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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



After "In the Dark" aired there was some speculation as to why Gibbs was so upset at the end. Well this is my take on why.
This is mostly AU.
I don't know when Jethro joined the Marines. In my story he was 18.
He and Tony are in a realtionship.
Some of the things are from my life, I won't tell you which parts.
It has not been betated
The usual not mine, no money, just for fun.
Submitted through the NavyNCISslash mailing list. This list can no longer approve new members posts, please join us at NavyNCISslash2


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

by raicara

Jethro Leroy gibbs jr
Born Dec 21 1969
Died May 06 1970


"Wouldn't you know it. I finally find you and your dead." She looked at the dates on the tomb stone. "For a long time it seems." Rai sat down on the grass. Looking at the headstone. " I am sorry about that. Then again, maybe it was for the best, you might have got the better deal." She looked at the stone and the area around it. "Well at least it looks like someone is taking care of you." She stood up, brushed her pants off.

"I will be back in a few days. I just got in to town. Have some things to do. When I come back we can catch up."

Three days latter, Tony was stretching beside the car as he watched Gibbs climb the hill. He had only been up there once. It was enough. It was enough that Gibbs had told him and brought him here. As he turned he noticed a car a few yards up. Which was strange. This was fairly unused part of the cemetery. Usually they were the only car here. It was early in the morning and he was not really awake so he put the other car out of his mind.

Jethro had walked up this hill every week for almost three years now. It still hurt as the headstone came into sight. He almost did not come this week. The case with Captain Watson had shook him more than he wanted to admit. How he could do what he did. When Jethro would give anything to keep from losing what that man had thrown away. He was so caught up in those thoughts he did not notice the other person until he was over the hill and out of sight of anyone below.

The shock was only for a moment. Then he was reaching for the gun he was not carrying. "Who are you. What are you doing here."

Rai froze at the words. She had not meant to stay this long. Once she started talking, she just couldn't stop. She had been around enough to Cops, to know that voice. She froze. Would stay that way until she if he was armed or not.

"Which question do you want answered first." She asked not turning around.

Gibbs, searched the area. A part of his brain registering the person in front of him was female. He had been in the Military and NCIS too long to drop his guard because he was facing a woman. Nothing seemed to be wrong or out of place. He could not figure out what this person was doing here. Up until he brought Tony, only he and Ducky knew about this place. The only other person who could or should have cared was also dead. Looking around again, he did see something this time. That was when he got mad. This person had done something to his son's grave. In two strides Jethro was behind the intruder and his hand on a shoulder. Rai felt the hand and just reacted. Which in turn caused Jethro to react.

The first Tony knew there was a problem was when he heard the scream. He looked up to see someone falling off the cliff. He watched as the body fell in what seemed like slow motion. When it hit he just stood there.

Jethro reached for the woman as she started to fall, all he got was a jacket. Just as she completely lost her footing and went over the edge, the hood came off and Jethro caught a glimpse of a face he thought he would only see in a picture. Then she was gone, over the edge.

He didn't stop to look, he started down the path. Not wanting to believe what his brain was telling him was happening. He was half way down when he started to yell at Tony.

"Tony, Tony." the man just stood there. Looking at the woman who lay very still, too still on the ground.

"Dinnozo." That got his attention. "911" Tony finally came back to the here and now. Pulled out his cell phone and made the call. Jethro ignored his lover as he moved toward the stranger. Now that he was closer, he could see it was not quite the same as the picture. Then the picture had been a projection, this was a person.


Jethro was feeling for a pulse. It was there and it was fairly good. He didn't dare move her. Knowing Tony was there he spoke over his shoulder. "Get the blanket from the trunk. And an evidence bag and swab." Tony did and they covered the body trying to keep her warm and out of shock. He was not really sure why Gibbs wanted the bag. He watched as his lover used the swab to gather some of the woman`s blood, sealed it and handed it to Tony. Who took it without asking.

"Jethro. What happened." Tony waited no answer. So he put his hand on Jethro's shoulder. "Jethro." He squeezed that seemed to get the mans attention.

