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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



A little nonsensical piece set during the Doctor’s Fifth incarnation. The frazzled doctor seeks a moment of blissful solitude with the intention of settling into his latest regeneration, but his inquisitive young companion has other plans.

Work Text:

Title: Shambles
Author: Poodle
Rating: PG
Series: Doctor Who (5th incarnation.)
Summary: A little nonsensical piece set during the Doctor's Fifth incarnation. The frazzled doctor seeks a moment of blissful solitude with the intention of settling into his latest regeneration, but his inquisitive young companion has other plans.

Author's notes: I've got to warn you, I've no idea if any of these ancient stories have any redeeming qualities whatsoever, but I couldn't resist digging them up when I saw an empty category in the archive. Hopefully, some *real* Doctor Who authors will post their stories in the future. Or, maybe, we'll be lucky once the New series launches, and we'll see a resurgence of fan-fic written for this wonderful old classic with a modern twist.


By Poodle~

The Doctor sat alone in his study.

Desiring the comfort of isolation, he'd withdrawn from his three companions and settled into a bit of, long-neglected, "catch-up" work.

The solid oak desk before him was littered haphazardly with books, maps, and notes. His fawn frock coat had been tossed with nonchalant ease across a straight-backed chair, and the first few buttons of his shirt were casually undone.

His blond head was bent in leisurely study, and upon his nose were perched a pair of wire framed spectacles. The glasses struck an odd contrast to his otherwise youthful appearance.

Alone, at last, he could be himself, and perhaps, just perhaps, begin to grow accustomed to his most recent regeneration.

The Doctor sighed contentedly, relishing the opportunity to involve himself in simple concentration. In fact, so absorbed was he in his endeavors that he failed to perceive the presence of Adric, who stood framed in the doorway.

"Doctor, are you busy?"

The Doctor gave a start. "Of course, I'm busy." He responded a tad testy.

But the boy was not put off by the Doctor's tone. "I was thinking perhaps we could play a game of chess?" He suggested, hopefully.

"Not now, Adric...later." He was not yet willing to relinquish his hard sought freedom.

Still the boy lingered.

The Doctor fixed him with a penetrating stare. "Don't you think you'd best be running along?"

"Perhaps, we could talk..." Adric persisted, nearing the desk and flopping into a chair; inadvertently, the chair he chose contained the Doctor's jacket.


Realizing his mistake, the boy quickly leaped to his feet and smoothed the wrinkles from the garment as the Doctor looked on.

Having completed the task, he carefully placed the jacket on an opposite chair then regained his seat.

The Doctor's irritation rose. Leaning forward, he pushed his slipping spectacles back further onto his nose and peered at the youth with intense blue eyes.

"I really am *quite* busy."

"Perhaps, for just a minute?"

"Oh very well," the Doctor sighed. "Whatever is on your mind?"

Nervously the boy began to fidget, and the Doctor's impatience grew.

"Well," the man prompted.

"I'm bored." He blurted out.

"Bored! Couldn't you find something to do with Nyssa, or even Tegan?"

The youth shook his head decisively. "Nyssa's sleeping, and Tegan hasn't the brains for chess."

The Doctor pursed his lips, then continued. "Adric, surely there is something about the TARDIS that would be able to hold your attention....if you only tired to find it."

"I suppose there is." The boy admitted unwillingly. "But I'd much rather have some company."

The Doctor heaved an exasperated sigh. "Adric, as you can plainly see, I've a ton of work to do." He gestured to the pile of books and maps that cluttered his desk.

This only proved to increase the boy's inquisitiveness. Leaning forward, he examined the Doctor's paperwork. "Star charts?"

The Doctor nodded.

"Are we going someplace new...Gallifrey perhaps?"

"I certainly hope not!" The Doctor considered his own rather erratic state. He could just see himself surrounded by arrogant Time Lords, each demanding to know what had become of the Lady Romana. Oh, no, he was hardly prepared to deal with that.

"I'm just refreshing my memory," he explained to the boy. "The mind has a tendency to get a bit jumbled after an impromptu regeneration." He gave his head a light tap. "Use it or lose it."

"Then could I help?"

"I think not."

"What if I simply sit and watch?"

The Doctor realized the fallacy of continuing to argue, so reluctantly, he consented. "If you must. But do be quiet."

Adric readily agreed.

The man bent, once more, to the charts, and the arrangement worked quite admirably. He was able to study and the boy remained still-for about one minute.



Adric jumped. "Must you shout?"

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"I was just going to ask a question." The boy was obviously miffed.

"Well...please ask."

"It's rather personal, I must admit, but I was just curious."

"Go ahead." The Doctor ran a hand through his straight blond hair, resigning himself to the inevitable interruptions. "It doesn't seem I have a choice."

"How old are you?"

The question took him by surprise; he snorted lightly. "You know what is said of cats and their curiosity." Adric gave him a blank look, and the Time Lord rolled his eyes, "Please forget I ever mentioned it."

"But, you said that I could ask." The boy argued, but the Doctor's pained expression silenced him.

Adric watched wordlessly as the man removed his glasses and vigorously rubbed at his eyes.

"Is something the matter?"

The Doctor fixed him with a hard look, then returned his spectacles to their perch atop his nose. "I believe I'm developing a bit of a headache." He glanced pointedly at Adric. "I wonder what could possibly be the cause?"

But the boy chose to ignore the implication.

"Getting old, huh?"

With a maniacal grin, the Doctor responded, "Just as you, no doubt, hope to do."

But Adric remained undaunted. He simply laughed, then with the persistence of youth, went on. "You never did tell me how old you were."

"You're right, I didn't." The man smiled. Ignoring the boy, he began pouring over the star charts, once more.

