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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Xander Snippet


Blood flowed along every crevice and screams echoed through the cavernous room. humor

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Fandom: Buffy/Angel/Highlander/Harry Potter

Category: Hard AU/Crossover, Slash

Warnings: Death, Violence, humor

Pairings: In the fic, just read
Series: Xander Snippets

AN: These snippets have no rhyme or reason. They will be all different categories and pairings. I'm not sure if I will do any follow ups to any of them, but you never know.

Spoilers: Season 2 maybe, The Four Horsemen on Highlander, none on Angel or in the Potterverse.

Thanks to Edi for the Beta

Disclaimer: None of these folks belong to me, just the idea and the situation I have decided to put them in.

Part 1 can be found at:'sid=845


Xander Snippet 2
by CaliaDragon


Blood flowed along every crevice and screams echoed through the cavernous room. Below the caged area a young man sat huddled into himself, shivering in horror at the sounds of death and destruction. His face was smudged with dirt, blood and things he really didn't want to remember. The boy rocked himself back and forth, chanting in his head over and over, *My friends will find me. My friends will find me.*

This thought alone was all that was keeping the traumatized boy alive and sane. No matter what had been done to him or what he had been forced to watch he knew that his friends would save him. He knew that they would get him out of this earthbound hell. For someone who had seen all manner of terrors and evil that could exist in his world, this was the worse thing he had ever been forced to witness. This chamber of horrors had yielded things that would give even the most horrid of demons nightmares. The creatures that preformed these evils were even worse than demons; they were human.

The victims in this macabre horror show were human and other. Xander knew that they weren't demons. He had asked one of his fellow prisoners before the poor girl was taken away to face whatever tortures their vile captors could come up with. The older man in the cell with him had merely comforted the damaged teen the best that he could. The day before, they had brought another boy and dumped him into Xander's cell. The boy hadn't spoken a word and Xander had been horrified to see that his tongue had been cut out.

The leader of the group had seemed to find this particularly funny and had looked at Xander with something akin to hunger. That look had scared him worse than any demon he had ever come across. Now he was forced to wait and pray for rescue, because Xander suspected that he was next to face the man's twisted version of fun.


Drusilla stood shoulder to shoulder with Faith and Buffy. Behind and slightly to the left of Buffy, Willow stood, her eyes a pure, incandescent black. Slightly behind Faith stood Tara, her eyes shone with a pure and incandescent white. Next to Tara stood her mother, Jenny, a silvery blue light of magick flashing in her eyes. All three witches had power flickering and jumping from their fingers. Anya, in full demon regalia, stood beside Dawn, who was glowing with the virulent green power of the ancient magick that lived in her body. Allona stood beside Anya, her ridges prominent and her hands clawed.

Behind them were the two seemingly loose ends of this group of powerful warriors. As with the others, both were female and slight in form, as well as frighteningly intelligent. Fred was a small Texas beauty with a mind as sharp as steel and the ability to create any kind of weapon. In her hands she carried a modified laser; time spent in Xander's company had her creating a working version of a Starfleet phaser. Next to her was the beautiful and deadly Cordelia Chase. Like Fred she had no magical abilities; however she had been battling the dark as long as Xander, Faith, Dawn and Willow had.

In front of this powerful and dangerous army of women was a building, a building that held their friend and the boy that each female would gladly kill for. No less dangerous was the group of men that periodically fought at their sides. Angel, the souled and viciously dangerous Master Vampire. He fought for the light, but that did not change the fact that he was a demon, a demon that had centuries of knowledge and fighting ability on his side. To his left was his equally dangerous, but definitely more psychotic Childe, William the Bloody, known as Spike. The Master Vampire fought for the light through choice, the choice that kept him with his Sire/Lover. Spike lacked a soul, but he knew friendship and love. Like the others, he loved and cared for the boy that they were there to kill for.

