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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Standing Sentinel


CATEGORIES: Alternate Universe
SUMMARY: In the future Sentinels and Guides are a commodity, and they are rare, especially Guides, where even criminal ones are not killed because they can still be used as temporary Guides. This is the story of a Sentinel and his temporary Guide.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own them, they own me. Well Pet Fly owns them anyway.
Submitted through the SenseXangstRevisited mailing list.

Chapter 1: Page 1

Chapter Text

Standing Sentinel
by Fyrbyrd

"Hence away now all is well, one aloof stand sentinel"
~ William Shakespeare


He's magnificent, don't you think," gushed the woman as she slid her hands over the bare chest of the man before her.

"If you say so Commissioner," answered the younger man, not at all perturbed by her behavior. She stepped away from the well built man dressed only in form fitting grey pants, "Well he cost us a fortune. I only hope the expense will be worth it in the end."

"Madam?" he questioned not understanding.

"Do you know what he is?"

"No Madam."

Once again she slid her hand over the man's chest, "Do you know what type of people the department is allowed to acquire?"

"You mean he's a... a Sentinel?"

She smiled, "Yes. That rare and elusive creature. Hard to believe he was so near all this time."

"Near, madam?"

"Yes, he was only discovered recently. Thought he was going crazy, had himself checked out and the discovery was made. And best of all, he doesn't have to be trained; he was a cop in Cascade believe it or not. That's where we'll base him when we have control of him."

The young man had no idea about what she was saying.

"Don't you know anything?" she said seeing his confusion. "Okay, Sentinels are rare, so when they are found, the Government ruled that they be classed differently. They are perfect for crime fighting, amongst other things; normally this would have been picked up at a young age. I don't know how he slipped through the system, and frankly I don't care, he's our's now. We have to get him a guide, and that's proving to be difficult."

"How so madam?"

"The only available qualified guide is off planet. So that is your job. Find me a temp guide, one that can fill in for four months."

"Yes madam." He hurried from the room, leaving her to admire her Sentinel.


Michael Harridan sat at his desk going over information on his screen. He had called up all he could on the Sentinel first.

James Ellison had been a Ranger, had served in things he could not get information on, his last mission being in South America, a country once called Peru. The mission had gone sour and he had survived alone for eighteen months, helped by the usually unapproachable natives. They protected what was left of their lives, what little jungle they had left, usually killing any interlopers, but Ellison they had helped until his own people came for him.

Then he had quit the Rangers and gone into law enforcement, starting as a Vice cop, then in Major crimes as a lone wolf after his partner had died. Something happened on one of his cases, something had brought out his Sentinel abilities which may have already been awakened in Peru. A man with five enhanced senses. And now here he was the property of NALE - North American Law Enforcement.

Sentinels were perfect for certain types of jobs, and therefore once they were identified by their gene code as a Sentinel, they were taken for special training, beginning with military training from a young age. In the late 22nd century they had no idea of their true position in life, perhaps because their lives were so controlled. They were slaves nonetheless, though no one had the guts to say it out loud.

Crime still existed, wars still broke out, and those kinds of things still could not be changed by altering genes. So when enhanced people were discovered, they were carefully groomed as protectors, defenders. Nurtured in controlled environments, never knowing anything else. Still, Ellison was different, he had slipped through the DNA coding somehow, probably something to do with his highly placed family, his father was a very wealthy man, and his brother was also a wealthy businessman, both well connected to the Government. It seemed that James Ellison had chosen a different path away from his family. But even that could not save him from what he was now, held in stasis until a Guide could be found for him.

A Guide was a rare individual. They were always highly intelligent with a rare talent for being able to connect with and ground a Sentinel, to give them the focus they needed to survive. While the Sentinel was enhanced outwardly, it seemed a Guide was enhanced inwardly, they were intuitive, empathic, brilliant, they needed grounding too. Their focus saved them from madness, which in turn saved a Sentinel from the same thing, but in a different way. Two halves of a whole. Guides were also trained when they were discovered, though they were harder to trace. They too were forced into a controlled environment until they could be placed with a Sentinel and then make a formidable team.

Harridan checked into the database and got another surprise, there was a temp Guide nearby - a Guide that was available temporarily. And that Guide was Blair Sandburg; he was just outside the city of Cascade where NALE wanted to establish their new Sentinel. He could never be a full Guide now, not in Starkville Prison, he was a man serving life for murder.

