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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Charlie and Colby have so much more than an ordinary existence.

Work Text:

Title: Existence
Author: Prinzessin
Permission to archive: yes, to WWOMB
Fandom(s): Numb3rs
Genre (general, hetero or slash) slash
Pairing/Characters: Charlie/Colby
Rating: FRT
Summary: Charlie and Colby have so much more than an ordinary existence.
Notes: If you recognize it, I don't own it.

Colby was in bed, on his back, one hand behind his head. He stared up at the ceiling, but wasn't really staring at it. His mind was elsewhere. The room was filled with light and he didn't mind. The window was wide open and the night had been chilly, so a blanket was necessary. The other man in the bed was curled in him, his arm around his lover. His hand gently went through soft curls. His lover's hand was under his T-shirt, hand resting on his abdomen. Neither had to get up for anything, both having a free day to sleep in.

The previous night was spent kissing, talking, holding, and more kissing. The kissing and talking didn't stop even after they reached the comfortable and warm confines of the bed. Colby was the first to get in bed, but Charlie wasn't far behind. Sharing the bed had all but suddenly gone from a bit awkward for both men to almost natural.

"Do you think they'll understand?" Charlie asked early on.

"Your family? Yes, I think they will. Mine? Not a chance."

Charlie lifted his head from Colby's chest, looking at the sad expression on his lover's face. Charlie had often wondered about Colby's family, but never asked. He knew it was a sensitive subject.

They talked about how they hated keeping their relationship a secret, about how they knew Don had his suspicions, about what would happen if they ever came out. And they knew it was more like a when and not an if.

They worked out a balance between showing each other affection and keeping quiet. Both had their reasons for silence, but both needed an out from so much secrecy. They dreamed of a world where they didn't have to hide, didn't have to lie, didn't have to be so damned careful.

Sleep soon came, claiming Charlie first. The warmth and comfort that Colby offered was most welcome, although he'd never had it before. Colby was awake for a little while longer, too many thoughts were racing through his mind.

Colby woke to the feeling of light movement on his torso. He looked down to see that Charlie was drawing or writing something on his stomach. And he was not about to let on that he was a little ticklish there. He simply took Charlie's hand and brought it up to his lips, where he kissed the palm.

"G'morning," Charlie mumbled with a smile.

"Morning," Colby answered softly.

"What were you doing?"

Charlie launched into an explanation about a theory that Colby had never heard of. But that didn't stop him from letting Charlie ramble on. He just soaked in all that was Charlie.

"Got it?" Charlie asked, hopefully.

"Of course not," Colby answered, grinning.

Charlie tried to pout, but couldn't keep himself from laughing. They stayed there for a while longer, until Colby mentioned something about food. Charlie was first on his feet, saying he'd take the first shower, and get breakfast while Colby showered and dressed. Charlie rose, earning a groan from his love.

The bed was still warm from the other occupant who was currently in the shower. He moved one arm, blindly reaching for the other pillow.

Still smelled good, familiar.

Charlie came out of the bathroom, drying off his hair as he walked to the bed. He sat, then leaned over and kissed Colby deeply.

"What do you want for breakfast?"


Charlie narrowed his eyes a bit. "To eat, I mean."

Colby's eyes lit up and he opened his mouth, only to have Charlie put a hand over it.

"Never mind, I know what you like," Charlie said, removing his hand to kiss Colby again.

Colby didn't move until he heard the door to the apartment being unlocked, opened and then shut again.

Charlie wasn't back when Colby got out of the shower. He used the time to make the bed and pick up the room. Once done, he went into the small living room where he turned the stereo on, playing a slower song while musing on the nature of his relationship with Charlie Eppes. While musing, he took a mug out for himself, knowing the Charlie preferred his fancy coffee drink in the cup provided.

Charlie came back in a few minutes later, balancing two small white paper bags on two cups of coffee. Colby took the bags and set them on the counter, Charlie putting the coffees nearby.

"It was crazy there," Charlie said, reaching around to take a couple small plates from the cabinet.

"It's a midweek morning," Colby replied.

They ate their breakfast in between their conversations and bantering. It was a good relationship; each loved and supported the other. It was comfortable, warm, fun, caring and bright. It was not something they wanted to lose or otherwise have taken from them. It was something they wanted to share, to let others see how happy they were.

"I'm going to tell my dad tonight," Charlie said apprehensively.

They were situated in the living room, sitting next to each other on the sofa. Charlie bit his bottom lip while watching Colby for his reaction, which did not come immediately. Charlie could almost see Colby thinking through everything, including people's reactions and the repercussions.

With a deep breath, Colby nodded and said, "Go for it."


"Go for it."

"You're serious?"

"I'm serious," Colby answered, with a finality to his voice that almost caught Charlie off-guard.

Charlie nearly jumped off the couch, though he did jump into Colby's lap. He brought his hands up to his lover's face, then leaned in for a kiss.

"We'll be just fine," Charlie said.

"I know."