To the left of him was an older, distinguished gentleman. He was as deadly and adept at killing as the two vampires. Rupert Giles was an immortal mage and a power to be feared. Unknowingly, the Leader had brought down the wrath of one of the most powerful male mages to live in nearly twenty decades. As always, at his side stood his lover and their son, Ethan and Wesley respectively. They were as powerful as Rupert, but their magicks were formed in different ways. Among this army of skilled and deadly fighters stood a werewolf in half transition, and a half-brakken demon, in full demon guise. Five humans, though lacking the powers of the rest in their group, made up for it in their skill as fighters and their knowledge of weaponry. The first was Charles Gunn, a street fighter who had been battling demons since he was fifteen and old enough to join the vampire fighters in his neighborhood. Next came Riley Finn; he was a skilled tactician and an ex-commando, and his skill with weaponry made him more dangerous than any in the building in front of them. Riley's specialty was small arms combat and he could kill before anyone knew they were in trouble. Graham Miller was also a commando. He was an explosives expert and sniper. He and Riley had joined the group together after they had been saved from a group of Nakili'ish demons they were hunting by the younger Scoobies. Next was Tony Harris one of Xander's many fathers; however he had raised his son and taught him about fighting. Tony had survived Sunnyhell all of his life and raised three exceptional children there before Buffy Summers and her Watcher came to change their lives. Tony had spent fifteen years doing back breaking work in construction, not to mention that he, his brother and many other members of the Sunnydale Death Brigade had hunted demons in the night. He had a lifetime of training and the drive of a father bear protecting his cub. They would bleed for taking his child. Last among these humans was Robin Wood, son of Nikki Wood, the only Slayer to ever bear a child and to die protecting the Scourge of Europe. Angel and Spike raised him to be the fighter that he now was. Out of all of the humans only the two Slayers came close to his abilities and strength.

They were all there for one reason, the assholes inside the building had taken their Xander and they were going to get him back, even if they had to kill every one that got in their way to do it.


The group from LA looked to their left as the air exploded with pops and cars pulled up from out of nowhere. Leaving the vehicles were a group of men and women, all holding swords and wearing handguns. They all looked ready for battle, and they came to a stop not far from the Scoobie/Fang Gang. The people that had 'popped' in were all wearing modified robes and carrying wands. The leader of that group also led his people to stand a few feet from the LA group. They were all caught by the glowing emerald eyes that seemed to burn with an inner fire, which promised death. Dru threw her head back and shouted with laughter.

Anya joined the laughter and looked at the leader of the sword wielding warriors. 'So, Death, you've come here. For what reason do you hunt these dead men'' Anya asked with a cold smile.

Before Methos, Immortal Death, could answer Dru began to speak.

'Living Death a curse upon the soul, you've come to claim the Burning boy. Just as old Death seeks the Solstice Child and we seek our Sweet Kitten. They shall bleed and scream.' Dru cackled, then spun and with an inhuman roar that was laced with the promise of blood she rushed the building itself.

The deeds that took place in the building rendered it unprotected to vampires and other demons. Like calls to like, evil seeks evil. Unfortunately for the beings inside, the evil that caught their attention had spent the last two decades fighting at the side of the light and was going to enjoy ripping them to shreds.

No words were spoken among the rest of the groups. The male warriors were forced to follow in the path of the powerful female fighters in their groups. The women were normally gentle in most cases, only fighting through destiny or lack of any
other choice. However, the men that they loved desperately had been taken from them and they had every intention of causing as much pain as possible.


Xander looked up as the leader of the group of crazed killers that had taken him prisoner rushed into the room. The two other men that were being held in his cage looked at him in confusion as he let out a shout of laughter. The red eyed man turned to glare at him. 'You will die first, boy,' Voldemort hissed in rage. He drew out his wand and, aiming at Xander, let out a flurry of curses that had the men in the cage screaming in agony and terror, before blissful death claimed all three of them.

Voldemort looked away from the carnage that would be his last act of evil on earth. Three things happened to him at once. A curse was thrown at him that literally began to shred what little remained of his soul. He was then ripped to literal shreds as an enraged and grieving demoness tore him to pieces for the death of her Dark Childe. Finally, before he could bleed to death from the wounds to his body and soul, a howl of rage rippled through the air and a stunning dark haired woman beheaded him.

As one the three people turned to face the cage that housed the dead bodies of the people that they loved so dearly. An inhuman keening started from Dru and soon spread itself to all of her group. A scream of grief tore from the throat of the green eyed boy and was soon joined by his friends and loved ones. Cassandra cursed fluently in every language she knew and walked forward. She stumbled back in shock as she felt the wave of magick coming from *within* the cage.

The grieving people suddenly went silent and looked at the cage. Methos swore and raced forward, but he could see that it was too late. 'Get back, quick!' he bellowed at Cassandra, pulling her away from the cage and Mac.

As suddenly as they had moved, lightening trickled from Mac's body and rolled through the cage. It struck the red haired boy and then rolled onward, striking Xander in the chest. Xander, Mac and Ron sat up with a startled scream of shock and pain as their life force was forced back into their bodies and a connection that was only legend came into being.

All three immortals looked at one another, before turning as one to face their friends and family.

