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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Under The Mistletoe


AU: Marcus is the Green Knight in King Arthur's round table and Neroon is the mysterious King of Grey Isle whom he meets under the mistletoe. Thanks goes out to Melaine for being the best beta out there.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter Text

Under The Mistletoe
By Lady Q

It is near the end of the year of our Lord, 1344 as Sir Marcus of Cole sat
at the round table of his King, Arthur Pendragon.

He along with the rest of Arthur's knights were waiting on Arthur and King
Neroon of Grey Isle to arrive and sign the peace treaty on the eve of

The War between Arthur and his nephew, the traitorous Mordred was heating up
and both sides had many losses. Arthur ,with advice from Merlin, purposed to
start an alliance between England and the mysterious Grey Isle. Marcus'
thoughts drifted to a year ago, when the King had come to assassinate Arthur
due to lies that were told to him by Mordred. Fate had seen otherwise, and
had sent a vision of the coming of King Neroon to Merlin. Merlin had chosen
the Green Knight to defend their throne against the Grey King, who was
rumored to be as strong as an ox, swift as an elk and so powerful that it
was told that he could control the elements.

Sir Marcus of Cole,called the Green Knight because he came from the island
of Eire, was surprised at Merlin's choice. However, he accepted, knowing
that he would not survive the coming fight. He had nothing to lose though
for all he had loved had passed on into Heaven leaving him as the last
surviving Chief of his clan. So he took up his sword and bid his last
goodbyes and went to fight the Grey King. He found him in the Enchanted
Woods not far from the grounds of Camelot. As their sharp blades clashed
against each other in the darken woods, Marcus cried out as felt Neroon's
fist smash against his side and break three of his ribs. As he gasped on the
hard ground, he watched the Grey King raise his sword in the air. Knowing
he was going to die, he gave out one last cry for strength.

Why?" the Grey King demanded as he looked down at Marcus. "Why ? Pride?
Duty? You fight well and brave, but you must have known you couldn't win. So

"For Arthur, For his people, For England. In the Lord's name," Marcus cried
out as he closed his eyes and waited for the final blow. Silence greeted him
when he realized that nothing was happening. He opened eyes and looked up
into the shocked brown eyes of the Grey King. Marcus was amazed as he
watched the Grey King slowly lower his blade to the ground and then angrily
turn around and strode off back into the woods and away from Camelot.

Since then it had been a year since he had seen or heard of the mysterious
King. That was until last month when Merlin once more came to him with a
missive to invite the King to Camelot to celebrate Nicholas with them and to
begin peace negations. He personally carried the Arthur's message across the
sea to reach the island that was forever covered in a grey mist, giving its
name the Grey Isle. There in the center of the isle he found a large grey
castle that had four large towers built on each of its corners and a moat
filled with sharks circling around it