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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

All I want for you


Website: no
Permission to archive: Yes
Fandom(s): NCIS
Genre: pre-slash
Pairing/Characters: G/D
Summary: Tony gets his Christmas wish
Warnings: spew and sap, and a couple of cusswords and oh yeah, slight spoilers for Model Behavior
Notes: Just Merry Christmas!!
Acknowledgments: For Capecodgirl
Submitted through the NavyNCISslash2 and NavyNCISslash mailing list.

Work Text:

All I want for you
by Belladonna

Tony walked in with the folder in his hand, pretty damn pleased with himself. He started over to Gibbs desk, when suddenly an enraged Gibbs was right in front of him.

"DiNozzo! What have I told you about flirting on the job? The Chief of Staff of the CNO isn't laid splayed open on Ducky's table just so you can indulge your obsessive need for a woman's attention!"

Confused, Tony opened his mouth and shook his head, "But Boss, I haven't..."

"Don't lie to me!" Gibbs snarled. "You screw up again and your pink slip will be on your desk! Now move!"

McGee looked over at Ziva who was staring open-mouthed at what had just happened. He caught her confused eye and shrugged that he didn't know what was going on either.


Abby took off her headphones and was about to take a big swig of caffpow when suddenly she heard violent vomiting in her restroom. Confused, and a little pissed at the liberties someone was taking in ~her~ bathroom, she flung open the door to give them a piece of her mind when she realized it was Tony.

"Tony? Are you okay?" she winced as she listened to him heave again, and went to the sink to get a Dixie cup filled with water. She rubbed his shaking back and when he was finished she flushed and gave him the water, watching his with hawk eyes as he rinsed and spit, then drank the rest down.

"Thanks, Abs," he said hoarsely.

"Sure thing. What's going on, Tony?" Abby took in his pallor and the fact that his big hazel eyes were filled with hurt.

"Gibbs accused me of not doing my job. He said I was flirting while Commander Iverson's body was in Ducky's morgue, and when I told him I wasn't, he accused me of lying," Tony heaved in an unsteady breath. "I haven't flirted with anyone on the job in forever, Abs. I mean, not seriously, not since I realized..." he trailed off and sighed tiredly.

Abby knew why he'd stopped. She'd discovered a couple of months before that Tony had fallen hard for their Boss man. It had been an unwelcome revelation for a man who had been Ohio State's ~Love Machine~, and what was worse, Gibbs had been married three times and was obviously totally straight.

"Ah honey, I'm so sorry. Listen, I'll take the report up to Gibbs." She picked it up off of the floor when he'd dropped it. "You head on home, watch some mindless TV. Tomorrow will be better."

Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, and all that Tony knew was that he'd never get what he wanted most for Christmas. A snarky, caffeine addicted former Marine.

"No, I'd better..."

"Go. I'll get Ducky to tell Gibbs that you were sick. I'm an unimpeachable witness."

"Thanks, Abby. I'll see you in the morning," Tony said, getting to his feet a bit unsteadily.

Abby watched him with troubled eyes, taking in the defeated set to his shoulders. She called Ducky quickly and explained the situation and then she took the folder and marched to the elevator. She had a bone to pick with one Jethro Gibbs.


Gibbs was still fuming when he came back from his meeting with the Director. She was after him to fire Tony. He still winced to see that beaten puppy dog look when he'd yelled at him, but damn it, the case was getting colder and Tony's wild hormones were more hindrance than a help. It was just the other day he'd had to pull Tony away from those wannabe Marine bimbos. A hard punch to the shoulder made him yelp and glare at his lab tech.

"What the hell? What did you do that for, Abby?" he complained as he rubbed it. She punched hard for a little thing.

"Because you're an idiot! Tony hasn't been flirting at all, you moron! He was working with me all afternoon and he'd found some new leads from the evidence collected." She waved the folder in his face, which Gibbs belatedly realized was the one Tony had been carrying earlier.

Suddenly it all dropped into place. Jen being a witch anytime Tony was around, her insisting on him firing the younger agent for bad conduct. Somehow she'd figured out that he was attracted to DiNozzo and was doing her best to get rid of the younger agent. Damn her.

"You should be shot. Tony was downstairs upchucking his cookies," Abby slapped his chest with the folder and he grabbed it before it could fall. "Fix it or we're going to lose him," she scowled at him then whirled, her lab coat snapping as she headed to the elevator.

"Is he okay?" he called after her belatedly.

"Like you care," Abby snorted.


The elevator door opened and she eyed him narrowly, seeing honest concern and another emotion she couldn't define. "Ducky sent him home." And she stepped in, letting the doors close.



Gibbs stormed into the MTAC, ignoring the surprised looks as he strode up to the cool redhead. "We need to talk, Jen."

"I'm in the middle of something, Jethro," she hissed.

"Now," he growled. He turned and nodded to the FBI agent who was watching with big eyes. "Excuse us for a moment," then he took the Director's arm and practically dragged her out of the MTAC, her heels tapping double time to keep up with Gibb's long stride.

"Agent Gibbs!" she screeched once outside, but was ignored. "Jethro!" she snapped when he practically threw her into her office.

"Jen, if you pull another stunt like that I'm going to resign," Gibbs said seriously, his voice tight with anger.

Stiffly brushing her sleeves, Sheppard didn't meet his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't appreciate being manhandled."