He hurried to inform the Commissioner, she was probably still in the room with the Sentinel She was pleased with the information, a temp Guide they could have full control of was even better.


They dragged Blair in and pushed him to his knees in front of the Police Commissioner.

She looked down at him, "This was the only one available?"

"Yes ma'am. The only qualified Guide in the northwest. He is also a lifer from Starkville prison. A serial killer."

"I didn't kill anyone."

The prisoner was kicked by his guard.

"That's what they all say," said the Commissioner "Very well, we'll see how he works with Ellison. Have a tracking collar fitted, one with a punishment unit built in. And have him dressed in identifying coveralls, also with the punishment unit built in."

They dragged their prisoner out.

She walked back into where her prize waited. She would deactivate the stasis unit and they would try him with the Guide. She stood and watched him as he slowly awoke from the stasis that was keeping him alive. "Welcome back Sentinel Ellison. I am Commissioner Warren you have been acquired by the North American Law Enforcement."

"I have no Guide," he answered.

"We have found one; we will introduce you in a moment."

"A Guide? Here? I had been told that there were none in the Northwest."

"There was one, perhaps below our standards, but because of this we can acquire him easily."

The Sentinel eyed her quizzically.

"He is a life term prisoner from Starkville."

"Prison scum."

She nodded.

He did not look pleased, but then he wasn't there to be pleased.

There was a knock at the door.


The guards came in with the prisoner between them. He was still in chains on his arms and legs connected to the belt around his waist. But now he wore an orange coverall and a thick collar around his neck. He was not a tall man and had shoulder length brown curly hair. He was young, and seemed to be very sad.

"How long has he been in prison," asked Ellison.

"Thirteen months."

"Not completely broken yet, are you?" he continued this time to the prisoner.

The man bowed his head.

'They were getting close though, weren't they?' he thought to himself. The man was pretty; there would be no doubt that he would have been a target from the moment he got there, now he was to be his temp Guide. He only hoped the kid could handle it considering the fact that it was only temporary, then he'd be going back to prison.

Normally a serial killer would get the death sentence, any murderer would. But this man was a Guide, rare as they were, even a corrupt Guide was not put to death. Life imprisonment was kept for them, making them available for unbonded Sentinels and research purposes.

There was another knock at the door and a man in a white lab coat entered. "I'm Doctor McCoy from the Sentinel Institute. I'm here to see to the temporary bonding of Sentinel Ellison. I also have to fit his identity collar."

"Very good. What do you need Dr. McCoy?" asked the Commissioner.

"A private room, preferably soundproof and distraction free."

"We had a Sentinel room made for us, will that do?" she said in a frivolous tone.

The doctor ignored her, "Perfectly."

She nodded to the guards to escort Blair and Jim to the room.

Once there Dr. McCoy ordered the removal of Blair's chains, then ushered the Sentinel and Guide inside. The guards wanted to follow, but he politely shut them out. The room was a pleasant blue color, furnished with a pair of comfortable sofas and a small table.

"I would like to have the collar put on you before we begin, Sentinel Ellison."

Jim glared at him; this was definitely something he did not want. The doctor understood, after all, he had been the one to diagnose Jim as a Sentinel. And knowing that the man had gone from full freedom to being someone's property would anger anyone.

He nodded stiffly and sat when motioned to. The doctor picked up the collar and put it around Jim's neck, then locked it into place.

"The stealth button is here," he pointed and Jim followed, touching it. The collar seemed to disappear. He touched it again and it reappeared.

"Very good, you were listening. Stealth is only for when you are working. You don't want to be hooked up to recharging all the time, it can be boring. Now to begin. I know this is going to be difficult, most Sentinels your age have been bonded to a Guide half their lives. Not that there are that many of you. So you have to be taught as a beginner. I know you had the orientation courses before you were placed in stasis and that was only a week ago. I hope you remember them. Then of course we have to go through this with a temporary Guide. It's only been done once as far as I know, because a Guide died. This will be different, your temp was also a late bloomer, fell through the cracks like you did. But he has had the training, it is only a pity his talents made him a murderer."

"I never killed anyone," Jim heard the whispered cry from the miserable Guide. It sounded like he'd used that line thousands of times and no one ever heard him. Somehow it disturbed the Sentinel. He knew nothing about this man who was to be his temporary Guide; he knew nothing about the crime he committed. But there was something...

