off her allowance and other privileges like her phone and car. She'd chosen anthropology, thinking it would be an easy option, though there was no way she was going to dress up in a safari suit and one of those silly-looking pith helmets and go marching through some hot, sweaty jungle. Just the thought of what all that sweat and grime would do to her peaches and cream complexion made her shudder. Now, as she listened to the dreamboat... err... teacher outline the syllabus, her heart sank. Yanomamo? She couldn't pronounce the word, let alone spell it. Slowly, as the teacher's voice droned on, she began to form an idea.

She made friends with Kelly... Someone or other, a sweet, rather dense, blonde girl, and made arrangements to meet her at the mall that afternoon. It was not Mel's place of choice to shop, but poor Kelly could certainly do with some clothes and hair advice. Meeting outside the ice-cream parlor at four p.m., they wandered through a few of the better clothing stores. Mel had to put her foot firmly down when Kelly wanted to check out the local chain store.

She'd almost given up on finding anything that Kelly would look good in, when she saw him. The Adonis from Anthropology. He was walking through the mall, talking animatedly to a tall, rather good-looking man - if you liked them buff. Picking up her stride, and with Kelly trailing uncertainly in her wake, she managed to sidestep as they passed and run into him. Dropping her parcels at his feet, she smiled to herself when he apologized and immediately bent to pick them up.

"Blair! Hi! I'm sorry. I must have been day-dreaming." He'd told them that morning to call him Blair, so she didn't feel uncomfortable using his name.

He smiled at her, his brow furrowing a little. "Oh, hey, my fault. I was so involved with talking to Jim, I didn't even see you." He glanced over his shoulder at the hunk who stood just a little too close for Mel's liking. Gathering up her packages, Blair stood and held them out to her. "Um, here you go. I'm sorry I've forgotten your name."

Mel pushed down her disappointment at that remark. "Melissa," she offered sweetly.

He nodded. "Of course." This is my... um... partner, Jim Ellison." He favored Mr. Buff with a brilliant smile that Mel wished was for her, and she felt herself melt.

Damn the term results. All that mattered now was getting this man, claiming him. "Kelly and I were just heading to La Jardin for dinner..."

"I thought you said you had to go home," Kelly responded in a puzzled voice behind Mel. Her words ended in an 'oomph' as Mel stamped inconspicuously on her size ten foot.

"Oh, sorry. We're kinda busy right now," Blair replied. "Got a lot to discuss." Again that smile, and again it was directed at Jim.

Jim nodded, grinning back. "Yeah, come on, Chief. I told Simon we'd meet him at the station in half an hour."

Mel forced the disappointment from her face, replacing it with a bright, gamin smile. "Perhaps another time then? Call me?"

She turned on her heel, colliding with Kelly and swanned away. Kelly followed her like an obedient puppy. Mel liked that in a friend.

"So," Kelly whispered conspiratorially. "He's pretty cute. Would you really go out with him?"

Mel shrugged, keeping her features carefully noncommittal. She didn't need Kelly vying for his affections as well. "Oh, I don't know. He's not really my type." She toyed with a strand of her hair. "But I could see he was attracted to me. He'll call," she finished decisively.

Watching the two men walk away, she was horrified to see Blair place an arm around Jim's shoulders as they walked, and then Jim gave Blair a hug.

"Oh, my God," Kelly hissed. "Do you think they're... you know... gay?"

"Of course not," Mel replied. She watched them leave the mall. "At least he won't be when I'm through with him," she muttered under her breath.


But it hadn't worked. Nothing had. Not her carefully planned meetings with him twice a week at his teacher-student consults. She'd abandoned all hope of ever having a social life, refusing dates from the hunkiest football players, in order to have the time free to sit in Blair's office, asking inane questions about the latest assignment he'd set. His answers of course, went unheeded as she lost herself in the dreamy quality of his voice. She'd even baked a batch of blueberry muffins, after discreetly discovering they were his favorite. Granted, they'd been a little crispy and black on top, but considering she'd had to ask the cook how to turn on the oven, she thought she'd done an admirable job. And night after night, she'd stayed in her room, willing the phone to ring.

She had to admit to herself that Kelly was right. It seemed that Jim and Blair were an item. She supposed he'd said as much when he'd introduced Jim as his partner. It didn't matter, she decided. She was going to confront him tonight. Slipping into her form-fitting black leotard, dispensing with the ugly balaclava that would conceal her face, and no doubt give her pimples, and very grateful Daddy had been more than pleased to pay for her tuition in self-defense classes, she slipped the dart-gun over her shoulder, grabbed the bag of tools she needed and headed out.

She'd set up a nice little cottage out in the countryside with her substantial allowance. It was cozy and comfortable. The perfect setting for a young couple starting out. She just knew that given time and her undivided attention, Blair wouldn't be able to resist her ample charms for long, and if that didn't work, she had a backup plan. She'd taken a short correspondence course in hypnotherapy. If nothing else, she could at least hypnotize him into giving her a good grade. Mel was adaptable.

Getting his address had been child's play to someone used to getting their own way. Batting her eyelashes at the student who helped out in reception, and slipping him a $100 bill, she'd had the address in under a minute.

She stood now at the foot of the balcony and looked up. All the lights in the apartment were off. Carefully she aimed and fired the grappling hook, wincing when it hit the wall above with a loud thunk. Silently she climbed up to the third floor. He was lying on the couch, a brightly colored throw rug tossed haphazardly over him. Looking through the window, she could see him fairly clearly. He looked adorable in the glow of the moonlight over her shoulder, lying on his back, dressed in a tank top and boxers, a tantalizing peek of dark chest hair showing, his sturdy legs tangled in the afghan. His hair, just as she'd imagined it, fanned out like a russet halo about his beautiful face. Next to him on the coffee table sat a laptop, the screensaver showing flying windows.