"Would you care for a jelly baby?" The question hit him from out of the blue. And glancing up, he watched in fascination as Adric pulled a crumpled white bag from his pocket.

"Wherever did you get those?" The Doctor inquired.

"I found them in the pocket of your maroon coat. Tegan said they were jelly babies. They're quite good."

"I know," he responded dryly. "But, no thank you. I seem to have lost my taste for sweets."

Adric accepted his reply with a shrug, then popped a green one into his mouth.

"They promote tooth decay," he warned. But Adric merely grinned and continued to chew.

The Doctor thought it just as well. Perhaps with Adric's mouth full, he would get some blessed relief from the endless barrage of questions.

Thankfully, he was correct. Several minutes passed in peace. In fact, he had almost forgotten the boy's presence. So it was not at all surprising that he jumped when Adric spoke again. His nerves were, no doubt, beginning to fray.

"Doctor, however do you do it?"

"Do what!" He demanded.

"Regenerate." The boy paused then rambled on, totally oblivious to the Doctor's open-mouthed astonishment. "Even Nyssa doesn't understand it, and she's an expert in biophysics. She claims that as near as she can tell, it's not even possible, much less feasible. We've tried to figure it out, but..."

"Adric!" The Doctor stormed. "I do not appreciate you children discussing my biology. Surely, you could find a much better means of entertaining yourselves."

Adric was stunned by the Time Lord's reaction. "Doctor, we were just wonder if it was, in a sense, a form of reproduction."

The man blushed noticeably; would the boy leave him no dignity? "Adric, if you are interested in reproduction, I've an entire library of books available on most every subject. I'm sure you could find several fine volumes that would be of immense help."

"Oh no, Doctor.. That was not my question at all. I was merely curious about Time Lord..."

"I *know* what you were curious about." It didn't take a genius to realize where the conversation was leading. "And as I said, I've a library that is a virtual wealth of information."

The Time Lord was willing to leave it at that.

"But, Doctor," Adric protested. "Most of the books on Time Lords are written in Gallifreyan."

The man responded with a knowing smile. "Well, then, it would seem, you must pick another subject."

Bewilderment crossed the boy's features as he sat pondering the Time Lord's sidestepping of the issue. Wisely he did not pursue it further.

Satisfied that Adric was not going to continue, the Doctor sighed relief. Then, removing his glasses and laying them aside, he once more rubbed at his eyes. "Confounded faulty regeneration." He mumbled to himself. "You'd at least think they'd get the eyes right."

If Adric heard, he made no comment. Instead he leaned towards the desk and began to scan the star charts. Already the previous conversation was forgotten.

"Doctor, what planet is that?" Leaning forward, Adric moved to point at a specific diagram. Unfortunately, his aim was just a bit off and in the process he managed to tip the Doctor's glasses. The wire rimmed spectacles toppled for a moment then went flying to the floor.

"Adric!" He exclaimed, then muttering something the boy did not quite catch, he dove under the desk after them.

"You know I can't see frightfully well these days." His voice drifted upward, slightly muffled due to the fact that only his posterior end was anywhere near Adric.

"I'm sorry!" Adric jumped up, equally as dismayed. "It was an accident, I assure you!"

"I'm only *too* aware."

The Doctor continued to scramble beneath the desk in search of the elusive spectacles.

"Here they are!" Adric spotted them near the Time Lord's right leg.

"Huh?" The Doctor hadn't quite caught the boy's statement and turning his body slightly, his right knee found them for him.

They both gasped at the resounding -crunch' that emitted from beneath the Doctor's leg.

Controlling himself with an effort, the Time Lord dared a peek. The sight was as expected.

The glasses were a shattered mess.

The Time Lord was beside himself with anger. They were obviously beyond repair; there was nothing he could possibly do. So, he did the only logical, adult thing he *could* do...he blamed the boy.


"But Doctor," Adric stammered. "*You* broke them."

"That is irrelevant. If you'd listened to me in the first place and left me be, this never would have occurred."

The Doctor stooped to gather the fragments, shoving them into a drawer.

The boy instinctively backed away. "It really was not my fault." He went on lamely.

The man fixed him with an angry stare, then grudgingly relented. "I suppose not." He returned to his seat behind the desk.

Adric sighed relief.

"Doctor, I really am sorry." Adric began to realize that now the Doctor would be unable to continue his work.

Dejectedly, the man placed his chin in his hand. "Don't bother with it. It's not that big a deal...the eyes will adjust in time."

"But until then..." Adric stared, then paused.

"Until then, what?"

"Perhaps we could play a game of chess!" The boy dared to venture, an expectant smile brightening his features.

The Doctor's eyes opened wide; surprised that Adric would even risk suggesting such a thing.

"You're adamant about it, aren't you?"

Adric just grinned.

The man eyed him suspiciously, wondering if by giving in he would be encouraging the boy. After all he *had* caused the demise of his studying.

Finally, deciding that if you can't "beat'em" you might as well "Join'em"; he threw up his hands.

"Very well, we'll play a game or two." One brain exercise was as good as another, he supposed.

Adric beamed. "I'll get the board!" But rather than leaving at once, he instead approached the desk, once more. "Doctor, by the way, how old *are* you?"

He was amazed at the boy's audacity. "Did no one ever bother to teach you manners on Alzarius?" he asked of the long time delinquent.

"No, they didn't," the boy responded with a wink. "But they did teach me that wisdom comes with years..."

Turning to leave he called flippantly over his shoulder, "I often wonder if they were correct."

Adric disappeared though the door way in a flash. The Doctor watched after him, a slightly bemused expression on his face. Then, with a bewildered shake of his head, he mumbled, "I wonder if I've been taken?"