'And lo it shall come to be that the hearts of three powerful clans shall die in the prison of

The hidden world's most evil and secondly lived danger

One shall be a child of the mouth of hell

One shall be elder of the three, Solstice born is he

One shall be of the hidden world

Together they shall be one no longer but three

Together they shall die and come back into being

Together they shall aid the light in its greatest fight

Evil tremble, for the three shall be.'


Everyone turned to look at Cassandra as she spoke the words of the ancient prophecy. The prophecy she had never thought to see come into being. Giles paled and looked at his youngest child and feared. 'Dear Goddess,' Methos whispered, his voice laced with awe and fear. The world had just taken on a whole new light. Before him were the three most powerful immortals to ever be born. Prophecy had it that the day they were joined the game would cease to be.

Angel paled dramatically and looked over at Dru. She cackled again and then froze, her eyes glowing golden brown. 'Oh Kitten, what fun we shall have,' she purred. This scared everyone that knew her.


Xander sat quietly in the living room of his family home. All around him were his friends and loved ones, as well as the friends and loved ones of the two men who sat on either side of him. Xander knew that something important had happened, but the truth was he just couldn't bring himself to care. Xander could feel the thrum of power in the air in a way that he had never been able to before and frankly, it scared the hell out of him. For the first sixteen years of his life he had lived on the hellmouth. That had changed the day that the Master of Sunnydale had finally been permanently destroyed. Even though Buffy, himself and Angel had destroyed the old blood bag, they had had to grind up his bones and destroy any chance of him returning.

Later that night Xander had gone home, only to find himself in a great deal of pain as his mother chose that moment to release every bit of frustration and inhuman rage that she possibly could. To his shock and to his mother's detriment, he had been followed home that night. Dru and Ethan had each thought to check on their 'children' before going back to their respective homes for the night. The Harris children's house just happened to be their first stop that night. Xander had always been glad that both Dawn and Faith had been staying the night at friend's houses. He had always feared what their mother would have done to them had she been given a chance.

Between Dru and Ethan his mother had never stood a chance. Ethan had driven her back and invited Dru into the house; the female vampire had snapped the woman's neck, not bothering to drain her. She refused to foul herself with the woman's blood. By the time his father had returned home, his mother was dead and Xander was in the hospital. The only thing that the older man mourned was the damage done to his son. He had long since stopped loving his wife and had in fact been on the way to divorcing the harpy. He had been in LA contacting a lawyer that would hopefully allow him to be able to get custody of his three children.

Tony Harris was well aware of what went on in Sunnyhell and he wanted his babies away from the cursed place. He knew that his eldest daughter had a gift and that needed to be addressed, but unlike his wife he had no intention of allowing those British shitheads do anything to his precious girl. Losing his children was Tony's only true fear, so when he found out that Xander was in the hospital; he dropped everything and hurried home to his son's side. That night changed all of their lives. Rory and Tony Harris spotted the vampires the moment they arrived; they also saw that one of them was holding their little Dawn as though she were made of porcelain. Faith and Willow were sitting beside a female vampire, who seemed to be sagging with grief.

Tony froze as the vampiress looked up at him and for the first time in decades Tony Harris felt passion and something else that he would later realize was love at first sight; despite the cliché it happened in an instant. By the end of the month Willow Rosenberg was under the official guidance of a prestigious group and living in LA with her lifelong best friend and those that they had come to love.

Angel had acquired a hotel for all of them to live in, once it had been exorcised of the spirits living inside, and had all of the teens enrolled in a local high school. Within a month of their moving to LA, they met a beautiful young black woman while doing a preemptive patrol of an area that was suppose to be high on vamp problems, that night they also met Charles Gunn. Six months later Cordy was transferred to their school and began a relationship with the elusive Gunn. No one was quite sure when it happened, but somehow they found themselves aligned with a vengeance demon that had become infatuated with Xander.

When Allona was turned it was Jenny Callender and her daughter Tara that everyone turned to. The dark haired gypsy woman cast the curse, and was instantly accepted into their ever-growing family. By the time of Xander and Dawn's seventeenth birthday, Drusilla and Tony had become mates. Tony was now the immortal consort of Drusilla, beloved seer of the Aurelius line.

That had been just the year before, but now, through all of the strangeness that was his life, Xander was confused as to how this could be. He knew, through the connection to Mac, that he and Ron had not been pre-immortals. How they had managed to become immortal was a mystery, though Mac thought perhaps it was the combination of the hexes used on them, Ron's magick and the demon magnetism that seemed to have infused Xander so deeply.