"Tony. I need you do something for me."

"Of course what."

"I need you to call Ducky, tell him......." He was not sure what to tell Ducky. "Tell him to call my lawyer and then to call Franklin."

"Ok. The Lawyer I get. This was an accident. Still there will be questions." When Jethro didn't answer Tony moved so he could his face. "It was an accident right?"

Something in Tony's tone caught Jethro's ear. He looked. "Yes. Still."

"Still. Who is Franklin?" Just then the sound of sirens could be heard.

Jethro turned to the younger man. He could see the pain, confusion and fear in his eyes. He reached his hand up to rub a cheek. "It's going to be fine. I will explain everything once I am home. Ducky knows who Franklin is, he will take care of it."

Tony leaned in to the touch. Knowing that as soon as the Cops and paramedics arrived they would just friends and collequge not lovers anymore. "Promise."


Even with the promise, watching Jethro handcuffed and put in the back of a squad car was almost more than he could stand. Tony just stood there for few minutes, watching it drive away. Since he had only seen the fall and not what had happened up top, he was being called in latter. He attention was caught by the sound of the ambulance doors being closed. It was not looking good. The woman had not woken up. She looked to have a severe head injury as well as multiple contusions and a possible broken arm and internal injuries. Once the ambulance was gone, Tony just stood there not sure what to, where to go.

Gibbs had told him to go home. All he wanted to do was go the police station and be with Gibbs, he could not do that. So after a few minutes he got in the car and drove to the office. He knew Abby would be in, he could talk to her. Besides he needed to call Ducky. He did that from the car. The older man assured Tony, Jethro's lawyer would be at the station soon. Just before he left he took the plate number of car the woman owned. It was a vanity plate. KP FLYN. There was something about that it was at the back of his brain. The police were stilling working the car, so all he could get was the license plate. That was a start.

It felt more than a little weird to Jethro as he sat on the other side of the interrogation table. He had told them already he was waiting for his lawyer and that is what he would do. He trusted both the Tony and Ducky. The man would be here soon. So that was taken care of. If he could just get that face out of his head, or back home to the photo album. It was bothering him. He needed to know. He had given up so long ago, that he did not want to believe this. There was a part of him that wanted it to be true, for everyone to have been wrong and him to have been right. Jethro looked up as the door opened and his Lawyer, carrying coffee and the Detective assigned to the case walked in.

"Well here he is. So now can we get down to business."

"Of, course. How is she."

The Dective sat down. "You push her off a cliff and now you are worried about her."

"I didn't push her. She lost her footing and fell. I tried to grab her. All I got was her jacket that came off in my hand."

"So you say. Let's start from the top." Jethro knew then he was not going to tell or he did not know how she was. Which meant they were still working on her, that could be good or bad.

"What were you doing there."

Jethro took a deep breath and started to talk.

"I was visiting my son's grave. I go there every week."

"The same time."

"If I can."

"You don't know this woman."

"No. Never saw her before today."

"Want to know her name."


The Detective pulled out a piece of paper from a folder. "Her name is Jaden Cross. Her drivers license is out of state. But there was a piece of paper with a local address and phone number. Seems she just moved in to town a few days ago. Landlady was really upset to hear she was hurt."

"Name ring a bell." Dectitve Conners asked.


"Ok so go on tell me what happened."

"I was walking up the hill to where my son's grave is, I was lost in thought about a case I had just wrapped up. I was taken back when I saw her standing there."

"So she was standing there. Could have been visiting someone else."

"My son's the only grave there. She was standing right in front of it. I told her to freeze. She did. I asked her who she was, and why she was there. She answered back, which question I wanted answered first. Which is when I knew she was female. Until that point I didn't know." Jethro drank some coffee.

"I was checking to see if she had done anything. I spotted something on the lower part of the headstone. I know I had not put it there. I admit I lost it then. I moved up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder. To turn her around. Then it all just happened so fast."

"What happened."