Her heart in her mouth, Mel pushed the door open, stepped into the room... and tripped on the bottom frame of the door, falling to the ground in an inelegant tumble. She froze. Blair shifted in the bed, his head turning toward her as his eyes opened sleepily.

"Jim? 'Zat you? I'm coming to bed in a minute."

Quickly, Mel pulled the dart gun from her shoulder and aimed it at the dazed young man. Her fingers fumbled nervously with the trigger as she heard footsteps pounding rapidly down from the loft above. Blair sat up, a loud thump at the foot of the stairs announced an enraged Jim Ellison and Mel pulled the trigger. The dart lodged in Blair's chest, his hand reaching up to tug it out. Mel swung the gun over to cover Jim.

"Stay back," she warned. "He's coming with me."

"Mel?" Blair's voice sounded hoarse but she felt a thrill of pleasure run through her when he said her name. 'He knows me! He remembers me.'

Ellison took a step toward her and she moved back, her finger tightening on the trigger. Did she have to load another dart? She couldn't remember.

Jim reached out a hand. "Put the gun down. I don't want to hurt you, but I will, if you harm Blair in any way."

"Jim?" Blair sounded like a lost child. "She shot me."

Jim's eyes swiveled to look at the anthropologist, his eyes widening as he saw the dart in Blair's hand. "You're okay, little buddy. Let me handle this."

"Okay." Blair's eyes were already drooping shut, his body sinking back to the couch. Jim turned his attention back to Mel. "Give me the gun," he said, taking another step closer. "You can't get away."

Mel shook her head and backed up onto the balcony. Lithely, she climbed onto the wall and reached out for the grappling hook, her heart lodging in her throat when she found nothing but air. Looking down, she saw the hook lying on the ground far below. She teetered for a moment, then overbalanced. With a scream, she toppled backwards, her hand flailing frantically for a hold. Something grabbed her right wrist, jerking it painfully, and she looked up to see Jim Ellison leaning over the wall.

"It's all right," he grunted, his face tight with tension. "I've got you."

Mel's failure overwhelmed her, and in her mind's eye, she saw her happy ever after dream gurgle down the drain, rapidly followed by daddy's generous allowance. Turning her head, she clamped her teeth into her enemy's meaty hand.

Ellison yelped, his grip loosening a little, and she tore her arm away. She closed her eyes as she fell to the ground, her last thought of Blair.


Blair was conscious of someone shaking his shoulder roughly. Irritated, he shrugged the hand off and burrowed further into his bedding. "'M up, Jim. Jus' a couple more minutes, 'kay?"

The hand would not give in, however, and reluctantly he opened his eyes. Jim's face swam above him, blurred and anxious-looking. "Blair? Come on, buddy. Wake up."

Memory rushed back, taking his breath away and he bolted upright. "Oh, man! Mel! Tell me it was just a bad dream."

Jim shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Chief. Mel broke in and shot you with a dart. She was trying to kidnap you."

Blair's gaze swept the apartment. "Where is she? Did you get her?"

Jim gave him a sorrowful look. "She fell over the balcony. I tried to hang onto her, but she bit me. I guess she couldn't bear the thought of living without you." Gently, he stroked a hand down Blair's cheek. "I know how she felt. I called the PD, everything's been taken care of." He looked meaningfully toward the balcony.

Blair leaned toward Jim, feeling his partner's arms go around him, taking comfort in the embrace even as he mourned the loss of his student. Granted, she hadn't been the brightest bulb in the room, but he'd gotten a kick out of her obvious attraction to him. And if Jim didn't have that damn primal imperative thing happening, he might have considered a little fling on the side. Maybe even a threesome. He lifted his head, just about to suggest that Kelly... Someone or other was still available and groaned as the phone rang. Reaching out a hand, he lifted the receiver.


Jim smiled whimsically at the slurred tone of his guppy's voice.

"Sandburg? Are you okay?" Simon's worried voice came over the line.

"I'm fine, Simon. A little groggy. Do you need us to come in and make a statement? I guess Jim will have to go over Mel's death with IA."

"It's the damndest thing," Simon replied. "The girl was DOA at the hospital. They unloaded the gurney, and you know how they jerk when the wheels hit the ground?"

"Oh, yeah," Blair said knowledgeably, wincing unconsciously at the memory. "Been there too many times."

"Well, the gurney jerked and suddenly Mel shuddered and started breathing again."

Blair pushed away from Jim and sat up straight. "You mean, she's alive? Simon, that's great news. She needs psych help, obviously, but I'll be there for her. I want to help her through this. She's a good kid, just a little screwed up."

"That could be a problem," Simon continued. "They put her in a room. The nurse went out to the desk for something and when she got back, Mel was gone. They searched the hospital. There's no sign of her. I've put out an APB."

Blair's eyes widened. "So, she's still out there somewhere."

"I'm afraid so."

The receiver dropped from Blair's numb fingers to the floor.


Mel stood on the corner of Prospect Ave and glanced up at the third floor apartment. Absently, she wiped away the blood that dribbled from her nose, then massaged her aching neck. Lucky she'd landed on her backpack when she'd fallen. The banging of the gurney by the inept medics had somehow jolted her heart back to life.

"I'll be back, Blair Sandburg," she whispered. Turning away, she limped down the darkened street. "Mel always gets what she wants."