For their part Ron and Mac were fascinated by the memories that they had shared with one another and with Xander as well. Ron was just happy that he had not died and broken his promise to stand forever at Harry and Severus' side. His new relationship with these two men would in no way interfere with his lifetime bonding with both of his mates.

Harry and Severus had always dreaded the day that they would lose Ron to the ravages of old age. Harry, because of the Killing Curse used on him not once, but twice, was immortal. They had found that out after the young man had committed suicide not long after the death of their best friend and Mione at the hands of her lover Draco Malfoy. Malfoy had been under the imperious curse, cast upon him by his own mother, and forced to kill the girl that he had come to love so desperately. It was only Severus and Remus stepping in that kept Draco from committing suicide and Harry from continuing to search for a way to end his own life. Watching Mione die had been the last straw in an already trouble path of death and sorrow for Harry.

It had been while they were trying to help Harry that the three men had gone from despising each other to falling in love. Severus also was immortal; before he was found out by Voldemort the insane despot had ordered Severus to brew potions for him and then forced him to try them out on himself in front of a gathered group. The combination of the four potions had granted Severus immortality. This development had been both painful and dangerous. Severus had been forced to reveal his status as spy to keep Voldemort from getting his hands on Severus and therefore the only Master Potions maker able to brew the potions that would grant eternal life and give Voldemort the edge he needed to de feat the side of the light.

Mac had these memories as well as the memories of Xander's life and over four hundred years of his own memories. Like Ron, he was desperately glad that the new bond would not interfere with the bonds that he had already cast in life. His lover was the only thing that made immortality worth living and if he lost the bright and beautiful boy it would destroy any sanity that Mac possessed. Losing Tessa had been a major blow to him, mostly because her death had been so senseless and shocking. Richie had gained immortality that night, but other than seeing him as a future pupil and someone else who had loved Tessa, Mac never really took notice of the young man. It was three years before he allowed himself to see Richie as anything else. That and Richie had finally grown impatient and seduced the older immortal to a writhing mess. A fact that he never stopped being grateful for.

It was Richie that forced him to see what he would be losing if he gave up on the greatest friendship he had ever known in Methos. Yes Methos had been Death, but that had been another time and era. Methos had changed, and saved and loved Mac more than he had ever been loved by all but a handful of people. Mac was glad to have not lost the older man.

Now, however, the three were a joined set. There would be no going back to the life they'd lived before. For Ron and Methos this was really no hardship. They knew that their lovers would stand by their sides and that their friends would make the adjustment easily. However, Xander was terrified. He had no idea how he was supposed to react now that he had been changed or even how to his friends and family would react to this change in him.

Willow was sitting on the sofa watching Xander brood. She knew that look very well and decided that it was time for an intervention, before Xander brooded himself into a full scale panic. Standing up she shocked everyone by putting her hands on her hips and snapping out Xander's name. 'Alexander Harris!'

'I didn't do it!' Xander snapped immediately before realizing who it was that was calling him. At first he just stared at Willow, then his lips began to twitch and he burst into laughter. As always, Xander's laughter turned out to be infectious and the others soon joined in. Xander knew very well what Willow had done and with a mischievous grin he jumped to his feet and ran after her. Willow squealed as Xander chased her around the room.

'Tickle attack!' he yelled as he chased the giggling girl around the room.

The newcomers watched as Xander seemed to bounce back from the trauma of the last few nights to chase his friend around the room. Xander was an imp and enjoyed making others laugh. This was something that Ron and Mac had learned from sharing the boy's memories. Somehow they felt that their lives were never going to be boring.

The Immortals and Wizarding kind watched as the two teens ran around the room, laughing in joy and teasing one another. Amanda was delighted to see that the boy that Mac had somehow been joined to had a sense of fun to him. For that matter so was Harry. Both Ron and Mac tended to brood more than was good for them.

Methos, however, was drawn to Xander in a way that he had only ever been drawn to one other person and that was his wife Alexandra. It was remarkable that she and this boy bore the same name and many of the same physical traits, if you ignored the fact that one was male and one female. They looked as though they could be related.

Dru watched the elder immortal as he gazed upon her sweet boy, and she could see in his eyes a fierce need. Dru looked at Xander where he was now chasing Dawn and Willow around and smiled gently. She had seen many things on the horizon for her sweet boy, things that could lead to great pain if he did not find himself a lover and a life mate. His mate was the one to make sure that her baby lived. If he wouldn't help her baby then she would make sure he wished his head had been taken.

With that thought in mind, Dru smiled happily and began to plot ways to get her Kitten the Immortal Death.


The End For Now