"She turned to break my hold. Her right arm came up to block while the left made a jab. I countered, she did as well. Somewhere in that I guessed she stepped on a really wet patch of grass and leaves because she started to fall. During the fight we must have moved closer to the edge. Gravity caught her and the next thing I knew she was falling. I made a grab for her, got the jacket, it came off and she went over the edge."

"Then what did you do."

"I stared down the hill. Halfway down I called to my friend to call 911, he did. I checked for a pulse, had Tony get a blanket from the car and covered her while waiting for the ambulance."

"Yea this, Anthony Dinnozo. Why was he there but not up at the grave with you?"

"We were on our way to meet some other friends for brunch. I wanted to stop on my way there. Tony is a good friend and understands, he also understand I want to be alone with my son. So he waited at the car like he has done in the past."

"So, he doesn't know what happened up there."


"Why the reaction. Maybe this was just an old friend of you kids."

Jethro looked at the man, his eyes cold and dark. "That is not possible Detective. My son was six months old when he died. In fact the first time I ever saw him in person was at his funeral." All three men went silent for a moment.

Conners was about to speak when his cell phone went off. "Conners. I see. Thank you."

"Well looks like you got lucky so far. She made it through surgery and is stable. So, for now the charge is Assault not Manslaughter." He paused. Shifted in his seat and the dance began. Almost four hours latter Jethro and his lawyer walked out of the building.

Once they were far enough away they started to speak. "Jethro, Donald told me you also had him call Franklin. Why."

"I saw her face." Jethro stopped and turned to face the man. "I think it's her."

Marcus shook his head. "Jethro she is dead, just like your son. She died in that car fire with Carrie."

"You know I never believed that."

"Yes. I do know that." The two men started to walk. "What makes you so sure."

"Years ago, when I first hired Franklin and the others to find Carrie and my daughter, he took the baby pictures I had and each year had them aged, so he would have a picture to work with. I got a copy of each one. Even had him do it with JL's. I have pictures of what she could look like from age 1-21. The woman today, looks very much like those pictures. I know I look at them once a week as well"

"Jethro listen to your self, your saying that after 34 years and countless hours of searching by several private as well as police detectives not to mention yourself, you daughter is still alive and shows up here now.

"Yes. That is what I am saying."

"Then who was in the car with Carrie when it crashed and burned."

"I don't know. But it always seemed strange to me that Carrie's body so untouched while the child's was so badly burned. We could identify Carrie easily enough, not the little girl."

"You know how this sounds."

"Yes I do."

"Still I guess I hope you are right. Of course you being the reason she fell off a cliff is not going to make the reunion any easier. She is not out of the woods yet."

"I know. But first things first. I need to have a DNA test done. I have to know."

"Don't know how you are going to do that."

"I have that covered. Can you give me a ride to the office."

"Of course."


Tony had been paceing back and forth for the last three hours. It was either that or find himself on the way to the police station where he knew he would do something stupid.

Abby looked up from where she was running the plate from the mystery woman's car. "Hey. Tony. Will you sit for a bit you are making me tired and dizzy."

"Sorry Abbs." He sat down. "I am just worried. It seems like he has been gone forever."

"Tony you know how these things work they will let him go when they are good and ready."

"Yea, so you get anything."

"Yep. You know the plates are from Colorado." Tony nodded.

"Yea. Well the car and plates are registered to a Jaden Cross. There is a request for change of address and registration at the DMV. She just moved here. I have her bank records pretty normal stuff. She makes and get phone calls from some pretty far off places though."

"So any idea where she lives."

"Tony the cops are going to be all over there. So tell me what happened, where this happened."

"I can't Abby, not my place."

She was about to argue when Jethro walked in. Tony had been so worried, he knew Abby knew, so he got up and meeting Jethro half way across the room he grabbed the older man and kissed him all the while his hands were making sure he was all right.

If any one but Abby or Ducky had been in the room Jethro would have stopped it then and there. It was only Abby he understood Tony's need. So he let the younger agent have his way for a few minutes. Then pulled away.