"You play in a man's world, Jen. Get used to it," Gibbs snapped back. "And you know what I'm speaking about. What you did was despicable, and if Agent DiNozzo resigns he'd have the right to sue us."

Jen glared back at him. "And that would be such a loss."

Genuinely taken aback, Gibbs could only shake his head. "If you'd get your jealous head out of your ass you would've read his records and seen that he's an exceptional agent, head and shoulders above you, by the way. I ~trust~ him."

Stunned by this unexpected attack, Sheppard stared at her ex lover in surprise. "You'd pick him over me?"

"In a heartbeat. You need to get your priorities straight, Director, because if Tony goes then I go. I can get a job anywhere, Fornell's offered more than once. And don't think that Ducky or Abby will stay either if you continue on this path you're on, remember Chip?" He saw the rage in her eyes and shook his head, "Keep it up and your credibility within the intelligence community will be shot, Jen," and he strode out, then stopped and looked back at her. "By the way, I'd fire whoever did your hair. It sucks," he shut the door behind him and grinned as he heard something heavy and breakable slam into the door.


Tony lay on his couch, watching ESPN classic football highlights. It spoke of his mood that he wasn't picking apart every play. He sighed and rolled on his side, staring unseeingly at the flickering screen, his mind going over why suddenly a job that he'd loved had suddenly become a chore. Actually, he did know why, and he could pinpoint it to one person. Madame Director. He snickered. The name Abby had bestowed on the witch had stuck, and it was rewarding to use it and see her head spin like in the Exorcist.

"DiNozzo!" Gibbs yell through the door made him jump. There was thunderous knocking. "Let me in."

Who does he think he is? The fucking big bad wolf? "No," he called back, a little alarmed at his rebellion.

No? Gibbs mouthed in surprise. His shoulders slumped slightly and he placed a palm on the oak door. "Please, there are some things I need to say to you."

Gibbs said please. Tony involuntarily glanced over at the window, wondering if hell had frozen over while he'd been watching T.V. He moved over to the door and leaned against it, wanting to open the door but feeling betrayed. "You can tell me through the door," he said firmly.

"Tony," Gibbs began and sighed. "I'm sorry. I was wrong and I shouldn't have said what I did without finding out the facts." He listened hard for a long moment, and then heard the sound of the locks being undone and the door opened to reveal a pale looking Tony. "Are you okay?" he asked as he walked into the apartment.

"I'm fine," Tony lied, shrugging off the headache he'd had all day. "And just for the record, I ~wasn't~ flirting today," he moved by Gibbs and went into the kitchen. "Beer?"

Gibbs sighed. "Yeah," he replied. He glanced around, noticing the small Christmas tree on the entertainment center and the presents underneath and a couple of envelopes tied on. Curious, he walked over and peered at them, wondering which girl was sending Tony presents and hating himself for the surge of jealousy. It wasn't like he had any right to Tony.

"They're from Ducky and Abby," Tony said from behind him.

Gibbs, former bad ass Marine suppressed his start of surprise with difficulty. He turned around and took the offered beer, his eyes checking his agent over in concern. Tony had been sick on and off since he'd been infected with Y pestis and wasn't as strong as he thought he was, which made Gibbs crazy with worry.

"What?" Tony asked defensively.

Gibbs hated himself for putting that look in Tony's eyes, for deepening that lack of self confidence, and threw caution to the wind. He stepped right up to Tony and cupped his face with his left hand, his blue eyes looking into Tony's, letting everything that he'd kept buttoned up shine through.

"I'm not especially good with words, DiNozzo. Ask my three ex's, so I want to say this right," he looked down for a moment from those beautiful hazel eyes, then back up, meeting Tony's puzzled gaze squarely. "I love you Anthony DiNozzo. I'm a bastard and I've got nothing to recommend me except my lack of interpersonal skills and a big unfinished boat in my basement, but I hope you'll give me a chance."

Tony was speechless. He was fucking getting his impossible Christmas present, and he was getting it early! And he literally couldn't speak. When he saw his boss's eyes dull at his lack of response, he placed a hand on the back of Gibbs' neck and yanked him forward in a searing kiss.

Gibbs stood frozen for a long moment, then Tony's tongue demanded entrance and he was treated to the best kiss he'd ever had, heat and wet, Tony's flavor overlaid with beer, and it was fantastic.

Both men had to pull back and pant, trying to catch their breath, and Tony smiled, the joy in his eyes making Gibbs catch his breath. "I love you too."


It was later as they sat in front of the fireplace and talked quietly, when Tony blinked and got up. Gibbs watched as his soon to be lover walked over to his Christmas tree and took one of the envelopes off of it. He came back and settled himself between Gibb's legs, stroking the envelope with a long finger before tossing it into the flames.

"What was that?" Gibbs asked as he pressed a kiss to Tony's firewarmed cheek, enjoying the play of firelight that made the hazel eyes blaze.

Tony snuggled back. "We used to write our Christmas wishes in a letter and put them on the tree. On Christmas the envelopes would be gone, and Santa Claus, also known as Babbo Natale would leave us presents."

Gibbs understood and pressed another kiss against Tony's cheek because he could. "And you've already got me for Christmas."

Tony turned his head and their lips met in a tender kiss. "Yeah, all I wanted for Christmas was you." \\\

Merry Christmas to all!!