"With a full time Guide, the bond would bind you together until death; we will not be using that here. Instead we will use the methods used by the first Guides using their touch and voice to help ground you, Sentinel. From what I understand, this Guide has had the required implant to control his empathic talent, but he still has a quick mind and will be able to do what is required of him."

"I was told that I could ask questions about any Guide I might be assigned," said Jim.

"That is true."

"Then I want to know all about him before I allow him to be my Guide."

"But Sentinel, if you do not take him you will have to wait four months for another."

"I was a cop. I always like to know what I'm getting into."

"Very well. I will have them take you to a terminal that's the best way to learn about him."

The doctor rose and led Jim to the door. The guards were still outside and one was ordered to take Jim to the terminal. The doctor looked back at the Guide who sat unmoving on the sofa. Maybe it would be a good thing if the Sentinel did chose not to take him on.

Jim sat at a private computer terminal, "All records, Blair Sandburg."

"Searching... Completed. Blair Jacob Sandburg, born May 24, 2169, Stonehaven Communal Project. Mother Naomi Sandburg. Father, unknown, no matching DNA in database. . Numerous educational facilities listed, always above level scores registered. Mother opposed genetic testing despite this, entered college at age 16, received Bachelors and Masters before turning to a Doctoral degree in Anthropology, specifically in Sentinel Studies. To supplement income, he applied to be a teaching fellow which requires genetic testing. Tested as Guide with high scores in all mental tests. Taken to Sentinel Institute for Guide training where he accelerated in all aspects. Training interrupted when accused of murder in the first degree of Shelley Dovers, Michaela D'Angelo, Terri Sands, Enrica Solo, Kharen Mitchell and Elise Brookhaven. Found guilty on all counts despite pleading not guilty. Sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment because of Guide status. Currently residing in Starkville prison pending Temporary Guide requirement. Has two limiter implants, otherwise is physically fit. Described as depressive to the point of suicide risk. Prison record: Hospitalized thirteen times, twelve incidences of rape including five incidents of pack rape. One incidence of injury, stab wound to upper thigh. Punishment section: 2 incarcerations, Isolation section: 4 incarcerations, all information Classified. Current period of incarceration thirteen months, prisoner maintains that he is innocent."

Jim pondered the Classified Punishment section, something knocked at his brain, but he couldn't think what it was. Once long ago he might have been able to access it, but not now. He did get the feeling it was not good, and on top of that the rapes, he had been right there. He had once gone undercover into Starkville and at night you knew what was going on in the small cells even without enhanced hearing. And there had been a riot at the Prison five month's previous involving prisoners killing and raping. No doubt Blair had been caught up in that, he'd probably been lucky you survive.

Jim got up and met his guard at the door, together they returned to the Sentinel room. The doctor was waiting.

"Would I be allowed to speak with him alone?"

"I can let you be alone, but the room is monitored at all times."

"That's okay; I only want to know a bit about him without anyone else around where he might not talk."

Dr. McCoy nodded and left the room. Jim turned around to face the Guide.

"I read your file. It says you murdered six women. All University students just like you; all of them had contact with you, either in your classes or at your classes. All of them were beautiful young women and you drowned them and tied a yellow scarf around their necks."

The Guide never raised his head, "No... No I didn't. I knew them yes, but I never killed them. I swear I was set up."

"By whom?"

"I don't know," his head shot up making eye contact at last. "I really don't know. Someone who was jealous of me, wanted me out of the way. But who that could be I don't know."

"You were the top of all your classes in Guide school. You were to be a teacher at the University before they took you away. Maybe that was your way of getting back at them for taking you away."

Blair shook his head, "Get real man. What do you want from me?"

"I need a Guide I can trust and you are prison scum."

"They said if I failed in this that I would be sent back to the Punishment Section." His eyes locked on Jim's. "I do not want to go back there ever again. I will do whatever I have to do and that includes Guiding you. If I succeed then I will have privileges on my return. Do you know what privileges are? I get to be a cell on my own, one I don't have to leave at exercise period, only at meals, where I can be s... be alone." His eyes fell to the ground again.

Jim nodded, the man wanted to be safe from the predators when they sent him back. He went to the door and let Dr McCoy back in.

"All set. Then we shall test your skills with this Guide's help."