"What do you have for me." Tony not wanting to let go just yet rubbed against him. Jethro looked down at him. "Besides that."

Tony pouted a bit the backed off just before the door opened and Caite walked in.

"Bossman, I have name rank and serial number on the lady."

"Well I already know the name the cops told me, fill me in on the rest."

Abby handed the print outs she had. "Abby I have a favour to ask."

"Sure Bossman."

"Can you do a DNA test for paternity."

Abby almost fell out of her chair. "Paternity?"


"I could, if I had samples."

"Tony the evidence bag." He took the bag from Tony handed it to Abbey. I will get my DNA profile from the data base. How long with this take."

"A couple of hours."

"Good can you start now, once that is started I need you to hack in the St. Mary's Hospital and get all you can on the condition of Jaden Cross."

Ten minutes latter, Tony, Jethro and Ducky were in Ducky's office. Ducky had the same look Marcus did when Jethro told him what he suspected.

"Really Jethro, you are grasping at straws."

"Is that so. What other reason would she have to be there. It is an isolated grave. It is not like she could have been looking for someone else and got lost." Jethro leaned forward. "I feel it in my gut Ducky. This is my daughter. I know it."


"Hopefully when she wakes up she can tell us that." Jethro started to read what Abbey had found so far.

Another three hours latter, everyone was back in Abbey's lab. From the looks on Caite and Abbey's faces, the test results were positive.

"Ok Bossman. Spill it."

"This goes no further than this room."

He looked at each one in turn. Knew he did not have to say that.

"Just before the end of the school in my 18th year my girlfriend told me she was pregnant. I offered to do the right thing. She refused to marry me. I was still going to take care of her and baby. That was one of the major reasons I joined the Corp. While I was gone the she had the baby, only it was not one but twins, a girl and a boy."

Everyone just listened. "I only had a few pictures and letters. Then one day I was called into my Co's office. He told me my son was dead. I was on the next flight home. The first time I saw my son, he was in his coffin."

Caite, finally asked the question they all wanted to. "Your daughter."

"She and Carrie where gone. Carrie could not handle having two kids. She killed JL, I hope by accident and disappeared with Hanna."


"And, I spent almost 5 years looking for her. Finally I got a call. A car was found. It was Carrie and who everyone else believed was Hanna."

Abbey looked at her friend and boss. "You didn't."

"Not at first. The evidence was so great. So I tried to let it go." He looked back at his friends.

"I never even told Ducky this. Over the years I had the last picture I got aged. I have pictures of what Hanna and JL could look like from age 1-21. The woman I meet today looks likes those pictures. Abbey has just proved she is my daughter and she is alive and in St. Mary's Hospital, just out of surgery."

There was nothing anyone could say. They were all stunned. Then one of Abbey's machines beeped. Pulling them all out of their thoughts.

"Abbey I need to know how she is."

"Sure Bossman." It only took Abbey a few minutes to crack the data base of the hospital.

"Still no change, she is stable. There is a note here that her next of kin has been contacted and her medical records have been forwarded."

"Next of kin. Who."

"No name. Just a phone number."

"What's the number."

Jethro dialled the number Abbey gave him.

"Ground to Air Freight. Mike, here, how can we help you."

"I am calling about Jaden Cross."

"Is something wrong. I just got a call from the Hospital. She was fine. MalachI is on his way out there now. Did something helping."

"No. Nothing has changed. I just have a few questions."

There was a pause. "Just who are you? I have already talked to a Detective Conners out there."

"I just have few questions."

"Why don't you just fax me over some Identification. Then we can talk."

"If you would just answer the questions." Then he was talking to dead air.

"Caite. Find out everything you can about Ground to Air Freight in Denver Colorado."

"Right way."

Jethro turned to Tony. The look on his face stopped him. "Tony what's wrong."

"I think I know her."


"I think I know Jaden."

Jethro walked over to the younger man. "What do you mean you know her. When were you going to tell me."

"Easy, boss. I just figured it out an I am not sure if I am right. It is just that the pieces are falling in to place. I don't know her by her real name. I just need to check something."

