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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Dance with me


Rating: FRT / K+
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the words.
Summary: Wanna dance? *grin*
Author's Notes: Based on Sylumverse created by dear Bev. Thank you Bev for letting us play with your great works! *beam*
Author's Notes 2: After an evening of one nasty economy test, half box of instant coffee and 1 litre of coke, I couldn't find the sleep??then after an overnight of reading SG-1 fics (Orrymain is CRAZY but I won't have her other way *fake sigh*), I was still going to be wide awaken for the whole day??and some random bunnies saw their chances and sneaked right in. What can I say? They're wererabbits. They bite. And they keep bothering people when they can neither sleep nor find anything else to do. Oh, and better see this as some kind of venting.
Fandom: Sylumbase-NCIS.

Work Text:

Dance with me
by Helice

Jethro stopped at the door and arched his eyebrows in amusement - obviously, Tony was dancing. In their living room. In what sound like a slow waltz. In the most elegant and charming way he'd ever known humanly possibly expressed by pure movements.

-- Okay, he just really had to remember Tony wasn't 34-years-old human. He's a some 800 years old vampire, who happened to have developed lots of talents in the passing of the time.

Painting, for one - and looked like dancing would well be another.

Smiling, Jethro devoured on every move his mate made. Tony wasn't really serious on this, more like he just went with the music casually - heck he even had his eyes closed. Yet right in this casualty were well-learned skills and practiced familiarity for anyone who cared to see.

`Never knew Tony could dance before......' Chuckled inwardly to himself, Jethro closed the door carefully without making any noise, never tore his eyes away from the slender form that just made another perfect turn neatly avoiding any contact with the furniture. `Though I bet all he need is just one dance, and all those skirts he'd been chasing would chase him back.'

Tony gasped a little at the small surge of jealousy flowed to him through their bond. He did another spin and opened his eyes, gazed right in his mate's now sapphire eyes. Seeing - and feeling - the possession and passion within, Tony smiled sweetly and winked before another graceful rotation, which brought him right in front of his mate, less than half a step from each other.

"Care to dance?" They were standing so close now, Jethro could particularly felt his lover's breath when he spoke lightly.

"No......although......" Jethro leaned forwards a bit, holding his reply on those sweet lips, "heard that great dancers are also great on bed......" The former Marine rather felt than saw the lovely lips curled into a smile and parted slightly. Unable to resist the lure, Jethro took a half step and closed that little gap between them by swallowed whatever comment Tony was about to mutter.

Both of them were panting from passion when their lips parted quite reluctantly, then Tony smirked: "That's the one reason that I learn to dance."

The answer to it was a stare and a not-so-light swat on the head. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." The smirk broadened and a softer complement followed, "Only...... I've never used it on anyone else."

"In this case......" Jethro gave his smirking mate a gaze then leaned in to speak between feather light kisses, "I assume there's some special treatments......for being the first......and the last."

-- END --
......For now? *grin*