"Well check it."

"Yes. Boss." Tony headed up to his desk and his computer. He was not sure which way he wanted it to go.

Twenty minutes latter he knew Jaden was Raicara. Without knowing it he had been talking to his lovers daughter for the past year on-line. The past six months they had been instant messaging each other. They had even almost meet up once. A case had keep him from meeting the group. Tony felt Jethro come up behind him.

"Jethro, she is who I thought she was."

"Who is that?" Jethro was not sure how he felt about Tony knowing Hanna/Jaden before he did.

"You remember that TV show I was into almost two years ago. The one that got cancelled and I made you buy the DVD's for me for Christmas."

"The ones you make me watch all the time."

"Yea. Well she is a fan as well. We have been talking on the message for board for almost two years, instant messaging and e-mailing off board for almost six months. You recall that trip I was going to take to Vegas. She was there. We would have meet in person if I could have made it. I know her as Raicara, she knows me as YOSAFBRIDGE's 4th."

"4th what."

"It's an inside joke. The point is, I know her and I can help you."

"Help with what?"

Tony turned in his chair. "Help with anything. I know things about her and her past. Things you need to know."

Jethro sat on the edge of Tony's looking at his young lover. "What do I need to know."

"She has had a rough time of it. Then man she knew as her father was even more of a bastard than mine. That is what we have talking about off line. Father to her is a dirty word. She would forgive you the fight and fall sooner than accept you as her father."

"How much more than yours?"

"A lot."

Jethro closed his eyes. "Dam, This is not going to be easy."

"No. I have only one piece of advice. Don't push. Let her come to you. It is not going to be easy, but this the best way to do this. I can act as go between for you if needed."

"Thanks. I will keep that in mind." Jethro stood up and started to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"To the hospital. I have to see her."

"They won't let you."

"I am her father. I have the blood work to prove it."

"Jethro that is pushing." Tony started to stand up but Jethro was moving to fast he lost him.


Malachi walked in to the hospital, looked around and found the information desk. He waited for the man behind the desk to see him.

"Can I help you?"

"I am looking for Jaden Cross, she was brought in a few hours ago."

The man looked up the information, wrote down a room number.

"Sir, there is a notation here. Are you next of kin."


"Her doctor will want to speak to you."

"I am not going anywhere. He will find me in her room."

"I will make sure he knows that."

Jethro had been standing behind the young man who asked about Jaden. So he decided to follow him. He heard the man at the information desk say her Doctor want to talk to next of kin. He was going to be there for that conversation.

Malachi was so worried about Rai he did not notice he was being followed. That was until it was brought to his attention.

Jethro rounded the corner to find Detective Conners at the nurses station. He almost turned around. " Mr. Gibbs, what are you doing here."

Malachi turned. Papa Joe had mentioned that name. The police had asked if Rai had know anyone by that name. Papa Joe and not know it, he asked the others in case they did. He was one who hurt her. Malachi turned. "I have come to see my daughter."

Conners stood up from where he was leaning on the nurses station.

"Your daughter. That is a bit of information you failed to mention when we were talking earlier."

"It was information I did not have earlier."

"When did you get it."

"About an hour ago."

MalachI stopped dead. Her father. He had a lot of nerve after what he had done if he really thought he was just going to walk in there. He planted himself in the mans path. He was not as big a Gibbs but he was not going to let this stranger near his sister.

"You have any proof of that."


"Let's see it."

"You would not understand it."

"I would. I have medical training. That is why I was the one sent. I will understand what is going on and if necessary what Rai would want to done."

"Rai?" *How many names does she have.* Jethro thought as he tried to get around the man in front of him. He finally grabbed him and moved him aside. Then scuffle started. Conners stepped in.

"Hey, reacting like that. Is what got you in this mess to start with."

It was not until a voice came from a the room they were outside. "Mal?"

MalachI pulled away, headed into the room. He stopped when he saw her on the bed for a moment. Then moved forward.

"Yea Mei-Mei. I am here. How do you feel."


"I know. How bad. Do you want something."

"No. Not that bad. Been worse." Even as she said the words she grabbed for his hand. Squeezing it.

"You just let me know."

"I will."

Conners cleared his throat. Malachi looked back at him, nodded.

"Mei-mei. If you can, there is a Detective here who wants to ask some questions about what happened."


Conners stepped forward. Jethro held back they seemed to have forgotten he was there. So he stood to one side just looking at his daughter.

"Miss Cross. I am Detective Conners. If you could, please tell me what happened earlier today."

"I'll try."

"Why don't we start with what you were doing there."

"To do that, I have go back a bit in time."

"No problem."

"About five years ago I got a bunch of legal papers that had belonged to who I thought was my father. Turns out he wasn't. Another story. In those papers were two birth certificates . For what seemed to be a set of twins. From letters and other things. I pieced out that one of those kids was me, the other was my brother. So I started to looking for him. Took me almost 5 years, but I did find him. Only thing is he was already dead."

Rai stopped. "Mal. Water." Malachi helped her sit up and drink some water.

"When ever your ready Miss."

"I arrived in town a few days ago. I went to the cemetery to see his grave. I stayed for a moment, I had some things to do. So came back a few days latter." Rai shifted a bit.

"I had not planned to stay as long as I did. I was about to leave when I heard someone tell me to freeze, ask me who I was and what I was doing there."

"I did not know if he was armed or not. So I froze. I asked which question he wanted answer first." He never answered. The next thing I knew I felt a hand on my right shoulder. I just reacted.

There was short scuffle, then my foot when down wrong. I think I hit a really wet part of the ground. Next thing I know I am falling backwards. The stranger grabs for me. Gets my jacket but, it is not done up so comes off. Then I am falling. Then nothing until I hears Mal outside the door."

By now Tony had caught up with Jethro and was standing beside him. While he would never say it out loud. He was glad to hear Rai's version was the same as his.

"The man you fought with, do you know him?"


"Did he push you."

"No. I slipped and fell."

"Do you want to press charges."


"Why not."

"Just want to go home."

"Ok. Miss. If you change you mind I am leaving my card with your." He looked up Malachi.

"Mal is my next of kin. That is all you need to know."

"Of course. I will let you rest." Conners turned saw Jethro was about to say something when Tony walked in to the room. Signalled Jethro to stay quite. He knocked on the door.

MalachI turned. "Yes."

"Hi. I am Tony. Rai would know me YOSAFBRIDGE's 4th."

Rai smiled. "4th, what are you doing here. How?"

"Rai, I need you hear me out."


"I was at the cemetery. I saw you fall. Course I didn't know it was you then. I found that out latter."

"You were there?" Rai looked toward his voice. "Why were you there."

"You recall the guy I told you about." He looked at Jethro. "The one you told to just jump him. If it didn't work out I could hide in Colorado with you."

"Yea." Rai was starting to figure out where this was going. She wanted to hear him say it.

"Well, the grave at the top of hill, was his son's. He goes every week. Sometimes I go with him. I been up there once. Mostly I just wait at the car."

"I see. Where is he."

"Hanna." Jethro started to move forward.


"That is what your mother called you." Rai could hear him getting closer. She gripped Mal's hand harder.

"Don't come any closer. Stay there." Jethro stopped moving.

"That name was on the birthcertifcate, the only name he wanted me to answer to is Jaden, I prefer to called Raicara or Rai for short."

"Ok. What ever." He took a step forward. Saw her tense up. So he stopped.

"I am sorry about what happened. You surprised me. You did something to the headstone. I was not able to protect him, or you when you were babies. I was not going to let anyone harm his grave now."

"I was not harming it."

"What was that I saw."

"It was poppet, made with things for protection. I have given one to all the boys. I wanted to keep him safe as well. It was not meant to harm anything."

"Didn't know that." There was an uncomfortable silence.

"You know my name. What is yours."

"You don't know."

"No. The space for Father's name on the birth certificate was whited out on both."

"Oh." Must have been why she looked for her brother first.

"Jethro Gibbs."

"Leroy your middle name."


"So he was named after you." Jethro took another step forward.

"I know you must be tired and this is a lot to take in. I really want to explain my side of things. If you would just give me a chance."

"I am tired. Could we do this latter."

Jethro did not want to go. He had this feeling if he let her out of his sight she would be gone again. He was about to say something when Tony touched his arm and looked at him. Mouthed,* don't push*.

"Ok. I'll come back latter. Take it easy, get better." Taking one last look Jethro let Tony lead him out of the room.

Jethro stopped halfway down the hall. Turned started to go back. Tony grabbed his arm.

"I am afraid if I leave, she will be gone again."

"Jethro. I can tell you right now that is what is going to happen. You have to let it."

"Let it. I lost her once. I am not going to loose her again."

"You are not going to loose her. You have to let her do this her way. It won't be like last time. She is going to go back to Colorado. I am still going to be talking her on the board and off. I will plead your case for you. You just have to trust me."

"Tony. I was only 18 the first time I lost her. All I had then was a picture. It almost killed me then. I have seen her now, heard her voice. I can recall everything you have said about her over the past two years. I loose her this time it will kill me."

Tony moved forward. Not caring who saw them. He reached out taking Jethro's face in his hands. "You are not going to loose her, you just have to let go for awhile longer. You know she is alive. This time you are not alone. I am here, I will be here the whole way." They walked out of the hospital.


For the next week Jethro went with Tony when he visited Rai. He stayed back just watching and listening. While he wanted more, this was more than he had, had before. In that week Tony got Rai to tell him what happened.

Carrie had hooked up with a man with a daughter the same age as Hanna. A few months after, Jaden died and Carrie tried to leave. Jacob, killed Carrie, set the car with her and his dead daughter on fire. Started calling Hanna Jaden.

Which explained why they never found her. They were looking for a single woman and her daughter not a couple with two kids and after that a single father with his daughter. When Rai was 14 Jacob was arrested she was sent to the first of several foster homes.

She finally ended up at Poppa Joe's and Mamma Maria's. There she found a home and family with them and the Brother's Grimm: Malachi, Mike, St. John, and Curt. Each of which stopped by the hospital while Rai was there. The five of them ran Ground to Air freight.

Then it happened. They walked in to find the room empty. It hit Jethro like a blow. He looked around like he could not believe what he was seeing. He had know it was coming. They had been talking about her going back to Colorado, to finish healing up. Still not to be told she was going hurt. He felt a hand on his back.

"Don't worry. She will be back."

"I hope so." Jethro turned and walked out. Tony drove them home and left him down with his boat the rest of the night. He also hoped she would be back. Because if she did not come back and Jethro blamed him, he was going to loose the best thing that had happened to him.



Caite watched as Jethro and Tony walked into the office. On the surface everything seemed normal. There was tension there. She was sure Tony had not mentioned Rai in almost two weeks that she was the cause of the tension.

Jethro turned on his computer and waited for it boot up. He was drinking his coffee and looking through his phone messages and reports that had gathered on his desk the night before. Once his machine was running he opened his e-mail up and stared to go through the messages. He stopped and started at one for almost two minutes before he could open it.

First off ease off on Tony. His has been driving me nuts trying to get me to talk to you. So I am talking to you. This is not easy for me. If things don't work out, you better not take it out on Tony. He is a good friend and good man. Right now if I had a to chose it would be him.

I am going to be in town next week. I can stay for weekend. So I was thinking we could meet for lunch or something to start with and see how things go from there.

Reply to the above address. We can work out the details.

Jaden Cross (Raicara)



"Yea Boss."

"I need an e-mail address added to my address book."

"Boss, I have showed you a dozen times how do to that."

"Dinnozo, just do it."

He got up from his desk and waited for Tony to sit down. He waited for Tony to read the mail and see the address. He looked up and smiled.

"Told you so."

Jethro smacked his head. "Just add the address. Then get back to work."

"Yes Boss."



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author raicara.
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